ocv_add_module breaks execution of cMake file - matlab

I am trying to configure a MSVS Comunity 2017 project to get opencv 3.4.1 Matlab 2017 bindings using cMake 3.9.6.
In cMake I always obtain this two messages regarding the matlab module:
Warning: Matlab bindings will only be built in Release configurations
Matlab: YES
mex: C:/Program Files/MATLAB/R2017b/bin/mex.bat
Compiler/generator: Not working (bindings will not be generated)
I have edited the CMakeList.txt of the opencv_contrib matlab module, to debug the file. I have added two messages in the configure time components (line 102) as follows:
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Configure time components
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
set(the_description "The Matlab/Octave bindings")
message(WARNING "Message 1")
ocv_add_module(matlab BINDINGS
OPTIONAL opencv_core
opencv_imgproc opencv_ml
opencv_imgcodecs opencv_videoio opencv_highgui
opencv_objdetect opencv_flann opencv_features2d
opencv_photo opencv_video opencv_videostab
opencv_calib opencv_calib3d
opencv_stitching opencv_superres
message(WARNING "Message 2")
If everything be OK "Message 1" and "Message 2" should appear in CMake configuration process. When I configure the project with cMake only "Message 1" appears.
Found tiny-dnn in: C:/Datos/opencv-3.4.1/build/3rdparty/tinydnn/tiny-dnn-1.0.0a3
The protocol buffer compiler is not found (PROTOBUF_PROTOC_EXECUTABLE='')
freetype2: NO
harfbuzz: NO
Warning: Matlab bindings will only be built in Release configurations
CMake Warning at modules/opencv_contrib-3.4.1/modules/matlab/CMakeLists.txt:116 (message):
Message 1
Module opencv_ovis disabled because OGRE3D was not found
"Message 2", never ever appears. It seems like ocv_add_module command breaks the execution of the cMake file.
Can someone help me to understand what is happening?
Thanks in advance for your information.


Eclipse remote debugging arm-linux library

I am running:
Eclipse 3.8.1 (Build id: deb build).
On Ubuntu 16.04 LTS in a VM and UbuntuMATE 16.04 LTS on target Raspberry Pi 3.
gdb-multiarch(architecture set to arm in .gdbinit) locally andgdbserver` on the target.
Cross compilation and remote deployment is successful. However, there appears to be some library issue when I run on the remote target. Output from gdb-multiarch below (superfluous text removed):
GNU gdb (Ubuntu 7.11-0ubuntu1) 7.11 Copyright (C) 2016 Free Software
Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later
http://gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html This GDB was configured as
Program stopped. 0x76fd7a40 in ?? () from
Execution stops at main. However, it doesn't appear to stop due to a breakpoint. The stop appears to be the result of some library issue possibly and unresolved symbol (or something more serious) resulting in the ??.
I have set sysroot in the .gdbinit file to indicate where the shared libraries can be found. The StepIn, StepOut icons are hi-lighted in Eclipse, and I can read ARM registers if I press pause and see which core is being used to run the process (with process ID)!
After further resume & pause operations a segmentation fault occurs:
Program stopped. 0x76fe2e92 in ?? () from
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault. 0x76fd905e in ??
() from
Program terminated with signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault. The
program no longer exists.
Any ideas? (I am very much new to Linux as it probably shows.)
Thanks for the questions which have resulted in further exploration below:
In Eclipse I started GDB by selecting Debug Configuration and then choosing the remote configuration that I had set up.
The code is very simple, consisting of a stream operator to output some text and then a loop, however it is never reached. I think I have just managed to reproduce the issue from the command line. Incidentally I started the target going first. (Again superfluous text was removed for clarity.)
gdb-multiarch Hello_Raspberry_Pi
Reading symbols from Hello_Raspberry_Pi...done.
The target architecture is assumed to be arm
(gdb) target remote ubuntumate-pi
(gdb) target remote
Remote debugging using
warning: Unable to find dynamic linker breakpoint function.
GDB will be unable to debug shared library initialisers
and track explicitly loaded dynamic code.
0x76fd7a40 in ?? ()
(gdb) set architecture arm
The target architecture is assumed to be arm
(gdb) set sysroot /home/fred/raspberrypi/rootfs/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf
warning: Unable to find dynamic linker breakpoint function.
GDB will be unable to debug shared library initialisers
and track explicitly loaded dynamic code.
The target side behaved as would be expected:
fred#UbuntuMATE-Pi:~/Hello_Raspberry_Pi$ gdbserver Hello_Raspberry_Pi
Process Hello_Raspberry_Pi created; pid = 17363
Listening on port 2345
Remote debugging from host
So perhaps Unable to find dynamic linker breakpoint function. is a big clue?
It would appear that I had defined Shared Libraries incorrectly. When I deleted this setting something closer to expected behaviour occurred. As shown below, however I there is still a warning that I would like to remove:
For help, type "help".
Type "apropos word" to search for commands related to "word".
warning: Unable to find dynamic linker breakpoint function.
GDB will be unable to debug shared library initialisers
and track explicitly loaded dynamic code.
0x76fd7a40 in ?? ()
Breakpoint 2, main () at ../src/Hello_Raspberry_Pi.cpp:18
18 cout << "I'm in the While loop and the value of variable i is: " << i << endl;
Breakpoint 1, main () at ../src/Hello_Raspberry_Pi.cpp:20
20 usleep(1000000); //wait for 1 seconds
So now Eclipse does breakpoint at main and permit stepping - finally!
I also faced problems similar to this, getting segmentation fault from ld.so. Did the following steps to fix it.
Install libc6-dbg package in both sysroot and target.
create a folder /lib/.debug in both sysroot and target.
copy /usr/lib/debug/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/ld-2.23.so to /lib/.debug in both sysroot and target.

Code generation of linked blocks in Simulink

I am trying to generate code of my Simulink Model. The model contains linked blocks and Level 2 S-functions.
I am getting the following error when I press the Build Model Button
MyFluidProp_mod6.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "double __cdecl pneu_fluids_PureGasProps_cp(double,class FluidProps &)" (?pneu_fluids_PureGasProps_cp##YANNAEAVFluidProps###Z) referenced in function "double __cdecl cp_Fcn(double,class FluidProps &)" (?cp_Fcn##YANNAEAVFluidProps###Z)
After tracking all required source files, and copying them to the current folder, I end up with the actual error:
C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.1\\include\winnt.h(135) : fatal error C1189: #error : "No Target Architecture"
NMAKE : fatal error U1077: '"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\bin\amd64\cl.EXE"' : return code '0x2'
From previous posts, it appears that winnt.h has to be replaced by windef.h. But since it used internally (not by any of my source codes), I can't change it.
This is most probably to a missing link to one of the used libraries. But since I cannot supply any additional commands to the Build Button, I cannot specify the link. I also must admit that I didn't understand exactly the error message meaning.
Can anyone help?
Your most likely not telling the compiler where to look for the library containing the function in question. This is done on the Configuration Parameters -> Code Generation -> Custom Code tab. If you right click on the words "Include Directories:" then you can bring up the help, explaining what to put into where.

Unknown Eclipse Errors using gfortran, Cygwin

Using Windows 7 64 bit. I've followed these instructions for installing Eclipse for Parallel Application Developers and Cygwin, the latter because I want gfortran to compile Fortran code. At 18:20 in the linked tutorial he compiles in Eclipse with no errors, but I get the following 2 errors (Project is called "example"):
Description Resource Path Location Type
make: *** [example] Error 1 example C/C++ Problem
recipe for target 'example' failed makefile /example/Debug line 29 C/C++ Problem
My code (main.f90, under project "example") is simply
program main
print*, "hello world"
end program main
I've also tried compiling through the terminal, but get the following:
>>gfortran main.f90
gfortran: fatal error: -fuse-linker-plugin, but cyglto_plugin.dll not found
compilation terminated
Any help is appreciated!
The tutorial, you linked, is 2 years old...
As far as I see from the content of the packages available from http://www.cygwin.com/packages/, you have to install gcc-fortran instead of gcc4-fortran, because the latter one is labeled as obsolete.
The library cyglto_plugin.dll, which is used for Link-Time-Optimization, can be found in the package gcc-core and should be installed as a dependency. You could try to disable this library by using -fno-use-linker-plugin, but this will disable some optimization.

Issues with g++ and Eclipse on Linux - unresolved symbols

I am running Ubuntu 64bit version, and downloaded the latest 64bit Eclipse.
Installed g++ along with build-essential. Tested g++ to make sure it works from terminal, and it works fine.
alex#ubuntu:~/Desktop$ g++ test.cpp -o test
alex#ubuntu:~/Desktop$ ./test
Hello World!alex#ubuntu:~/Desktop$
However, trying to build simple C++ Hello Word project(one of the default projects that comes with Eclipse), I am getting error.
Description Resource Path Location Type
Program "g++" not found in PATH Preferences, C++/Build/Settings/Discovery, [CDT GCC Builtin Compiler Settings] options C/C++ Scanner Discovery Problem
I have added Environment variable named g++ with value /usr/bin/g++ and the above error went away, however, now I am getting unresolved errors, though project compiles and in the Console shows !!!Hello World!!!
Description Resource Path Location Type
Symbol 'endl' could not be resolved test_hello.cpp /test_hello/src line 13 Semantic Error
Symbol 'cout' could not be resolved test_hello.cpp /test_hello/src line 13 Semantic Error
Symbol 'std' could not be resolved test_hello.cpp /test_hello/src line 10 Semantic Error
Have I correctly entered Environmental variable ?? How can I get fix the "unresolved" error ?? Thanks !
When compiling there are two important things to consider:
1.) Is my path up-to-date with executables?
2.) Is my library path correct?
It appears you satisfy 1.) but not 2.)
The unresolved symbol error means that Eclipse cannot find your library via LD_LIBRARY_PATH or some other medium. It's attempting to locate the standard compiled C++ library.
How did you install g++?
Kindly do this and post the results:
Project > Properties > C/C++ Build > Environment
If everything there appears nominal, you can try
which should hopefully re-parse your system library paths and might update your environment.


This is Subhash. I am having problem in linking fortran-matlab mex files.
I am running MATLAB R2010a. I am trying to mex fortran subroutines in MATLAB. I have installed MSYS, MinGW and gfortran. I have also downloaded and extracted gnumex in the c:\documents\MATLAB folder. I entered gnumex to run the installation settings.
At this point, I see a window pop-up and I entered the following:
MinGW's root directory ---> Pointed towards c:\mingw b) Cygwin's
root directory -----> left blank c)
Path to g95.exe ------> c:\mingw\bin
path to gfortran.exe ------> c:\program files\gfortran\bin e)
path to gnumex utilities ------> c:\users.....\matlab\gnumex
environment linking type ------> MinGW
generate mex dll or engine-----> mex
language for compilation -------> fortran 77
add stub ------> no
optimization level -----> -O3
path for libraries and .def files
Mex options file to create:
The above is my installation setup for mex with gnumex. When I hit make options file, an warning message pops out which says
" cannot corret mex.pl .....
"cannot open c:...\R2010a\bin\mex.pl for writing"
and when I hit ok, again it pops out saying to confirm overwrite of mexopts.bat .
I hit confirm and the opt file is created.
At this point I should have my mex setup ready. But, when I run the fortran mex examples xtimesy.f, etc.. ( I use mex filename.f at the command prompt) and I get the following error
g77: getValidInputLinkLibraries: No such file or directory
c:\prog~1\MATLAB\R2010A\BIN\MEX.PL: Error: Link of 'xtimesy.mexw32' failed.
Error using ---> mex at 222
unable to complete successfully.
I tried this uninstalling several times, but ended up with the same error.
Could anyone please let me know where am I going wrong. Is this not the correct procedure to link the g77? Please throw some light on this.
I appreciate your time..
I recently tried to mex some fortran routines and failed due to the poor support for fortran compilers by matlab in windows. I got around the problem by using f2c to convert the fortran to C code, then creating a gateway routine in C which calls the automatically generated C code functions and mexing the resul using the visual studio 2008 compiler which integrates nicely with matlab (the free express edition version is sufficient, you will also be able to use it for debugging).
You can get f2c from http://www.netlib.org/f2c/. You must link the produced C code to the f2c library, which you may also have to build from the sources.
I know this all sounds very complicated, but it was easiest solution I found.