List of lists in racket - racket

I need to create this:
Define a min&max-lists function that consumes a list of lists
(where the type of the elements in the inner list may be any type).
The function returns a list of lists – such that for each inner list (in the
original list) the following is done –
If the list contains at least one number, then the list is replaced with a list of size two, containing the minimum and maximum in the list.
Otherwise, the list is replaced with a null.
For example
written in a form of a test that you can use:
(test (min&max-lists '((any "Benny" 10 OP 8) (any "Benny" OP (2 3))))
=> '((8 10) ()))
(test (min&max-lists '((2 5 1 5 L) (4 5 6 7 3 2 1) ())) >> '((1 5) (1 7) ()))
For now, I have created a function that do it for one list.
How I do it for the list of lists??
for example:
(listhelp '(2 5 1 5 L))
-> : (Listof Number)>>'(1 5)

Given that you have min&max with the strange name listhelp you can use map, use for/list, or roll your own recursion:
(define (min&max-lists lol)
(map min&max lol))
(define (min&max-lists lol)
(for/list ([e (in-list lol)])
(min&max e)))
(define (min&max-lists lol)
(if (null? lol)
(cons (min&max (car lol))
(min&max-lists (cdr lol)))))


Can any one convert this code to Pseudo Code

#lang racket
(define (cartesian-product . lists)
(foldr (lambda (xs ys)
(append-map (lambda (x)
(map (lambda (y)
(cons x y))
(cartesian-product '(1 2 3) '(5 6))
I have racket lang code, that calculate cartesian product of two sets or lists, I don't understand the code well, can any one convert code to pseudo code.
The function corresponds to this definition of cartesian products.
The dot . in the argument means that lists will collect all the arguments (in a list) no matter how many are passed in.
How to call such a function? Use apply. It applies a function using items from a list as the arguments: (apply f (list x-1 ... x-n)) = (f x-1 ... x-n)
foldr is just an abstraction over the natural recursion on lists
; my-foldr : [X Y] [X Y -> Y] Y [List-of X] -> Y
; applies fun from right to left to each item in lx and base
(define (my-foldr combine base lx)
(cond [(empty? lx) base]
[else (combine (first lx) (my-foldr func base (rest lx)))]))
Applying the simplifications from 1), 2) and 3) and turning the "combine" function in foldr to a separate helper:
(define (cartesian-product2 . lists)
(cond [(empty? lists) '(())]
[else (combine-cartesian (first lists)
(apply cartesian-product2 (rest lists)))]))
(define (combine-cartesian fst cart-rst)
(append-map (lambda (x)
(map (lambda (y)
(cons x y))
(cartesian-product2 '(1 2 3) '(5 6))
Let's think about "what" combine-cartesian does: it simply converts a n-1-ary cartesian product to a n-ary cartesian product.
We want:
(cartesian-product '(1 2) '(3 4) '(5 6))
; =
; '((1 3 5) (1 3 6) (1 4 5) (1 4 6) (2 3 5) (2 3 6) (2 4 5) (2 4 6))
We have (first lists) = '(1 2) and the result of the recursive call (induction):
(cartesian-product '(3 4) '(5 6))
; =
; '((3 5) (3 6) (4 5) (4 6))
To go from what we have (result of the recursion) to what we want, we need to cons 1 onto every element, and cons 2 onto every element, and append those lists. Generalizing this, we get a simpler reformulation of the combine function using nested loops:
(define (combine-cartesian fst cart)
(apply append
(for/list ([elem-fst fst])
(for/list ([elem-cart cart])
(cons elem-fst elem-cart)))))
To add a dimension, we consed every element of (first lists) onto every element of the cartesian product of the rest.
cartesian product <- takes in 0 or more lists to compute the set of all
ordered pairs
- cartesian product of no list is a list containing an empty list.
- otherwise: take the cartesian product of all but one list
and add each element of that one list to every
element of the cartesian product and put all
those lists together.

What is the different between filter and filter-map?

I'm trying to understand what count do.
I have read the documentation, and it says:
Returns (length (filter-map proc lst ...)), but without building the
intermediate list.
Then, I have read filter-map documentation, and it says:
Returns (filter (lambda (x) x) (map proc lst ...)), but without
building the intermediate list.
Then, I have read filter documentation, and I have understand it.
But, I don't understand filter-map. In particular that(lambda (x) x) in (filter (lambda (x) x) (map proc lst ...)).
What is the different between filter and filter-map?
By the way, the examples of filter and filter-map do the same and that make it more difficult to understand them.
I would say that the key insight here is that in the context of filter, you should read (lambda (x) x) as not-false?. So, the documentation for filter-map could be written to read:
Returns (filter not-false? (map proc lst ...)), but without building the intermediate list, where not-false? can be defined as (lambda (x) x).
The whole point is that if you know filter and map well, then you can explain filter-map like that. If you do not know what filter and map does it will not help you understand it. When you need to learn something new you often need to use prior experience. Eg. I can explain multiplication by saying 3 * 4 is the same as 3 + 3 + 3 + 3, but it doesn't help if you don't know what + is.
What is the difference between filter and filter-map
(filter odd? '(1 2 3 4 5)) ; ==> (1 3 5)
(filter-map odd? '(1 2 3 4 5)) ; ==> (#t #t #t))
The first collects the original values from the list when the predicate became truthy. In this case (odd? 1) is true and thus 1 is an element in the result.
filter-map doesn't filter on odd? it works as if you passed odd? to map. There you get a new list with the results.
(map odd? '(1 2 3 4 5)) ; ==> (#t #f #t #f #t #f)
Then it removes the false values so that you only have true values left:
(filter identity (map odd? '(1 2 3 4 5))) ; ==> (#t #t #t)
Now. It's important to understand that in Scheme every value except #f is true.
(lambda (x) x) is the identity function and is the same as identity in #lang racket. It returns its own argument.
(filter identity '(1 #f 2 #f 3)) ; ==> (1 2 3)
count works the same way as filter-map except it only returns how many element you would have got. Thus:
(count odd? '(1 2 3 4 5)) ; ==> 3
Now it mentions that it is the same as:
(length (filter identity (map odd? '(1 2 3 4 5)))
Execpt for the fact that the the code using map, filter, and length like that creates 2 lists. Thus while count does the same it does it without using map and filter. Now it seems this is a primitive, but you could do it like this:
(define (count fn lst)
(let loop ((lst lst) (cnt 0))
(cond ((null? lst) cnt)
((fn (car lst)) (loop (cdr lst) (add1 cnt)))
(else (loop (cdr lst) cnt))))

Writing the Foo Function In LISP With the following Specification

I am struggling to find the right approach to solve the following function
(FOO #'– '(1 2 3 4 5))
=> ((–1 2 3 4 5) (1 –2 3 4 5) (1 2 –3 4 5) (1 2 3 –4 5) (1 2 3 4 –5))
The first Parameter to the foo function is supposed to be a function "-" that has to be applied to each element returning a list of list as shown above. I am not sure as to what approach I can take to create this function. I thought of recursion but not sure how I will preserve the list in each call and what kind of base criteria would I have. Any help would be appreciated. I cannot use loops as this is functional programming.
It's a pity you cannot use loop because this could be elegantly solved like so:
(defun foo (fctn lst)
for n from 0 below (length lst) ; outer
collect (loop
for elt in lst ; inner
for i from 0
collect (if (= i n) (funcall fctn elt) elt))))
So we've got an outer loop that increments n from 0 to (length lst) excluded, and an inner loop that will copy verbatim the list except for element n where fctn is applied:
CL-USER> (foo #'- '(1 2 3 4 5))
((-1 2 3 4 5) (1 -2 3 4 5) (1 2 -3 4 5) (1 2 3 -4 5) (1 2 3 4 -5))
Replacing loop by recursion means creating local functions by using labels that replace the inner and the outer loop, for example:
(defun foo (fctn lst)
(let ((len (length lst)))
((inner (lst n &optional (i 0))
(unless (= i len)
(cons (if (= i n) (funcall fctn (car lst)) (car lst))
(inner (cdr lst) n (1+ i)))))
(outer (&optional (i 0))
(unless (= i len)
(cons (inner lst i) (outer (1+ i))))))
Part of the implementation strategy that you choose here will depend on whether you want to support structure sharing or not. Some of the answers have provided solutions where you get completely new lists, which may be what you want. If you want to actually share some of the common structure, you can do that too, with a solution like this. (Note: I'm using first/rest/list* in preference to car/car/cons, since we're working with lists, not arbitrary trees.)
(defun foo (operation list)
(labels ((foo% (left right result)
(if (endp right)
(nreverse result)
(let* ((x (first right))
(ox (funcall operation x)))
(foo% (list* x left)
(rest right)
(list* (revappend left
(list* ox (rest right)))
(foo% '() list '())))
The idea is to walk down list once, keeping track of the left side (in reverse) and the right side as we've gone through them, so we get as left and right:
() (1 2 3 4)
(1) (2 3 4)
(2 1) (3 4)
(3 2 1) (4)
(4 3 2 1) ()
At each step but the last, we take the the first element from the right side, apply the operation, and create a new list use revappend with the left, the result of the operation, and the rest of right. The results from all those operations are accumulated in result (in reverse order). At the end, we simply return result, reversed. We can check that this has the right result, along with observing the structure sharing:
CL-USER> (foo '- '(1 2 3 4 5))
((-1 2 3 4 5) (1 -2 3 4 5) (1 2 -3 4 5) (1 2 3 -4 5) (1 2 3 4 -5))
By setting *print-circle* to true, we can see the structure sharing:
CL-USER> (setf *print-circle* t)
CL-USER> (let ((l '(1 2 3 4 5)))
(list l (foo '- l)))
((1 . #1=(2 . #2=(3 . #3=(4 . #4=(5))))) ; input L
((-1 . #1#)
(1 -2 . #2#)
(1 2 -3 . #3#)
(1 2 3 -4 . #4#)
(1 2 3 4 -5)))
Each list in the output shares as much structure with the original input list as possible.
I find it easier, conceptually, to write some of these kind of functions recursively, using labels, but Common Lisp doesn't guarantee tail call optimization, so it's worth writing this iteratively, too. Here's one way that could be done:
(defun phoo (operation list)
(do ((left '())
(right list)
(result '()))
((endp right)
(nreverse result))
(let* ((x (pop right))
(ox (funcall operation x)))
(push (revappend left (list* ox right)) result)
(push x left))))
The base case of a recursion can be determined by asking yourself "When do I want to stop?".
As an example, when I want to compute the sum of an integer and all positive integers below it, I can do this recusively with a base case determined by answering "When do I want to stop?" with "When the value I might add in is zero.":
(defun sumdown (val)
(if (zerop val)
(+ (sumdown (1- val)) val)))
With regard to 'preserve the list in each call', rather than trying to preserve anything I would just build up a result as you go along. Using the 'sumdown' example, this can be done in various ways that are all fundamentally the same approach.
The approach is to have an auxiliary function with a result argument that lets you build up a result as you recurse, and a function that is intended for the user to call, which calls the auxiliary function:
(defun sumdown1-aux (val result)
(if (zerop val)
(sumdown1-aux (1- val) (+ val result))))
(defun sumdown1 (val)
(sumdown1-aux val 0))
You can combine the auxiliary function and the function intended to be called by the user by using optional arguments:
(defun sumdown2 (val &optional (result 0))
(if (zerop val)
(sumdown2 (1- val) (+ val result))))
You can hide the fact that an auxiliary function is being used by locally binding it within the function the user would call:
(defun sumdown3 (val)
(labels ((sumdown3-aux (val result)
(if (zerop val)
(sumdown3-aux (1- val) (+ val result)))))
(sumdown3-aux val 0)))
A recursive solution to your problem can be implemented by answering the question "When do I want to stop when I want to operate on every element of a list?" to determine the base case, and building up a result list-of-lists (instead of adding as in the example) as you recurse. Breaking the problem into smaller pieces will help - "Make a copy of the original list with the nth element replaced by the result of calling the function on that element" can be considered a subproblem, so you might want to write a function that does that first, then use that function to write a function that solves the whole problem. It will be easier if you are allowed to use functions like mapcar and substitute or substitute-if, but if you are not, then you can write equivalents yourself out of what you are allowed to use.

Idiomatic way to group a sorted list of integers?

I have a sorted list of integers, (1 2 4 5 6 6 7 8 10 10 10). I want to group them all, so that I get ((1) (2) (4) (5) (6 6) (7) (8) (10 10 10)).
So far I have this, which works:
(let ((current-group (list)) (groups (list)))
(dolist (n *sorted*)
(when (and (not (null current-group)) (not (eql (first current-group) n)))
(push current-group groups)
(setf current-group (list)))
(push n current-group))
(push current-group groups)
(nreverse groups))
But I'm sure there must be a much more LISPy way to do this. Any ideas?
Not that bad. I would write it this way:
(defun group (list)
(flet ((take-same (item)
(loop while (and list (eql (first list) item))
collect (pop list))))
(loop while list
collect (take-same (first list)))))
CL-USER 1 > (group '(1 2 4 5 6 6 7 8 10 10 10))
((1) (2) (4) (5) (6 6) (7) (8) (10 10 10))
There's already an accepted answer, but I think it's worth looking at another way of decomposing this problem, although the approach here is essentially the same). First, let's define cut that takes a list and a predicate, and returns the prefix and suffix of the list, where the suffix begins with the first element of the list that satisfies the predicate, and the prefix is everything before that that didn't:
(defun cut (list predicate)
"Returns two values: the prefix of the list
containing elements that do no satisfy predicate,
and the suffix beginning with an element that
satisfies predicate."
(do ((tail list (rest tail))
(prefix '() (list* (first tail) prefix)))
((or (funcall predicate (first tail))
(endp tail))
(values (nreverse prefix) tail))))
(cut '(1 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 5) 'evenp)
;=> (1 1 1) (2 2 3 3 4 5)
(let ((l '(1 1 2 3 4 4 3)))
(cut l (lambda (x) (not (eql x (first l))))))
;=> (1 1), (2 3 4 4 3)
Then, using cut, we can move down the an input list taking prefixes and suffixes with a predicate that's checking whether an element is not eql to the first element of the list. That is, beginning with (1 1 1 2 3 3) you'd cut with the predicate checking for "not eql to 1", to get (1 1 1) and (2 3 3). You'd add the first to the list of groups, and the second becomes the new tail.
(defun group (list)
(do ((group '()) ; group's initial value doesn't get used
(results '() (list* group results))) ; empty, but add a group at each iteration
((endp list) (nreverse results)) ; return (reversed) results when list is gone
(multiple-value-setq (group list) ; update group and list with the prefix
(cut list ; and suffix from cutting list on the
(lambda (x) ; predicate "not eql to (first list)".
(not (eql x (first list))))))))
(group '(1 1 2 3 3 3))
;=> ((1 1) (2) (3 3 3))
On implementing cut
I tried to make that cut relatively efficient, insofar as it only makes one pass through the list. Since member returns the entire tail of the list that begins with the found element, you can actually use member with :test-not to get the tail that you want:
(let ((list '(1 1 1 2 2 3)))
(member (first list) list :test-not 'eql))
;=> (2 2 3)
Then, you can use ldiff to return the prefix that comes before that tail:
(let* ((list '(1 1 1 2 2 3))
(tail (member (first list) list :test-not 'eql)))
(ldiff list tail))
;=> (1 1 1)
It's a simple matter, then, to combine the approaches and to return the tail and the prefix as multiples values. This gives a version of cut that takes only the list as an argument, and might be easier to understand (but it's a bit less efficient).
(defun cut (list)
(let ((tail (member (first list) list :test-not 'eql)))
(values (ldiff list tail) tail)))
(cut '(1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3))
;=> (1 1), (2 2 2 3 3)
I like to use reduce:
(defun group (lst)
(reduce (lambda (r e) (if (and (not (null r)) (eql e (caar r)))
(cons (cons e (car r)) (cdr r))
(cons (list e) r)))
:initial-value nil)))
or using push:
(defun group (lst)
(reduce (lambda (r e)
((and (not (null r)) (eql e (caar r))) (push e (car r)) r)
(t (push (list e) r))))
:initial-value nil)))

Name of this function in built-in Emacs Lisp library?

The following Emacs Lisp function takes a list of lists and returns a list in which the items of the inner lists have been concatenated to one big list. It is pretty straight-forward and I am convinced something like this must already be part of the standard function library.
(defun flatten (LIST)
(if LIST
(append (car LIST) (flatten (cdr LIST)))
I am looking for a function that will take a single list of lists as its argument and then append all the inner lists.
(flatten '((a b) (c d)))
will give
(a b c d)
Does anyone know whether this function is already built in, and if so, under which name?
You're either looking for append:
(defun flatten (list-of-lists)
(apply #'append list-of-lists))
If (and only if) you know that you'll always have a list of lists.
(defun flatten (list)
(mapcan (lambda (x) (if (listp x) x nil)) list))
Emacs 27.1 has flatten-tree:
(flatten-tree '((a b) (c d)))
(a b c d)
I stepped into this only recently whilst looking for something different; there is something that might not have been put into evidence by the test data utilized to check the function, depending on whether the original question was meant to refer to generic lists (i.e.: list of list of list of list of...) or just to two-level lists (as in the example).
The solution based on append works fine only with two-level lists, and there is a further issue with the solution based on mapcan.
Basically, the general solution has to be recursive both on car and cdr, as in the flatten defun below.
(setq l '((((1 2) 3) 4) (5 6 7)))
(defun flatten(x)
(cond ((null x) nil)
((listp x) (append (flatten (car x)) (flatten (cdr x))))
(t (list x))))
(defun flatten2(l)
(if l (append (car l) (flatten2 (cdr l))) nil))
(defun flatten3(l)
(mapcan (lambda(x) (if (listp x) x nil)) l))
(flatten l)
(1 2 3 4 5 6 7)
(apply #'append l)
(((1 2) 3) 4 5 6 7)
(flatten2 l)
(((1 2) 3) 4 5 6 7)
The further issue is with the usage of mapcan in flatten3: as mapcan hides an nconc inside, the user must remember that it alters its argument.
((((1 2) 3) 4) (5 6 7))
(flatten3 l)
(((1 2) 3) 4 5 6 7)
((((1 2) 3) 4 5 6 7) (5 6 7))
Dash is a modern list library for Emacs, and has flatten. It's the second most downloaded package on Melpa, after magit. From the readme:
-flatten (l): Takes a nested list l and returns its contents as a single, flat list.
(-flatten '((1))) ;; => '(1)
(-flatten '((1 (2 3) (((4 (5))))))) ;; => '(1 2 3 4 5)
(-flatten '(1 2 (3 . 4))) ;; => '(1 2 (3 . 4))
-flatten-n (num list): Flatten num levels of a nested list.
(-flatten-n 1 '((1 2) ((3 4) ((5 6))))) ;; => '(1 2 (3 4) ((5 6)))
(-flatten-n 2 '((1 2) ((3 4) ((5 6))))) ;; => '(1 2 3 4 (5 6))
(-flatten-n 3 '((1 2) ((3 4) ((5 6))))) ;; => '(1 2 3 4 5 6)
This package was started 2012-09.
I realize that the original question was "what is the built in function". It appears that there is none. The other solutions do not actually flatten all lists that I tested. This function appears to work. I'm posting it here because this was the first place Google hit when I did my search.
(defun flatten (LIST)
"flattens LIST"
((atom LIST) (list LIST))
((null (cdr LIST)) (flatten (car LIST)))
(t (append (flatten (car LIST)) (flatten (cdr LIST))))))
(flatten (list "a" (list "b" "c" nil) (list (list "d" "e") "f")))
("a" "b" "c" nil "d" "e" "f")
Have a look at nconc