How to find the time difference between 2 date-times in Scala? - scala

I have a dataframe
|empId| lId| date1| time1 | date2 | time2 |
| 1234|1212|2018-04-20|21:40:29.077|2018-04-20|22:40:29.077|
| 1235|1212|2018-04-20|22:40:29.077|2018-04-21|00:40:29.077|
Need to find the time difference between the 2 date-times(in minutes) for each empId and save as a new column.
Required output :
|empId| lId| date1| time1 | date2 | time2 |TimeDiff |
| 1234|1212|2018-04-20|21:40:29.077|2018-04-20|22:40:29.077|60 |
| 1235|1212|2018-04-20|22:40:29.077|2018-04-21|00:40:29.077|120 |

You can concat date and time and convert it to timestamp and find the difference in minutes as below
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
val format = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS" //datetime format after concat
val newDF = df1.withColumn("TimeDiffInMinute",
abs(unix_timestamp(concat_ws(" ", $"date1", $"time1"), format).cast("long")
- (unix_timestamp(concat_ws(" ", $"date2", $"time2"), format)).cast("long") / 60D
unix_timestamp to convert the datetime to timestamp, Subtraction of timestamp results in seconds and divide by 60 results in minutes.
|empId| lId| date1| time1| date2| time2|dateTime1|
| 1234|1212|2018-04-20|21:40:29.077|2018-04-20|22:40:29.077| 60.0|
| 1235|1212|2018-04-20|22:40:29.077|2018-04-21|00:40:29.077| 120.0|
Hope this helped!


How to get 1st day of the year in pyspark

I have a date variable that I need to pass to various functions.
For e.g, if I have the date in a variable as 12/09/2021, it should return me 01/01/2021
How do I get 1st day of the year in PySpark
You can use the trunc-function which truncates parts of a date.
df = spark.createDataFrame([()], [])
.withColumn('current_date', f.current_date())
.withColumn("year_start", f.trunc("current_date", "year"))
# Output
| 2022-02-23|2022-01-01|
x = '12/09/2021'
'01/01/' + x[-4:]
output: '01/01/2021'
You can achieve this with date_trunc with to_date as the later returns a Timestamp rather than a Date
Data Preparation
df = pd.DataFrame({
sparkDF = sql.createDataFrame(df)
| Date|
Date Trunc & To Date
sparkDF = sparkDF.withColumn('first_day_year_dt',F.to_date(F.date_trunc('year',F.col('Date')),'yyyy-MM-dd'))\
| Date|first_day_year_dt|first_day_year_timestamp|
|2021-01-23| 2021-01-01| 2021-01-01 00:00:00|
|2002-02-09| 2002-01-01| 2002-01-01 00:00:00|
|2009-09-19| 2009-01-01| 2009-01-01 00:00:00|

Extract only Hour from Epochtime in scala

I am having a dataframe with one of its column as epochtime.
I want to extract only hour from it and display it as a separate column.
Below is the sample dataframe:
Below is the expected output.
|xxxxxxxx01|1571634285000| 10 |
|xxxxxxxx01|1571634299000| 10 |
|xxxxxxxx01|1571634311000| 10 |
|xxxxxxxx01|1571634316000| 10 |
|xxxxxxxx02|1571634318000| 10 |
|xxxxxxxx02|1571398176000| 16 |
|xxxxxxxx02|1571627596000| 08 |
I have tried
val test = test1DF.withColumn("TIME", extract HOUR(from_unixtime($"STIME"/1000)))
which throws exception at
<console>:46: error: not found: value extract
Tried as below to obtain date format and even it is not working.
val test = test1DF.withColumn("TIME", to_timestamp(from_unixtime(col("STIME")))
The datatype of STIME in dataframe is Long.
Any leads to extract hour from epochtime in Long datatype?
Extracting the hours from a timestamp is as simple as using the hour() function:
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
val df_with_hour = df.withColumn("TIME", hour(from_unixtime($"STIME" / 1000)))
// +-------------+----+
// +-------------+----+
// |1571634285000| 5|
// |1571398176000| 11|
// |1571627596000| 3|
// +-------------+----+
(Note: I'm in a different timezone)

how to update all the values of a column in a dataFrame

I have a data frame which has a non formated Date column :
|CDOPEINT| bbbbbbbbbb| Date|
| AAA|bbbbbbbbbbb|13190326|
| AAA|bbbbbbbbbbb|10190309|
| AAA|bbbbbbbbbbb|36190908|
| AAA|bbbbbbbbbbb|07190214|
| AAA|bbbbbbbbbbb|13190328|
| AAA|bbbbbbbbbbb|23190608|
| AAA|bbbbbbbbbbb|13190330|
| AAA|bbbbbbbbbbb|26190630|
the date column is formated as : wwyyMMdd (week, year, month, day) which I want to format to YYYYMMdd, for that a have a method : format that do that.
so my question is how could I map all the values of column Date to the needed format? here is the output that I want :
|CDOPEINT| bbbbbbbbbb| Date|
| AAA|bbbbbbbbbbb|2019/03/26|
| AAA|bbbbbbbbbbb|2019/03/09|
| AAA|bbbbbbbbbbb|2019/09/08|
| AAA|bbbbbbbbbbb|2019/02/14|
| AAA|bbbbbbbbbbb|2019/03/28|
| AAA|bbbbbbbbbbb|2019/06/08|
| AAA|bbbbbbbbbbb|2019/03/30|
| AAA|bbbbbbbbbbb|2019/06/30|
Spark 2.4.3 using unix_timestamp you can convert data to the expected output.
scala> var df2 =spark.createDataFrame(Seq(("AAA","bbbbbbbbbbb","13190326"),("AAA","bbbbbbbbbbb","10190309"),("AAA","bbbbbbbbbbb","36190908"),("AAA","bbbbbbbbbbb","07190214"),("AAA","bbbbbbbbbbb","13190328"),("AAA","bbbbbbbbbbb","23190608"),("AAA","bbbbbbbbbbb","13190330"),("AAA","bbbbbbbbbbb","26190630"))).toDF("CDOPEINT","bbbbbbbbbb","Date")
scala> df2.withColumn("Date",from_unixtime(unix_timestamp(substring(col("Date"),3,7),"yyMMdd"),"yyyy/MM/dd")).show
|CDOPEINT| bbbbbbbbbb| Date|
| AAA|bbbbbbbbbbb|2019/03/26|
| AAA|bbbbbbbbbbb|2019/03/09|
| AAA|bbbbbbbbbbb|2019/09/08|
| AAA|bbbbbbbbbbb|2019/02/14|
| AAA|bbbbbbbbbbb|2019/03/28|
| AAA|bbbbbbbbbbb|2019/06/08|
| AAA|bbbbbbbbbbb|2019/03/30|
| AAA|bbbbbbbbbbb|2019/06/30|
let me know if you have any query related to this.
If the date involves values from 2000 and the Date column in your original dataframe is of Integer type,you could try something like this
def getDate =(date:Int) =>{
val dateString = date.toString.drop(2).sliding(2,2){
case(value,index) => if(index ==0) 20+value else value
Then create a UDF which calls this function
val updateDateUdf = udf(getDate)
If originalDF is the original Dataframe that you have, you could then change the dataframe like this
val updatedDF = originalDF.withColumn("Date",updateDateUdf(col("Date")))

Converting string time to day timestamp

I have just started working for Pyspark, and need some help converting a column datatype.
My dataframe has a string column, which stores the time of day in AM/PM, and I need to convert this into datetime for further processing/analysis.
fd = spark.createDataFrame([(['0143A'])], ['dt'])
| dt|
from pyspark.sql.functions import date_format, to_timestamp'dt','hhmma')).show()'dt','hhmmaa')).show()
|to_timestamp(`dt`, 'hhmmaa')|
| null|
Expected output: 01:43
How can I get the proper datetime format in the above scenario?
Thanks for your help!
If we look at the doc for to_timestamp ( we see that the format must be specified as a SimpleDateFormat (
In order to retrieve the time of the day in AM/PM, we must use hhmma. But in SimpleDateFormat, a catches AM or PM, and not A or P. So we need to change our string :
import pyspark.sql.functions as F
df = spark.createDataFrame([(['0143A'])], ['dt'])
df2 = df.withColumn('dt', F.concat(F.col('dt'), F.lit('M')))
df3 = df2.withColumn('ts', F.to_timestamp('dt','hhmma'))
| dt| ts|
|0143AM|1970-01-01 01:43:00|
If you want to retrieve it as a string in the format you mentionned, you can use date_format :
df4 = df3.withColumn('time', F.date_format(F.col('ts'), format='HH:mm'))
| dt| ts| time|
|0143AM|1970-01-01 01:43:00|01:43|

substract current date with another date in dataframe scala

First of all, thank you for the time in reading my question :)
My question is the following: In Spark with Scala, i have a dataframe that there contains a string with a date in format dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm, for example df
|date |
|8/11/2017 15:00 |
|9/11/2017 10:00 |
i want to get the difference of currentDate with date of dataframe in second, for example
df.withColumn("difference", currentDate - unix_timestamp(col(date)))
|date | difference |
|8/11/2017 15:00 | xxxxxxxxxx |
|9/11/2017 10:00 | xxxxxxxxxx |
I try
val current = current_timestamp()
df.withColumn("difference", current - unix_timestamp(col(date)))
but get this error
org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException: cannot resolve '(current_timestamp() - unix_timestamp(date, 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'))' due to data type mismatch: differing types in '(current_timestamp() - unix_timestamp(date, 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'))' (timestamp and bigint).;;
I try too
val current = BigInt(System.currenttimeMillis / 1000)
df.withColumn("difference", current - unix_timestamp(col(date)))
val current = unix_timestamp(current_timestamp())
but the col "difference" is null
You have to use correct format for unix_timestamp:
df.withColumn("difference", current_timestamp().cast("long") - unix_timestamp(col("date"), "dd/mm/yyyy HH:mm"))
or with recent version:
to_timestamp(col("date"), "dd/mm/yyyy HH:mm") - current_timestamp())
to get Interval column.