How to shutdown my windows 10 PC from my raspberry pi 3 - raspberry-pi

How do I shutdown my windows 10 PC from my raspberry pi 3? (I would like to do this wireless if possible)
I have tried:
Shut Down Your Windows PC Remotely From Linux


Raspberry pi interfacing with windows PC

Hello Friends,
I have a raspberry pi powered with Raspbian OS. I want to create a device which will perform some action like "open calculator ,open notepad,etc" on windows pc by commanding from a raspberry pi. So my problem is how to establish communication between raspberry pi and another windows pc ?
If i use VNC and SSH service, can i invoke other programs remotely on pc ?
You could use netcat, also known as nc which is included in most Linux distros and is available for Windows.
All you would do on the Windows box is get your IP address with:
Then you would start listening on some random port, say 5000 because that has no security restrictions and pass whatever arrives on that port to CMD.EXE for execution:
nc -l -p 5000 -e CMD.EXE
Then, on your Raspberry Pi, you would just do:
Now you can type Windows commands in your Rasperry Pi terminal for execution on the Windows box:
There is a "cheatsheet" here and I am using the technique in the section entitled "Backdoor Shells".
Note that this is a big security hole, but if it is just for yourself playing around on a private network, it is nice and simple.

How to remote raspberry pi from putty in Rpi's console mode?

Anyone know how to remote to Raspberry Pi 3 console mode from laptop with putty ?
I can remote successfully in Rpi's desktop mode but in console mode I can't.
Assuming you are running Raspbian, SSH is disabled by default, so you must create an empty file named 'ssh' on the SD-card.
You can also
sudo raspberry-config
To enable it through your VNC connection

Windbg not working

I'm trying to Kernel Debug Raspberry PI3 using Bus Pirate, I've followed the instructions to connect them, and also the steps from
However everytime I run the following command
windbg.exe -k com:port=com3,baud=921600
but once I restart I get "waiting to reconnect..." and nothing happens?
Any advice, have you come across this problem? My target is a PI3 and using the latest, 10.0.14393.693 version of Win 10 IoT Core.
Solved this by running the following on Raspberry PI
bcdedit /dbgsettings serial debugport:1 baudrate:115200
On the Host machine running the baudrate of the following
C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Debuggers\x86>windbg.exe -k com:port=COM3,baud=921600

Connect APM 2.6 to Raspberry Pi 3

Earlier, I worked with APM 2.6 with Raspberry Pi B+, Raspberry Pi A+ and all works fine.
Now I try to connect APM 2.6 to Raspberry Pi 3 and Raspberry Pi Zero and I obtained the next problem:
I tried to connect with USB port and the command
sudo **--master=/dev/ttyACM0** --baudrate=115200 --out= --cmd="wp load mission.txt"
I tried to connect with telem port and the command
sudo **--master=/dev/ttyAMA0** --baudrate=57600 --out= --cmd="wp load mission.txt"
sudo **--master=/dev/ttyS0** --baudrate=57600 --out= --cmd="wp load mission.txt"
I always see the next result:
pi#raspberrypi:~/f1/go $ sudo --master=/dev/ttyACM0
--baudrate=115200 --out= --cmd="wp load mission.txt"
Connect /dev/ttyACM0 source_system=255
**Loaded 5 waypoints from mission.txt**
Log Directory:
Telemetry log: mav.tlog
MAV> Waiting for heartbeat from /dev/ttyACM0
So, MAVProxy writes, that waypoints are loaded, but, when I check it using Mission Plans I can't see points. It writes that points are loaded, but they are not.
Help me please to find the solution.

Raspberry pi usb permissions

I can only get output from a connected usb robot arm when I run my Python script in sudo. I assume I need to give normal user permission for the usb device. How would I do this?