How to enable CDN on Atlassian Confluence Server? - confluence

I would like to use Atlassian Confluence Server with CloudFront CDN, but there is no documentation explaining how to configure this within Confluence. Any ideas?

Seems as though this feature is undocumented within Confluence, but here are the steps;
1) Enable dark feature confluence.fixed.cdn.enabled via <confluence_url_here>/admin/darkfeatures.action
Or you can enable dark feature in using;
2) Edit and add:
CATALINA_OPTS="-Dconfluence.fixed.cdn.prefix=https://YOURCDNGOESHERE/ ${CATALINA_OPTS}"


How to enable pulg and hack feature in OWASP ZAP

I have recently downloaded OWASP ZAP to perform security testing. But there is no option for plug and hack feature so that I can incorporate it with Firefox? Can anyone tell me why is it not there and how can I add it?
ZAP version 2.6.0
Ubuntu 16.04
No plug and hack feature
It may be because mozilla firefox has restricted plug and hack feature in new versions for security concerns.
If you still wish to do so, try using older firefox versions.
The add-on used features that are now no longer available in Firefox, unless you trust unsigned add-ons. It is being reworked, but no eta I'm afraid.
You can still install it from the ZAP Marketplace - just click on the 'Manage Add-ons' button, 'Check for Updates' and search for 'plug' in the 'Marketplace' tab.
You can now also use the new 'browser launch' feature. Just make sure you're running the latest version of ZAP (currently 2.6.0) and that all of your add-ons are up to date. You'll then get the option to lauch any browser from ZAP, automatically configured to proxy through ZAP and ignore certificate issues. More details in this blog post:

Scipy website down - documentation mirror

For past two days I have been trying to access the scipy official site.
I have not been able to access it. I have checked it on multiple service
providers as well as through boxes setup in US. I would trust this site to be
official site and refer to documentation on it.
How does one intimate them ?
Also, meanwhile is there any mirror available for the documentation ?
Best Regards,
There is no official mirror.
You can check the availability of the website via third party tools, such as
The team behind SciPy is generally aware of the unavailability and do their best to put it back up.
The best "next" option is to build the docs yourself locally or rely on the scipy-doc package from your package manager. Under Debian, one can do apt-get install python-scipy-doc and look under /usr/share/doc/python-scipy-doc/html.
The closest that I can reach till now:
It looks it's best to use pydoc.
The most convenient form is to launch it in the browser using localhost http server. This can be done through pydoc -b and one can browse through
most of the relevant documentation for the specific package.

How to allow users to send issues via e-mail to MantisBT?

In it says, that Mantis allows Input via mail.
I checked config_defaults_inc.php for associated settings, but could not find them. How can I allow my users to send issues to my MantisBT instance?
You will have to install the EmailReporting plugin to enable this feature. You can download the plugin from
Installation of the plugin is straightforward, but configuration can be done only from the plugin page. Please make sure that you read the README before using the plugin.
If you are using MantisHub (MantisBT as a Service), email reporting is included as part of the gold and platinum plans:
You can find the documentation of the feature at:

Eclipse Galileo Proxy detection by URL

In earlier versions of Eclipse I was able to add an URL to auto detect the proxy settings. How can I tell Eclipse to use an Auto Proxy
Configuration URL?
If you refer to the "old" (3.3) setting:
The new setting also allows for:
PAC (Proxy Auto Configuration), mode "Native" (default since 3.4, even though that still have some bug like Bug 257443)
Manual proxy settings, mode "Manual"
See also How do I set a proxy for the Browser to use?

Problem on installing new software on Eclipse Galileo Platform

I want to install a subversion on my eclipse.
So I went to Help < Install New Software and when I pick the "Galileo -" in the "Work with" dropdown, it tells me in the main box "No repository found at http://...".
It is appearing in my available software sites and when I test the connection it returns me an error saying Unknown host.
Can someone please help me, I really need to install that subversion :).
As mention in this thread, this could be a proxy issue:
I assume you mean you used a web browser to get that - if so, is it
configured to use a web proxy? If your browser is using a proxy then
you need to configure Eclipse to use one too (see the General/Network
Connections preference page).
Since 3.5 Galileo, The Network Connection page has been changed to better show the current proxy configuration.
Now if you go to Preferences > General > Network Connections, you are able to see and change Eclipse proxy settings as well as see settings provided by the operating system.
If you want to use your browser or Gnome settings, or you have your proxy configured using environmental variables on Linux, you can see them all in this new UI
So to set your proxy, you can follow this tutorial (How to configure Proxy Settings in Eclipse)
The severity of the bug is downgraded, since there is a workaround. Open the eclipse.ini file and add the following
In a few words the above command says that Eclipse can access the web via the *.pac files of the HTTP clients (eg Internet Explorer or Firefox).
To summarize:
Add the above line at the ini file
ensure that your default system http client (eg Internet Explorer) has proxy settings configured
Go to Eclipse Window->Preferences->Network Connection and enter the proxy setting here as well
It should work with this workaround
I'm not sure which Subversion client you use but neither of them can be installed from the main Galileo site. Follow the instructions on the web page of the Subversion plug-in how to install it.