Hello I'm developing a conversational program for google nest 2 with google actions sdk.
(using google cloud function as a webhook for the google action and using google interactive canvas API. )
This is a brief description for my conversation.
I wake up the my conversational program with wake up keyword "Ok google talk to my manager"
During conversation, the google nest hub delivers a set of questions that can be answered in voice or by touching a button in the display. (each question is answered in each scene)
I have trouble that google nest agent doesn't listen to user at the start of the conversation.
the agent delivers the first question scene in verbal but don't listen to user(no 4 dots icon that expresses the speaker is listening to the user).
(for later scenes, it listens to user well!)
It happens when user stops for a moment and restarts the conversation program too.
I'm wondering why this happens cause before adapting google interactive canvas API to google action, the agent worked well.
Are there any error in my webhook handlers?
Is there anyway to see related logs in the google cloud function?
I want to put a prompt to allow user to choose while responding in google assistant app. I am creating this in dialog flow. How do I do this?
If you want to add "suggested input" items into your conversational experience as they show in the simulator or on a screen device, you are talking about "Suggestion Chips". Here is what that looks like in the simulator:
Using Dialogflow you can go into an Intent, and go to Responses. Go to the Google Assistant tab. Add a response and choose the type "Suggestion Chips". The input should match an intent.
I have raspberry pi controlling my garage door and I want to be able to have an action to open or close it via google home / assistant.
This action is custom and only specific to my needs and I'd like to be able to leverage google to interact with it, but I don't want to publish it for others since it is custom for me. Can this be done? I believe with Alexa it is possible and a quick browse through the docs nothing jumped out at me for this scenario.
The accepted answer is incorrect as the OP specified publishing isn't required. It also provides a link to a different question, namely whether it's possible to retrieve personal information to use personalized actions per user.
The correct answer is yes, you can create a private action for your Google Home. You can create the action within API.ai and preview it locally on your Google Home also within API.ai. This doesn't publish your action, but rather it allows you to use your created action only on your Google Home. Here's a video that confirms this Actions on Google: Introduction to Conversation Actions
To do this, create your action within API.ai. For a screencast on how to do this, check out this video Actions on Google: Building Assistant Actions using API.AI.
When you hit "Preview" in API.ai, your created action will be available in the web simulator and the Google Home device that has the same Google account as the one you're signed into API.ai with.
In the gactions cli tool you can change the preview time limit with the '-preview_mins' flag.
D:\test> gactions preview -preview_mins 999999999 -action_package=action.json -invocation_name="my action"
Pushing action 'my action' for testing...
'my action' is now available for you until 3918-04-09 12:01AM CST (a long while from now)
That will give you ~2000 years of 'preview' time.
Yes, you can. Here the steps to keep your action private:
Download Google gactions cli.
Note: on Mac and Linux run $chmod +x gactions in a terminal to make the binary executable.
Copy the executable inside my_project_dir (your project directory).
Initialize gaction, open a terminal and run:
$ cd <my_project_dir>
$ ./gaction init
gaction creates a file named ‘action.json’
Open a browser developer console (for Chrome: click the three dots in the upper right corner -> More tools -> Developer Tools ).
Click the ‘Network’ tab.
Open your API.AI project and open the ‘Integrations’ window.
Click “AUTHORIZE” button.
Click “PREVIEW” button
In the browser developer console inspect the XHR response from: https://console.api.ai/api/agent/googleassistant/preview
Copy the content of the response and paste it into the file ‘action.json’
Save the file.
To set your preview to last forever in a private mode, open a terminal and run
$ cd <my_project_dir>
$ ./gactions preview -action_package <template_dir>/action.json -preview_mins 999999999 -invocation_name [invocation_name_here]
This command will send the Action (‘action.json’ file, same as the the API.AI project) to your Google Home and will run it as a preview for 999999999 minutes (about 2000 years).
For more detailed information you can follow this tutorial:
How to create a custom private Google Home Action with API.AI and Google App Engine
Unfortunately private stand-alone actions that you can use just on your local devices are not implemented yet. Actions on Google Developers
official Google+ community
One thing you may want to try is using the Assistant IFTTT channel
With it you can register your own, private, voice commands to trigger an IFTTT action, which could be a call to a custom webhook using the Maker channel, which controls your garage door.
The downfall of this method is that it only allows you to register one off commands, you can't implement a whole dialog like this.
Only for 30 minutes is my understanding. After 30 minutes you have to refresh the developer mode to get the actions back.
If you use Api.ai, you can preview your private actions for up to 30 minutes (default) or extend to up to 24 hours. After this period, your private actions won't be available.
Reference: Make google actions development project preview persist longer
I added a uber link button to my web app that passes my current location for pickup and a dropoff address to the app. I tested it on Saturday and it worked. I clicked the button, the uber app on my iPhone opened immediately with my current location as the pickup address and the address I passed in as the dropoff. I'm sending latitude and longitude as well as text address. It was working perfectly.
Now, since Monday, the same code is doing something different; even when I send the exact request. Now I get, "This site is attempting to open a pop-up window". I click "Allow". Then I get, "Open this page in "App Store". I click "Open" and it brings up the Uber app in the app store. From there I click OPEN. It opens the app, but the pickup and dropoff addresses are not being passed in.
I've tried different addresses and get the same result. Here's the link I'm sending (I removed my client ID for this post).
Can anyone please help?
Is it possible you forced the link to open in Safari at some point? The universal link remembers how you last opened it and tries to do that again. So in this case, it seems like it's trying to open it in Safari, which goes to a page that redirects to the App Store, rather than opening the native Uber app.
If that's the case you can long press on your button and you should see an option to 'Open in "Uber"' If you tap that, it should work as expected (and continue to for future taps)
Take a look at this comment
i would like to have a google talk button on my website to launch google chat option
i know it used to be possible but i can't find the code for it.
the Hangout video button code is available at the below address.
But i can't find one for the chat option that is available via google plus profiles and gmail...
i would really like to launch the google talk option via a button directly from my website for a text chatting option... can anyone help please :) ???
There used to be such a button till May, 2013
google talk button
But now, it has been replaced by hangouts
Google talk official documentation
"We announced a new communications product, Hangouts, in May 2013. Hangouts will replace Google Talk and does not support XMPP."