How to Select and upload the file to katalon extension - katalon-studio

We select the upload file for automation script. it's showing the fake path like this. (C:\fakepath\Clients.pdf) but I run the script again it's not working.
click //li[#id='Documents']/a/div/i
click xpath=(//button[#type='button'])[3]
click link=Add Document
click name=contact_rec
type name=contact_rec c
click //div[#id='Upload-document']/form/div[2]/div/div/div/div/div/ul/li[10]/a
click link=Grant Linked Accounts Access
click link=Grant Linked Accounts Access
click //div[#id='Upload-document']/form/div[2]/div/div/div/div/div[3]/button
selectFrame index=11
click //html[#id='ng-app']/body/div/div[2]/div[2]/div/section/div/div/button
type //input[#type='file'] C:\personal\Clients.pdf
click //html[#id='ng-app']/body/div/div[2]/div[2]/section[2]/div[2]/button[2]
selectFrame relative=parent
click name=yeartags
select name=yeartags label=Tax Year 2015
click xpath=(//option[#value='2015'])[2]
click xpath=(//textarea[#name='description'])[4]
type xpath=(//textarea[#name='description'])[4] dfd
click //textarea[#name='contact']
type //textarea[#name='contact'] ffdfdffd
click //div[#id='Upload-document']/form/div[3]/button[2]
click link=exact:Document Firm Tags *
click //div[#id='tagsdiv']/ul/li[2]/div/label/span
click //div[#id='tagsdiv']/ul/li[3]/div/label/span
click link=exact:Document Firm Tags *
click //div[#id='Upload-document']/form/div[3]/button[2]
click //div[#id='Upload-document']/form/div[3]/button

You should use Object spy to record element again. Most of the time, reason of these errors is, that wrong web element is recorded. You can try to use another identifier(s) of the same element.


How to hide assets folder in windows release?

when I build windows app, how to hide data folder? i do not want another poeple access this folder.
Click on that folder.
Hit alt+enter on your keyboard.
There will be an check box on general tab named hidden in the properties dialogue * box than opened when you did step 2.
Check that box.
Click apply. Then ok.

How do I link drop down menu option to display local HTML files in Tableau?

I have a requirement to show some JS based plots that I made using some Python libraries, and this particular visualization is not possible to make natively in Tableau. But my dashboard is made with Tableau, and I need to show this visualization in the dashboard. So, I saved the JS-based plots as HTML files, and I can run a localhost server and view them in my dashboard with the Web Page object. However, I have 3 such JS-based plots, and I want to provide a dropdown menu, where the user can click on option A to show the HTML page for plot A, click on option B to show the HTML page for plot B, and click on option C to show the HTML page for plot C. But I can't find a way to link the web pages to the drop down options. How do I do this? Thanks.
If you want to open a browser window separately that shows the pages:
Open the dashboard that contains the sheets you want to enable the right click on
Click the "Worksheet" Menu
Click "Actions"
Click the "Add Action >" button
Click "Go to URL"
In the popup that comes up, enter the label for the link under the Name field, Select "Menu" under Run action on, then enter the URL in the box.
Select your dashboard in the Dropdown (mine is named Dashboard 1), then check the box next to each sheet that should have the link when right clicked.
If you want it to display within your dashboard and not open a browser separately, you will need to write or find a Tableau extension to do this. As of now, there isn't an extension on the extension gallery for it, but there may be one somewhere on Github.

How do I handle pop up in katalon studio for a website that's built on REACT?

While recording a specific step in katalon studio, and replaying it I get error. See attachment. I am trying to click on # linked button that opens a pop up and then I click on x icon to close the popup.
Second is a dropdown button, on click, it opens a dropdown, clicking outside of it closes the dropdown.
I am new to katalon and don't understand that while recording manually the objects do get captured but when I play them I get error ( shared below)
This is the URL:
In this image I have highlighted where I want click actions
this is the error on click
It is probably because , the js is loading and katalon is not able to find objects, you could just use WebUI.delay() after or before action function and manually enter delay time by hit and trial and then check

How to remove *.dep files from project

i created project from existing source in netbeans. I wonder if it is posible to exclude *.dep from files listed in project in netbeans?
You can modify global settings like this:
Menu Tools -> Options
Click Miscellaneous Button at the top of dialog.
Select Files tab under the row of buttons.
Edit the field labeled Ignored Files Pattern add |.*\.dep before the last $
Java per project instructions (because I already wrote them):
Select the project in project pane on the left.
Right click for popup menu.
Select Properties near the bottom of the menu.
Select Sources in the categories list on the left of dialog.
Click the Includes/Excludes button near the bottom-right of dialog.
Enter *.dep in the Excludes field.

Is there a way to create an action in eclipse to export my jar to a certain directory?

Is there someone to configure a one click or one key action to export my build product to a certain directory? I'm coming from Visual Studio where I can set the output directory and press F6 to do this.
You can right click on project. Export... Then click on Java/Jar file and next. You will se something like this. Specify output filename, and on the next screen click on save description ( see pictures below ). Then after you saved jardesc to the project root, right click and "Create JAR" command. Two click, not one (if you check overwrite in first screen). If you want to automate with a shortcut, try the plugin in this answer.