how to use synchronization in scala - scala

I am creating an actor and I want to create it the first time and then use its actor reference whenever that actor is needed. Here is the code
val actorPath = "akka://testActorSystem/user/'"
object ActorManager {
def getTestActorRef: ActorRef = {
var actorRef: Option[ActorRef] = None
this.synchronized {
val sel = system.actorSelection(actorPath + "testActor");
val future1 = sel.resolveOne()
val res: Try[ActorRef] = Await.ready(future1, timeout.duration).value.get
res match {
case Success(actorref) =>
actorRef = Some(actorref)
case Failure(e) =>
val testActor = system.actorOf(Props[TestActor], name = "testActor")
actorRef = Some(testActor)
Q1->Is that the right way to achieve my desired functionality?
The problem I am having is whenever this code is called in two places at the same time.
it throws two different exceptions: Actor not found for: ActorSelection[Anchor(akka://testActorSystem/), Path(/user/'testActor)]
at$$anonfun$resolveOne$1.apply(ActorSelection.scala:65) ~[akka-actor_2.11-2.3.6.jar:na]
at$$anonfun$resolveOne$1.apply(ActorSelection.scala:63) ~[akka-actor_2.11-2.3.6.jar:na]
and: actor name [testActor] is not unique!
at$NormalChildrenContainer.reserve(ChildrenContainer.scala:130) ~[akka-actor_2.11-2.3.6.jar:na]
at$class.reserveChild(Children.scala:77) ~[akka-actor_2.11-2.3.6.jar:na]
at ~[akka-actor_2.11-2.3.6.jar:na]
I tried to use this.synchronized but it did not help, the problem arises when I am invoking this method more than once
How can I create actor once and use its actorRef again and again without creating it again?

To achieve your goal you just need:
object ActorManager {
val getTestActorRef: ActorRef = system.actorOf(Props[TestActor], name = "testActor")
this will create actor once and it will be available. You do not need all these thing with actorSelection, synchronized and so on.
So you will get static reference to ActorRef you can use to send messages. Actor for this reference will be created once in background.


Scala akka typed: how to get ActorRef to Actor from it's instance and send message itself?

I want to send message from Actor instance (case class/class from what it's behaviour created) to it's Actor.
I gain it by saving instance, and then save ActorRef in it:
val (instance, behaviour) = MyActorInstance(Nothing)
val actor = ActorSystem(instance, "SomeName123")
//save it here
object MyActorInstance {
def apply(ctx: ActorContext[Commands]): (MyActorInstance,Behavior[Commands]) = {
val actorInstance = new MyActorInstance(ctx)
val behaviour: Behavior[Commands] =
Behaviors.setup { context =>
Behaviors.receiveMessage { msg =>
class MyActorInstance(context: ActorContext[Commands]) extends AbstractBehavior[Commands](context) {
protected var myActorRef: ActorRef[Commands] = null
def setMyActor(actorRef: ActorRef[Commands]): Unit = {
myActorRef = actorRef
override def onMessage(msg: Commands): Behavior[Commands] = {
msg match {
case SendMyself(msg) =>
myActorRef ! IAmDone(msg)
case IAmDone(msg) =>
println(s"Send $msg to myself!")
Here i save ActorRef to Actor for it's instance in var myActorRef.
Then i use that myActorRef to send message from Actor's instance to itself by SendMyself message.
But for that, as you see, i am using variables, which is not good: to save ActorRef it's need to rewrite field myActorRef of instance of MyActorInstance class from null to ActorRef - it is possible only with variables.
If I try to use val and create immutable class by rewriting its instance for new, and then swap it from old to new, my Actor actor still linked to old instance where myActorRef == null.
Now I found one way: just using var instead of val or immutable class.
But I want to use val or nothing.
For that I need to get ActorRef from it's instance, but how?
There is no reason for such complex dance, just use ctx.self. And please read at least the most basic documentation before asking, it would even have saved you time.

akka - get list of ActorRef from ActorSelection

ActorSelection support wildcard and it allows to send a message to all actors that match the selection:
context.actorSelection("../*") ! msg
Is there a way to retrieve the list of ActorRef that match the selection from the ActorSelection?
From the documentation I can see that there is a resolveOne function but not (for example) a resolveList.
The reason why I want the list of ActorRef is that I would like to use the ask operator on all the actors that match the selection.
Just to be clear here is an example of what I would like to do:
object MyActor {
case object AskAllActors
case object GetActorInfo
class MyActor extends Actor {
import MyActor._
def receive = {
case AskAllActors =>
val actors: List[ActorRef] = context.actorSelection("../*").resolveList()
val result: List[Future[String]] = { a => (a ? GetActorInfo).mapTo[String] }
Future.sequence(result).map { result =>
// do something with result: List[String]
The ability to get a list of the form
val timeout : FiniteDuration = 10 seconds
val actorList = actorSelection.resolveMany(timeout)
does not exist. I suspect the reason is because once the timeout expires there is a chance that an Iterable, of non-zero length, is returned but it would be impossible to know if the Iterable is comprehensive. Some Actors may not have had enough time to respond. With resolveOne the issue does not exist, the first responding ActorRef is the result.
Based on the documentation it looks like you could use the Identify message to have all of the Actors specified in an actorSelection respond with identification:
class Follower extends Actor {
val identifyId = 1
context.actorSelection("../*") ! Identify(identifyId)
def receive = {
case ActorIdentity(`identifyId`, Some(ref)) => ...

How to send iterables between actors or from an actor to a Future?

A future from the main method of a program sends a msg to its actor asking for an iterable object. The actor then creates another future that asks for the iterable object (say an ArrayBuffer) from a remote actor. After receiving the ArrayBuffer from the remote actor, how would the actor send it back to the first future in the main method? It seems creating a local alias of sender and creating a separate case class to represent the iterable does not prevent dead letters from being encountered.
Here is a sample code:
case class SequenceObject(sqnce:Seq[someArrayBuffer])
implicit val timeout = Timeout(10 seconds)
val fut1: Future[Any] = myActor ? iNeedAnArrayBufferObject
fut1.onSuccess {
case listOfItems: SequenceObject => {
//do sth with listofItems.sqnce
class myActor extends Actor {
implicit val timeout = Timeout(1 seconds)
def receive = {
case a: iNeedAnArrayBufferObject => {
val originalSender = sender
val fut: Future[Any] = (remoteActor ? a)
fut.onSuccess {
case list: SequenceObject => {
originalSender ! SequenceObject(list.sqnce)
The remote actor code is:
class ServerActorClass extends Actor {
def receive = {
case a: iNeedAnArrayBufferObject => {
val closer = sender()
closer ! SequenceObject(ArrayBufferObject[information])
The above does not seem to work. The remote actor and the local actor can communicate and messages are received correctly. However, the iterable object is never send back to fut1. Why is that? Thanks in advance.
Check pipeTo pattern in Ask: Send-And-Receive-Future section

on demand actor get or else create

I can create actors with actorOf and look them with actorFor. I now want to get an actor by some id:String and if it doesnt exist, I want it to be created. Something like this:
def getRCActor(id: String):ActorRef = {"getting actor %s".format(id))
var a = system.actorFor(id)
if(a.isTerminated){"actor is terminated, creating new one")
return system.actorOf(Props[RC], id:String)
return a
But this doesn't work as isTerminated is always true and I get actor name 1 is not unique! exception for the second call. I guess I am using the wrong pattern here. Can someone help how to achieve this? I need
Create actors on demand
Lookup actors by id and if not present create them
Ability to destroy on, as I don't know if I will need it again
Should I use a Dispatcher or Router for this?
As proposed I use a concrete Supervisor that holds the available actors in a map. It can be asked to provide one of his children.
class RCSupervisor extends Actor {
implicit val timeout = Timeout(1 second)
var as = Map.empty[String, ActorRef]
def getRCActor(id: String) = as get id getOrElse {
val c = context actorOf Props[RC]
as += id -> c
context watch c"created actor")
def receive = {
case Find(id) => {
sender ! getRCActor(id)
case Terminated(ref) => {"actor terminated")
as = as filterNot { case (_, v) => v == ref }
His companion object
object RCSupervisor {
// this is specific to Playframework (Play's default actor system)
var supervisor = Akka.system.actorOf(Props[RCSupervisor])
implicit val timeout = Timeout(1 second)
def findA(id: String): ActorRef = {
val f = (supervisor ? Find(id))
Await.result(f, timeout.duration).asInstanceOf[ActorRef]
I've not been using akka for that long, but the creator of the actors is by default their supervisor. Hence the parent can listen for their termination;
var as = Map.empty[String, ActorRef]
def getRCActor(id: String) = as get id getOrElse {
val c = context actorOf Props[RC]
as += id -> c
context watch c
But obviously you need to watch for their Termination;
def receive = {
case Terminated(ref) => as = as filterNot { case (_, v) => v == ref }
Is that a solution? I must say I didn't completely understand what you meant by "terminated is always true => actor name 1 is not unique!"
Actors can only be created by their parent, and from your description I assume that you are trying to have the system create a non-toplevel actor, which will always fail. What you should do is to send a message to the parent saying “give me that child here”, then the parent can check whether that currently exists, is in good health, etc., possibly create a new one and then respond with an appropriate result message.
To reiterate this extremely important point: get-or-create can ONLY ever be done by the direct parent.
I based my solution to this problem on oxbow_lakes' code/suggestion, but instead of creating a simple collection of all the children actors I used a (bidirectional) map, which might be beneficial if the number of child actors is significant.
import play.api._
import scala.collection.mutable.Map
trait ResponsibleActor[K] extends Actor {
val keyActorRefMap: Map[K, ActorRef] = Map[K, ActorRef]()
val actorRefKeyMap: Map[ActorRef, K] = Map[ActorRef, K]()
def getOrCreateActor(key: K, props: => Props, name: => String): ActorRef = {
keyActorRefMap get key match {
case Some(ar) => ar
case None => {
val newRef: ActorRef = context.actorOf(props, name)
//newRef shouldn't be present in the map already (if the key is different)
actorRefKeyMap get newRef match{
case Some(x) => throw new Exception{}
case None =>
keyActorRefMap += Tuple2(key, newRef)
actorRefKeyMap += Tuple2(newRef, key)
def getOrCreateActorSimple(key: K, props: => Props): ActorRef = getOrCreateActor(key, props, key.toString)
* method analogous to Actor's receive. Any subclasses should implement this method to handle all messages
* except for the Terminate(ref) message passed from children
def responsibleReceive: Receive
def receive: Receive = {
case Terminated(ref) => {
//removing both key and actor ref from both maps
val pr: Option[Tuple2[K, ActorRef]] = for{
key <- actorRefKeyMap.get(ref)
reref <- keyActorRefMap.get(key)
} yield (key, reref)
pr match {
case None => //error
case Some((key, reref)) => {
actorRefKeyMap -= ref
keyActorRefMap -= key
case sth => responsibleReceive(sth)
To use this functionality you inherit from ResponsibleActor and implement responsibleReceive. Note: this code isn't yet thoroughly tested and might still have some issues. I ommited some error handling to improve readability.
Currently you can use Guice dependency injection with Akka, which is explained at You have to create an accompanying module for the actor. In its configure method you then need to create a named binding to the actor class and some properties. The properties could come from a configuration where, for example, a router is configured for the actor. You can also put the router configuration in there programmatically. Anywhere you need a reference to the actor you inject it with #Named("actorname"). The configured router will create an actor instance when needed.

Turning Scala Actors To Akka Actors: One Instance To Call Methods On

Recently I was switching from scala actors to akka actors, but noticed that akka actors use ActorRef instead of the instance object:
val actorRef: ActorRef = Actor.actorOf(new MyActor)
So I tried:
val myActor = new MyActor
val actorRef: ActorRef = Actor.actorOf(x)
... to have both: 1) ActorRef to send messages and 2) MyActor to call methods on.
But I got: ActorRef for instance of actor [MyActor] is not in scope.
So my question is: How can I obtain an instance (of some type) on which I can call ActorRef-like methods like ! AND also methods from the MyActor instance?
What you're doing is a terrible idea. So just stop right now, step away from the keyboard, and go to the Akka Documentation and read up on Actors.
Consider this:
class YourActor extends Actor {
var mutableStuff = ...
def receive = {
case _ =>
// mess with mutableStuff
def publicMethod = // mess with mutableStuff
Now, set up your system and start sending messages and calling that method from other threads. Boom!
You're doing precisely what Akka and the Actor model help you prevent. You're actually bending over backwards to break what they've already fixed :) They won't let you do it.
Now, you can unit test by accessing methods directly but you need a TestActorRef for that. While you're reading the docs, read through the section on Testing.
The best that I can up with is the following, quite dirty:
Is there a better way?
trait ActorCom {
var actorRefForInitialization: ActorRef = _
lazy val actorRef: ActorRef = actorRefForInitialization
def ?(message: Any)(implicit channel: UntypedChannel = NullChannel, timeout: Actor.Timeout = Actor.defaultTimeout) = actorRef ? message
def !(msg: Any)(implicit sender: UntypedChannel) = actorRef ! msg
def start = actorRef.start
object AkkaActorFactory {
def apply[A <: Actor](newInstance: => A with ActorCom): A with ActorCom = {
var instance: Option[A with ActorCom] = None
val actorRef = Actor.actorOf({
instance = Some(newInstance)
instance.get.actorRefForInitialization = actorRef
instance.get.actorRef // touch lazy val in ActorCom, to make it equal to actorRef and then its fixed (immutable)
class MyActor extends Actor {
def receive = {
case "test1" => println("good")
case "test2" => println("fine")
case _ => println("bad")
def sendTestMsg2Myself = self ! "test2"
val myActor = AkkaActorFactory(newInstance = new MyActor with ActorCom)
myActor ! "test1"
myActor.sendTestMsg2Myself // example for calling methods on MyActor-instance
myActor ! PoisonPill