how to write e2e test automation for application containing kafka, postgres, and rest api docker containers - rest

I have an app which is setup by docker-compose. The app contains docker containers for kafka, postgres, rest api endpoints.
One test case is to post data to endpoints. In the data, there is a field called callback URL. the app will parse the data and send the data to the callback URL.
I am curious whether there is any test framework for similar test cases. and how to verify the callback URL is hit with data?

Docker compose support has been added to endly. In the pipeline workflow for the app (app.yaml), you can add a "deploy" task and start the docker services by invoking docker-compose up.
Once test task is completed and your callback url is invoked, in your validation task, you can check to see if it was invoked with the expected data. For this you can utilize endly's recording feature and replay it to validate the callback request.
Below is an example of an ETL application app.yaml using docker-compose with endly to start the docker services. Hope it helps.
tasks: $tasks
app: $app
version: $version
sdk: $sdk
useRegistry: false
name: Build GBQ ETL
description: Using a endly shared workflow to build
workflow: app/docker/build
URL: ./../../
credentials: localhost
buildPath: /tmp/go/src/etl/app
github: git
- apt-get -y install git
- export GOPATH=/tmp/go
- cd $buildPath
- go get -u .
- $output:/Username/? ${github.username}
- $output:/Password/? ${github.password}
- export CGO_ENABLED=0
- go build -o $app
- chmod +x $app
/$buildPath/${app}: $releasePath
/$buildPath/ $releasePath
/$buildPath/ $releasePath
/$buildPath/VERSION: $releasePath
/$buildPath/docker-compose.yaml: $releasePath
action: docker:composeUp
target: $target
URL: ${releasePath}docker-compose.yaml

In your question below, where is Kafka involved? Both sound like HTTP calls.
1)Post data to endpoint
2)Against send data to the callback URL
One test case is to post data to endpoints. In the data, there is a field called callback URL. the app will parse the data and send the data to the callback URL.
Assuming the callback URL is an HTTP endpoint(e.g. REST or SOAP) with POST/PUT api, then it's better to expose a GET endpoint on the same resource. In that case, when callback POST/PUT is invoked, the server side state/data changes and next, use the GET api to verify the data is correct. The output of the GET API is the Kafka data which was sent to the callback URL(this assumes your 1st post message was to a kafka topic).

You can achieve this using traditional JUnit way using bit of code or via declarative way where you can completely bypass coding.
The example has dockerized Kafka containers to bring up locally and run the tests
This section Kafka with REST APIs explains automated way of testing combination of REST api testing with Kafka data streams .
scenarioName: Kafka and REST api validation example
- name: produce_to_kafka
url: kafka-topic:people-address
operation: PRODUCE
recordType: JSON
- key: id-lon-123
id: id-lon-123
postCode: UK-BA9
status: Ok
recordMetadata: "$NOT.NULL"
- name: verify_updated_address
url: "/api/v1/addresses/${$.produce_to_kafka.request.records[0]}"
operation: GET
X-GOVT-API-KEY: top-key-only-known-to-secu-cleared
status: 200
id: "${$.produce_to_kafka.request.records[0]}"
postCode: "${$.produce_to_kafka.request.records[0].value.postcode}"

Idaithalam is a low code Test automation Framework, developed using Java and Cucumber. It leverages Behavior Driven Development (BDD). Tester can create test cases/scripts in simple Excel with API Spec. Excel is a simplified way to create Json based test scripts in Idaithalam. Test cases can be created quickly and tested in minutes.
As a tester, you need to create Excel and pass it to Idaithalam Framework.
First, generate the Json based test scripts(Virtualan Collection) from Excel. During test execution, this test script collection can be directly utilized.
Then it generates Feature files from the Virtualan Collection and its executed.
Lastly, It generates test report in BDD/Cucumber style.
This provide complete testing support for REST APIs, GraphQL, RDBMS DB and Kafka Event messages
Refer following link for more information to set up and execute.
How to create test scripts using excel


Differences in designing a serverless function vs. regular server

I am wondering what approach in designing serverless functions to take, while taking designing a regular server as a point of reference.
With a traditional server, one would focus on defining collections and then CRUD operations one can run on each of them (HTTP verbs such as GET or POST).
For example, you would have a collection of users, and you can get all records via app.get('/users', ...), get specific one via app.get('/users/{id}', ...) or create one via'/users', ...).
How differently would you approach designing a serverless function? Specifically:
Is there a sense in differentiating between HTTP operations or would you just go with POST? I find it useful to have them defined on the client side, to decide if I want to retry in case of an error (if the operation is idempotent, it will be safe to retry etc.), but it does not seem to matter in the back-end.
Naming. I assume you would use something like getAllUsers() when with a regular server you would define collection of users and then just use GET to specify what you want to do with it.
Size of functions: if you need to do a number of things in the back-end in one step. Would you define a number of small functions, such as lookupUser(), endTrialForUser() (fired if user we got from lookupUser() has been on trial longer than 7 days) etc. and then run them one after another from the client (deciding if trial should be ended on the client - seems quite unsafe), or would you just create a getUser() and then handle all the logic there?
Routing. In serverless functions, we can't really do anything like .../users/${id}/accountData. How would you go around fetching nested data? Would you just return a complete JSON every time?
I have been looking for some comprehensive articles on the matter but no luck. Any suggestions?
This is a very broad question that you've asked. Let me try answering it point by point.
Firstly, the approach that you're talking about here is the Serverless API project approach. You can clone their sample project to get a better understanding of how you can build REST apis for performing CRUD operations. Start by installing the SAM cli and then run the following commands.
$ sam init
Which template source would you like to use?
1 - AWS Quick Start Templates
2 - Custom Template Location
Choice: 1
Cloning from
Choose an AWS Quick Start application template
1 - Hello World Example
2 - Multi-step workflow
3 - Serverless API
4 - Scheduled task
5 - Standalone function
6 - Data processing
7 - Infrastructure event management
8 - Machine Learning
Template: 3
Which runtime would you like to use?
1 - dotnetcore3.1
2 - nodejs14.x
3 - nodejs12.x
4 - python3.9
5 - python3.8
Runtime: 2
Based on your selections, the only Package type available is Zip.
We will proceed to selecting the Package type as Zip.
Based on your selections, the only dependency manager available is npm.
We will proceed copying the template using npm.
Project name [sam-app]: sample-app
Generating application:
Name: sample-app
Runtime: nodejs14.x
Architectures: x86_64
Dependency Manager: npm
Application Template: quick-start-web
Output Directory: .
Next steps can be found in the README file at ./sample-app/
Commands you can use next
[*] Create pipeline: cd sample-app && sam pipeline init --bootstrap
[*] Test Function in the Cloud: sam sync --stack-name {stack-name} --watch
Comings to your questions point wise:
Yes, you should differentiate your HTTP operations with their suitable HTTP verbs. This can be configured at the API Gateway and can be checked for in the Lambda code. Check the source code of handlers & the template.yml file from the project you've just cloned with SAM.
// src/handlers/get-by-id.js
if (event.httpMethod !== 'GET') {
throw new Error(`getMethod only accepts GET method, you tried: ${event.httpMethod}`);
# template.yml
Type: Api
Path: /{id}
Method: GET
The naming is totally up to the developer. You can follow the same approach that you're following with your regular server project.
You can define the handler with name getAllUsers or users and then set the path of that resource to GET /users in the AWS API Gateway. You can choose the HTTP verbs of your desire. Check this tutorial out for better understanding.
Again this up to you. You can create a single Lambda that handles all that logic or create individual Lambdas that are triggered one after another by the client based on the response from the previous API. I would say, create a single Lambda and just return the cumulative response to reduce the number of requests. But again, this totally depends on the UI integration. If your screens demand separate API calls, then please, by all means create individual lambdas.
This is not true. We can have dynamic routes specified in the API Gateway.
You can easily set wildcards in your routes by using {variableName} while setting the routes in API Gateway.
GET /users/{userId}
The userId will then be available at your disposal in the lambda function via event.pathParameters.
GET /users/{userId}?a=x
Similarly, you could even pass query strings and access them via event.queryStringParameters in code. Have a look at working with routes.
Tutorial I would recommend for you:
Tutorial: Build a CRUD API with Lambda and DynamoDB

GitHub Actions: How to dynamically set environment url based on deployment step output?

I found out about a really nice GitHub Actions Feature called Environments. Using the appropriate syntax a Environment could also be created inside a GitHub Action workflow.yml like this:
name: test_environment
As the docs state thats a valid way to create GitHub Action Environments:
Running a workflow that references an environment that does not exist
will create an environment with the referenced name.
But inside my current GitHub Action workflow is there a way I dynamically set the url based on a deployment step output? I have a dynamic URL resulting from the deployment process to AWS which I can't define up-front.
The job workflow docs tell us that there's also a way of using expressions inside the url field:
name: test_environment
url: ${{ steps.step_name.outputs.url_output }}
Now imagine a ci.yml workflow file that uses AWS CLI to deploy a static website to S3, where we used a tool like Pulumi to dynamically create a S3 Bucket inside our AWS account. We can read the dynamically created S3 url using the following command pulumi stack output bucketName. The deploy step inside the ci.yml could then look like this:
- name: Deploy Nuxt.js generated static site to S3 Bucket via AWS CLI
id: aws-sync
run: |
aws s3 sync ../dist/ s3://$(pulumi stack output bucketName) --acl public-read
echo "::set-output name=s3_url::http://$(pulumi stack output bucketUrl)"
working-directory: ./deployment
There are 2 crucial points here: First we should use id inside the deployment step to define a step name we could easily access via step_name inside our environment:url. Second we need to define a step output using echo "::set-output name=s3_url::http://$(pulumi stack output bucketUrl)". In this example I create a variable s3_url. You could replace the pulumi stack output bucketUrl with any other command you'd like or tool you use, which responds with your dynamic environment url.
Be also sure to add a http:// or https:// in order to prevent an error message like this:
Environment URL '' is not a valid http(s) URL, so it will not be shown as a link in the workflow graph.
Now the environment definition at the top of our ci.yml can access the s3_url output variable from our deployment step like this:
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
name: microservice-ui-nuxt-js-deployment
url: ${{ }}
- name: Checkout
Using we reference the deployment step directly, since we defined it with the id. The appended .outputs.s3_url then directly references the variable containing our S3 url. If you defined everything correctly the GitHub Actions UI will render the environment URL directly below the finished job:
Here's also a fully working workflow embedded inside a example project.

Prisma 1 + MongoDB Atlas deploy to Heroku returns error 404

I've deployed a Prisma 1 GraphQL server app on Heroku, connected to a MongoDB Atlas cluster.
Running prisma deploy locally with the default endpoint http://localhost:4466, the action being run successfully and all the schemas are being generated correctly.
But, if I change the endpoint with the Heroku remote host https://<myapp>, prisma deploy fails, returning this exception:
ERROR: GraphQL Error (Code: 404)
"error": "\n<html lang="en">\n\n<meta charset="utf-8">\nError\n\n\nCannot POST /management\n\n\n",
"status": 404
I think that's could be related to an authentication problem, but I'm getting confused because I've defined both security token in prisma.yml than the management API secret key in docker-compose.yml.
Here's my current configs if it could be helpful:
# The HTTP endpoint for your Prisma API
# Tried with https://<myapp> only too with the same result
endpoint: https://<myapp>
# Points to the file that contains your datamodel
datamodel: datamodel.prisma
databaseType: document
# Specifies language & location for the generated Prisma client
- generator: javascript-client
output: ../src/generated/prisma-client
# Ensures Prisma client is re-generated after a datamodel change.
- prisma generate
version: '3'
image: prismagraphql/prisma:1.34
restart: always
- "4466:4466"
port: 4466
# uncomment the next line and provide the env var PRISMA_MANAGEMENT_API_SECRET=my-secret to activate cluster security
connector: mongo
uri: mongodb+srv://${MONGO_DB_USER}:${MONGO_DB_PASSWORD}#${MONGO_DB_CLUSTER}/myapp?retryWrites=true&w=majority
database: myapp
Plus, a weird situation happens too. In both cases, if I try to navigate the resulting API with GraphQL Playground, clicking on the tab "Schema" returns an error. On the other side, the tab "Docs" is being populated correctly. Apparently, seems that the exception is blocking the script finishing to generate the rest of the schemas.
A little help by someone experienced with Prisma/Heroku would be awesome.
Thanks in advance.
To date, I still do not clear what was causing the exception in detail. But looking deeply on Prisma docs, I discovered that in version 1 there's the necessity to proxy the app through the Prisma Cloud.
So probably, deploying straight on Heroku without it, was generating the main issue: basically there wasn't any Prisma container service running on the server.
What I did is to follow step by step the official doc about how to deploy your server on Prisma Cloud (here's the video version). As in the example shown in the guide, I already have my own project, which is actually splitted in two different apps: respectively one for the client (front-end) and one for the API (back-end). So, instead to generate a new one, I pointed the back-end API endpoint to the remote URL of the Prisma server generated by the cloud (the Heroku container created by following the tutorial). Then, leaving the management secret API key only on the Prisma server container configuration (which has been generated automatically by the cloud) and, on the other hand, the service secret only on the back-end app, finally I was able to run the prisma deploy correctly and run my project remotely.

Call nifi processor as a rest api

I want to call a Nifi custom processor as a REST Api and pass the parameters at run-time through pyspark. And retrieve the results in the response object.
Can anyone please help me in suggesting different approaches for the same.
use the following sequence of processors:
extract patameters
your other processors...
prepare response
The steps are:
Configure HandleHttpRequest processor.
Enable the required HTTP methods (GET, POST, DELETE, etc.).
Set the listening port.
Attached the Context Map to a service (the listener).
5. Enable the service and the processor.
If you run Nifi from a Docker container, as I do, you should get the container's IP:
docker inspect <container-name> --format='{{.NetworkSettings.IPAddress}}'
Now, you can run Postman, and the HandleHttpRequest processor will fetch it. For example:
I created a simple template to exemplify this scenario. The HTTP request's body is saved into a directory:

Yarn get logs with rest API

In Hadoop2, is it possible to use the rest API to get the same result as:
yarn logs -applicationId <application ID>
This is a pain and I don't have a happy answer, but I can point you to some resources.
The YARN CLI dumps logs by going to the file system. If your application can access HDFS, it can do the same thing (but it's not simple).
Alternatively, you can get the application master log URL (but not the log contents) using the rest call http:///ws/v1/cluster/apps/{appid}. From this URL, you can fetch an HTML page with the log contents, which will be returned in a <pre> tag with encoded HTML entities (& etc).
If your application is still running, you can get the raw logs using the container id from the above URL: http:///ws/v1/node/containerlogs/{containerId}/stdout. This was implemented as part of YARN-649.
YARN-1264 looks like exactly what you want, but was Closed-Duplicate with the above JIRA. That wasn't quite accurate, since the CLI and web page can get the logs after the container is finished, but the REST service above can't.