Is it ok to use the message id as a start value in AES Counter Mode - aes

I want to encrypt multiple messages using AES in Counter mode with the same key. Would it be secure enough to use the id of each message as the start value for the counter? The message ids are more or less consecutive.

The weakness is that you are exposing part of the data if there message ID is part of the encrypted data and that can be used as a crib in a brute force attack on the key.
If the key is a random byte sequence a brute force attack against a 128-bit or larger AES key impractical, read not possible.
If the key is weak such as a password or derived from a password with a weak method a brute force attack on the password is possible. Simple cryptographic hash methods are weak, PBKDF2 with a suitable iteration count is strong.


whose performance is better digital signatures (ECDSA) or Hash based signatures in case of ad-hoc networks

i want to know performance wise which is better to provide message authenticity, ECDSA signatures or hash based signatures, although i have read the comparisons of ECDSA with RSA, but not found with hash based signatures. Can ECDSA signatures replaced with Hash based signatures improves the message authenticity or not.
ECDSA is a hash based signature, in that the data gets hashed, then ECDSA is performed on the hash (not the whole data)
When it comes to data verification there are three main approaches:
Straight hash (e.g. SHA-2-256)
The fastest option to verify
If you are only protecting against line corruption this is a valid choice.
Otherwise, requires that the hash/digest value be sent over a secure (from tamper) channel, because the tampered can easily transmit the digest along with the tampered document
Provides no proof of origin
HMAC (e.g. HMACSHA256)
Requires that both the sender and receiver share the secret key
Either the sender or receiver having the key stolen puts both sides at risk
Secret key needs to come from key agreement algorithms (ECDH) or be transmitted in secret (encrypted)
Proves the document came from someone with the shared secret.
Digital Signature (e.g. ECDSA, RSA signature)
The sender is the only entity with the private key, receiver needs public key (non-secret)
Public key can be embedded in an X.509 certificate to provide a notarized association of public key to the signer
Or the public key can be transmitted raw over a secure (from tamper) channel.
Provides strong assurances about the document origin, since they shouldn't share their private key.
All three options use a hash algorithm to reduce the original data, the rest of the algorithms are what do you do with that data. There's not really a standard definition of "secure", you have to say "secure against (something)". ECDSA provides more assurances than HMAC as long as the private key isn't shared. But if HMAC provides enough assurance it is probably faster on average (specialty hardware aside).

Is there an alternative to MD5 hashing when the input is public?

I have a database of similar integers by the fact that they all share the same first 3 numbers:
Each one is associated to a user, and they are all almost exposed to the public, meaning they are sent as a sort of peer discovery, but not directly shared. I don't want the bare integer to be accessible, so I thought about hashing them with a one-way hashing function like MD5.
Since the output is not reversible like encryption or compression algorithm do, it looks great. But there's a problem; Getting the integer database is easy and inevitable, so looping through them, hashing the loop results and comparing all the hashes to the ones sent through peer communication is going to be a trivial job for malicious users.
The schema is something like this:
user1[hash(integer1),hash(integer2)...] -> |server hash database| ->
hash(integer1) = user8
hash(integer2) = user40
A malicious user will get user1 integers data by social engineering or other means and hash all of them to see if they're in the database by adding them to his peers data.
Now, is there any hashing algorithm to avoid this type of situation? I need the peers to communicate without giving out their integers data but still both mutually associate the same integer to a unique hash. In alternative, is key signing the only solution? I would like to avoid it since it will make the whole system slower.
Have you thought about salting your MD5? What that means is that you have some sort of secret key that only your application knows. This is actually always a good practice. So rather than doing this...
You would append the "salt" inside of the MD5 like this...
md5($userId . 'this is a secret shhh!')
Now they can't get the integer from the MD5.

When using HMAC for message signing, is it wise to salt the key, message, or both?

Say I'm designing a library to sign/verify messages with SHA-256 HMAC. If the end user uses a weak shared key and sends a lot of short messages, I assume there would be risk of an attacker discovering the key.
My intuition says I should append a unique (per message) salt to the key to make reverse-engineering the key harder.
How much would key salting help, and would I gain anything by also salting the messages?
Normally people salt the key. It does increase security, both because it makes reverse-engineering the key harder, and because the same message does not always have the same MAC, so an attacker can't simply re-send a message that was sent earlier with the same MAC. I don't see what salting the message as well would get you.

Security implications of storing the password hash along an encrypted AES key

I am using the PKCS#5 standard to generate a key using a random and unique salt and the user`s password in input. Consider this key as the "encryption" key.
The "encryption" key is used to encrypt a random AES key. Each users have an AES key associated to their profile.
So, a user`s profile will contains this informations:
--> password hash for authentication purpose.
--> salt used in the PKCS#5 algo. (From the PKCS#5 V2.0 documentation, we know that this information needs no protection).
--> the encrypted AES key generated randomly and encrypted with the "encryption" key generated by the PKCS#5 algo with the salt and the user`s password
I was asking myself if it is dangerous to be in possession of the password`s hash, the salt and the encrypted AES key IN THE SAME TIME. I am 99.9% sure that this is not a problem, but can it facilitates the work of an attacker being in possession of all those details?
The password hash also needs to use a salt, otherwise dictionary attacks are possible and two users who happen to pick the same password will have the same hashed password stored in the DB.
I would suggest this: Just use PKCS#5 twice; once to generate the hashed password (which you store in the clear), and once to generate the encryption key (which you do not).
Make sure the salts are large, random, and independent, and then there will be no detectable relationship between the password hash and the encryption key. That is what the salt is for, after all.
[update, to elaborate a bit]
Pick two salts s1 and s2. Make sure each is at least 64 bits, random, and independent.
Use the password + s1 as input to a PKCS#5 HMAC on the empty string. This is the "hashed password".
Use the password + s2 as input to a PKCS#5 encryption scheme to encrypt the actual data.
Store the hashed password, s1, and s2 in the clear in the database. Done.

What is the Difference between a Hash and MAC (Message Authentication code)?

What is the Difference between a Hash and MAC (Message Authentication code)?
By their definitions they seem to serve the same function.
Can someone explain what the difference is?
The main difference is conceptual: while hashes are used to guarantee the integrity of data, a MAC guarantees integrity AND authentication.
This means that a hashcode is blindly generated from the message without any kind of external input: what you obtain is something that can be used to check if the message got any alteration during its travel.
A MAC instead uses a private key as the seed to the hash function it uses when generating the code: this should assure the receiver that, not only the message hasn't been modified, but also who sent it is what we were expecting: otherwise an attacker couldn't know the private key used to generate the code.
According to wikipedia you have that:
While MAC functions are similar to cryptographic hash functions, they possess different security requirements. To be considered secure, a MAC function must resist existential forgery under chosen-plaintext attacks. This means that even if an attacker has access to an oracle which possesses the secret key and generates MACs for messages of the attacker's choosing, the attacker cannot guess the MAC for other messages without performing infeasible amounts of computation.
Of course, although their similarities, they are implemented in a different way: usually a MAC generation algorithm is based upon a hash code generation algorithm with the extension that cares about using a private key.
A hash is a function that produces a digest from a message. A cryptographically secure hash is for which it is computationally infeasible to generate a message with a given digest. On its own a hash of a message gives no information about the sender of a given message. If you can securely communicate the hash of a message then it can be used to verify that a large message has been correctly received over an unsecured transport.
A message authentication code is a way of combining a shared secret key with the a message so that the recipient of the message can authenticate that the sender of the message has the shared secret key and the no-one who doesn't know the secret key could have sent or altered the message.
An HMAC is a hash-based message authentication code. Usually this involves applying a hash function one or more times to some sort of combination of the shared secret and the message. HMAC usually refers the the algorithm documented in RFC 2104 or FIPS-198.
A MAC does not encrypt the message so the message is in plain text. It does not reveal the secret key so a MAC can be sent across on open channel with out compromising the key.
Found this to the point answer from another forum.
These types of cryptographic primitive can be distinguished by the security goals they fulfill (in the simple protocol of "appending to a message"):
Integrity: Can the recipient be confident that the message has not been accidentally modified?
Authentication: Can the recipient be confident that the message originates from the sender?
Non-repudiation: If the recipient passes the message and the proof to a third party, can the third party be confident that the message originated from the sender? (Please note that I am talking about non-repudiation in the cryptographic sense, not in the legal sense.) Also important is this question:
Keys: Does the primitive require a shared secret key, or public-private keypairs? I think the short answer is best explained with a table:
Cryptographic primitive | Hash | MAC | Digital
Security Goal | | | signature
Integrity | Yes | Yes | Yes
Authentication | No | Yes | Yes
Non-repudiation | No | No | Yes
Kind of keys | none | symmetric | asymmetric
| | keys | keys
Please remember that authentication without confidence in the keys used is useless. For digital signatures, a recipient must be confident that the verification key actually belongs to the sender. For MACs, a recipient must be confident that the shared symmetric key has only been shared with the sender.
Click here for more info
HASH FUNCTION: A function that maps a message of any length into a fixed length hash value, which serves as the authenticator.
MAC: A function of the message and a secret key that produces a fixed length value that serves as the authenticator.
A Hash is a summary or a finger print of a message and provide neither integrity nor authentication itself, as is it is susceptible to man-in-the-middle attack. Suppose A wants to send a message M, combined with hash H of M, to B. Instead C capture the message and generate Message M2 and hash H2 of M2, and sends it to B. Now B, by no mean can verify whether this is the original message from A or not. However, hash can be used in some other ways to achieve integrity and authentication, such as MAC.
A MAC which is also a summary of the message provide Integrity and Authentication. MAC can be computed in many ways. The simplest method is to use a hash function with two inputs, the message and a shared secret key. The use of the shared secret key adds the Authentication ability to the MAC, and thus provide integrity and authentication. However, MAC still does not provide non-repudiation, as any of the party(es) having the shared secret key can produce the message and MAC.
Here comes the Digital Signature and Public Key Cryptography in action.
Basically the main difference is MAC uses a private key and hash does not use any keys. Because of that MAC allows us to achieve authentication.
Hash functions utilize asymmetric cryptography whereas, MAC use symmetric cryptography.
Cryptographic hash functions are not always a MAC, but MAC can be a cryptographic hash functions (keyed hash functions).
Hash functions provide non-repudiation where MAC do no provide non-re