Call Rake task multiple times with argument from list - rake

I have a list of e-mails in a .txt file. I would like to run a Rake task for each of the e-mails in the file, the e-mail being given as an argument.
I was thinking about xargs bundle exec rake my_task <file.txt, but Rake doesn't accept arguments like this. How can I go around this issue?

I managed to do this with:
xargs -I '{}' bundle exec rake my_task['{}'] <file.txt


Kubernetes kubectl copy command failing

I have a pod running python image as 199 user. My code is place in /tmp/ directory, Now when I run copy command to replace the running then the command simply fails with file exists error.
Please try to use the --no-preserve=true flag with kubectl cp command. It will pass --no-same-owner and --no-same-permissions flags to the tar utility while extracting the copied file in the container.
GNU tar manual suggests to use --skip-old-files or --overwrite flag to tar --extract command, to avoid error message you encountered, but to my knowledge, there is no way to add this optional argument to kubectl cp.

Heroku Postgres extension errors with `rake db:structure:load` or `rake db:setup`?

When running rake db:structure:load on Heroku, we get the following error:
$ heroku run rake db:structure:load -a my_heroku_app
Running rake db:structure:load on ⬢ my_heroku_app... up, run.9343 (Standard-1X)
psql:/app/db/structure.sql:21: ERROR: must be owner of extension plpgsql
rake aborted!
failed to execute:
psql -v ON_ERROR_STOP=1 -q -f /app/db/structure.sql d7u1inlf2d16bd
Heroku's current suggestion is to manually comment out all COMMENT ON EXTENSION lines in structure.sql or switch to schema.rb. Another approach is to add a small prepend that fixes this automatically. I have it in our config/initializers folder, but many other places should work:

Where do I find alias arguments in fastlane?

In a fastlane project that I am taking over everything is run by command line (e.g. not fastfile). In this project (using fastlane 1.7) there are aliases used for arguments. Where would I go to find out what each of the aliases map to as far as fastlane commands? For example:
def build(Myapp, skip_profile)
if skip_profile || download_provisioning_profiles(MyApp)
build_cmd = "gym -a -r -s #{} -o ./build -n #{MyApp.ipa_name} --use_legacy_build_api"
puts "Was unable to install provisioning profiles"
exit 1
Looking at this I am pretty sure that -o is the output but where would I look to find out explicitly what -a and -r and -s and -o are?
fastlane gym --help
to get a list of all available options for the gym tool.

Starting a rake task as daemon

I'm trying to daemonize a rake task by running the following command (on Ubuntu 12.04)
start-stop-daemon -S --pidfile /home/dep/apps/fid/current/tmp/pids/
-u dep -d /home/dep/apps/fid/current -b -m
-a "bundle exec rake que:work RAILS_ENV=staging > /home/dep/apps/fid/current/log/que.log 2>&1"
The console says
Starting bundle exec rake que:work RAILS_ENV=staging > /home/dep/apps/fid/current/log/que.log 2>&1...
Detaching to start bundle exec rake que:work RAILS_ENV=staging > /home/dep/apps/fid/current/log/que.log 2>&1...done.
but nothing happen.
the pid file is empty and no log file created.
Am I missing anything here?
Try to get more about the environments (and their differences) when running bundle from your normal environment and running it from start-stop-daemon.
e.g. print all env variables in both cases and adjust accordingly.

perl run two system commands error

So in my script I need to make to calls to unix, and I do it via the system command like so:
system "bash -i -c 'addmothernode'";
perl code ...
system "bash -i -c 'addnode -ip=$_'";
However, whenever I run both of these commands in the same script, for some reason my process is stopped like this:
[1]+ Stopped perl
And the script can only be finished when I run fg %1. When I only have one of these system calls in, the perl script finishes successfully. But I need both commands because they depend on each other. Anyone have any ideas about what's going on? Thanks!
A lot of answers below are saying I don't need to use bash -i to run a system command, and I know typically this is true but I need to use aliases that I have created and if I do not use this the aliases won't be recognized. So I do need bash -i.
This problem is unrelated to perl. You can easily reproduce the situation if you start two bashes in the interactive mode (-i) one after another:
$ cat
bash -i -c 'sleep 1'
bash -i -c 'sleep 1'
$ bash
[1]+ Stopped bash
Of course it would be better to run bash in the non-interactive mode (without -i) or run the program directly, without bash, but if you need for some reason bash -i you can protect its run with setsid:
$ cat
setsid bash -i -c 'sleep 1'
setsid bash -i -c 'sleep 1'
echo done
$ bash
The bash -i means run an interactive shell; so you have two shells both reading from the terminal.
Try removing the -i options.
system "addmothernode";
should work.
To execute a command, bash is not needed. The Perl system function is like the system C function, it calls by default sh.
man system
The standard to which the caller conforms determines which shell is used. See standards(5).
Standard Shell Used
1989 ANSI C, 1990 ISO C, 1999 ISO C, /usr/xpg4/bin/sh
POSIX.1 (1990-2001), SUS, SUSv2, SUSv3,
POSIX.1 (1988), SVID3, XPG3, no standard /usr/bin/sh