Send emails altomaticamente, from email addresses stored in the firebase [duplicate] - email

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Cloud Functions timer
(1 answer)
Closed 4 years ago.
Send e-mail, via e-mail addresses stored in firebase send emails altomatically on commemorative dates. example birthday and christmas. What is the best way to do this? Thank you!

You may do this with one cron-job & HTTPS Function. For example everyday morning, this cronjob will fire a HTTPS function and this function will filter users who have a birthday the day.
You may fire the HTTPS functions with below line at cronjob:
And at index.js
const functions = require('firebase-functions');
const nodemailer = require('nodemailer');
const asyncLoop = require('node-async-loop');
const dB = admin.database();
exports.sendBirthdayMessage = functions.https.onRequest((req, res) => {
var d= new Date();
var day = d.getDate();
var mo = d.getMonth();
// At this moment, I could not find more elegant way to retrive user who has birthday same with the recent month and day. So you may implement this later on.
// Assume you have user birthday has day and month seperately defined.
// Assuming user object has child with `birthMonth` users bd month.
var ref = dB.ref('users').orderByChild('birthMonth').equalTo(mo);
var birthdayUsers=[];
ref.once('value', snp =>{
if (snp.exists()) {
if (u.birthDay==day) {
if (inx==snp.length-1) {
res.send("Birtday message sent !");
function sendBirthdayMessage(users) {
asyncLoop(users, function (item, next) {
const email = item.mail;
const mailOptions = {
from: `${APP_NAME} <>`,
to: email
mailOptions.subject = 'Happy Birthday';
mailOptions.html = 'Hey '+ + ' !' + '<br /><br /> Happy Birtday bla bla bla..'+ '<br /><br />';
mailTransport.sendMail(mailOptions).then(() => {
dB.ref('users/'+item.uid+'/bdstaut').set('bd message sent');
console.log('Bd message sent', email);
}).catch(error => {
console.error('Error:', email, error);
Honestly, above code may contain the syntax error. But I am sure it will work. if you meet any error just console the values at that levels.


Send message and leave server on ready event if not whitelisted (Discord.JS + MongoDB)

I'm coding a whitelist system for my discord bot that, on ready event (and after a 3 seconds delay), checks if every server it is in has it's ID added to the whitelist database on MongoDB. If not, the bot sends an embed and leaves the server. I managed to get it working on the guildCreate event, but on ready event it performs the message and leave actions on every single server without filtering conditions, even though those are added to the list. I cannot figure out why. Also, I'm still new to JavaScript, so it could be just a minor mistake.
const { Client, MessageEmbed } = require("discord.js")
const config = require('../../Files/Configuration/config.json');
const DB = require("../../Schemas/WhitelistDB");
module.exports = {
name: "ready",
once: false,
async execute(client) {
setTimeout(function() { // <--- 3 SECONDS DELAY
client.guilds.cache.forEach(async (guild) => { // <--- CHECK EVERY SERVER
await DB.find({}).then(whitelistServers => { // <--- CHECK MONGODB ID LIST
if(!whitelistServers.includes( {
const channel = guild.channels.cache.filter(c => c.type === 'GUILD_TEXT').random(1)[0]; // <--- SEND MESSAGE TO RANDOM TEXT CHANNEL (It is sending to every server, when it should be sending only to the not whitelisted ones)
if(channel) {
const WhitelistEmbed = new MessageEmbed()
WhitelistEmbed.setDescription(`${config.symbols.ERROR} ${config.messages.SERVER_NOT_WHITELISTED}`)
channel.send({embeds: [WhitelistEmbed]});
client.guilds.cache.get(; // <--- LEAVE SERVER (It is leaving every server, when it should be leaving only the not whitelisted ones)
} else { return }
}, 1000 * 3);
I found the solution myself!
Instead of finding the array of whitelisted ID's for each guild, find one at a time and instead of checking the content of the array, check if the array exists. This is the updated code:
setTimeout(function() {
client.guilds.cache.forEach(async (guild) => {
await DB.findOne({ GuildID: }).then(whitelistServers => {
if(!whitelistServers) {
const channel = guild.channels.cache.filter(c => c.type === 'GUILD_TEXT').random(1)[0];
if(channel) {
const WhitelistEmbed = new MessageEmbed()
WhitelistEmbed.setDescription(`${config.symbols.ERROR} ${config.messages.SERVER_NOT_WHITELISTED}`)
channel.send({embeds: [WhitelistEmbed]});
} else { return }
}, 1000 * 3);

What is correct way to respond from webhook running nodejs?

Trying to implement web-hook (with V2 dialogflow) running nodejs. Received response "MalformedResponse 'final_response' must be set.". Below is the code. To the end of POST ( code block was expecting conv.close would send SimpleResponse. But that's not happening. Need help understand why this error is seen and probable direction to solve it.
const express = require('express');
const {
} = require('actions-on-google')
const bodyParser = require('body-parser');
const request = require('request');
const https = require("https");
const app = express();
const Map = require('es6-map');
// Pretty JSON output for logs
const prettyjson = require('prettyjson');
const toSentence = require('underscore.string/toSentence');
app.use(bodyParser.json({type: 'application/json'}));
app.get("/", function (request, response) {
console.log("Received GET request..!!");
//response.sendFile(__dirname + '/views/index.html');
response.end("Response from my server..!!");
// Handle webhook requests'/', function(req, res, next) {
console.log("Received POST request..!!");
// Log the request headers and body, to aide in debugging. You'll be able to view the
// webhook requests coming from API.AI by clicking the Logs button the sidebar.
console.log('======Req HEADERS================================================');
logObject('Request headers: ', req.headers);
console.log('======Req BODY================================================');
logObject('Request body: ', req.body);
console.log('======Req END================================================');
// Instantiate a new API.AI assistant object.
const assistant = dialogflow({request: req, response: res});
// Declare constants for your action and parameter names
//const PRICE_ACTION = 'price'; // The action name from the API.AI intent
const PRICE_ACTION = 'revenue'; // The action name from the API.AI intent
var price = 0.0
// Create functions to handle intents here
function getPrice(assistant) {
console.log('** Handling action: ' + PRICE_ACTION);
let requestURL = '';
request(requestURL, function(error, response) {
if(error) {
console.log("got an error: " + error);
} else {
price = response.body;
logObject('the current bitcoin price: ' , price);
// Respond to the user with the current temperature.
//assistant.tell("The demo price is " + price);
var reponseText = 'The demo price is ' + price;
// Leave conversation with SimpleResponse
assistant.intent(PRICE_ACTION, conv => {
conv.close(new SimpleResponse({
speech: responseText,
displayText: responseText,
}); //End of
// Handle errors.
app.use(function (err, req, res, next) {
res.status(500).send('Oppss... could not check the price');
// Pretty print objects for logging.
function logObject(message, object, options) {
console.log(prettyjson.render(object, options));
// Listen for requests.
let server = app.listen(process.env.PORT || 3000, function () {
console.log('Your app is listening on ' + JSON.stringify(server.address()));
In general, The "final_response" must be set error is because you didn't send anything back. You have a lot going on in your code, and while you're on the right track, there are a few things in the code that could be causing this error.
First - in the code, it looks like you are confused about how to send a response. You have both a call to conv.close() and the commented out assistant.tell(). The conv.close() or conv.ask() methods are the way to send a reply using this version of the library. The tell() method was used by a previous version and is no longer supported.
Next, your code looks like it is only setting up the assistant object when the routing function is called. While this can be done, it is not the usual way to do it. Typically you'll create the assistant object and setup the Intent handlers (using assistant.intent()) as part of the program initialization. This is a rough equivalent to setting up the express app and the routes for it before the request itself comes in.
The portion that sets up the Assistant and then hooks it into a route might look something like this:
const assistant = dialogflow();'/', assistant);
If you really wanted to examine the request and response objects first, you might do this as something like
const assistant = dialogflow();'/', function( req, res ){
assistant( req, res );
Related to this appears to be that you're trying to execute code in the route handler and then trying to call the intent handler. Again, this might be possible, but isn't the suggested way to use the library. (And I haven't tried to debug your code to see if there are problems in how you're doing it to see if you're doing it validly.) More typical would be to call getPrice() from inside the Intent handler instead of trying to call it from inside the route handler.
But this leads to another problem. The getPrice() function calls request(), which is an asynchronous call. Async calls are one of the biggest problems that causes an empty response. If you are using an async call, you must return a Promise. The easiest way to use a Promise with request() is to use the request-promise-native package instead.
So that block of code might look something (very roughly) like this:
const rp = require('request-promise-native');
function getPrice(){
return rp.get(url)
.then( body => {
// In this case, the body is the value we want, so we'll just return it.
// But normally we have to get some part of the body returned
return body;
assistant.intent(PRICE_ACTION, conv => {
return getPrice()
.then( price => {
let msg = `The price is ${price}`;
conv.close( new SimpleResponse({
speech: msg,
displayText: msg
The important thing to note about both getPrice() and the intent handler are that they both return a Promise.
Finally, there are some odd aspects in your code. Lines such as res.status(500).send('Oppss... could not check the price'); probably won't do what you think they will do. It won't, for example, send a message to be spoken. Instead, the Assistant will just close the connection and say that something went wrong.
Many thanks to #Prisoner. Below is the V2 working solution based on above comments. Same has been verified on nodejs webhook (without firebase). V1 version of the code was referenced from
Happy coding..!!
// init project pkgs
const express = require('express');
const rp = require('request-promise-native');
const {
} = require('actions-on-google')
const bodyParser = require('body-parser');
const request = require('request');
const app = express().use(bodyParser.json());
// Instantiate a new API.AI assistant object.
const assistant = dialogflow();
// Handle webhook requests'/', function(req, res, next) {
console.log("Received POST request..!!");
console.log('======Req HEADERS============================================');
console.log('Request headers: ', req.headers);
console.log('======Req BODY===============================================');
console.log('Request body: ', req.body);
console.log('======Req END================================================');
assistant(req, res);
// Declare constants for your action and parameter names
const PRICE_ACTION = 'revenue'; // The action name from the API.AI intent
var price = 0.0
// Invoke http request to obtain blockchain price
function getPrice(){
console.log('getPrice is invoked');
var url = '';
return rp.get(url)
.then( body => {
// In this case, the body is the value we want, so we'll just return it.
// But normally we have to get some part of the body returned
console.log('The demo price is ' + body);
return body;
// Handle AoG assistant intent
assistant.intent(PRICE_ACTION, conv => {
console.log('intent is triggered');
return getPrice()
.then(price => {
let msg = 'The demo price is ' + price;
conv.close( new SimpleResponse({
speech: msg,
// Listen for requests.
let server = app.listen(process.env.PORT || 3000, function () {
console.log('Your app is listening on ' + JSON.stringify(server.address()));

Fromname in mail using sendgrid mail api

I'm trying to send emails using sendgrid mail API.
Everything works fine. However, I want my emails to have a specific name.
Not the prefix of the sender's address, which is coming up by default.
I changed the From value to "MY_email_name <>". But it didn't work.
I have set the From_Name field to "MY_email_name". That too didn't work.
However, it's working when I not read the html content from an external file and instead give some inline. In that case it is sending me the email_name.
Any idea about how I can do this with reading the content.
var sendgrid = require('sendgrid')('MY_APP_SECRET');
var fs = require('fs');
var content;
// First I want to read the file
fs.readFile(__dirname+'/email.html', function read(err, data) {
if (err) {
throw err;
content = data;
// Invoke the next step here however you like
//console.log(content); // Put all of the code here (not the best solution)
processFile(); // Or put the next step in a function and invoke it
function processFile() {
module.exports = function sendMail(mailObject){
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject){
// create a new email instance
var email = new sendgrid.Email();
email.addHeader('X-Sent-Using', 'SendGrid-API');
email.addHeader('X-Transport', 'web');
//send mail
sendgrid.send(email, function(err, json) {
//if something went wrong
if (err) { reject({
res : json,
}); }
statusText: 'OK',
res : json

Error while trying to use the "reply-to" in google apps script

I'm using google apps script to get the responses of a specific form in an specific e-mail,
What I'm trying to do is use a google form to open support tickets, so people need fill some fields like, title, description and e-mail,
And when they submit the form, it will automatically open a ticket, but the e-mail will be always from the owner of the form, and this was a problem because we want that the person who opened the ticket receives email updates, so what I'm trying to do is this:
I put a field in the form asking the persons email, and I'm trying to put that e-mail into the reply-to...
And apparently I'm in the right way to catch that e-mail but the reply-to don't show the email that the persons filled the box, it appears an error: [Ljava.lang.Object;#34dfe075
Does any one can help me?
Here is my script:
function Initialize() {
var triggers = ScriptApp.getProjectTriggers();
for(var i in triggers) {
function SendGoogleForm(e)
var email = "";
var form = e.namedValues;
var subject = form["Title"];
var s = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
var columns = s.getRange(1,1,1,s.getLastColumn()).getValues()[0];
var message = "";
for ( var keys in columns ) {
var key = columns[keys];
if ( e.namedValues[key] && (e.namedValues[key] != "") ) {
message += key + ' :: '+ e.namedValues[key] + "\n\n";
GmailApp.sendEmail(email, subject, message, {replyTo: form["E-mail"], from: ""});
} catch (e) {
And here is the output of this:
reply-to: [Ljava.lang.Object;#34dfe075
date: Fri, Oct 17, 2014 at 10:55 AM
subject: New Test
The reply to, is broken :(
The values returned in the e.namedValues property are arrays, so you must access them as such.
Modify your sendEmail line as follows:
GmailApp.sendEmail(email, subject, message, {replyTo: form["E-mail"][0], from: ""});
Note the [0] array index on the form["E-Mail"] field, indicating you want the first value in that array, which will be the email address entered.
See the example next to "e.namedValues" here:

Google Form Email Notification On Submission

I'm trying to update this script to allow me to update the "Sender's" or "Reply To" email address. I'm unsure how to do this as I'm using the script listed here -
I've emailed the developer of this script but have yet to receive a response. Any advice on adding a field to overwrite the default "Reply To" or sender email address?
Thanks for your help!
/* Send Google Form by Email v2.0 */
/* For customization, contact the developer at */
/* Tutorial: */
function Initialize() {
var triggers = ScriptApp.getScriptTriggers();
for(var i in triggers) {
function SendGoogleForm(e)
// You may replace this with another email address
// Optional but change the following variable
// to have a custom subject for Google Form email notifications
var subject = "Form Application Submitted";
var s = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
var columns = s.getRange(1,1,1,s.getLastColumn()).getValues()[0];
var message = "";
// Only include form fields that are not blank
for ( var keys in columns ) {
var key = columns[keys];
if ( e.namedValues[key] && (e.namedValues[key] != "") ) {
message += key + ' :: '+ e.namedValues[key] + "\n\n";
// This is the MailApp service of Google Apps Script
// that sends the email. You can also use GmailApp for HTML Mail.
MailApp.sendEmail(email, subject, message);
} catch (e) {
MailApp.sendEmail(email, subject, message);
GmailApp.sendEmail(email, subject, message, {replyTo: "", from: ""});
The from address has to be an alias though.