Queue.conf mongodb scheme - mongodb

We are using this to integrate mongodb and asterisk.What kind of scheme should we use to be able to integrate queue.conf to mongodb ?

Use odbc
Use usual scheme over odbc, should work just ok.


Compatible Scala driver for Amazon DocumentDB

Do you know a Scala driver to MongoDB, which is also compatible to Amazon DocumentDB? In theory they all should be compatible, I am interested what works in practice. In particular, I plan to use reactivemongo.
https://mongodb.github.io/mongo-scala-driver/ is compatible with Amazon DocumentDB.
Main point is to properly use the RDS certificate (cannot be tested locally w/o tunnel), as indicated in the documentation.
mongodb.uri = "mongodb://${USER}:${PASSWORD}#${DOCDB_CLUSTER}${AWS_REGION}.docdb.amazonaws.com:27017/${DB_NAME}?ssl=true&keyStore=file:///path/on/local/fs/to/rds-ca-2015-root.jks&keyStorePassword=${KEYSTORE_PASS}&keyStoreType=JKS"

Is there a PipelineDB package for Laravel or Native PHP?

I was asking for PipelineDB if there is a package for laravel or Native PHP, so I can use it in my current project?
PipelineDB actually does not have its own special client libraries but instead maintains compatibility with all PostgreSQL clients. Any client that works with PostgreSQL will seamlessly work with PipelineDB, so you're free to use the PHP/PostgreSQL client of your choice.
Please see the clients section of the PipelineDB docs for more information.

How to configure Mongodb with Laravel 5.4?

I tried to install "jenssegers/laravel-mongodb" from git
and all the configuration has been done. but how can I know that my Laravel project successfully connected to MongoDB database?
Have you installed mongo? if not, here's a guide:
if you want to try if it works, simply try to save something to the db using eloquent.
Just remember that in your model, extend "Jenssegers\Mongodb\Eloquent\Model" instead of "Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model"

How to integrate MongoDB in Django1.10 and Python3.5?

I would like to use mongoDB as a database on behalf SQL for my django project. Where in we are developing the apps with django1.10 and python-3.5 version. We installed MongoDB in ubuntu-16.02LTE and thought to use MongoEngine to work with python3.5 and Django-1.10. But we don't have proper document to integrate this in python and Django.
1) Did python 3.5 or django-1.10 support this procedure? if Yes please share document to refer
You answer to solve this more valuable for us
Does this post help? It looks like MongoDB doesn't work with Django, and you will have to use mongoengine.

MongoDB and Mongolab.com

Recently I discovered the power of noSQL database MongoDB. After a lot of trial and error I was able to install it on my pc along with wampserver. Its running smoothly. Now the question I would like to ask is, that if I want to integrate the MongoDB service provided by Mongolab on my shared hosting plan, is there any class available that helps me connect to the database? Like a php class version of the driver for php and mongodb. As it is not possible to install the driver on my hosting, because of no root access. So is there a raw class available as an alternative to the driver dll?
If you can't install the driver, then the REST interface provided by MongoLab is your best bet - any language that can send/receive a HTTP request can use REST: