Looking for a suggested Clustering technique - cluster-analysis

I have a series (let's say 1000) of images of a biological sample...living cells. Over this series, the data for each pixel will describe a time variant "wave", if you will, giving the measure of light intensity vs time. After performing an FFT for this wave, I'll have the frequency content and phase for each pixel.
My goal is to be able to find all the pixels that are measuring a single cell, and was wondering if some sort of clustering technique would give me what I'm looking for. After some research (I know almost nothing of cluster analysis) looking at KMeans, DBSCAN, and a few others, I'm unsure how to proceed.
Here's my criteria:
a cluster should consist of connected pixels, with a maximum size of
around 9-12 pixels (this is defined by the actual size of the cell in
the field of view). Putting more pixels in a cluster likely means
that the cluster contains more than one cell, and I'd prefer each
cluster to represent a single cell.
the cells are signalling (glowing) with some frequency/phase. These are not necessarily in sync, so I think that this might be useful in segregating the cells/clusters.
there is an unknown number of cells in each image, so an unknown number of clusters.
the images are segmented into smaller, sub-images for analysis (the reason for this is not relevant here). These sub-images are to be analyzed separately for clusters. The sub-images are about 100 x 100 pixels.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I'm just looking for help getting pointed in the right direction.

Probably the most flexible is the classic old hierarchical agglomerative clustering (HAC). For some reason, people always overlook this powerful method, and prefer the much more limited kmeans.
HAC is very nice to parameterize. It needs a distance or similarity (little requirements here - probably should be symmetric, but no triangle inequality necessary). And with the linkage you can control the cluster shape or diameters nicely. For example, with complete linkage you can control the maximum diameter of a cluster. This is probably useful here, and my suggestion.
The main drawbacks of HAC are (1) scalability: at 50.000 instances it will be slow and use too much memory, and of course that (2) you need to know what you want to do: you need to choose distance, linkage, and cut the dendrogram. With k-means, you only need to choose k to get a (bad) result.
DBSCAN is a great algorithm, but in your case it is likely to form clusters with multiple cells. So I'd rather try OPTICS instead which may be able to discover substructures where DBSCAN only sees a large blob.


What is the importance of clustering?

During unsupervised learning we do cluster analysis (like K-Means) to bin the data to a number of clusters.
But what is the use of these clustered data in practical scenario.
I think during clustering we are losing information about the data.
Are there some practical examples where clustering could be beneficial?
The information loss can be intentional. Here are three examples:
PCM signal quantification (Lloyd's k-means publication). You know that are certain number (say 10) different signals are transmitted, but with distortion. Quantifying removes the distortions and re-extracts the original 10 different signals. Here, you lose the error and keep the signal.
Color quantization (see Wikipedia). To reduce the number of colors in an image, a quite nice method uses k-means (usually in HSV or Lab space). k is the number of desired output colors. Information loss here is intentional, to better compress the image. k-means attempts to find the least-squared-error approximation of the image with just k colors.
When searching motifs in time series, you can also use quantization such as k-means to transform your data into a symbolic representation. The bag-of-visual-words approach that was the state of the art for image recognition prior to deep learning also used this.
Explorative data mining (clustering - one may argue that above use cases are not data mining / clustering; but quantization). If you have a data set of a million points, which points are you going to investigate? clustering methods try ro split the data into groups that are supposed to be more homogeneous within and more different to another. Thrn you don't have to look at every object, but only at some of each cluster to hopefully learn something about the whole cluster (and your whole data set). Centroid methods such as k-means even can proviee a "prototype" for each cluster, albeit it is a good idea to also lool at other points within the cluster. You may also want to do outlier detection and look at some of the unusual objects. This scenario is somewhere inbetween of sampling representative objects and reducing the data set size to become more manageable. The key difference to above points is that the result is usually not "operationalized" automatically, but because explorative clustering results are too unreliable (and thus require many iterations) need to be analyzed manually.

In DBSCAN, what does eps represent actually?

Suppose that I have already found the eps for all density. I applied the methodology from here http://ijiset.com/v1s4/IJISET_V1_I4_48.pdf
If you don't mind, please open page 5 and see at Proposed Algorithm section. At step 10.1, the paper tells us to calculate the number of objects in eps-neighborhood.
What does eps represent actually? It is a radius to draw a circle right? So, why the radius is so small, smaller than distances between two objects? If so, the MinPts will be 0 forever.
Yes, if used with Euclidean distance, then it is a radius.
It is not infinitely small (it does not tend to 0). It's just supposed to be small compared to the data set extends, but the authors could have named it "r" instead.
Use the original paper to understand the algorithm, not some indian journal variant of it.
In Euclidean distance, it is the radius. Selection of Eps is a little difficult.
This problem is related to model selection, i.e., the selection of a particular model and its corresponding parametrization. In the case of k-means (which requires from the user the number of clusters as input) there is a plethora of measures in the literature that can help in the selection of the best number of clusters, for instance: silhouette, c-index, dunn, davies-bouldin. These measures are the so-called relative validity criteria.
In the case of Density-based clustering algorithms, there are some measures too, for instance: CDbw and DBCV.

Clustering in matlab

I have a 3d box with some points in it (1800).
Like this:
Now I have to cluster these points and it can't be done with k-means because you don't now the number of clusters. An other problem is that the box is periodic. So the points at the side top and bottom can belong to eacht other. Like in this image:
The right en left belong to each other.
How can I define these clusters with a specific distance as threshold, and implement that the box is periodic (so when you are one the end of one axis look at the beginning if these distances are below the threshold)?
Kind regards,
The Wikipedia article on cluster analysis will answer your question.
Look for density based clustering algorithms, as your data looks very much like the design scenario of density based clustering to me.
Well, first things first, you can indeed use K-Means. Of course you will need to use a cluster validity index (google Silhouette width index, Calinski-Harabasz index, Dunn's index, etc.).
If you really don't want to use K-Means for some other reason, you may wish to use a hierarchical clustering algorithm such as the Ward Method (description in Wikipedia). You won't need to know the number of clusters a priori (however, can you truly claim that you are creating a taxonomy without being able to answer the most basic of questions: how many taxons are there?).
The fact that your box is periodic raises an interesting challenge. My first thought here is that the best way to approach the problem is not by changing the distance measure (which you could do), but by transforming the data (feature extraction).
Your box has 6 sides, but because its periodic its like if it had 3 sides. So, the left side and right side are "the same" (as are the top and bottom, and the front and back).
How about redefining each object over three features? each feature is the distance between the object and one of the "three" sides.
Best of luck!

Finding elongated clusters using MATLAB

Let me explain what I'm trying to do.
I have plot of an Image's points/pixels in the RGB space.
What I am trying to do is find elongated clusters in this space. I'm fairly new to clustering techniques and maybe I'm not doing things correctly, I'm trying to cluster using MATLAB's inbuilt k-means clustering but it appears as if that is not the best approach in this case.
What I need to do is find "color clusters".
This is what I get after applying K-means on an image.
This is how it should look like:
for an image like this:
Can someone tell me where I'm going wrong, and what I can to do improve my results?
Note: Sorry for the low-res images, these are the best I have.
Are you trying to replicate the results of this paper? I would say just do what they did.
However, I will add since there are some issues with the current answers.
1) Yes, your clusters are not spherical- which is an assumption k-means makes. DBSCAN and MeanShift are two more common methods for handling such data, as they can handle non spherical data. However, your data appears to have one large central clump that spreads outwards in a few finite directions.
For DBSCAN, this means it will put everything into one cluster, or everything is its own cluster. As DBSCAN has the assumption of uniform density and requires that clusters be separated by some margin.
MeanShift will likely have difficulty because everything seems to be coming from one central lump - so that will be the area of highest density that the points will shift toward, and converge to one large cluster.
My advice would be to change color spaces. RGB has issues, and it the assumptions most algorithms make will probably not hold up well under it. What clustering algorithm you should be using will then likely change in the different feature space, but hopefully it will make the problem easier to handle.
k-means basically assumes clusters are approximately spherical. In your case they are definitely NOT. Try fit a Gaussian to each cluster with non-spherical covariance matrix.
Basically, you will be following the same expectation-maximization (EM) steps as in k-means with the only exception that you will be modeling and fitting the covariance matrix as well.
Here's an outline for the algorithm
init: assign each point at random to one of k clusters.
For each cluster estimate mean and covariance
For each point estimate its likelihood to belong to each cluster
note that this likelihood is based not only on the distance to the center (mean) but also on the shape of the cluster as it is encoded by the covariance matrix
repeat stages 2 and 3 until convergence or until exceeded pre-defined number of iterations
Take a look at density-based clustering algorithms, such as DBSCAN and MeanShift. If you are doing this for segmentation, you might want to add pixel coordinates to your vectors.

Python Clustering Algorithms

I've been looking around scipy and sklearn for clustering algorithms for a particular problem I have. I need some way of characterizing a population of N particles into k groups, where k is not necessarily know, and in addition to this, no a priori linking lengths are known (similar to this question).
I've tried kmeans, which works well if you know how many clusters you want. I've tried dbscan, which does poorly unless you tell it a characteristic length scale on which to stop looking (or start looking) for clusters. The problem is, I have potentially thousands of these clusters of particles, and I cannot spend the time to tell kmeans/dbscan algorithms what they should go off of.
Here is an example of what dbscan find:
You can see that there really are two separate populations here, though adjusting the epsilon factor (the max. distance between neighboring clusters parameter), I simply cannot get it to see those two populations of particles.
Is there any other algorithms which would work here? I'm looking for minimal information upfront - in other words, I'd like the algorithm to be able to make "smart" decisions about what could constitute a separate cluster.
I've found one that requires NO a priori information/guesses and does very well for what I'm asking it to do. It's called Mean Shift and is located in SciKit-Learn. It's also relatively quick (compared to other algorithms like Affinity Propagation).
Here's an example of what it gives:
I also want to point out that in the documentation is states that it may not scale well.
When using DBSCAN it can be helpful to scale/normalize data or
distances beforehand, so that estimation of epsilon will be relative.
There is a implementation of DBSCAN - I think its the one
Anony-Mousse somewhere denoted as 'floating around' - , which comes
with a epsilon estimator function. It works, as long as its not fed
with large datasets.
There are several incomplete versions of OPTICS at github. Maybe
you can find one to adapt it for your purpose. Still
trying to figure out myself, which effect minPts has, using one and
the same extraction method.
You can try a minimum spanning tree (zahn algorithm) and then remove the longest edge similar to alpha shapes. I used it with a delaunay triangulation and a concave hull:http://www.phpdevpad.de/geofence. You can also try a hierarchical cluster for example clusterfck.
Your plot indicates that you chose the minPts parameter way too small.
Have a look at OPTICS, which does no longer need the epsilon parameter of DBSCAN.