Entity Framework writing NULL to the DB - entity-framework

I am using EF v 6.2.0. My issue is similar to the SOF question - Entity Framework not claiming datetime.now is null. However, the proposed solution does not work for me.
buildDetail.BuildTime = epoch.AddMilliseconds(Double.Parse(buildTime)).ToLocalTime();
: // Other properties.
On the SaveChanges() line, I get an exception
Inner Exception 2:
SqlException: Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'BuildTime', table 'BuildDetailsDB.dbo.BuildDetails'; column does not allow nulls. INSERT fails.
The statement has been terminated.
The buildDetail.BuildTime property, when I hover over in debug, shows the value as {3/29/2018 9:17:22 AM} i.e. current date time. The datatype in Sql Server is datetime and the model I have generated from the database shows that this field has a return value of System.DateTime. So, I am frustrated as to why EF is trying to insert a null. In fact, if I allow nulls for this columns in the DB, that is exactly what it writes in that column - NULL.
The field in question is neither marked as Identity (both in model and db) nor Calculated. I have also updated the model from the Database and they are in sync.
Note: I have tried the DateTime.ParseExact and even an DateTime object converted from a string in the exact same format as expected in SQL Server i.e. "yyyy-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.FFF" with no luck and the same exception. eg.
buildDetailT.BuildTime = DateTime.Parse("2018-11-25 08:25:26.0000");


Hibernate persisting incorrect values

I have some Hibernate code running against a Postgres 9.5 DB, which looks like roughly like below (anonymized) -
Integer myEntityId = myEntity.getId();
MyEntity clonedMyEntity = (MyEntity)getCurrentSession().merge(myEntity);
I have an entity myEntity with a large number of fields. I want to create a duplicate of the record with only 1 field value changed. To achieve this, I evict the entity from session, set Primary Key to null, merge it back to session, set the field I want to change, and then save the entity to DB. However, this code (which was working correctly for some time), is not working now. It sees incorrect value for the boolean field I am trying to modify - as a result violating some database constraints. Please help me fix this or suggest a better way to achieve what I am trying.
The error was happening not on adding this record but on add of another record to an audit table, triggered by the addition of this record. A coworker suggested me to use Eclipse Breakpoint view and use the add breakpoint option there and select the ConstraintViolationException class - this helped me to see the error for which trigger was failing and why and accordingly modify the data to suit the database constraint.

Entity Framework and Default Date

I have a table in SQL, within that table I have DateTime column with a default value of GetDate()
In entity framework I would like it to use the SQL date time instead of using the local date time of the computer the console app is running on (the SQL server is 1 hour behind).
The column does not allow nulls either, currently it passes in a date value of 1/1/0001 and I get an error:
The conversion of a datetime2 data type to a datetime data type resulted in an out-of-range value.\r\nThe statement has been terminated.
Thank you!
Open edmx designer
Select your DateTime column
Go to properties and change StoreGeneratedPattern from None to Computed
That will tell EF not to insert value for that column, thus column will get default value generated by database. Keep in mind that you will not be able to pass some value.
If you're using Fluent API, just add this to your DbContext class:
.Property(p => p.PropertyName)
Set columnType for that entity in OnModelCreating Method:
modelBuilder.Entity().Property(s => s.ColumnName).HasColumnType("datetime2");

Entity Framework 5 SaveChanges Not Working, No Error

None of the many questions on this topic seem to match my situation. I have a large data model. In certain cases, only a few of the fields need be displayed on the UI, so for those I replaced the LINQ to Entity query that pulls in everything with an Entity SQL query retrieving only the columns needed, using a Type constructor so that I got an entity returned and not a DbDataRecord, like this:
SELECT VALUE MyModelNameSpace.INCIDENT(incident.FieldA, incident.FieldB, ...) FROM ... AS ...
This works and displays the fields in the UI. And if I make a change, the change makes it back to the entity model when I tab out of the UI element. But when I do a SaveChanges, the changes do not get persisted to the database. No errors show up in the Log. Now if I very carefully replace the above query with an Entity Sql query that retrieves the entire entity, like this:
SELECT VALUE incident FROM MyDB.INCIDENTs AS incident...
Changes do get persisted in the database! So as a test, I created another query like the first that named every column in the entity, which should be the exact equivalent of the second Entity SQL query. Yet it did not persist changes to the database either.
I've tried setting the MergeOption on the returned result to PreserveChanges, to start tracking, like this:
incidents.MergeOption = MergeOption.PreserveChanges;
But that has no effect. But really, if retrieving the entire entity with Entity Sql persists changes, what logical purpose would there be for behaving differently when a subset of the fields are retrieved? I'm wondering if this is a bug?
Gert was correct, the problem was that the entity was not attached. Dank U wel, Gert! Ik was ervan verbluft!
I just wanted to add a little detail to show the full solution. Basically, the ObjectContext has an Attach method, so you'd think that would be it. However, when your Entity SQL select statement names columns, and you create the object using a Type as I did, the EntityKey is not created, and ObjectContext.Attach fails. After trying and failing to insert the EntityKey I created myself, I stumbled across ObjectSet.Attach, added in Entity Framework 4. Instead of failing, it creates the EntityKey if it is missing. Nice touch.
The code was (this can probably be done in fewer steps, but I know this works):
var QueryString = "SELECT VALUE RunTimeUIDesigner.INCIDENT (incident.INCIDENT_NBR,incident.LOCATION,etc"
ObjectQuery<INCIDENT> incidents = orbcadDB.CreateQuery<INCIDENT>(QueryString);
incidents.MergeOption = MergeOption.PreserveChanges;
List<INCIDENT> retrievedIncidents = incidents.ToList<INCIDENT>();
iNCIDENTsViewSource.Source = retrievedIncidents;

Cannot insert NULL into a non-identity column in Entity Framework. Funny thing... it's not null?

I have a SalesOrder table with columns for ID and OrderID. ID is an auto-generated int. OrderID is a non-nullable string with a max length of 20, and we use it to store the customer's order number for reference.
After adding my new SalesOrder and calling SaveChanges, I get the following error:
Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'OrderID', table 'SalesOrder'; column does not allow nulls. INSERT fails.
The statement has been terminated.
Problem is, the object that I'm saving actually does have an OrderID! It's almost like it's trying to save the entity first before it saves all the values. Is this how EF handles things?
My setup is EF4.1, using an EDMX model-first approach. StoreGeneratedPattern is set to None. Default Value is currently set to (None) but I've tried various values. Entity Key is False, since it's not part of the key. I've also tried deleting the SalesOrder entity and regenerating it from the database.
I would also like to see your code...I had similar problems when filling objects in a loop then saving them with savechanges. I thought all the fields were populated, but they were not.
I'd have to see your code that executes before the save changes before I can offer anything really helpful.
If your problem is like mine and you are calling savechanges after using an iterator to populate your objects, then you can find the bad data by moving savechanges into the iterator so that it is called with each iteration...but this is all hypothetical guesswork without seeing your code...

Entity Framework - Mapping decimal(13,0) problem

I'm migrating the aplication of my company (that nowadays run over SQL Server and Oracle) to ASP NET MVC and Entity Framework for persistence.
A create my Entity Model based on SQL Server Database e separately I create a SSDL for Oracle (for Oracle I use DevArt dotConnect for Oracle Provider) and I get some pain troubles.
My table primary keys are on SQL Server are of type decimal(13,0) and on Oracle are number(13,0) but Oracle map it's type to Int64 and SQL Server to decimal, but I need that SQL Server map it to Int64.
I make these modification manually on Entity Data Model and for create records it's works fine, but when I have to delete or update some record I got these error:
The specified value is not an instance of type 'Edm.Decimal'
Parameter name: value
at System.Data.Common.CommandTrees.DbConstantExpression..ctor(DbCommandTree commandTree, Object value, TypeUsage constantType)
at System.Data.Mapping.Update.Internal.UpdateCompiler.GenerateValueExpression(DbCommandTree commandTree, EdmProperty property, PropagatorResult value)
at System.Data.Mapping.Update.Internal.UpdateCompiler.GenerateEqualityExpression(DbModificationCommandTree commandTree, EdmProperty property, PropagatorResult value)
at System.Data.Mapping.Update.Internal.UpdateCompiler.BuildPredicate(DbModificationCommandTree commandTree, PropagatorResult referenceRow, PropagatorResult current, TableChangeProcessor processor, Boolean& rowMustBeTouched)
at System.Data.Mapping.Update.Internal.UpdateCompiler.BuildDeleteCommand(PropagatorResult oldRow, TableChangeProcessor processor)
at System.Data.Mapping.Update.Internal.TableChangeProcessor.CompileCommands(ChangeNode changeNode, UpdateCompiler compiler)
Someone can help me?
Why Entity Framework mapping are so fixed? It could be more flexible?
Ps.: The error that I got, I suspect that is because of a association.
I have a Entity named Province and another named Country and I think that the association between these Entities are causing the problem at update and delete.
Douglas Aguiar
This may or may not help you, but i had the same error from doing this same thing. So I edited the Conceptual model and change the primary key field from Int32 to Decimal. So far, seems to have fixed things. I still need to test again against Sql Server and make sure this didnt break it.
I was getting the error "The specified value is not an instance of type 'Edm.Decimal' Parameter name: value" as you posted in your question. I had changed the default data types from Decimal to Int32 as this better reflects the true typing. When I first hit this error I rolled back the type changes and was still getting an exception but it changed just slightly but led to further digging. Bottom line, in my scenario we were expecting a trigger to populate the PK during persistence via Before Insert directive. The problem was that the domain class built by EF was setting the PK at 0 so the trigger was never firing as the incoming PK was not null. Of course EF will not let you set the Entity PK to be nullable. Maybe this will help someone else in the future.