Autohotkey - Copy from HTML and paste in Word - autohotkey

I am new to Autohotkey, so need your patience.
I have a folder with 6236 individual HTML files; each contains one sentence.
The names of these files go like this: 001001, 001002, 001003,..., 001007, 002001,002002, 002003 and so on. Of course, with .html file format.
I want to write a script with hotstrings such as:
and so on, so that when I type 001001 in Word, have the content of 001001.html pasted into the word. And when I type 001002 it pastes the content of 001002.html into the word. This way for all the 6236 files.
Can you help me with this?

Main code
number := 001000 + A_Index
number := "00" . number
temptext1 :=":*:" . number . "::"
temptext2 := "FileRead, orgtext, C:\" . number . ".html"
temptext3 := "SendInput % orgtext"
temptext4 := "return"
temptext := temptext . temptext1 . "`n" . temptext2 . "`n" . temptext3 . "`n" . temptext4 . "`n`n"
FileAppend, %temptext%, C:\test.ahk
Loop 1 will create following text
FileRead, orgtext, C:\001001.html
SendInput % orgtext
Loop 2 will create
FileRead, orgtext, C:\001002.html
SendInput % orgtext
And so on until 007236. You need to change where your html files are located. I assumed C:\001001.html. If for example files are in C:\Program Files\Myhtmlfiles\001001.html then edit line 6 into:
temptext2 := "FileRead, orgtext, C:\Program Files\Myhtmlfiles\" . number . ".html"
This is quite a long loop so it takes a couple of seconds to finish. After the loop is finished result gets saved into test.ahk located in C:\


Create auto hot key script that copies file paths onto clipboard as python styled list

I would like to create an autohotkey script that produces a python styled list when copying multiple filepaths in explorer.
E.g If I had three files within the C directory like below:
Then pressing the ahk shortcut should copy the following paths to my clipboard in the below style:
However if a single filepath is selected I'd prefer for it to remain in a string format when copied onto the clipboard e.g copying 'a.txt' should copy the path to my clipboard as:
I've tried to generate my own ahk shortcut but keep getting errors when I try to manipulate the clipboard:
Send ^c
Clipboard:= Clipboard ""
temp := Clipboard
paths := StrSplit(temp, "`r`n")
num_paths := paths.MaxIndex()
if (num_paths == 1)
Clipboard:= `".Clipboard.`"
Array := []
For path in paths
path := `".path.`"
Clipboard:= Array ""
Any help fixing this shortcut would be appreciated.
Had to read up a bit on ahk syntax but I figured it out in the end.
Here's my working shortcut:
Clipboard := ""
Send, ^c
ClipWait , 2
Clipboard:= Clipboard . ""
temp := Clipboard
paths := StrSplit(temp, "`r`n")
num_paths := paths.MaxIndex()
if (num_paths == 1)
Clipboard:= "'" . temp . "'"
output_string := "["
For key,path in paths
path := "'" . path . "'"
output_string := output_string . path . ", "
StringTrimRight, output_string, output_string, 2
output_string := output_string . "]"
Clipboard:= output_string
Send ^c
Email:= Email ""
temp := Email
paths := StrSplit(temp, "`r`n")
num_paths := paths.MaxIndex()
if (num_paths == 1)
Email:= `".Email.`"

Updating my current script which modifies multiple lines into a single one

My current script copies text like this with a shortcut:
:WiltedFlower: aetheryxflower ─ 4
:Alcohol: alcohol ─ 3,709
:Ant: ant ─ 11,924
:Apple: apple ─ 15
:ArmpitHair: armpithair ─ 2
and pastes it modified into a single line
Pls trade 4 aetheryxflower 3 alcohol 11 ant 15 apple 2 armpithair <#id>
As you can see there are already two little problems, the first one is that it copies only the number/s before a comma if one existed instead of ignoring it. The second is that I always need to also copy before hitting the hotkey and start re/start the script, I've thought of modifying the script so that it uses the already selected text instead of the copied one so that I can bind it with a single hotkey.
That is my current script, it would be cool if anyone can also tell me what they used and why exactly, so that I also get better with ahk
list =
While pos := RegExMatch(Clipboard, "(\w*) ─ (\d*)", m, pos ? pos + StrLen(m) : 1)
list .= m2 " " m1 " "
Clipboard := "", Clipboard := "Pls trade " list " <#951737931159187457>"
ClipWait, 0
If ErrorLevel
MsgBox, 48, Error, An error occurred while waiting for the clipboard.
If the pattern of your copied text dont change, you can use something like this:
list =
a := StrSplit(StrReplace(Clipboard, "`r"), "`n")
Loop,% a.Count() {
b := StrSplit( a[A_Index], ": " )
c := StrSplit( b[2], " - " )
list .= Trim( c[2] ) " " Trim( c[1] ) " "
Clipboard := "Pls trade " list " <#951737931159187457>"]
ToolTip % Clipboard ; just for debug
With your example text, the output will be:
Pls trade aetheryxflower ─ 4 alcohol ─ 3,709 ant ─ 11,924 apple ─ 15 armpithair ─ 2 <#951737931159187457>
And this will run EVERY TIME your clipboard changes, to avoid this, you can add at the top of the script #IfWinActive, WinTitle or #IfWinExist, WinTitle depending of your need.
The answer given would solve the problem, assuming that it never changes pattern as Diesson mentions.
I did the explanation of the code you provided with comments in the code below:
list = ; initalize a blank variable
; regexMatch(Haystack, regexNeedle, OutputVar, startPos)
; just for frame of reference in explanation of regexMatch
While ; loop while 'pos' <> 0
pos := RegExMatch(Clipboard ; Haystack is the string to be searched,
in this case the Clipboard
, "(\w*) ─ (\d*)" ; regex needle in this case "capture word characters
(a-z OR A-Z OR 0-9 OR _) any number of times, space dash space
then capture any number of digits (0-9)"
, m ; output var array base name, ie first capture will be in m1
second m2 and so on.
, pos ? pos + StrLen(m) : 1) ; starting position for search
"? :"used in this way is called a ternary operator, what is saying
is "if pos<>0 then length of string+pos is start position, otherwise
start at 1". Based on the docs, this shouldn't actually work well
since 'm' in this case should be left blank
list .= m2 " " m1 " " ; append the results to the 'list' variable
followed with a space
Clipboard := "" ; clear the clipboard.
Clipboard := "Pls trade " list " <#951737931159187457>"
ClipWait, 0 ; wait zero seconds for the clipboard to change
If ErrorLevel ; if waiting zero seconds for the clipboard to change
doesn't work, give error msg to user.
MsgBox, 48, Error, An error occurred while waiting for the clipboard.
Frankly this code is what I would call quick and dirty, and seems unlikely to work well all the time.

Ahk Script to find in the current folder a file or a folder with the latest change?

I often save files from Chrome to the Downloads folder or My Documents folder.
You have to look for these files later in the folder. Tell me whether it is possible to somehow make it more convenient using the ahk script. By pressing F3 for example, the last file or folder in the current folder is highlighted. How to implement it. Please help me, I'm a new
SetTitleMatchMode, 2
File := "" ; empty variable
Time := ""
Loop, Files, %A_MyDocuments%\Downloads\*.*, DF ; include files and folders
If (A_LoopFileTimeModified >= Time)
Time := A_LoopFileTimeModified ; the time the file/folder was last modified
File := A_LoopFileFullPath ; the path and name of the file/folder currently retrieved
; MsgBox, Last modified file in %A_MyDocuments%\Downloads is`n`n"%File%"
IfWinNotExist Downloads ahk_class CabinetWClass
Run % "explorer.exe /select," . File ; open containing folder and highlight this file/folder
SplitPath, File, name
MsgBox, Last modified file = "%name%"
WinActivate, Downloads ahk_class CabinetWClass
WinWaitActive, Downloads ahk_class CabinetWClass
; SelectExplorerItem(name) ; or:
SendInput, %name%
SelectExplorerItem(ItemName) { ; selects the specified item in the active explorer window, if present
; SelectItem ->
Window := ""
Static Shell := ComObjCreate("Shell.Application")
For Window In Shell.Windows
try IfWinActive, % "ahk_id " window.HWND
If (Item := Window.Document.Folder.ParseName(ItemName))
Window.Document.SelectItem(Item, 29)
Return (Item ? True : False)

Join lines automatically using autohotkey

Long paragraphs in Adobe Acrobat results in a line break when text is copied to clipboard and pasted in Word.
To deal with this, I manually paste the copied-text in Notepad ++ > select all > ctrl+J (join lines) > select all > Copy...... and then paste it into my Word document.
I would like to automate this join line using autohotkey as I have a large body of documents to go through. I can't seem to find any examples online in dealing with this directly within autohotkey script.
Data structures with labeled axes supporting automatic or explicit data alignment.
This prevents common errors resulting from misaligned data and working with
differently-indexed data coming from different sources.
After manually joining in Notepad ++
Data structures with labeled axes supporting automatic or explicit data alignment. This prevents common errors resulting from misaligned data and working with differently-indexed data coming from different sources.
This works:
ClipChanged() {
If (WinActive("ahk_exe AcroRd32.exe")) {
For e, v in StrSplit(clipboard, "`n", "`r")
x .= v " "
clipboard := trim(x)
Try this:
If WinActive("ahk_exe AcroRd32.exe")
clipboard =
Send, {Ctrl down}c{Ctrl up}{Esc}
clip := RegExReplace(clipboard, "(\S.*?)\R(.*?\S)", "$1 $2") ; strip line breaks and replace them with spaces
clipboard = %clip%
StringReplace clipboard, clipboard, % " ", % " ", A ; replace double spaces with single spaces
ControlClick, x0 y0, A
Or this:
If WinActive("ahk_class AcrobatSDIWindow")
clipboard := ""
Send, {Ctrl down}c{Ctrl up}{Esc}
clip := RegExReplace(clipboard, "(\S.*?)\R(.*?\S)", "$1 $2") ; strip line breaks and replace them with spaces
StringReplace clip, clip, % " ", % " ", A ; replace double spaces with single spaces
clipboard := ""
clipboard = %clip%
ClipWait 2
If !(ErrorLevel)
ToolTip, lines joined
Sleep 500
I added functionality considering lines ending with a hyphen.
This occurs in elec-
tricity generation
This occurs in electricity generation systems.
If WinActive("ahk_exe AcroRd32.exe")
clipboard := ""
Send, {Ctrl down}c{Ctrl up}{Esc}
clip := RegExReplace(clipboard, "(\S.*?)-\R(.*?\S)", "$1$2") ; strip line breaks with hyphen
clip := RegExReplace(clip, "(\S.*?)\R(.*?\S)", "$1 $2") ; strip line breaks and replace them with spaces
StringReplace clip, clip, % " ", % " ", A ; replace double spaces with single spaces
clipboard := ""
clipboard = %clip%
ClipWait 2
If !(ErrorLevel)
ToolTip, lines joined
Sleep 500

Autohotkey - Replace different words or sentences

in this script that I use i can replace only one word teams--> milan, juventus, inter..
But i want replace many words (not only one word) for example:
[simply word replacement jack-->beta]
[sentence replacement jack-->jack,john,alfa]
This is actually code that i use
loop {
While !RegexMatch(strCapture, "teams$") {
Input, strUserInput, V L1, {BackSpace} ; V: visible, L1: Character length 1
If ErrorLevel = Endkey:BackSpace
strCapture := SubStr(strCapture, 1, StrLen(strUserInput) - 1)
strCapture .= strUserInput
; tooltip % ErrorLevel "`n" strUserInput "`n" strCapture "`n" ; enable this to see what actually happens
{Backspace 5}
strCapture := ""
How can I modify the code?
It is also possible to run the script integrating copy-paste?
You could use a For loop to replace the contents, but this would become increasingly tedious to maintain at scale, so YMMV.
The following will use the clipboard contents as the to/from variables, but you can swap it out with a variable as desired (replace "clipboard" with your string variable).
replace := {"alfa":"beta", "gamma":"delta"}
For start, end in replace {
StringReplace, clipboard, clipboard, %start%, %end%, All