Understanding OO class definition - class

This is an extract from IB Computer Science Higher Level Paper 2 November 2010, Q1b
I am trying to understand what are the “roles” of: “Node” and “item” in the following class definition
<< from question >>
class Node (1)
public int item; (2)
public Node next: (3)
public Node(int d) (4)
item = d; (5)
next = null; (5)
public void displaynode()
output(Item + “ “);
<< end of question extract >>
The numbers in parentheses after certain lines in the class definition are my references used in the questions below.
Is the following correct?
(1) Node is the name of the class which is used when I want to create a new, single Node by issuing
Node x = new Node(5)
which results in a new Node containing the value 5, stored in (4,5).
(2,3) These are data items with the labels item and next, of type integer (2) and Node (3) respectively (I don’t understand what it means to have type Node) ????
Being public can I access and alter the contents by using following references x.item, x.Node ???
(4) This is the method Node which accepts a single, integer parameter named d.
(5) The input parameter “d “ gets put in the object variable “item”, and “next” is set to the value Null when a new Node is created.

(1) Node is the name of the class which is used when I want to create a new, single Node by issuing Node x = new Node(5) which results in a new Node containing the value 5, stored in (4,5).
This is a reasonable explanation.
(2,3) These are data items with the labels item and next, of type integer (2) and Node (3) respectively (I don’t understand what it means to have type Node) ???? Being public can I access and alter the contents by using following references x.item, x.Node ???
Please call them variables rather than "data items". item and next are instance variables, and since next is of type Node, we can say that class Node is recursively defined. This an implementation of a linked list in which each element contains an integer value and a reference to the next element.
You're correct about the meaning of public.
(4) This is the method Node which accepts a single, integer parameter named d.
It's important that you recognize that this is a constructor method which is automatically called to initialize the state of a Node when it's instantiated.
(5) The input parameter “d “ gets put in the object variable “item”, and “next” is set to the value Null when a new Node is created.
I'd rather say the value of input parameter d gets assigned to the variable item. I wouldn't call it an object variable - in some languages, ints are considered objects, in others not. In some perspectives, variables themselves are seen as primitive objects, distinct from their values. Regardless, I think it detracts from the clarity to say "object variable".
For further study, look into the following distinctions:
Variable vs value: A variable is an element that holds a value. Variables allow us to write code that operate over different values. Values can be anything - numbers, text, arrays, records, objects, functions, and more, depending on the language.
Class vs object: A class is a blueprint for a state machine, while an object is a specific instance of one. Objects have state and methods which operate on that state.
Class vs type: A class declares what goes on inside a state machine. A type declares (what is known for) a set of values. Value types are associated with the operators that can be called on those types of values. Object types declare the methods that can be called on those types of objects (but not what those methods do).
In many OOP languages and discussions, class and type are conflated. Even variable and value are commonly conflated. As a computer scientist, you should know and understand the differences.


What is the relationship of TypeMirrors and Elements in the lang model?

(While this question is tagged with annotation-processing I'm actually asking questions about the type model exposed by javax.lang.model whether or not annotation processing is involved.)
In javax.lang.model, there are two fundamental constructs: Elements and TypeMirrors.
Every Element is backed by a TypeMirror. However only certain TypeMirror subtypes, namely DeclaredType and TypeVariable, have Elements associated with them via DeclaredType#asElement() and TypeVariable#asElement() respectively.
(It follows that all Elements "have" TypeMirrors, but not all TypeMirrors "have" Elements.)
Speaking loosely and intuitively, this makes sense: you declare types by chanting certain Java spells: the spells themselves are the (declared) elements; the things they bring into being are the types that back them. I've programmed in Java for decades and have a good working familiarity with oddities like Foo implements Comparable<Foo>. I'm trying to get more rigorous here.
With all that in mind, and considering the following snippet, how are the javax.lang.model types and elements manifested?
// (Defined by the JDK itself of course.)
public interface Comparable<T> ...
// (My class.)
public class Frob implements Comparable<Frob> ...
I see the following "things", working from "top" to "bottom" with less and less certainty as I go along:
a TypeParameterElement whose affiliated Name is equal to "T"
The return value of its asType() method will be a (definitionally nameless) TypeVariable whose asElement() method will return the TypeParameterElement currently being discussed.
The return value of its getGenericElement() method (and its getEnclosingElement() method) will be the Element we'll talk about next ("Comparable").
a TypeElement whose affiliated Name is equal to "Comparable"
The return value of its asType() method will be a (definitionally nameless) DeclaredType whose asElement() method will return the TypeElement currently being discussed
The DeclaredType so returned will have exactly one type argument which will be the (definitionally nameless) TypeVariable discussed above whose asElement() method will return the TypeParameterElement discussed above ("T")
The return value of its getTypeParameters() method will consist solely of the TypeParameterElement discussed earlier.
a TypeElement whose affiliated Name is equal to "Frob".
(This TypeElement is brought into being with the Java syntax public class Frob ....)
The return value of its asType() method will be a (definitionally nameless) DeclaredType whose asElement() method will return the TypeElement currently being discussed.
The return value of its getInterfaces() method will be discussed in a moment.
an Element of some variety loosely described by "Comparable<Frob>".
I say "of some variety" because as written it itself does not have, say, an explicit or implicit extends or implements clause, or other markers I would expect to see of, say, a TypeElement. Nevertheless I'm not sure that it could be any other kind of Element other than a TypeElement. Maybe it is a TypeElement equal to that denoted by "Comparable<T>", but with its various TypeMirror-returning or -referencing methods using the type denoted by Frob?
The return value of its asType() method will be a (definitionally nameless) TypeMirror of some variety (almost certainly a DeclaredType) whose asElement() method will return the Element currently being discussed (this corresponds somewhat to java.lang.reflect.ParameterizedType in the runtime/reflection model)
The TypeMirror so returned will have exactly one type argument which will be the (definitionally nameless) DeclaredType returned by the asType() method of the TypeElement whose Name is equal to "Frob" described above
The TypeMirror so returned will be the sole member of the return value of the getInterfaces() method when invoked on the TypeElement whose Name is equal to "Frob" described above
Do I have this right as far as it goes?
Your question seems well-reasoned, and I can't find anything specifically wrong with it to point out to you, but it is missing the one vital truth of where Elements and TypeMirrors differ.
Elements represent nodes in the Java type AST that reside "on disk" - the code at rest, either in .java or .class files. Any class/interface/enum/record/annotation that exists on disk in this form is in some way discoverable by this. To get a bit further, these cover the entire API of any of those types above - any members (fields/constructors/methods or nested types, then also the params of those methods/ctors) and packages too are described by elements. But the Element hierarchy only covers the types on disk - to use a concrete example from your question, Comparable<T> and its Comparable<T>.compareTo(T) member, and that method's parameter are covered in this way. And yes, lest I omit the type parameter, both the class and the method have a type param embedded in their respective element - as an element.
On the other hand, TypeMirrors represent those elements "in use" - you can't really reason about Comparable<T> in your code, but instead will either use it raw (please don't), or will parameterize it in some specific way (such as Comparable<Frob>, Comparable<?>, or possibly Comparable<T> where T is the type param of an enclosing element such as the current method or class). This means that T is not the same TypeElement as above - it isn't the value of the TypeElement that was on disk, but is something more specific.
You'll find TypeMirrors in Elements (for example "what is the return type of the method that appears in this class?"), and all Elements can be converted to some form of TypeMirror. On the other hand, not all TypeMirrors can be converted to some Element (such as a primitive), or if they can, that conversion may be "lossy" (for example converting a TypeMirror of List<String> to an Element would give you only List<T> itself).

are dictionary keys that conform to Hashable protocol having update to its reference object

Say I had a class called Example, it conforms to Hashable via its ID attribute.
I have an Example object exam1, with ID = 6 and name = "goon". I set a dictionary entry dict[exam1] = 7.
Then lets say I had another example object with the same ID, but different data inside. Let's call it exam2, with ID = 6, name = "pie".
If I set dict[exam2] = 8, this would index to the same entry as before because their IDs are the same. However, would the key be updated to reference exam2? so dict.keys would contain reference to exam2, not exam1.
Dictionary will contain instance of exam1, not exam2. Reason: as the documentation states
Update an existing value by assigning a new value to a key that already exists in the dictionary.
In other words, the assignment dict[x] = y can modify the value, but will never modify the key, it can only add it (if the key is not yet in dictionary) or remove it (if the value is nil).
But as someone mentioned above, this is a really bad idea. The meaning of Hashable is
Hashing a value means feeding its essential components into a hash function, represented by the Hasher type. Essential components are those that contribute to the type’s implementation of Equatable. Two instances that are equal must feed the same values to Hasher in hash(into:), in the same order.
And that takes us to the meaning of Equatable (which you will also have to implement as a part of conforming to Hashable:
Equality implies substitutability—any two instances that compare equally can be used interchangeably in any code that depends on their values.
So when you defined your Hashable, as "ID only", you state that name is not an essential component and that exam1 == exam2 (even though their name property has different values). This is legal from the language perspective, but a huge potential to bugs and issues in the future.

Why do some Matlab class methods require "apparently" unnecessary output argument

After evolving my project code for months, I've finally hit a need to define a new class. Having to romp through my previous class definitions as a refresher of the conventions, I noticed that all constructors and property setters all have an output argument, even though nothing is assigned to it, e.g.:
function o = myConstructor( arg1, arg2, ... )
function o = set.SomeProperty( o, arg1 )
I've been looking through the documentation for upward of an hour without finding the explanation for this. It doesn't look like it depends on whether a function is defined in the class definition file or in its own separate m-file.
Can anyone please explain?
The best place to start is the documentation "Comparison of Handle and Value Classes". From the very top:
A value class constructor returns an object that is associated with the variable to which it is assigned. If you reassign this variable, MATLAB® creates an independent copy of the original object. If you pass this variable to a function to modify it, the function must return the modified object as an output argument.
A handle class constructor returns a handle object that is a reference to the object created. You can assign the handle object to multiple variables or pass it to functions without causing MATLAB to make a copy of the original object. A function that modifies a handle object passed as an input argument does not need to return the object.
In other words, value classes need to return a modified object (which is a new object distinct from the original), while handle classes don't. The constructor of either class will always have to return an object, since it is actually constructing it.
Some good additional reading is "Which Kind of Class to Use", which links to a couple helpful examples of each type of class object. Looking at the DocPolynom value class example, you can see that property set methods have to return the modified object, while the dlnode handle class example only requires an output for its constructor. Note that you could still return an object from a handle class method (if desired), but it's not required.

How to set up classes

i am an engineering student enrolled in computer programming trying to understand a practice assignment for an upcoming lab and was wondering if someone could help me with this step of my program, Step: using The init method for the class takes the first formal parameter self and a list of [x, y] pairs v and stores the list as a class instance variable
It sounds like you are using Python, but next time you post a question, make sure you specify that and tag your question as such. You are looking for something like the following code:
class MyClassName(object):
def __init__(self, pairs):
self.pairs = pairs
Let's look at this line by line:
class MyClassName(object):
The first line declares a class called MyClassName. It extends object, which is not super important to understand right now, but is basically saying that MyClassName is a particular type of object.
def __init__(self, pairs):
The second line creates a function called __init__ which will be called when you instantiate an object of type MyClassName. This line also declares what parameters it takes. It sounds like you already know that the first argument has to be self, and the second parameter, pairs, is the list of [x,y] pairs. In python, we don't need to specify what type these parameters are, so we need only to name them (Some languages would require us to specify that pairs is going to be a list of pairs).
self.pairs = pairs
Now all we have to do is set the instance variable. Inside a class, self refers to this particular instance of the object. In other words, every time we create a variable of type MyClassName, the self keyword will refer to that particular instance of the object, rather than to all instances of MyClassName. So in this case, self.pairs refers to the variable pairs in this particular instance of MyClassName. On the other hand, pairs simply refers to the argument passed into the function __init__.
So, to put all this together, we have defined a class called MyClassName, then defined the __init__ function, and in it, we set the instance variable self.pairs to be equal to the pairs variable passed into __init__.
Last, I'll give a quick example of how to instantiate MyClassName:
my_list = [(1,1),(2,4),(3,9),(4,16)]
my_instance = MyClassName(my_list)
Good luck!
[Edit] Also, I agree with the first comment on your question. You need to be more clear and verbose in exactly what you are trying to accomplish and not leave it up to guess work. In this case, I think I could tell what you were trying to do, but it may not always be clear.

Can a structure inherit from a class in .NET?

I am confused about inheritance in .NET and here is why.
I was previously of the understanding that a structure cannot inherit from a class in .NET, so for example, the following won't compile:
struct MyStruct : MyClass
But today I read that integers (and other value types) are structs and not objects and they inherit from the ValueType class. The ValueType class inherits from System.Object and its purpose is to override certain methods in System.Object to make these methods suitable for Value Types.
So what's the deal? Can a structure inherit from a class in .NET, can it not or can it only in certain circumstances?
Within the guts of .net, the definition for a struct containing certain members is the same as a definition for a class which those same fields and members, and which inherits from System.ValueType. Note that compilers will not allow one to declare a class which inherits ValueType, but when one declares a struct, the compiler, "behind the scenes" declares a class which does.
What makes value types special in .net is the way the run-time allocates storage locations (variables, fields, parameters, etc.) When a storage location of a type not inheriting from ValueType is declared, the runtime will allocate space for a heap object reference. By contrast, when a storage location of a type inheriting from ValueType is declared, the runtime will allocate space for all the public and private fields of that type. For a type like int, the system allocates a private field which is of a special primitive type, outside the normal type system.
Note that a storage location of a value type doesn't really hold an instance of that type; instead is an instance of that type, and holds all of the fields of that type. A statement like struct1 = struct2 does not replace the value-type instance struct1 with the instance struct2. Instead, it copies all of the fields from struct2 over the corresponding fields in struct1. Likewise if a value-type storage location is passed as a method to a procedure without using the ref keyword, what is passed is not the struct instance itself, but rather the contents of its fields.
If it is necessary to copy a value-type storage location to a one of type not derived from ValueType (e.g. Object or IComparable), the system will create a new heap-object instance of the value type, copy all the fields from the value type to that new instancen and store a reference to that new instance in the target storage location. This process is called "boxing". Most compilers will do this implicitly, thus attempting to behave as though a value type storage location holds an object which derives from ValueType. It's important to note, though, that this is an illusion. If type X derives from Y, one has an X named xx and a Y named yy, and one performs xx = yy, such a statement should cause xx and yy to refer to the same object instance. That will happen if xx and yy are types not derived from ValueType, even if yy holds an instance of something derived from ValueType. It will not happen, however, if xx and/or yy derives from ValueType. In that case, the system will copy fields from one instance to another (possibly new) instance.