I created a cluster with kops in the AWS.
sudo kops create cluster --name=k8s.ehh.fun --state=s3://kops-state-ehh000 --zones=us-east-1a --node-count=3 --node-size=t2.micro --master-size=t2.micro --dns-zone=k8s.ehh.fun
And now a Would like to change the node-count without destroy the cluster. How can I do that?
I tried :
sudo kops update cluster --name=k8s.ehh.fun --state=s3://kops-state-ehh000 --node-count=3 --node-size=t2.micro
But I got : Error: unknown flag: --node-count
You can change the node count by editing the nodes instance group:
kops edit instancegroup nodes
This will open an editor in which you can edit your instance group's specification and increase the code count. After saving and exiting, call:
kops update cluster <cluster-name> --yes
This will automatically update your auto-scaling group and start additional instances (or terminate them if you decreased the node count).
See the documentation for more information.
I'm getting the following error when trying to modify the instance types of the worker/master nodes of my k8s cluster.
error reading InstanceGroup "nodes": InstanceGroup.kops.k8s.io "nodes" not found
I run the following:
kops edit ig nodes --name ${NAME}
error reading InstanceGroup "nodes": InstanceGroup.kops.k8s.io "nodes" not found
Am I missing something here?
$ kops get instancegroups --name ${NAME}
master-us-east-2a Master t3.medium 1 1 us-east-2a
nodes-us-east-2a Node t3.medium 1 1 us-east-2a
nodes-us-east-2b Node t3.medium 1 1 us-east-2b
This works.
Maybe Kops has changed recently and they don't group all nodes under the same name anymore as previously?
kOps did indeed change recently in that new clusters are provisioned with one instance group per availability zone (AZ) instead of having one node IG that spans all AZs.
So in your case, you want to edit both nodes-us-east-2a and nodes-us-east-2b.
As a bonus comment, I really recommend that you both
use kops get -o yaml to dump the specs and put them under version control
template your IG spec so that you ensure they are consistent.
While creating a cluster, kops gives us a set of arguments to configure the images to be used for the master instances and the node instances like the following as mentioned in the kops documentation for create cluster command : https://github.com/kubernetes/kops/blob/master/docs/cli/kops_create_cluster.md
--image string Set image for all instances.
--master-image string Set image for masters. Takes precedence over --image
--node-image string Set image for nodes. Takes precedence over --image
Suppose I forgot to add these parameters when I created the cluster, how can I edit the cluster and update these things?
While running kops edit cluster the cluster configuration opens up as a yaml.. but where should I add these things in there?
is there complete kops cluster yaml that I can refer to modify my cluster?
You would need to edit the instance group after the cluster is created to add/edit the image name.
kops get ig
kops edit ig <ig-name>
After the update is done for all masters and nodes, perform
kops update cluster <cluster-name>
kops update cluster <cluster-name> --yes
and then perform rolling-update or restart/stop 1 instance at a time from the cloud console
kops rolling-update cluster <cluster-name>
kops rolling-update cluster <cluster-name> --yes
in another terminal kops validate cluster <cluster-name> to validate the cluster
there are other flags we can use as well while performing the rolling-update
There are other parameters as well which you can add, update, edit in the instance group - take a look at the documentation for more information
Found a solution for this question. My intention was to update huge number of instance groups in one shot for a cluster. Editing each instance group one by one is lot of work.
run kops get <cluster name> -o yaml > cluster.yaml
edit it there, then run kops replace -f cluster.yaml
Once we increase load by using JMeter client than my deployed service is interrupted and on GCP/GKE console it says that -
Upgrading cluster master
The values shown below are going to change soon.
And my kubectl client throw this error during upgrade -
Unable to connect to the server: dial tcp connectex: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.
How can I stop this upgrade or prevent my service interruption ? If service will be intrupted than there is no benefit of this auto scaling. I am new to GKE, please let me know if I am missing any configuration or parameter here.
I am using this command to create my cluster-
gcloud container clusters create ajeet-gke --zone us-east4-b --node-locations us-east4-b --machine-type n1-standard-8 --num-nodes 1 --enable-autoscaling --min-nodes 4 --max-nodes 16
It is not upgrading k8s version. Because it works fine with smaller load but as I increase load than cluster starts upgrade of master. So it looks the master is resizing itself for more nodes. After upgrade I can see more nodes on GCP console. https://github.com/terraform-providers/terraform-provider-google/issues/3385
Below command says auto scaling is not enabled on instance group.
> gcloud compute instance-groups managed list
ajeet-gke-cluster- no us-east4-b zone ---
Sorry forget to update it here, I found a workaround to fix it - after splitting cluster creation command in to two steps cluster is auto scaling without restarting master node:
gcloud container clusters create ajeet-ggs --zone us-east4-b --node-locations us-east4-b --machine-type n1-standard-8 --num-nodes 1
gcloud container clusters update ajeet-ggs --enable-autoscaling --min-nodes 1 --max-nodes 10 --zone us-east4-b --node-pool default-pool
To prevent this you should always create your cluster with hardcoded cluster version to the last version available.
See the documentation: https://cloud.google.com/kubernetes-engine/docs/concepts/cluster-architecture#master
This means that Goolge is managing the master, meaning that if your master is not up to date it will be updated to be in the last version and allow google to limit the number of version currently managed. https://cloud.google.com/kubernetes-engine/docs/concepts/regional-clusters
Now why do you have an interruption of service during the update: because you are in zonal mode with only one master, to prevent this you should go in regional cluster mode with more than one master, allowing for clean rolling update.
The master won't resize the node, unless the autoscaling feature is enabled in it.
As mentioned in above answer, this is a feature at the node-pool level. By looking at description of the issue, it does seems like 'autoscaling' is enabled on your node-pool and eventually a GKE's cluster autoscaler automatically resizes clusters based on the demands of the workloads you want to run(ie when there are pods that are not able to be scheduled due to resource shortages such as CPU).
Additionaly, Kubernetes cluster autoscaling does not use the Managed Instance Group autoscaler. It runs a cluster-autoscaler controller on the Kubernetes master that uses Kubernetes-specific signals to scale your nodes.
It is therefore, highly recommended not use(or rely on the autoscaling status showed by MIG) Compute Engine's autoscaling feature on instance groups created by Kubernetes Engine.
While reducing number of nodes in node pool in GKE, I want a specific node to be not killed by GKE. Is it possible to do that?
As explained in detail here - you can drain and delete the instance from the instance group (Not direct delete instance)
kubectl drain gke_instance_name --force
The delete from instance group command followed by wait-until-stable command:
$ gcloud compute instance-groups managed delete-instances $GROUP_ID --instances=gke_instance_name
$ gcloud compute instance-groups managed wait-until-stable $GROUP_ID
This will not allow you to blacklist some instances from being deleted - but other way around that you can delete specific instances and leave others untouched.
I created a cluster using kops. It worked fine and the cluster is healthy. I can see my nodes using kubectl and have created some deployments and services. I tried adding a node using "kops edit ig nodes" and got an error "cluster not found". Now I get that error for all kops commands:
kops validate cluster
Using cluster from kubectl context: <clustername>
cluster "<clustername>" not found
So my question is: where does kops look for clusters and how do I configure it to see my cluster.
My KOPS_STATE_STORE environment variable got messed up. I corrected it to be the correct s3 bucket and everything is fine.
export KOPS_STATE_STORE=s3://correctbucketname
Kubectl and Kops access the configuration file from the following the location.
When the cluster is created.The configuration will be saved into a users
I have attached the link for further insight for instance, If you have another config file you can EXPORT it. kube-config