Why doesn't display own flieds in FE by sr_feuser_register? - typo3

I add some fields into fe_users with an own extension. In Typo3 8.7. When I logged in the Backend from Typo3 and in another Tab I open the Webpage I see my added fields in the registration form from sr_feuser_register, but when I logoff Typo3 backend, the labels are empty in the registration form. The value fields are displayed, but with no content, and new content don't saved.
What do I wrong?
The Only thing I found, is:
$GLOBALS['TCA']['fe_users']['feInterface']['fe_admin_fieldList'] .= 'field1,field2...';
But this, don't help.
Thanks for any help
I found a Bug: https://forge.typo3.org/issues/84587

Putting the code from ext_tables.php to YourExtension/Configuration/TCA/Overrides/fe_users.php help. Problem is solved.


Typo3 8.7: set/modify delete link in powermail (7.1.0)

I'm using the powermail 7.1.0 extension for Typo3. When a customer now sends a powermail form, I send him an Email back with a specific response. At the end of my answer email appears a link and a text, which says
"Was this email a mistake and you want to delete your request?
Delete all email data."
and a Link to delete all the email data.
Now I can't remember setting this text nor the link and I'm having trouble finding the place where I can modify the text. I checked the Mail to User Section in the Plugin Options but the text is not there.
My goal is to change the text to german.
Is this auto-generated by powermail?
Thanks in advance.
This is a new feature with powermail >= 7.0.0. You can deactivate it with plugin.tx_powermail.settings.setup.sender.addDisclaimerLink = 0. To change the text you could do it for example in this partial /Resources/Private/Partials/Mail/DisclaimerLink.html or in your own language-file.

typo3 in news detail powermail form submit action is not working

I have added the powermail form as content element in news. So the form is shown in news detail page but that form is not submitted, i have given flexform option to redirect at thank you page. But that is not working and always gives 404 error, and no news found error.
Thank you in advance..
Did you saw this part in the FAQ of powermail: https://docs.typo3.org/typo3cms/extensions/powermail/Faq/Index.html#i-want-to-use-powermail-on-a-news-detail-page-but-the-error-reason-no-news-entry-found-comes-up
plugin.tx_powermail.settings.setup.misc.addQueryString = 1
Add in TypoScript
Tested TYPO3 11

typo3 powermail hidden informations after 6.2 to 7.6 migration

i would like to know why some informations from forms disappears from back-office:
For each form,
Mail to receiver
Mail to user
Submit page
are empty but in front, after form submition, these infos are displayed.
So they exists but i can't edit it.
Thank you for any help

Custom Form not showing up in magento

I am having difficulty getting a form to show on a magento store I am working on. the site already has a contact form so I've copied the form.phtml file and renamed it brochure.phtml.
I've created a static page on the CMS section and added this line of code based on this qusetion
{{block type="core/template" template="contacts/brochure.phtml"}}
When I view the page though nothing shows up. What am I doing wrong? I've never used magento before so please be as detailed in your answers if you can.
CMS -> Pages ->Select your page -> Select "Content" on the left side navigation
Post this code there
{{block type="core/template" name="contactForm" form_action="/contacts/index/post" template="contacts/brochure.phtml"}}
make sure your brochure.phtml file is in the same folder as the form.phtml file. If your CMS page is coming up with the header, body format and the rest of the website layout but the middle content section is plain white then it is not loading your brochure.phtml. If this is the case I would then try loading the default form, so replace "brochure.phtml" with "form.phtml" and reload the page. If you see the default form then you know your brochure.phtml file is in the wrong location.
Hope this fixes your problem.

show error during registration in typo3

For providing registration option in typo3 website I insatll sr_feuser_register_3.0.1 extension. In addition to this extension I install static info table & div 2007 extension.
I included registration form in a page by including sr_feuser template css in typoscript template and also insert plugin. But when I register myself in registration form it shows error:-
"You must enter the same password twice.
The password must contain at most 40 characters.
Please enter a password!"
Password is entered correctly but it shows this problem again & again & I am not able to register because of this problem. Please help me to solve this problem
I got the problem. Problem is that when I put registration form & login form in same page then it starts showing problem. But if I put only registration form then it starts working.
But I have to put both forms in one page. Please tell me how can I do that.