Emacs packages not loaded when adding to configuration.nix - emacs

I am following the documentation on https://nixos.org/nixos/manual/ to add packages to emacs. I installed emacs with nix-env -i emacs. As it describes I created a file called emacs.nix
{ pkgs ? import <nixpkgs> {} }:
myEmacs = pkgs.emacs;
emacsWithPackages = (pkgs.emacsPackagesNgGen myEmacs).emacsWithPackages;
emacsWithPackages (
epkgs: (with epkgs.melpaStablePackages; [
] )
And then run nix-build emacs.nix. After that I had a result symlink, as expected. Finally, I confirmed that my packages are working by running emacs with ./result/bin/emacs, run package-initialized and finally checked that the extensions are working.
Now the problem is after I try to add it to my global configuration. As suggested I added the following to my configuration.nix file:
environment.systemPackages = [
# [...]
(import ./emacs.nix { inherit pkgs; })
I run nixos-rebuild switch. This procedure doesn't give access to the packages on emacs.

I recently ran into this problem. Make sure you remove vanilla "pkgs.emacs" from your environment.systemPackages list. Once that is done it worked as expected for me.


mason lsp pyright seems to be download but dosen't work on vim

I have a problem on my nvim LSP.
according to mason plugin the pyright is downloaded and I on other IDE the lsp works great.
when i open python file with neovim it didn't recognized import and basic functions.
someone can handle this situation?
maybe it's because Lspinfo tell me that it didn't get the python root directory?import don't auto complete pythonpyright is downloaded via masonLSPInfo description
on other languages it works so don't really understand the problem
Same as me, at the moment I solved like this (it happens in some languages for me too):
local status_ok, mason = pcall(require, "mason")
if not status_ok then
local status_masonlsp_ok, mason_lspconfig = pcall(require, "mason-lspconfig")
if not status_masonlsp_ok then
local servers = {
-- "csharp_ls",
ensure_installed = servers,
automatic_installation = true,
So when I open nvim they are installed automatically.

Spawning language server with cmd`diagnostic-languageserver`failed. The language server is either not installed, missing from PATH, or not executable

enter image description here
" Spawning language server with cmd: diagnostic-languageserver failed. The language server is either not installed, missing from PATH, or not executable "
nvim problem
i copied devaslife's dotfiles and installed plugin
yesterday it work, but today i entered LSP info after that when i Enter shows that the error
I've resolved this problem by executing the below command
npm install -g diagnostic-languageserver
Use this:
yarn global add diagnostic-languageserver
Probably, it's because you have not set up the right programming language that you are using in the lspconfig.rc.vim, precisely in the nvim_lsp.tsserver.setup part.
I had the same problem because I was in javascript file (.js) and the lsp config that I was using from someone else only supports typescript files. So, I just had to add the javascript, javascriptreact and javascript.jsx. For example :
nvim_lsp.tsserver.setup {
on_attach = on_attach,
filetypes = { "typescript", "typescriptreact", "typescript.tsx", "javascript", "javascriptreact", "javascript.jsx" },
capabilities = capabilities
That is not working for me. In the lspconfig.re.vim, i had to delete the "javascipt", "javasriptreact", "javascript.jsx" types from the nvim_lsp.diagnosticls.setup/filetypes, and then put them in the nvim_lsp.tsserver.setup>filetypes
For windows you can use this:
nvim_lsp.tsserver.setup {
on_attach = on_attach,
filetypes = { "typescript", "typescriptreact", "typescript.tsx" },
cmd = { "typescript-language-server.cmd", "--stdio" }
This will make sure it will run the .cmd file that is along side the .ps1.

Visual Studio Code clangd extension configuration

I am trying to integrate clangd with VS Code using vscode-clangd extension, but I am having problem with configuring include paths...
I created additional config in VS Code settings:
"clangd.path": "path_to_clangd/bin/clangd",
"clangd.arguments": [
but the extension reports lots of missing includes errors.
I have also tried:
but this also didn't work.
Does anyone knows how to configure this extension at all? I am unable to find any documentation at this point.
Your path should be directory to compile_commands.json, not file, and you need to restart the clangd by the vscode-clangd extension
"cmake.buildDirectory": "${workspaceFolder}/debug",
"clangd.arguments": [
change a bit of .clang-tidy file under your project root directory, if no, create one with something
the vscode-clangd will prompt you to restart the clangd
check the clangd process, it should something similar to
❯ ps -Af | grep clangd
awei 285478 282126 0 10:42 ? 00:00:03 /opt/llvm-10.0.0/bin/clangd -background-index -compile-commands-dir=debug
This is my answer, it works:
"clangd.path": "/Users/jiewang/Library/Application Support/Code/User/globalStorage/llvm-vs-code-extensions.vscode-clangd/install/11.0.0/clangd_11.0.0/bin/clangd",
"clangd.arguments": [
It seems that the compile_commands.json has to be in the Folder root directory for the extension to find it.
I just add a symlink:
ln -s /path-to-build-dir/compile_commands.json /path-to-src-root-dir/

Reprocessing - VSCode Reason Refmt breaks project

I'm hunting a fun little bug in a tiny reprocessing test: reprocessing01.
The project builds just fine until I make a change and trigger refmt via vscode, and then the project will no longer compile.
Here's the code that compiles and runs just fine for me before making any changes.
open Reprocessing;
type stateT = {
image: imageT,
let setup = (env) => {
Env.size(~width=800, ~height=600, env);
let image = Draw.loadImage(
~isPixel=false, env);
image: image
let draw = ({image} as state, env) => {
Draw.background(Constants.white, env);
run(~setup, ~draw, ());
If I open the project in vscode, make a change such as adding let myvar = 42; at the top, and save to trigger refmt, that introduces this error:
/Users/myer/dev/react/reasonml-playground/reprocessing01/node_modules/bs-platform/lib/bsc.exe -pp "/Users/myer/dev/react/reasonml-playground/reprocessing01/node_modules/bs-platform/lib/refmt3.exe --print binary" -bs-super-errors -w -30-40+6+7+27+32..39+44+45+101 -bs-D BSB_BACKEND="bytecode" -nostdlib -I '/Users/myer/dev/react/reasonml-playground/reprocessing01/node_modules/bs-platform/lib/ocaml' -no-alias-deps -color always -c -o src/index.mlast -bs-syntax-only -bs-simple-binary-ast -bs-binary-ast -impl /Users/myer/dev/react/reasonml-playground/reprocessing01/src/index.re
File "/Users/myer/dev/react/reasonml-playground/reprocessing01/src/index.re", line 12, characters 4-5:
The line in question is the last one of this code block:
After this, the only way out is to revert the code to before the changes introduced by refmt.
I suspect that my version of refmt is out of sync with the one required by bsb-native#2.1.1, but I'm not sure which one to install. I have:
$ refmt --version
Reason 3.0.0 # bee43b0
Is there a table that shows compatible versions between reason-cli and bs-platform?
Are there other ways I should investigate this issue or other potential root causes of this behavior?
I was able to upgrade bsb-native to the master branch and it worked when building to native until I added some more code in reprocessing02
this issue is because bsb-native#2.1.1 comes with an old version of refmt (pre version 3) which can't read the code that your global refmt outputs (most likely because of the trailing commas). I'm working on making a new release 3.2.0 on all platforms, which comes with the latest refmt. If you're on OSX you can try it by just changing your dep to bsansouci/bsb-native#3.2.0, nuking node_modules and reinstalling.
Sorry for the inconvenience. I'm planning on making my release cycle tighly coupled with bsb's release cycle.

Using gulp with a team on a Local Server. Error: EPERM: operation not permitted, chmod

I am working with a web team and we keep all our files on a local shared server in the office. ( we are slowly moving everything over to git so please no comments about how dumb we are for not using git. Thanks! )
We are using gulp to compile our sass to css and when one of us compiles we are fine but once someone else tries to run a node process and compile with gulp we get the following error....
[10:12:53] Starting 'sass'...
[10:12:53] Starting 'watch'...
[10:12:54] Finished 'watch' after 173 ms
[10:12:54] 'sass' errored after 442 ms
EPERM: operation not permitted, chmod '/the file path/'
I have tried using chmod to change the file permissions but I don't think that is the issue. I use atom as my editor and some of the other developers on the team use sublime.
I have read that some editors can lock files. Not sure if this is the cause but if it is I don't know how to fix this. Is the only solution to this problem to use git and have local copies on our own personal computers?
Thanks in advance!
// Include gulp
var gulp = require('gulp');
// Include Our Plugins
var sass = require('gulp-sass');
var plumber = require('gulp-plumber');
var cleanCSS = require('gulp-clean-css');
var sourcemaps = require('gulp-sourcemaps');
var sassOptions = {
errLogToConsole: true,
outputStyle: 'nested' // Styles: nested, compact, expanded, compressed
// Compile Sass file to CSS, and reload browser(s).
gulp.task('sass', function() {
return gulp.src('includes/scss/*.scss')
.pipe(sass.sync().on('error', sass.logError))
gulp.task('minify-css', function() {
return gulp.src('includes/css/*.css')
.pipe(sourcemaps.init({loadMaps: true}))
.pipe(cleanCSS({compatibility: 'ie8'}))
// Watch Files For Changes
gulp.task('watch', function() {
gulp.watch('includes/scss/**/*.scss', ['sass']);
// Default Task
//gulp.task('serve', ['sass', 'minify-css', 'watch']);
gulp.task('serve', ['sass', 'watch']);
This happens because you need to run your gulpfile as admin.
So run sudo -i, insert your admin password, and then just run again.
I was on the same problem, it worked for me.
Sometimes this is caused by Watch. But more often this is because Gulp preserve the flags in the gulp.dest command. If you have a source file with read-only flags. You have to overwrite the flags each time your source file is included in gulp.dest command.
This way:
.pipe(gulp.dest('includes/css', mode: 0o777));
That problem has also happened to me. What I did was start from a terminal as root, and just write gulp to me I worked.
Just uninstall your gulp :
npm uninstall gulp -g
npm install gulp -g
Set path in environment valiable in windows.
Restart your system or cmd prompt.
I was getting the error on compile-sass. I had to delete the destination .css file, then all was well.