How to do an undo function within a tableviewcell? - swift

I am having troubles getting my undo button working. I'm trying to get it to where if you press the delete button on a tableview cell, the undo can re-enter the cell.
My undo:
#IBAction func undoBtnWasPressed(_ sender: Any) {
undoView.isHidden = true
func undoItem() {
undoManager?.registerUndo(withTarget: GoalCell.self, selector: #selector(removeGoal(atIndexPath:)), object: nil)
My remove:
#objc func removeGoal(atIndexPath indexPath: IndexPath) {
guard let managedContext = appDelegate?.persistentContainer.viewContext else { return }
undoView.isHidden = false
do {
print("Successfully removed goal.")
} catch {
debugPrint("Could not save: \(error.localizedDescription)")

You can just save the data from the datasource of the deleted cell in a property or an array and if the undo button is pressed, you re-add the data into the datasource and reload the row or the full data of the tableview.
So for instance, in your example you had the delete function delete data from core data based on goals[indexPath.row]
Before deleting, save the content from goals[indexPath.row] into a separate array.
When undo is tapped, just grab the value from the separate array and add it back to goals and add it back into core data.
Then just do a tableview.reloadData()
let dataSource: [CustomObject] = [Object1, Object2, Object3]
var undoSource: [CustomObject] = []
func removeRow(indexPath) {
let object = dataSource[indexPath.row]
func undo() {
for object in undoSource {


Usability of a button inside a UICollectionViewCell?

I have a ProductVC.swift (ProductViewController) file and a ProductCell.swift. The ProductVC contains a UICollectinView and ProductCell is a specific UICollectionViewCell.
ProductCell.xib looks like this:
ProductVC contains an array with all the cell data (products) and populates the cells.
My goal: The user should have the possibility to like an product. He can do it by clicking the like button on the top right corner of every cell. Every cell shows a specific product which is specified by a productID.
My Problem: The like button action (IBAction func) is in the ProductCell. ProductCell doesn´t have the cell data. Cell data is stored in ProductVC in an array. So I don´t know how catch the product(productID) the user wants to like.
My Tries: With the code below I can get the indexPath of the cell where the user clicked the like button. But I can´t use this indexPath to get the product data because the data is stored in ProductVC. I could also store the data in ProductCell but it is not a clean way. Is it possible mb to give this indexPath to the ProductVC?
extension UICollectionView {
func indexPathForView(_ view: UIView) -> IndexPath? {
let center =
let viewCenter = self.convert(center, from: view.superview)
let indexPath = self.indexPathForItem(at: viewCenter)
return indexPath
let superview = self.superview as! UICollectionView
if let indexPath = superview.indexPathForView(button) {
print(indexPath) // indexPath of the cell where the button was pressed
SOLVED Solution is a callback closure:
var saveProductLike: ((_ index: Int) -> Void)?
#IBAction func likedButtonClicked(_ sender: UIButton) {
print("Liked button clicked!")
let productArrayIndex = calculateProductArrayIndex(for: sender)
cell.saveProductLike = { (index) -> Void in
There are several approaches to solve this but I'll talk about the most common one which is using delegation.
protocol ProductCellDelegate: AnyObject {
func productCellDidPressLikeButton(_ cell: ProductCell)
in ProductCell define a property weak var delegate: ProductCellDelegate? and in the target action of the like button inform your delegate
#objc private likeButtonPressed(_ sender: Any) {
In your view controller you could conform to the protocol and implement it like this:
func productCellDidPressLikeButton(_ cell: ProductCell) {
guard let ip = collectionView.indexPath(for: cell) else { return }
// process event, get product via index...
Then you need to set the view controller to be the delegate in collectionView(_:willDisplay:forItemAt:) or
collectionView(_:cellForItemAt:): cell.delegate = self.

Download single Object of Firestore and save it into an struct/class object

I am coding since January 2019 and this is my first post here.
I am using Swift and Firestore. In my App is a tableView where I display events loaded out of a single Document with an array of events inside as [String: [String:Any]]. If the user wants to get more infos about an event he taps on it. In the background the TableViewController will open a new "DetailEventViewController" with a segue and give it the value of the eventID in the tapped cell.
When the user is on the DetailViewController Screen the app will download a new Document with the EventID as key for the document.
I wanna save this Data out of Firestore in a Struct called Event. For this example just with Event(eventName: String).
When I get all the data I can print it directly out but I can't save it in a variable and print it out later. I really don't know why. If I print the struct INSIDE the brackets where I get the data its working but if I save it into a variable and try to use this variable it says its nil.
So how can I fetch data out of Firestore and save in just a Single ValueObject (var currentEvent = Event? -> currentEvent = Event.event(for: data as [String:Any]) )
I search in google, firebaseDoc and stackoverflow but didn't find anything about it so I tried to save all the singe infos of the data inside a singe value.
// Struct
struct Event {
var eventName: String!
static func event(for eventData: [String:Any]) -> Event? {
guard let _eventName = eventData["eventName"] as? String
else {
return nil
return Event(eventName: _eventName)
// TableView VC this should work
override func prepare(for segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: Any?) {
if segue.identifier == "ShowEventDetailSegue" {
if let ShowEvent = segue.destination as? DetailEventViewController, let event = eventForSegue{
ShowEvent.currentEventId = event.eventID
// DetailViewController
var currentEvent = Event()
var currentEventId: String?
override func viewWillAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
guard let _eventID = currentEventId else {
print("error in EventID")
setupEvent(eventID: _eventID) /* currentEvent should be set here */
setupView(event: currentEvent) /* currentEvent has after "setupEvent" the value of nil */
func setupEvent(eventID: String) {
let FirestoreRef = Firestore.firestore().collection("events").document(eventID)
FirestoreRef.getDocument { (document, error) in
if let err = error {
debugPrint("Error fetching docs: \(err)")
SVProgressHUD.showError(withStatus: "Error in Download")
}else {
if let document = document, document.exists {
guard let data = else {return}
let eventData = Event.event(for: data as [String:Any])
//here all infos are printed out - so I get them
self.currentEvent = eventData!
//Here is the error.. I can't save the fetched Data in my single current Event
} else {
SVProgressHUD.showError(withStatus: "Error")
func setupView(event: Event) {
self.titleLabel.text = event.eventName
I expect that the function setupEvents will give the currentEvent in the DetailViewController a SINGLEvalue cause its a SINGLE document not an array. So I can use this single Eventvalue for further actions. Like starting a new segue for a new ViewController and just push the Event there not

Function creating 2 identical instances of class instead of only 1

I am relatively new to iOS development, any help will be greatly appreciated!
I'm trying to create a new instance of a class 'Event'.
class Event {
var EventName: String
var EventPhoto: UIImage?
init?(EventName: String, EventPhoto: UIImage?) {
guard !EventName.isEmpty else {
return nil
// Initial initilization of the values
self.EventName = EventName
self.EventPhoto = EventPhoto
// If some of the values are left blank, this will return nil to signal the problem
Below is the override function, which from my understanding is responsible for creating the instance:
override func prepare(for segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: Any?) {
super.prepare(for: segue, sender: sender)
guard let button = sender as? UIBarButtonItem, button === saveButton else {
os_log("Cancelling Action, The Save Button Was not Pressed", log: OSLog.default,type: .debug)
let EventName = NewEventNameField.text ?? ""
let EventPhoto = NewEventImage.image
event = Event(EventName: EventName, EventPhoto: EventPhoto)
From my understanding, the override function should create a new instance of the class, which would then be displayed in a table view controller displaying a table of 'events'. My problem here is; when the function is called by the "create instance" button, it creates 2 identical instances with the same EventName and EventPhoto extracted from a textfield and an image in the view controller. In the tableview, there are basically 2 events that are exactly the same being displayed, which is what I am having trouble with since I don't see the code calling init twice anywhere, and can't figure out why the instances was created twice. After being created the 2 instances act independently and function like 2 separate instances would.
Thank You for the help, I found the issue in TableViewController's code file:
#IBAction func unwindToEventList(sender: UIStoryboardSegue){
if let sourceViewController = sender.source as?
NewEventViewController, let event = sourceViewController.event{
if let selectedIndexPath = tableView.indexPathForSelectedRow {
events[selectedIndexPath.row] = event
tableView.reloadRows(at: [selectedIndexPath], with: .none)
} else {
//Adding a new event instead of editing it.
let newIndexPath = IndexPath(row: events.count, section: 0)
tableView.insertRows(at: [newIndexPath], with: .automatic)
//let newIndexPath = IndexPath(row: events.count, section: 0)
//tableView.insertRows(at: [newIndexPath], with: .automatic)
Turns out that I accidentally appended the instance to the list events and inserted it into the table an extra time outside the if statement.

How to reload UITableView without printing data twice?

I have a single view of SlackTextViewController which works as a UITableView. I'm switching between "states" using a public String allowing it to read 1 set of data in a certain state and another set of data in another state. The problem is when I switch back and forth to the original state it prints the data 2, 3, 4 times; as many as I go back and forth. I'm loading the data from a Firebase server and I think it may be a Firebase issue. Here is my code...
override func viewWillAppear(animated: Bool) {
if chatState == "ALL"
}else if chatState == "LOCAL"
override func viewDidDisappear(animated: Bool) {
func chatACTN()
if chatState == "ALL"
}else if chatState == "LOCAL"
func globalChat()
let globalRef = ref.child("messages")
globalRef.queryLimitedToLast(100).observeEventType(.ChildAdded, withBlock: { (snapshot) -> Void in
if snapshot.exists()
let names = snapshot.value!["name"] as! String
let bodies = snapshot.value!["body"] as! String
let avatars = snapshot.value!["photo"] as! String
let time = snapshot.value!["time"] as! Int
let messageModel = MessageModel(name: names, body: bodies, avatar: avatars, date: time)
self.messageModels.sortInPlace{ $ > $ }
func localChat()
The problem is that each time you call globalChat() you're creating another new observer which results in having multiple observers adding the same items to self.messageModels. Thats why you're seeing the data as many times as you switch to the global state.
Since you want to clear the chat and load the last 100 each time you switch to global, there's no point in keeping the observer active when you switch to "Local".
Just remove the observer when you switch to Local, that should fix your problem.
From firebase docs:
- (void) removeAllObservers
Removes all observers at the current reference, but does not remove any observers at child references.
removeAllObservers must be called again for each child reference where a listener was established to remove the observers.
So, ref.removeAllObservers() will not remove observers at ref.child("messages") level.
Using ref.child("messages").removeAllObservers at the beginning of localChat function to remove the observer you created in globalChat would be ok if you're only dealing with this one observer at this level but if you have more on the same level or you think you might add more in the future the best and safest way would be to remove the specific observer you created. To do that you should use the handle that is returned from starting an observer. Modify your code like this:
var globalChatHandle : FIRDatabaseHandle?
func globalChat()
globalChatHandle = ref.child("messages").queryLimitedToLast(100).observeEventType(.ChildAdded, withBlock: { (snapshot) -> Void in
if snapshot.exists()
let names = snapshot.value!["name"] as! String
let bodies = snapshot.value!["body"] as! String
let avatars = snapshot.value!["photo"] as! String
let time = snapshot.value!["time"] as! Int
let messageModel = MessageModel(name: names, body: bodies, avatar: avatars, date: time)
self.messageModels.sortInPlace{ $ > $ }
func localChat()
if globalChatHandle != nil {
And in viewDidDisappear method replace this

How to update user interface on Core Data?

I have an app with UITableView, Core Data and NSFetchedResultsController as well. I have passed data to the DetailViewController. And I can delete them from the DetailViewController! In the Apple's iOS Notes app, you can see such as functions as I wanted! When you delete a notes from the DetailViewController ( for example ), object deleted and Notes app automaticlly shows the next or previos notes! I want to create such as function. How update user interface after deleted current object? Here's my codes! Thanks `
import UIKit
import CoreData
class DetailViewController: UIViewController {
#IBOutlet weak var containerLabel: UILabel!
var retrieveData:NSManagedObject!
var managedObjectContext:NSManagedObjectContext!
var manager:Manager!
override func viewDidLoad() {
// Do any additional setup after loading the view.
self.containerLabel.userInteractionEnabled = false
self.containerLabel.textColor = UIColor.redColor()
self.containerLabel.alpha = 0
UIView.animateWithDuration(2.5) { () -> Void in
self.containerLabel.alpha = 1
if let demo = self.retrieveData.valueForKey("titleField") as? String {
self.containerLabel.text = demo
override func didReceiveMemoryWarning() {
// Dispose of any resources that can be recreated.
#IBAction func backToMain(sender: AnyObject) {
// Back to the MainTableViewController
self.dismissViewControllerAnimated(true, completion: nil)
#IBAction func trashButton(sender: AnyObject) {
do {
} catch {
self.dismissViewControllerAnimated(true, completion: nil)
If I have 5 items on the list like so:
When I select fourth item from the list ( for example ). And detailVC shows me selected item like this:
And I want to delete them. When I delete "Four" and then my containerLabel.text shows previous objects from the list. They're after "Four" is deleted, "Three","Two" and "One" as well. After "One" is deleted my containerLabel.text shows strings
But I have left single object called as "Five"
My problem is "Five"! I can't delete it. Example: In iOS Notes App, if you have five objects on the list like my demo app. When you select fourth object from the list ( for example ). And begin deleting them, after "Four" is delete iOS Notes App shows "Five". And "Five" ( last object on the list ) is deleted and then iOS Notes App shows "Three", "Two" and "One". Maybe problem line is here:
if index != 0 {
self.retrieveData = fetchedObject[index! - 1]
} else {
self.retrieveData == fetchedObject[0]
Let's take the easy (but not so elegant) route here. You'll have to pass over all the fetched objects to the detail VC like this:
override func prepareForSegue(segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: AnyObject?) {
if segue.identifier == "yourSegueIdentifier"{
if let destinationVC = segue.destinationViewController as? DetailViewController{
destinationVC.managedObjectContext = yourContext
destinationVC.retrieveData = yourManagedObject
destinationVC.arrayOfFetchedObjects = yourFetchedResultsController.fetchedObjects
//pass over other data...
Then, in your detailVC, write a method that will be executed when you press the delete button. Something like this:
#IBAction func trashButton(sender: AnyObject) {
//make sure you have an array with YourObjects
guard let fetchedObjects = arrayOfFetchedObjects as? [YourObjectType] else {return}
//get index of the shown object in the array of fetched objects
let indexOfObject = fetchedObjects.indexOf(retrieveData)
//delete the object from the context
do {
//delete the object from the fetchedObjects array
} catch {
//get the object that should be shown after the delete
if indexOfObject != 0{
//we want the object that represents the 'older' note
retrieveData = fetchedObjects[indexOfObject - 1]
//the index was 0, so the deleted object was the oldest. The object that is the oldest after the delete now takes index 0, so just use this index. Also check for an empty array.
if fetchedObjects.isEmpty{
retrieveData = fetchedObjects[0]
func updateUserInterface(note: Bool){
switch note{
case true:
//update the user interface
if let demo = retrieveData.valueForKey("titleField") as? String {
self.containerLabel.text = demo
case false:
self.containerLabel.text = "no more notes"
You either need to pass the details view controller
A list of all managed objects and an index for where in the list to start
A current managed object and a callback to get the next object
In order for it to have enough information to do what you want. The callback approach is nicest and is a simple form of delegate, where your master view controller is the delegate supplying the extra data.