CMake Eclipse project, make targets not available - eclipse

I use CMake as a build manager for a C++ project. All my sources are in a src subdirectory, and I created a sibling build directory. Following the directions from, the build commands I use are:
cd build
cmake -G"Eclipse CDT4 - Unix Makefiles" -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug ../src
This creates the .project and .cproject files used to import an existing project in Eclipse. In the IDE, everything seems to work perfectly, except that the make target does not work.
When I click on a build target, the CDT build console opens, but nothing occurs. Also when I click on Project / Clean in the Eclipse dropdown menus, nothing occurs. I checked the commands invoked by the targets, and they are of the form /usr/bin/make -j8, which should work.
Can anyone help me get the make target work ?

An automatic update to CDT just occurred and everything works now. So check for updates I guess.

Hope this is followed to create target....
The docs for eclipse says:
Your project name should be different from your executable name and different from your build folder name. Otherwise, Eclipse will NOT pick up your executable as you build them. Since my build folder name is certi_build, a CMakeLists.txt file like below should work (notice the difference in project name and executable name)


Custom Makefile With Eclipse CDT

I have a C++ project with 3 .hpp files and 1 .cpp file, and a custom Makefile. The code and the Makefile for this project already existed, so I right clicked in the Project Explorer, and did Import->Existing Code as Makefile Project I named my project and pointed the location to the root dir of the project which contains all of my files. And I selected MinGW GCC as my toolchain because that is the compiler that I have. Then I went to Project->Properties->C/C++ Build and unchecked Generate Makefiles automatically
Then I changed my Build directory by choosing File system and navigating to the root directory of my project which contains all of my files. The Build directory is C:\Users\Ryan\Desktop\School\CSE\CSE 100\pa1-rbridges
Then I changed the Build command to make -f C:\Users\Ryan\Desktop\School\CSE\CSE 100\pa1-rbridges\Makefile bst where bst is a target in my Makefile and my Makefile is at that location. When I click the hammer on the toolbar to build my project, nothing happens. When I try to run my project, I get Launch failed: Binary not found.
I just want my project to use my Makefile and build properly.
I have searched Google and stack overflow for hours trying to figure out how to get this to work and have had no luck. Any help is appreciated.
The solution to these sorts of problems usually begins with breaking them down.
First try and build build from the command line. Does the "make -f ..." work from the command line?
It could be an issue with MinGW not working properly.
It sounds like you have done everything correctly as far as eclipse goes. You may find a clue in the eclipse console window.
Too late for giving an answer. But this is for the other people who end up here.
You need to create a new run configuration in Run->Run Configuration... for your project, and then type a name for the output binary file like Debug\name.exe in 'C/C++ Application' box. The name must be the same as the project name.

Force Eclipse CDT makefile to clean file before compiling

I'm using Eclipse + CDT for a project.
I'm using the "generate Makefiles automatically" option from my build settings.
I have in one file the date and some values that must be actualized every time the project is compiled. But since I don't change every time this file the compiler doesn't refresh it.
Is there any option so I can have a Phony target?
if I could just add some lines to the makefile will work
rm -f *.o target
but this will be removed the next time I update my project.
I found that in the settings >> c/c++ build >> behaviour there is an opportunity to write some clean variables. Could this help? I tried to write the file name but this does not work.
You can give CDT a pre-build command. For me (3.6.2 on Linux):
Project → Properties
C/C++ Build category
Settings sub-category
Build Steps tab
Pre-build steps pane
Enter a command to delete the object file in question (rm f.o, or somesuch)
You can user make clean on Pre-build steps
I added the following to the Pre-build steps and it seems to work great:
del ${CWD}\addtional_dir\file.o

How to create a Jar file in Netbeans

Well I have my source code that i have done using the IDE netbeans. Now I wanted to move this java application to a web application. For that I need to create a jar file from my source code, so that I could invoke it in ma jsp file.
I have not been able to find any option in netbeans or any other way to create a .jar file of this source code.
Could someone tell me how to do that.
Create a Java archive (.jar) file using NetBeans as follows:
Right-click on the Project name
Select Properties
Click Packaging
Check Build JAR after Compiling
Check Compress JAR File
Click OK to accept changes
Right-click on a Project name
Select Build or Clean and Build
Clean and Build will first delete build artifacts (such as .class files), whereas Build will retain any existing .class files, creating new versions necessary. To elucidate, imagine a project with two classes, A and B.
When built the first time, the IDE creates A.class and B.class. Now you delete but don't clear out B.class. Executing Build should leave B.class in the build directory, and bundle it into the JAR. Selecting Clean and Build will delete B.class. Since was deleted, no longer will B.class be bundled.
The JAR file is built. To view it inside NetBeans:
Click the Files tab
Expand Project name >> dist
Ensure files aren't being excluded when building the JAR file.
Please do right click on the project and go to properties.
Then go to Build and Packaging.
You can see the JAR file location that is produced by defualt setting of netbean in the dist directory.
I also tried to make an executable jar file that I could run with the following command:
java -jar <jarfile>
After some searching I found the following link:
Packaging and Deploying Desktop Java Applications
I set the project's main class:
Right-click the project's node and choose Properties
Select the Run panel and enter the main class in the Main Class field
Click OK to close the Project Properties dialog box
Clean and build project
Then in the fodler dist the newly created jar should be executable with the command I mentioned above.
Now (2020) NetBeans 11 does it automatically with the "Build" command (right click on the project's name and choose "Build")

Eclipse doesn't see my new junit test

I'm using eclipse to run the tests in a single junit(4) test class. The tests in the class all run just fine. Then I add an additional test and run the class through the test running in ecplise again. Only the old tests are run. The new test isn't seen by eclipse. There's no error or anything, it's just as if eclipse is looking at an old version of the test.
If I run the tests using maven, everything works fine. Additionally, after I run the tests in maven, ecplipse can see and run the new test correctly.
Any ideas what's going on? Any ideas how to get ecplipse's test runner to see my new test cases?
I had the same issue. I solved it by doing the following:
Going to Project -> Properties -> Java Build Path
For the source folder src/test/java, the output folder was set to
"Default output folder"
Setting this to the typical Maven target/test-classes directory in your Maven structure
After this, Maven and Eclipse were in sync (as opposed to Eclipse happily running an older version of the tests, from whenever the last Maven compile was).
Maybe you "just" need to create a new Run configuration. Eclipse "remembers" the latest used Run configuration and just repeats it if not told otherwise. To make sure you have a new Run Configuration you can rightclick the test case in the package explorer and choose Run As | Junit Test. Next time you hit play this will be the "remembered" Run configuration etc.
Possibly src/test is not in the Java Build Path.
Solution on Kepler:
Project -> Build Path -> Configure Build Path -> Source -> Add Folder
Then check the box corresponding to test under src
You might find this is likely caused by using Maven to build (Maven usually builds into the 'target' folder), but Eclipse is using a different build folder for its own build process. Simplest way is to go into the target folder under your Eclipse Project (or Bundle if using OSGi) and delete the conflicting subfolders/class-files from under that directory; for me this is my "target" folder. Then get Eclipse to rebuild, and everything should be fine.
Technically, and alternatively, you could just blow away the entire build/target folder if you wanted to, and let Eclipse rebuild everything.
In response to the answer provided by Ryan Dawe, I have found out that Default output folder can be set to only one folder, for all the source folders on build path. So if i changed the output folder to target/test-classes, my src/main/java was also outputting classes there.
You might have written this response for a different older version of eclipse, but as of Mars.2 release, we can only have one default output folder for all source folders.
The best solution i have found so far for this problem is to just include the target/test-classes as a class folder, by going to Project -> Properties -> Java Build Path -> Libraries -> Add Class folder.
It seems that your project wasn't recompiled. Either check Menu:Project/Build Automatically or do it manually as Boris Pavlocic commented.
This seems to be the same issue as junit not using the newest file
The problem seems to be that Eclipse puts the compiled tests in the wrong folder which can be solved by manually specifying where they should end up.
Add "test" in front of your test classes if not there already the #Test annotation isn't always picked up from Eclipse's Junit Test framework.
Here is how i fixed my problem...
right click project and go to Run As -> Run Configurations...
select JUnit -> [project-name] on the the popup that came up
(this configuration of [project-name] was created for me by eclipse
but if not there you can right click JUnit -> New and create it)
goto Classpath tab
highlight User Entries and click Advanced... button
on the Advanced Options popup that came up select Add Folders and click OK
on the Folder Selection popup that came up scroll to your project open up target and select test-classes and click OK
repeat steps 4-6 for the [project-name]/target/classes directory and any other directory needed in your classpath (like properties files used in your tests etc.)
Note: this assumes your project's default output folder for tests is target/test-classes, if it is not then adjust accordingly. Also, make sure you have the right JUnit version selected under the JUnit Run Configuration as well and your src/test/java directory is a source folder to your project, etc. as mentioned by others.
It means that you have created a Test class that you haven´t build yet.
After a build, for example with "gradle build" the Test class will be found by Eclipse too.
In my case I had to make a cleanup before as well.

Why is eclipse trying to compile files not in my build path?

I have a rather large project which contains a number of third-party dependencies which are linked via svn:externals. These include tomcat and blazeDS, which are packaged by our installer via ant. The problem is that these projects contain dozens of sample JSP pages, and eclipse chokes on them when trying to build the project, producing hundreds of errors.
Our project setup is something like this:
Now, in eclipse, my project's build path is set to only include subfolders in src/main and src/test. Yet, for some reason, it still tries to build everything beneath third-party. I have clicked on third-party and selected "remove from build path", but this had no effect. I even tried adding the third-party folder to the build path, and then excluding "", "/*", and "**/*.jsp", but again, to no effect.
What is going on here?
Edit: Thanks for the suggestions, though unfortunately, they don't seem to fix the issue. I don't have the CheckStyle plugin installed (I'm using Eclipse 3.4.1 with the only custom plugins being subclipse and flex builder), and I tried disabling all extra builders except for Java, but the errors are still being thrown.
I usually have this kind of issue with CheckStyle plugin, where you need to specify in its properties (right-click on project -> Properties -> CheckStyle):
"Exclude from check Files non located in a source directory"
Otherwise it does analyze (and reports warning/errors on) files which are not candidate to be compiled in the first place.
Couple of other suggestions:
try restarting your eclipse with the -clean option (eclipse software version of 'did you reboot it ?' ;) ). Beware it can reset your workspace perspectives, so you may want to try that with a copy of your workspace instead.
try deleting your project (your workspace reference of your project, not its actual content), and reimporting it (beware of your custom launchers, they may get removed in the process).
check if you do not have any linked directory within src or test, which would point to thirdparty(/**): that would explain the unwanted compilation.
It could be that your eclipse project is configured to have extra Builders. You can check that in the project's properties (right-click on project -> Properties -> Builders).
In my case it was because there was a reference to the file (which I had excluded from the build path) in another file which was in the build path. I wanted to exclude SegModel.hpp from the build path, but in another file, I had specified template short K::KEstimate<SegModel>(SegModel& m, short stepCode);