Facebook share image is always small, no large thumbnail - facebook

I am using this code to show post with image on facebook:
// Open FB share popup
method: 'share_open_graph',
action_type: 'og.shares',
action_properties: JSON.stringify({
object: {
'og:url': FBLink,
'og:title': '',
'og:description': '',
'og:image:width' : '1200',
'og:image:height' :'630',
'og:image': FBPic
function (response) {
// Action after response
And the image is always small on the left, and text on the right, like no full width thumbnail preview, even tho the image is full size.
I tried scaping it with debugger, it gets its size fine in there, 1200x630, still no luck
I tried adding og:type 'article', but then just get this error: 'conflicting og:type found in path (object) and 'properties' (article)';
I am running out of ideas. Image is just small no matter what I do. Any advices?


Get full size facebook Event photo

what I am trying to do is to get event photo by event ID. Code I have :
function getFBphoto(event) {
"/"+ event +"/picture?width=500&height=500",
function (response) {
if (response && !response.error) {
Facebook still provides me with 200px sized image, I've tried to follow some advices and tried luck with such version of my code:
function getFBphoto(event) {
"/"+ event +"/picture",
"redirect": false,
"height": "500",
"type": "normal",
"width": "500"
function (response) {
if (response && !response.error) {
No luck, still max 200x200px photo, while adding parameters large still doesn't affect to get bigger photo.
Example response from fb in both cases:
Object {data: Object}
data: Object
height: 50
is_silhouette: false
url: "https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/t1/c114.0.200.200/p200x200/1656179_10201352079056227_1689058768_n.jpg"
width: 50
__proto__: Object
__proto__: Object
The question is:
How to get actual size photo of event (for eg: https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn2/t1/1507953_584284274994290_910086685_n.jpg) with API call.
Try the cover field – for your event, /471101519656645?fields=cover -> delivers this image.

Filepicker.io rendered images don't thumbnail in Twitter

We're just starting to use Filepicker.io in a project and had a question about rendering thumbnails. Our first test image does not appear to be recognized by Twitter as an image. This means that all the user will see is a link instead of the thumbnail.
Is there any way around this behaviour, perhaps with some sort of custom URL or optional parameter?
Here's the code I'm using:
<div class="upload-image">Drop files here</div>
// init filepicker plugin
filepicker.makeDropPane($('.upload-image'), {
multiple: true,
dragEnter: function() {
$(".upload-image").html("Drop to upload").css({
'backgroundColor': "#E0E0E0",
'border': "1px solid #000"
dragLeave: function() {
$(".upload-image").html("Drop files here").css({
'backgroundColor': "#F6F6F6",
'border': "1px dashed #666"
onSuccess: function(fpfiles) {
$(".upload-image").text("Done, see result below");
$.sticky('Your file was uploaded successfully.');
onError: function(type, message) {
// $("#localDropResult").text('('+type+') '+ message);
$.sticky('Your file was uploaded successfully.');
onProgress: function(percentage) {
$(".upload-image").text("Uploading ("+percentage+"%)");
One thing you can do is append a +filename.jpg to the end of the image if twitter (or really any other service) is doing a simple regex, url-based determination of whether the file is an image. For instance:
https://www.filepicker.io/api/file/JhJKMtnRDW9uLYcnkRKW and
both point to the same content, but twitter may be happier with the second.

Calling an ashx handler with jquery causes form action to post back to it

I'm calling an ashx handler with jquery ajax:
$.ajax({ type: "GET",
url: "handlers/getpage.ashx?page=" + pageName,
dataType: "html",
success: function (response) {
However when this hidden-slide-panel div gets populated, when I click on anything inside it, the form action value has been set now to getpage.ashx, rather than the calling pages form action. Is there a way to force it to use the calling pages action?
Use the "data" property for ajax():
$.ajax({ type: "GET",
url: "whatever.ashx",
data: { page: pageName },
success: function(data) { alert(data); }
Sounds like you just need to set the form back to its original value if it's changing:
document.forms[0].action = 'whatever';
// or
document.YourFormNameHere.action = 'whatever';

Change image of Facebook Send Button

Is it possible to change the image of the facebook send button? I want my own image with the same functionality.
You can if you give your link/image an id, and then use jquery/javascript to call the Facebook send dialog when it's clicked.
$(function () {
$("#LINK_ID").click(function() {
method: 'send',
display: ...,
name: ...,
link: ...,
redirect_uri: ...,
No, it's not possible to have that level of customisation on a Social Plugin.

Add dynamic html to fancy box

Been using FancyBox to display a swf player. What I would like to do is have an if statement that, when false adds the flash vars to 'swf': {...}, which I have working. And when true displays some inline markup.
if (true) {
'type': inline
//can I ref markup here???
} else {
'href' : somepath,
'type': 'swf',
'swf': {..}
Would someone be able to advise on how I can either reference the markup using the approach above. Or if I can even add dynamic html here, which would be a nicer approach.
Thanks in advance
Solved this.
I needed to use the key content, which forces FancyBox to load the html content:
var content = $('#someHtml').html();
'content': content,
'padding' : 20