I am trying to train a CNN model to classify images based on their aesthetic score. There are 2,00,000 images and every image is rated by more than 100 subjects. Mean score is calculated and the scores are normalized.
The distribution of the scores is approximately gaussian. So I have decided to build a 10 class classification model after assigning appropriate weight for each class as the data is imbalanced.
My question:
For this problem, the scores are continuous, ie, 0<0.2<0.3<0.4<0.5<..<1.
Then does that mean this is a regression problem? If so, how do I balance the data for a regression problem, as most of the datapoints are present in between 0.4 and 0.6.
Since your labels are continuous, you could divide them in to 10 equal quantiles using a technique like pandas.qcut() and provide label to each classes. This can turn a regression problem to a classification problem.
And as far as the imbalance is concerned, you may want to try to oversample the minority data. This will ensure your model is not biased towards majority data.
Hope this helps.
I would recommend you to do a Histogram Equalization over ALL data of your participants first, so that their ratings are destributed equaly.
Then for each image in your training set calculate the Expected Value (and if you also want to, the Variance) The Expected Value is just the mean of the votes. For the Variance there are standard functions in (almost) every programming language where you can input an array of votes which will output the Variance.
Now take the Expected Value (and if you want also the Variance) as your ground truth for your Network.
EDIT: Histogram Equalization:
Histogram equalization is a method to use the given numerical range as efficient as possible.
In the context of images, this would change the pixel values, so that the darkest pixel becomes the value 0 and the lightest value becomes 255. Furthermore every grayscale value gets destributed so that it occurs as often as each other (in average). For your dataset you want the same. Even though your values are not from 0 to 255 but from 0 to 10. Furthermore you don't need to (and shoudn't) round the resulting values to integers. In this way more often occurring votes are more spread and less often votes are contracted.
Maybe you should first calculate the expected value and than do the histogram equalization over the expected values of all images.
By this the CNN sould be able to better differentiate those small differences.
Provided that I have a similar example:
where the blue data is my calculated/measured data and my red data is the given groundtruth data. The task is to get the similarity/closeness between the data and each of the given curves so that a classification can be done, it could also be possible to choose multiple classes if the results seem to be very close.
I can divide the problem in my mind to several subproblems:
The data range is no the same
The resolution of the calculated/measured data is higher than the ground-truth data
The calculated data has some bias/shift
The following questions come to my mind when trying to solve those problems
Is it better to fit the calculated/measured data first then attempting to solve the problem?
Would it be fine to use the data points as is and calculate the mean squared error of each curve assuming it is a fitting attempt and thus getting the best fit? What would be the effect of the bias/shift in this case?
What is a good approach to dealing with the data/range mismatch, by decreasing the number of samples for the higher sampled version or increasing the number of samples for the lower sampled data in the given range?
I have a question on self-organizing maps:
But first, here is my approach on implementing one:
The som neurons are stored in a basic array. Each neuron consists of a vector (another array of the size of the input neurons) of double values which are initialized to a random value.
As far as I understand the algorithm, this is actually all I need to implement it.
So, for the training I choose a sample of the training data at random an calculate the BMU using the Euclidian distance of sample's values and the neuron weights.
Afterwards I update it's weights and all other neurons in it's range depending on the neighborhood function and the learning rate.
Then, I decrease the neighborhood function and the learning rate.
This is done until a fixed amount of iterations.
My question is now: How do I determine the clusters after the training? My approach so far is to present a new input vector and calculate the min Euclidian distance between it and the BMU . But this seems a little naive to me. I'm sure that I've missed something.
There is no single correct way of doing that. As you noted, finding the BMU is one of them and the only one that makes sense if you just want to find the most similar cluster.
If you want to reconstruct your input vector, returning the BMU prototype works too, but may not be very precise (it is equivalent to the Nearest Neighbor rule or 1NN). Then you need to interpolate between neurons to find a better reconstruction. This could be done by weighting each neuron inversely proportional to their distance to the input vector and then computing the weighted average (this is equivalent to weighted KNN). You can also restrict this interpolation only to the BMU's neighbors, which will work faster and may give better results (this would be weighted 5NN). This technique was used here: The Continuous Interpolating Self-organizing Map.
You can see and experiment with those different options here: http://www.inf.ufrgs.br/~rcpinto/itm/ (not a SOM, but a close cousin). Click "Apply" to do regression on a curve using the reconstructed vectors, then check "Draw Regression" and try the different options.
BTW, the description of your implementation is correct.
A pretty common approach nowadays is the soft subspace clustering, where feature weights are added to find the most relevant features. You can use these weights to increase performance and improve the BMU calculation with euclidean distance.
I'm currently trying to preprocess my training data ready for a multi-layered perceptron. The data I downloaded consists of 20,000 instances and 16 attributes, all of which are coordinate values of pixels as part of letter recognition. The data itself has already been scaled from its original form into values between 0 - 15 before being published.
However since it's already been scaled, is it still necessary to perform normalization on it? I've tried to read around and look at previous examples but have come up with conflicting points. In some papers, it has stated that scaling is a form of normalization, where as others have said that normalization would be bringing that values to a range of 0-1.
Since I'm using WEKA I've attempted their normalize filter during a pre-processing stage and it caused the accuracy to decrease by around 2% which makes me think it could be unnecessary. But again, I've read that it may only have a positive effect later in training.
So my question is:
What is the difference between scaling to a range such as 0 - 15 and normalizing it? Should I still normalize it on top of this scaling thats already done?
In your case you do not need to. Normalizing data is done so that an attribute with a different scale will not decide outcome of distance operations, ultimately decide clustering or classification results.
An example you have two attributes weight and income. Weight will be 10 and 200kg at most. While income can be 10,000$ and 20,000,000$. But most of the people's income will be 10,000 and 120,000, while above this values will be outliers. If you do not normalize your data before using Multi Layer Perceptron, outcome of your neural network will be decided by these outliers.
In your case this situation is already mitigated due to your scaling therefore you do not need normalizing.
I have a set of data in a vector. If I were to plot a histogram of the data I could see (by clever inspection) that the data is distributed as the sum of three distributions;
One normal distribution centered around x_1 with variance s_1;
One normal distribution centered around x_2 with variance s_2;
Once lognormal distribution.
My data is obviously a subset of the 'real' data.
What I would like to do is to take a random subset of my data away from my data ensuring that the resulting subset is a reasonable representative sample of the original data.
I would like to do this as easily as possible in matlab but am new to both statistics and matlab and am unsure where to start.
Thank you for any help :)
If you can identify each of the 3 distributions (in the sense that you can estimate their parameters), one approach could be to select a random subset of your data and then try to estimate the parameters for each distribution and see whether they are close enough (according to your own definition of "close") to the parameters of the original distributions. You should repeat this process several time and look at the average difference given a random subset size.
I have feed-forward neural network with six inputs, 1 hidden layer and two output nodes (1; 0). This NN is learned by 0;1 values.
When applying model, there are created variables confidence(0) and confidence(1), where sum of this two numbers for each row is 1.
My question is: what do these two numbers (confidence(0) and confidence(1)) exactly mean? Are these two numbers probabilities?
Thanks for answers
In general
The confidence values (or scores, as they are called in other programs) represent a measure how, well, confident the model is that the presented example belongs to a certain class. They are highly dependent on the general strategy and the properties of the algorithm.
The easiest example to illustrate is the majority classifier, who just assigns the same score for all observations based on the proportions in the original testset
Another is example the k-nearest-neighbor-classifier, where the score for a class i is calculated by averaging the distance to those examples which both belong to the k-nearest-neighbors and have class i. Then the score is sum-normalized across all classes.
In the specific example of NN, I do not know how they are calculated without checking the code. I guess it is just the value of output node, sum-normalized across both classes.
Do the confidences represent probabilities ?
In general no. To illustrate what probabilities in this context mean: If an example has probability 0.3 for class "1", then 30% of all examples with similar feature/variable values should belong to class "1" and 70% should not.
As far as I know, his task is called "calibration". For this purpose some general methods exist (e.g. binning the scores and mapping them to the class-fraction of the corresponding bin) and some classifier-dependent (like e.g. Platt Scaling which has been invented for SVMs). A good point to start is:
Bianca Zadrozny, Charles Elkan: Transforming Classifier Scores into Accurate Multiclass Probability Estimates
The confidence measures correspond to the proportion of outputs 0 and 1 that are activated in the initial training dataset.
E.g. if 30% of your training set has outputs (1;0) and the remaining 70% has outputs (0; 1), then confidence(0) = 30% and confidence(1) = 70%