Why is linear regression so poor in training using PYMC3 - linear-regression
I am new to PYMC3. Maybe this is a naive question, but I searched a lot and didn't find any explanation on this issue.
Basically, I want to do a linear regression in PYMC3, however the training is very slow and the model performance on training set is very poor as well. Below is my code:
X_Tr = np.array([ 13.99802212, 13.8512075 , 13.9531636 , 13.97432944,
13.89211468, 13.91357953, 13.95987483, 13.86476587,
13.9501789 , 13.92698143, 13.9653932 , 14.06663115,
13.91697969, 13.99629862, 14.01392784, 13.96495713,
13.98697998, 13.97516973, 14.01048397, 14.05918188,
14.08342002, 13.89350606, 13.81768849, 13.94942447,
13.90465027, 13.93969029, 14.18771189, 14.08631113,
14.03718829, 14.01836206, 14.06758363, 14.05243539,
13.96287123, 13.93011351, 14.01616973, 14.01923812,
13.97424024, 13.9587175 , 13.85669845, 13.97778302,
14.04192138, 13.93775494, 13.86693585, 13.79985956,
13.82679677, 14.06474544, 13.90821822, 13.71648423,
13.78899668, 13.76857337, 13.87201756, 13.86152949,
13.80447525, 13.99609891, 14.0210165 , 13.986906 ,
13.97479211, 14.04562055, 14.03293095, 14.15178043,
14.32413197, 14.2330354 , 13.99247751, 13.92962912,
13.95394525, 13.87888254, 13.82743111, 14.10724699,
14.23638905, 14.15731881, 14.13239278, 14.13386722,
13.91442452, 14.01056255, 14.19378649, 14.22233852,
14.30405399, 14.25880108, 14.23985258, 14.21184303,
14.4443183 , 14.55710331, 14.42102092, 14.29047616,
14.43712609, 14.58666212])
y_tr = np.array([ 13.704, 13.763, 13.654, 13.677, 13.66 , 13.735, 13.845,
13.747, 13.747, 13.606, 13.819, 13.867, 13.817, 13.68 ,
13.823, 13.779, 13.814, 13.936, 13.956, 13.912, 13.982,
13.979, 13.919, 13.944, 14.094, 13.983, 13.887, 13.902,
13.899, 13.881, 13.784, 13.909, 13.99 , 14.06 , 13.834,
13.778, 13.703, 13.965, 14.02 , 13.992, 13.927, 14.009,
13.988, 14.022, 13.754, 13.837, 13.91 , 13.907, 13.867,
14.014, 13.952, 13.796, 13.92 , 14.051, 13.773, 13.837,
13.745, 14.034, 13.923, 14.041, 14.077, 14.125, 13.989,
14.174, 13.967, 13.952, 14.024, 14.171, 14.175, 14.091,
14.267, 14.22 , 14.071, 14.112, 14.174, 14.289, 14.146,
14.356, 14.5 , 14.265, 14.259, 14.406, 14.463, 14.473,
14.413, 14.507])
sns.regplot(x=X_tr, y=y_tr.flatten());
Here I use PYMC3 to train the model:
shA_X = shared(X_tr)
with pm.Model() as linear_model:
alpha = pm.Normal("alpha", mu=14,sd=100)
betas = pm.Normal("betas", mu=0, sd=100, shape=1)
sigma = pm.HalfCauchy('sigma', beta=10, testval=1.)
mu = alpha + betas * shA_X
forecast = pm.Normal("forecast", mu=mu, sd=sigma, observed=y_tr)
step = pm.NUTS()
trace=pm.sample(3000, tune=1000)
and then check the performance:
ppc_w = pm.sample_ppc(trace, 1000, linear_model,
plt.plot(y_tr, color='k')`
Why is the prediction on the training set so poor?
Any suggestions and ideas are appreciated.
This model is doing a fine job - I think the confusion is over how to handle the PyMC3 objects (thank you for the easy to work with example, though!). In general, PyMC3 will be used to quantify the uncertainty in your model.
For example, trace['betas'].mean() is around 0.83 (this will depend on your random seed), while the least squares estimate that, for example, sklearn gives will be 0.826. Similarly, trace['alpha'].mean() gives 2.34, while the "true" value is 2.38.
You can also use the trace to plot many different plausible draws for your line of best fit:
for draw in trace[::100]:
pred = draw['betas'] * X_tr + draw['alpha']
plt.plot(X_tr, pred, '--', alpha=0.2, color='grey')
plt.plot(X_tr, y_tr, 'o');
Note that these are drawn from the distribution of "best fits" for your data. You also used sigma to model the noise, and you can plot this value as well:
for draw in trace[::100]:
pred = draw['betas'] * X_tr + draw['alpha']
plt.plot(X_tr, pred, '-', alpha=0.2, color='grey')
plt.plot(X_tr, pred + draw['sigma'], '-', alpha=0.05, color='red')
plt.plot(X_tr, pred - draw['sigma'], '-', alpha=0.05, color='red');
plt.plot(X_tr, y_tr, 'o');
Using sample_ppc draws observed values from your posterior distribution, so each row of ppc_w['forecast'] is a reasonable way for the data to be generated "next time". You might use that object this way:
ppc_w = pm.sample_ppc(trace, 1000, linear_model,
for draw in ppc_w['forecast'][::5]:
sns.regplot(X_tr, draw, scatter_kws={'alpha': 0.005, 'color': 'r'}, fit_reg=False)
sns.regplot(X_tr, y_tr, color='k', fit_reg=False);
How to reproduce a linear regression done via pseudo inverse in pytorch
I try to reproduce a simple linear regression x = A†b using pytorch. But I get completely different numbers. So first I use plain numpy and do A_pinv = np.linalg.pinv(A) betas = A_pinv.dot(b) print(((b - A.dot(betas))**2).mean()) print(betas) which results in: 364.12875 [0.43196774 0.14436531 0.42414093] Now I try to get similar enough numbers using pytorch: # re-implement via pytoch model using built-ins import torch.nn as nn import torch.nn.functional as F from torch.utils.data import TensorDataset, DataLoader # We'll create a TensorDataset, which allows access to rows from inputs and targets as tuples. # We'll also create a DataLoader, to split the data into batches while training. # It also provides other utilities like shuffling and sampling. inputs = to.from_numpy(A) targets = to.from_numpy(b) train_ds = TensorDataset(inputs, targets) batch_size = 5 train_dl = DataLoader(train_ds, batch_size, shuffle=True) # define model, loss and optimizer new_model = nn.Linear(source_variables, predict_variables, bias=False) loss_fn = F.mse_loss opt = to.optim.SGD(new_model.parameters(), lr=1e-10) def fit(num_epochs, new_model, loss_fn, opt): for epoch in tnrange(num_epochs, desc="epoch"): for xb,yb in train_dl: # Generate predictions pred = new_model(xb) loss = loss_fn(pred, yb) # Perform gradient descent loss.backward() opt.step() opt.zero_grad() if epoch % 1000 == 0: print((new_model.weight, loss)) print('Training loss: ', loss_fn(model(inputs), targets)) # fit the model fit(10000, new_model, loss_fn, opt) It prints as the last result: tensor([[0.0231, 0.5185, 0.4589]], requires_grad=True), tensor(271.8525, grad_fn=<MseLossBackward>)) Training loss: tensor(378.2871, grad_fn=<MseLossBackward>) As you can see these numbers are completely different so I must have made a mistake somewhere ... Here are the numbers for A and b to reproduce the result: A = np.array([[2822.48, 2808.48, 2810.92], [2832.94, 2822.48, 2808.48], [2832.57, 2832.94, 2822.48], [2824.23, 2832.57, 2832.94], [2854.88, 2824.23, 2832.57], [2800.71, 2854.88, 2824.23], [2798.36, 2800.71, 2854.88], [2818.46, 2798.36, 2800.71], [2805.37, 2818.46, 2798.36], [2815.44, 2805.37, 2818.46]], dtype=float32) b = np.array([2832.94, 2832.57, 2824.23, 2854.88, 2800.71, 2798.36, 2818.46, 2805.37, 2815.44, 2834.4 ], dtype=float32)
Using interp2 - The grid must be created from grid vectors which are strictly monotonically increasing
I am using MATLAB_R2016b. I have data of this format Temperature = [310:10:800]; Pressure = [0.1 0 1.0 10.0 100.0 1000.0]; Cv = ... [ 73.6400 25.3290 73.5920 73.1260 69.4500 61.8600 72.8060 25.3810 72.7640 72.3450 68.9780 61.7040 71.9230 25.4380 71.8850 71.5070 68.4230 61.3140 71.0060 25.4990 70.9710 70.6290 67.8040 60.8160 70.0680 25.5640 70.0360 69.7270 67.1400 60.2840 69.1220 25.6340 69.0940 68.8140 66.4460 59.7550 68.1800 25.7070 68.1540 67.9000 65.7350 59.2500 27.6640 25.7840 67.2240 66.9940 65.0150 58.7780 27.3630 25.8640 66.3120 66.1040 64.2950 58.3390 27.1700 25.9480 65.4220 65.2330 63.5820 57.9340 27.0440 26.0340 64.5570 64.3850 62.8790 57.5600 26.9660 26.1230 63.7210 63.5640 62.1900 57.2130 26.9240 26.2150 62.9130 62.7700 61.5170 56.8890 26.9110 26.3090 62.1360 62.0050 60.8620 56.5870 26.9200 26.4050 61.3890 61.2690 60.2250 56.3020 26.9460 26.5030 33.1250 60.5620 59.6080 56.0320 26.9870 26.6030 31.8460 59.8850 59.0090 55.7750 27.0390 26.7050 31.0570 59.2360 58.4290 55.5290 27.1010 26.8080 30.5000 58.6170 57.8680 55.2920 27.1700 26.9120 30.0840 58.0280 57.3240 55.0630 27.2460 27.0170 29.7670 57.4700 56.7980 54.8410 27.3280 27.1240 29.5260 56.9450 56.2900 54.6250 27.4140 27.2320 29.3430 56.4560 55.7970 54.4150 27.5040 27.3410 29.2080 56.0070 55.3210 54.2090 27.5980 27.4500 29.1110 55.6040 54.8600 54.0080 27.6940 27.5610 29.0460 55.2610 54.4150 53.8100 27.7930 27.6720 29.0060 54.9970 53.9840 53.6160 27.8950 27.7840 28.9870 54.8470 53.5670 53.4260 27.9980 27.8970 28.9870 51.7540 53.1650 53.2390 28.1030 28.0110 29.0020 47.2710 52.7760 53.0550 28.2100 28.1250 29.0290 44.3160 52.4010 52.8750 28.3180 28.2400 29.0670 42.1390 52.0390 52.6980 28.4270 28.3550 29.1150 40.4520 51.6910 52.5230 28.5380 28.4710 29.1710 39.1070 51.3570 52.3520 28.6500 28.5880 29.2340 38.0170 51.0350 52.1840 28.7630 28.7060 29.3040 37.1240 50.7260 52.0200 28.8770 28.8240 29.3780 36.3870 50.4300 51.8580 28.9920 28.9420 29.4580 35.7750 50.1460 51.7000 29.1080 29.0610 29.5420 35.2640 49.8730 51.5440 29.2250 29.1810 29.6290 34.8380 49.6100 51.3930 29.3420 29.3010 29.7200 34.4810 49.3570 51.2440 29.4610 29.4220 29.8150 34.1820 49.1120 51.0990 29.5800 29.5440 29.9120 33.9330 48.8720 50.9570 29.6990 29.6660 30.0110 33.7250 48.6360 50.8190 29.8200 29.7880 30.1130 33.5540 48.4000 50.6830 29.9410 29.9110 30.2170 33.4130 48.1630 50.5520 30.0630 30.0340 30.3230 33.3000 47.9210 50.4230 30.1850 30.1580 30.4310 33.2100 47.6720 50.2990 30.3080 30.2820 30.5400 33.1400 47.4140 50.1770 30.4310 30.4070 30.6510 33.0890 47.1430 50.0590]; When I try to query a new [temperature, pressure] pair, for example [0.2, 341] by doing this interp2(Temperature, Pressure, Cv, 0.2, 341) I get the following error: Error using griddedInterpolant The grid vectors must be strictly monotonically increasing. Error in interp2>makegriddedinterp (line 229) F = griddedInterpolant(varargin{:}); Error in interp2 (line 129) F = makegriddedinterp({X, Y}, V, method,extrap); What am I doing wrong? And how can I get the desired result?
You need to have the same number of points in Temperature and Pressure as you do in Cv. You can generate these points using meshgrid. [Temp, Pres] = meshgrid(Temperature, Pressure) % Temp and Pres are both 6x50 matrices However, you still have an issue. Temperature and Pressure must be monotonically increasing, as the error message states. This means you can't have a pressure value go down, which it does. You must change the second value in the Pressure array, or for instance you may want to swap columns 1 and 2 of the Pressure and Cv arrays Pressure = [0.1, 0, 1, 10, 100, 1000]; % original Pressure = Pressure([2, 1, 3:end]); % swap columns 1 and 2, Pressure = [0,0.1,1,10,...] Cv = [...]; % All of your data Cv = Cv(:, [2, 1, 3:end]) % Swap columns 1 and 2 Now you can do your lookup. Note you also had the temperature and pressure values the wrong way around, they must be the same order for inputs 1/2 and inputs 4/5. [Temp, Pres] = meshgrid(Temperature, Pressure); out = interp2(Temp, Pres, Cv.', 341, 0.2) % not (..., 0.2, 341) as must be same order >> out = 30.5468 The only consideration you might want to give is that you're using linear interpolation with interp2, but your pressure data is logarithmic. Check your results are sensible.
Plot a V-shape function given its points
I have the following matrix which rows are points sampled from a function f = [ -3.7850 -11.5240 -3.7753 -11.4822 -3.7680 -11.5427 -3.7592 -11.5607 -3.7576 -11.5461 -3.7454 -11.5887 -3.7386 -11.4070 -3.7358 -11.4450 -3.7289 -11.5511 -3.7254 -11.3713 -3.7122 -11.4515 -3.6820 -11.5582 -3.6758 -11.5946 -3.6732 -11.5823 -3.6679 -11.6365 -3.6487 -11.3525 -3.6424 -11.2745 -3.6322 -11.3478 -3.6235 -11.6379 -3.6159 -11.6308 -3.5619 -11.1980 -3.5550 -11.2284 -3.5544 -11.5925 -3.5147 -11.6578 -3.5041 -11.6756 -3.4860 -11.1550 -3.4654 -11.6341 -3.4550 -11.1329 -3.3802 -11.6701 -3.3691 -11.1083 -3.3541 -11.0790 -3.3485 -11.5887 -3.3006 -11.6384 -3.2481 -11.5570 -3.2459 -11.0268 -3.2441 -10.9314 -3.2301 -11.5225 -3.2270 -10.8832 -3.1543 -10.8612 -3.1528 -11.5490 -3.1167 -11.5021 -3.1102 -10.8255 -3.0645 -11.5618 -2.9967 -11.5420 -2.9898 -10.8136 -2.9645 -10.7107 -2.9211 -11.4197 -2.9175 -10.6389 -2.8558 -10.6015 -2.8327 -11.5108 -2.7768 -11.4501 -2.7392 -10.5492 -2.7217 -11.4230 -2.6988 -10.4724 -2.6235 -11.3226 -2.6196 -11.3806 -2.5772 -10.4518 -2.5458 -10.4317 -2.5014 -10.3176 -2.4832 -11.3822 -2.4778 -10.2456 -2.4029 -11.2907 -2.3723 -10.3002 -2.3590 -11.2911 -2.3491 -10.2110 -2.2756 -11.2318 -2.2554 -10.1204 -2.2542 -10.1411 -2.2181 -11.2300 -2.1982 -9.9584 -2.1645 -9.7938 -2.1541 -11.1682 -2.1476 -9.8235 -2.1451 -9.9205 -2.1280 -10.0064 -2.1269 -9.8947 -2.0898 -9.7926 -2.0781 -11.1293 -1.9985 -11.0985 -1.9249 -11.0443 -1.8220 -11.0419 -1.7359 -11.0043 -1.6924 -10.9775 -1.6049 -10.9579 -1.5275 -10.9339 -1.4757 -10.9113 -1.4122 -10.8854 -1.3245 -10.8908 -1.2936 -10.7893 -1.2091 -10.8121 -1.1575 -10.8064 -1.1237 -10.7105 -1.0571 -10.7724 -1.0217 -10.7096 -0.9717 -10.6984 -0.9447 -10.7103 -0.9120 -10.6687 -0.8908 -10.6670] Plotting by plot(f(:,1),f(:,2),'+') it is clear that the function has a V-shape. However, I need to plot it continuously, but doing plot(f(:,1),f(:,2)) results in a zig-zag function. How can I plot the points as I want to? (beside sorting them manually)
You could try rotating your data, sorting it and rotating it back. e.g: theta = -1; R = [cos(theta) -sin(theta);sin(theta) cos(theta)]; f2 = f*R; f3 = sortrows(f2); f4 = f3*R'; plot(f4(:,1),f4(:,2),'-',f(:,1),f(:,2),'+') You can tweak theta to change the angle, which affects the sort order, I just took a guess that -1 is about right.
find corresponding peaks in matlab with 95% confidence interval
Suppose that we have following array: 0.196238259763928 0.0886250228175519 0.417543614272817 0.182403230538167 0.136500793051860 0.389922187581014 0.0344012946153299 0.381603315802419 0.0997542838649466 0.274807632628596 0.601652859233616 0.209431489000677 0.396925294300794 0.0351587496999554 0.177321874549738 0.369200511917405 0.287108838007101 0.477076452316346 0.127558716868438 0.792431584110476 0.0459982776925879 0.612598437936600 0.228340227044324 0.190267907472804 0.564751537228850 0.00269368929400299 0.940538666131177 0.101588565140294 0.426175626669060 0.600215481734847 0.127859067121782 0.985881201195063 0.0945679498528667 0.950077461673118 0.415212985598547 0.467423473845033 1.24336273213410 0.0848695928658021 1.84522775800633 0.289288949281834 1.38792131632743 1.73186592736729 0.554254947026916 3.46075557122590 0.0872957577705428 4.93259798197976 2.03544238985229 3.71059303259615 8.47095716918618 0.422940369071662 25.2287636895831 4.14535369056670 63.7312173032838 152.080907190007 1422.19492782494 832.134744027851 0.0220089962114756 60.8238733887811 7.71053463387430 10.4151913932115 11.3141744831953 0.988978595613829 8.65598040591953 0.219820300144944 3.92785491164888 2.28370963778411 1.60232807621444 2.51086405960291 0.0181622519984990 2.27469230188760 0.487809730727909 0.961063613990814 1.90435488292485 0.515640996120482 1.25933693517960 0.0953200831348589 1.52851575480462 0.582109930768162 0.933543409438383 0.717947488528521 0.0445235241119612 1.21157308704582 0.0942421028083462 0.536069075206508 0.821400666720535 0.308956823975938 1.28706199713640 0.0339217632187507 1.19575886464231 0.0853733920496230 0.736744959694641 0.635218502184121 0.262305581223588 0.986899895695809 0.0398800891449550 0.758792061180657 0.134279188964854 0.442531129290843 0.542782326712391 0.377221037448628 0.704787750202814 0.224180325609783 0.998785634315287 0.408055416702400 0.329684702125840 0.522384453408780 0.154542718256493 0.602294251721841 0.240357912028348 0.359040779285709 0.525224294805813 0.427539247203335 0.624034405807298 0.298184846094056 0.498659616687732 0.0962076792277457 0.430092706132805 0.656212420735658 0.278310520474744 0.866037361133916 0.184971060800812 0.481149730712771 0.624405636807668 0.382388147099945 0.435350646037440 0.216499523971397 1.22960953802959 0.330841706900755 0.891793067878849 0.628241046456751 0.278687691121678 1.06358076764171 0.365652714373067 1.34921178081181 0.652888708375276 0.861138633227739 1.02878577330537 0.591174450919664 1.93594290806582 0.497631035062465 1.14486512201656 0.978067581547298 0.948931658572253 2.01004088022982 0.917415940349743 2.24124811810385 1.42691656876436 2.15636037453584 1.92812357585099 1.12786835077183 4.81721425534142 1.70055431306602 4.87939454466131 3.90293284926105 5.16542230018432 10.5783535493504 1.74023535081791 27.0572221453758 7.78813114379733 69.2528169436690 167.769806437531 1490.03057130613 869.247150795648 3.27543244752518 62.3527480644562 9.74192115073051 13.6074209231800 10.5686495478844 7.70239986387120 9.62850426896699 9.85304975304259 7.09026325332085 12.8782040428502 16.3163128995995 7.00070066635845 74.1532966917877 4.80506505312457 1042.52337489620 1510.37374385290 118.514435606795 80.7915675273571 2.96352221859211 27.7825124315786 1.55102367292252 8.66382951478539 5.02910503820560 1.25219344189599 7.72195587189507 0.356973215117373 6.06702456628919 1.01953617014621 2.76489896186652 3.35353608882459 0.793376336025486 4.90341095941571 0.00742857354167949 5.07665716731356 1.16863474789604 4.47635486149688 4.33050121578669 2.42974020115261 9.79494608790444 0.0568839453395247 22.9153086380666 4.48791386399205 59.6962194708933 97.8636220152072 1119.97978883924 806.144299041605 7.33252581243942 57.0699524267842 0.900104994068117 15.2791339483160 3.31266162202546 3.20809490583211 5.36617545130941 0.648122925703121 3.90480316969632 0.0338850542128927 2.58828964019220 0.543604662856673 1.16385064506181 1.01835324272839 0.172915006573539 1.55998411282069 0.00221570175453666 1.14803074836796 0.0769335878967426 0.421762398811163 0.468260146832541 0.203765185125597 0.467641715366303 0.00142988680149041 0.698088976126660 0.0413316717103625 0.190548157914037 0.504713663418641 0.325697764871308 0.375910057283262 0.123307135682793 0.331115262928959 0.00263961045860704 0.204555648718379 0.139008751575803 0.182936666944843 0.154943314848474 0.0840483576044629 0.293075999812128 0.00306911699543199 0.272993318570981 0.0864711337990886 0.280495615619829 0.0910123210559269 0.148399626645134 0.141945002415500 0.0512001531781583 0.0295283557338525 In MATLAB it is very easy to find peaks using findpeaks, like so: [pxx_peaks,location] = findpeaks(Pxx); If we plot pxx_peaks, we get plot(pxx_peaks) Of course, besides these peaks, there are smaller peaks which are not shown on the picture, but my goal is to find all peaks which are 95-96% above all other peaks. I have tried like this: >> average = mean(pxx_peaks); >> stand = std(pxx_peaks); >> final_peaks = pxx_peaks( pxx_peaks > average + 3*stand ); The result of this is >> final_peaks final_peaks = 1.0e+03 * 1.4222 1.4900 1.5104 1.1200 but how to return their corresponding locations? I want to write it as one m-file, so please help me EDIT also please help me in this question: can I parameterize the confidence interval? For instance instead of 95%, I want to find peaks that are 60% above then other peaks, is it possible?
Note that 3σ ≈ 99.73% As for your first question, it's easy, you just have to keep track of the locations in the same way as you do for the peaks: inds = pxx_peaks > mean(pxx_peaks) + 3*std(pxx_peaks); final_peaks = pxx_peaks(inds); final_locations = location(inds); plot(Pxx), hold on plot(final_locations, final_peaks, 'r.') As for your second question, that's a little more complicated. If you want to formulate it like you say, you'll have to convert a desired percentage to the correct number of σ. That involves an integration of the standard normal, and a root finding: %// Convert confidence interval percentage to number-of-sigmas F = #(P) fzero(#(sig) quadgk(#(x) exp(-x.^2/2),-sig,+sig)/sqrt(2*pi) - P/100, 1); % // Repeat with the desired percentage inds = pxx_peaks > mean(pxx_peaks) + F(63)*std(pxx_peaks); %// 63% final_peaks = pxx_peaks(inds); final_locations = location(inds); plot(final_locations, final_peaks, 'r.')
Issues with using neural network
I am having an issue with using neural networks. I started with something simple. I just used nntool with one hidden layer(with one neuron) with linear activation function. For the output also, I used the linear activation function. I just fed my Xs and Ys to the neural network tool and got the results on the testing set. I compared that with normal ridge function in matlab. I could see that neural network one performed much worse than ridge function. The first reason is that there are lots of negative values in the predictions, when my target is only positive. Ridge regression gave about 800 -ve values while nn gave around 5000 -ve values which totally ruined the accuracy of nntool. Since nntool can be used to perform linear regression, why nntool is not performing as well as ridge regression? What about the negative values what's the reason behind it and how to enforce positive values? Here is what I use to train the network targets = dayofyear_targets(:, i+1); net = newfit(train_data', targets', 5); net.performFcn = 'mae'; net.layers{2}.transferFcn = 'purelin'; net.trainParam.max_fail = 10; net.layers{1}.transferFcn = 'tansig'; net = train(net, train_data', targets'); results{n}(:, i) = sim(net, train_data') Here is the link to my data https://www.dropbox.com/s/0wcj2y6x6jd2vzm/data.mat Max value of target = 31347900 Min value of target = 12000 Std of target = 7.8696e+06 Mean of target = 1.6877e+07 Mean of input data(all features) = 0 Max of input features = 318.547660595906 170.087177689426 223.932169893425 168.036356568791 123.552142071032 119.203127702922 104.835054133360 103.991193950830 114.185533613098 89.9463148033190 146.239919217723 87.4695246220901 54.0670595471470 138.770752686700 206.797850609643 66.1464335873203 74.2115064643667 57.5743248336263 34.9080123850414 51.0189601377110 28.2306033402457 59.0128127003956 109.067637217394 307.093253638216 103.049923948310 62.8146642809675 200.015259541953 116.661885835164 62.5567327185901 53.8264756204627 58.8389745246703 176.143066044763 109.758983758653 60.7299481351038 58.6442946860097 46.1757085114781 336.346653669636 188.317461118279 224.964813627679 131.036150096149 137.154788108331 101.660743039860 79.4118778807977 71.4376953724718 90.5561535067498 93.4577679861134 336.454999007931 188.478832826684 225.143399783080 131.129689699137 137.344882971079 101.735403131103 79.4552027696783 71.4625401815804 90.6415702940799 93.4391513416449 143.529912145748 139.846472255779 69.3652595100658 141.229186078884 142.169055101267 61.7542261599789 152.193483162673 142.600096412522 100.923921522930 117.430577166104 95.7956956529542 97.2020336095432 53.3982366051064 67.5119662506151 51.6323341924432 45.0561119607012 42.9378617679366 129.976361335597 142.673696349981 80.3147691198763 71.3756376053104 63.4368122986219 44.5956741629581 53.4495610863871 58.7095984295653 45.6460094353149 39.1823704174863 Min of input features = -20.4980450089652 -216.734809594199 -208.377002401333 -166.153721182481 -164.971591950319 -125.794572986012 -120.613947913087 -90.5034237473168 -134.579349373396 -83.3049591539539 -207.619242338228 -61.4759254872546 -53.9649370954913 -160.211101485606 -19.9518644140863 -71.7889519995308 -53.8121825067231 -63.5789507316766 -51.1490159556167 -45.3464904959582 -31.6240685853237 -44.3432050298007 -34.2568293807697 -266.636505655523 -146.890814672460 -74.1775783694521 -132.270950595716 -98.6307112885543 -74.9183852672982 -62.4830008457438 -50.9507510122653 -140.067268423566 -93.0276674484945 -46.0819928136273 -59.2773430879897 -42.5451478861616 -31.2745435717060 -167.227723082743 -165.559585876166 -111.610031207207 -115.227936838215 -114.221934636009 -100.253661816324 -92.8856877745228 -86.1818201082433 -70.8388921500665 -31.4414388158249 -167.300019804654 -165.623030944544 -111.652804647492 -115.385214399271 -114.284846572143 -100.330328846390 -93.0745562342156 -86.1595126080268 -70.9022836842639 -255.769604133190 -258.123896542916 -55.1273177937196 -254.950820371016 -237.808870530211 -48.7785774080310 -213.713286177228 -246.086347088813 -125.941623423708 -116.383806139418 -79.2526295146070 -73.5322630343671 -59.5627573635424 -59.8471670606059 -64.6956071579830 -44.2151862981818 -37.8399444185350 -165.171915536922 -61.7557905578095 -97.6861764054228 -48.1218110960853 -57.4061842741057 -55.2734701363017 -45.7001129953926 -46.0498982933589 -40.8981619566775 -38.8963700558353 std of input features = 32.6229352625809 23.9923892231470 20.2491752921310 17.7607289226108 16.0041198617605 14.0220141286592 12.5650595823472 11.8017618129464 11.3556667194196 10.5382275790401 79.9955119586915 23.4033030770963 13.6077112635514 70.2453437964039 20.5151528145556 16.0996176741868 14.1570158221881 12.9623353379168 10.9374477375002 8.96886512490408 8.14900837031189 7.08031665751228 6.91909266176659 78.5294157406654 29.1855289103841 17.8430919295327 76.8762213278391 26.2042738515736 17.0642403174281 14.5812208141282 11.0486273595910 76.5345079046264 27.0522533813606 15.3463708931398 14.6265102381665 11.1878734989856 39.6000366966711 26.1651093368473 23.0548487219797 17.7418206149244 16.6414818214387 13.3202865460648 12.3418432467697 11.6967799788894 10.8462000495929 10.4594143594862 39.5881760483459 26.1554037787439 23.0480628017814 17.7384413542873 16.6400399748141 13.3209601910848 12.3455390551215 11.6986154850079 10.8471011424912 10.4616180751664 84.5166510619818 84.2685711235292 17.6461724536770 84.5782246722891 84.1536835974735 15.4898443616888 84.4295575869672 59.7308251367612 27.7396138514949 24.5736295499757 18.5604346514449 15.5172516938784 12.5038199620381 11.8900580903921 10.7970958504272 9.68255544149509 8.96604859535919 61.8751159200641 22.9395284949373 20.3023241153997 18.6165218063180 13.5503823185794 12.1726984705006 11.1423398921756 9.54944172482809 8.81223325514952 7.92656384557323 Number of samples = 5113 Dimension of input = 5113x83 Dimension of output = 5113x1 Actual target Predicted values