Convert Swift String to wchar_t - swift

For context: I'm trying to use the very handy LibXL. I've used it with success in Obj-C and C++ but am now trying to port over to Swift. In order to better support Unicode, I need to sent all strings to the LibXL api as wchar_t*.
So, for this purpose I've cobbled together this code:
extension String {
///Function to convert a String into a wchar_t buffer.
///Don't forget to free the buffer!
var wideChar: UnsafeMutablePointer<wchar_t>? {
get {
guard let _cString = self.cString(using: .utf16) else {
return nil
let buffer = UnsafeMutablePointer<wchar_t>.allocate(capacity: _cString.count)
memcpy(buffer, _cString, _cString.count)
return buffer
The calls to LibXL appear to be working (getting a print of the error messages returns 'Ok'). Except when I try to actually write to a cell in a test spreadsheet. I get can't write row 0 in trial version:
if let name = "John Doe".wideChar, let passKey = "mac-f.....lots of characters...3".wideChar {
xlBookSetKeyW(book, name, passKey)
print(">: " + String.init(cString: xlBookErrorMessageW(book)))
if let sheetName = "Output".wideChar, let path = savePath.wideChar, let test = "Hello".wideChar {
let sheet: SheetHandle = xlBookAddSheetW(book, sheetName, nil)
xlSheetWriteStrW(sheet, 0, 0, test, sectionTitleFormat)
print(">: " + String.init(cString: xlBookErrorMessageW(book)))
let success = xlBookSaveW(book, path)
print(">: " + String.init(cString: xlBookErrorMessageW(book)))
I'm presuming that my code for converting to wchar_t* is incorrect. Can someone point me in the right direction for that..?
ADDENDUM: Thanks to #MartinR for the answer. It appears that the block 'consumes' any pointers that are used in it. So, for example, when writing a string using
("Hello".withWideChars({ wCharacters in
xlSheetWriteStrW(newSheet, destRow, destColumn, wCharacters, aFormatHandle)
The aFormatHandle will become invalid after the writeStr line executes and isn't re-useable. It's necessary to create a new FormatHandle for each write command.

There are different problems here. First, String.cString(using:) does
not work well with multi-byte encodings:
print("ABC".cString(using: .utf16)!)
// [65, 0] ???
Second, wchar_t contains UTF-32 code points, not UTF-16.
Finally, in
let buffer = UnsafeMutablePointer<wchar_t>.allocate(capacity: _cString.count)
memcpy(buffer, _cString, _cString.count)
the allocation size does not include the trailing null character,
and the copy copies _cString.count bytes, not characters.
All that can be fixed, but I would suggest a different API
(similar to the String.withCString(_:) method):
extension String {
/// Calls the given closure with a pointer to the contents of the string,
/// represented as a null-terminated wchar_t array.
func withWideChars<Result>(_ body: (UnsafePointer<wchar_t>) -> Result) -> Result {
let u32 = { wchar_t(bitPattern: $0.value) } + [0]
return u32.withUnsafeBufferPointer { body($0.baseAddress!) }
which can then be used like
let name = "John Doe"
let passKey = "secret"
name.withWideChars { wname in
passKey.withWideChars { wpass in
xlBookSetKeyW(book, wname, wpass)
and the clean-up is automatic.


AWS Polly - Highlighting special characters

I am using the AWS Polly service for text to speech. But if the text contains some special characters, it is returning the wrong start and end numbers.
For example if the text is : "Böylelikle" it returns : {"time":6,"type":"word","start":0,"end":11,"value":"Böylelikle"}
But it should start from 0 and end to 10.
I've searched AWS Documentation and they say for the start and end values, the offset in bytes not characters.
My question is how can I convert this byte value to the character.
My code is:
builder.continueOnSuccessWith { (awsTask: AWSTask<NSURL>) -> Any? in
if builder.error == nil {
if let url = awsTask.result {
do {
let txtData = try Data(contentsOf: url as URL)
if let txtString = String(data: txtData, encoding: .utf8) {
let lines = txtString.components(separatedBy: .newlines)
for line in lines {
let jsonData = Data(line.utf8)
let pollyVoiceSentence = try JSONDecoder().decode(PollyVoiceSentence.self, from: jsonData)
} catch {
print("Could not parse TXT file")
} else {
print("ParseJSON: \(builder.error!)")
return nil
And to highlight words:
let start = pollyVoiceSentence.start
var end = pollyVoiceSentence.end
let voiceRange = NSRange(location: start, length: end - start)
print("RANGE: \(voiceRange) - Word: \(pollyVoiceSentence.value)")
It looks like they are providing you String.utf8.count for the word. Swift supports Unicode and not all characters can be represented within UTF8.
You can read the official docs here -
String and Characters
There are a ton of useful details there. I would like to highlight following for your use case -
Here's how it looks for your input as well -
What you can do in your case is -
Decode the PollyVoiceSentence the way you are today.
Create an extension on PollyVoiceSentence to account for this char count issue.
Iterate/account for all words in a sentence, because each previous word's char-count now affects start for all the subsequent words.
And you can't trust the start & end provided by the json, because it clearly doesn't fit best with Swift's String API.

getch() equivalent in Swift: read a single character from stdin without a newline

I'm looking for a Swift function like getch() from C to read a single character from terminal input without requiring the user to press the return key. getchar() and readLine() are not sufficient, as they both require return.
There's a getch() function from ncurses which looked promising, but unfortunately seems to require taking over the display of the whole window.
After searching for a while online, I landed on the following (partly based on this answer):
import Foundation
extension FileHandle {
func enableRawMode() -> termios {
var raw = termios()
tcgetattr(self.fileDescriptor, &raw)
let original = raw
raw.c_lflag &= ~UInt(ECHO | ICANON)
tcsetattr(self.fileDescriptor, TCSADRAIN, &raw)
return original
func restoreRawMode(originalTerm: termios) {
var term = originalTerm
tcsetattr(self.fileDescriptor, TCSADRAIN, &term)
func getch() -> UInt8 {
let handle = FileHandle.standardInput
let term = handle.enableRawMode()
defer { handle.restoreRawMode(originalTerm: term) }
var byte: UInt8 = 0
read(handle.fileDescriptor, &byte, 1)
return byte
fputs("Press any key to continue... ", stdout)
let x = getch()
print("Got character: \(UnicodeScalar(x))")

Cannot convert value of type 'NSRange'(aka'_NSRange') to expected argument type 'Range<Data.Index>' (aka 'Range<int>

there. I am a beginner in Swift and am trying to convert an older program to Swift3. I´ve managed to fix a bunch of errors, but I cannot get this function to work.
fileprivate func extractEntitlements(_ entitlementData: Data) -> NSDictionary? {
var originalEntitlementsData = entitlementData
let xmlStart = "<?xml".data(using: String.Encoding.ascii, allowLossyConversion: true)
let bytes = (originalEntitlementsData as NSData).bytes
for i in 0...(originalEntitlementsData.count - xmlStart!.count) {
if memcmp((xmlStart! as NSData).bytes, bytes + i, Int(xmlStart!.count)) == 0 {
let end = originalEntitlementsData.count - i
**originalEntitlementsData = originalEntitlementsData.subdata(in: NSMakeRange(i, end))**
return NSString(data: originalEntitlementsData, encoding: String.Encoding.ascii.rawValue)?.propertyList() as? NSDictionary
Here is the error I get:
There are a bunch of questions regarding this error, but I am not being successful implementing a solution. Any tips on how I should proceed?
Thanks guys!
Ranges are more complicated and simpler at the same time in swift.
You want subdata(in: start..<end), which makes a Range<Int>, which is the type you need. However, in this case start and end refer to the beginning and end indexes of the range, not the location and length as you pass to NSMakeRange().
As #jrturton already said, subdata(in:) takes a Range<Int> argument,
so it should be
originalEntitlementsData = originalEntitlementsData.subdata(in: i..<i+end)
in your case. But note that all the conversions to NSData, taking
the .bytes, explicit loop and memcmp are not needed if you
take advantage of the existing range(of:) method of Data:
var originalEntitlementsData = entitlementData
let xmlStart = "<?xml".data(using: .utf8)!
if let range = originalEntitlementsData.range(of: xmlStart) {
originalEntitlementsData = originalEntitlementsData.subdata(in: range.lowerBound..<originalEntitlementsData.endIndex)
// Alternatively:
// originalEntitlementsData.removeSubrange(0..<range.lowerBound)

How to search array using unknown characters - Swift 3 for Mac

I am looking for a way to search an Array of strings (containing filenames with extension) for dots (if the string contains characters-a dot-charaters, print the string definition). To do that I have to use something like wildcards (.).
So I tried this :
let testString = "*.*"
if Array[x].countains(testString)
print (Array[x])
if Array[x].range(of:testString) != nil
print (Array[x])
But it does not work. I guess I have to declare it differently but I don't know how and I have not found the right example.
Could someone shows some examples? Thank U.
Using this helper method on String:
extension String {
func contains(regex: NSRegularExpression) -> Bool {
let length = self.utf16.count // NSRanges are UTF-16 based!
let wholeString = NSRange(location: 0, length: length)
let matchCount = regex.numberOfMatches(in: self, range: wholeString)
return matchCount > 0
Then try this:
let fileNameWithExtension = try! NSRegularExpression(pattern: "\\w+[.]\\w+")
if Array[x].contains(regex: fileNameWithExtension) {
You may need to tweak my pattern above in order to match all cases you have in mind. This NSRegularExpression cheat sheet might help you there ;-)

Interpolate String Loaded From File

I can't figure out how to load a string from a file and have variables referenced in that string be interpolated.
Let's say a text file at filePath that has these contents:
Hello there, \(name)!
I can load this file into a string with:
let string = String.stringWithContentsOfFile(filePath, encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding, error: nil)!
In my class, I have loaded a name in: let name = "George"
I'd like this new string to interpolate the \(name) using my constant, so that its value is Hello there, George!. (In reality the text file is a much larger template with lots of strings that need to be swapped in.)
I see String has a convertFromStringInterpolation method but I can't figure out if that's the right way to do this. Does anyone have any ideas?
This cannot be done as you intend, because it goes against type safety at compile time (the compiler cannot check type safety on the variables that you are trying to refer to on the string file).
As a workaround, you can manually define a replacement table, as follows:
// Extend String to conform to the Printable protocol
extension String: Printable
public var description: String { return self }
var string = "Hello there, [firstName] [lastName]. You are [height]cm tall and [age] years old!"
let firstName = "John"
let lastName = "Appleseed"
let age = 33
let height = 1.74
let tokenTable: [String: Printable] = [
"[firstName]": firstName,
"[lastName]": lastName,
"[age]": age,
"[height]": height]
for (token, value) in tokenTable
string = string.stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString(token, withString: value.description)
// Prints: "Hello there, John Appleseed. You are 1.74cm tall and 33 years old!"
You can store entities of any type as the values of tokenTable, as long as they conform to the Printable protocol.
To automate things further, you could define the tokenTable constant in a separate Swift file, and auto-generate that file by using a separate script to extract the tokens from your string-containing file.
Note that this approach will probably be quite inefficient with very large string files (but not much more inefficient than reading the whole string into memory on the first place). If that is a problem, consider processing the string file in a buffered way.
There is no built in mechanism for doing this, you will have to create your own.
Here is an example of a VERY rudimentary version:
var values = [
"name": "George"
var textFromFile = "Hello there, <name>!"
var parts = split(textFromFile, {$0 == "<" || $0 == ">"}, maxSplit: 10, allowEmptySlices: true)
var output = ""
for index in 0 ..< parts.count {
if index % 2 == 0 {
// If it is even, it is not a variable
output += parts[index]
else {
// If it is odd, it is a variable so look it up
if let value = values[parts[index]] {
output += value
else {
output += "NOT_FOUND"
println(output) // "Hello there, George!"
Depending on your use case, you will probably have to make this much more robust.