jstree checkmark color from green to black - jstree

I am using jstree to place my departments in a tree org configuration. I would like to change the color of the checkmark from green to black color and I am not seeing how to do that. Does any one have an idea on how to change the checkmark color on jstree?
thank you for your help

The green checkmark is an image which is available in the themes in the jsTree library. You could edit this image and change the color of the checkmark. The image used is available under dist > themes > default > 32px.png
Here's the github link
Alternatively you could also use the dark theme available in the jsTree distribution.
"core": {
"themes": { "name": "default-dark" }


Change safe area color in dark mode

I am using this code:
window?.safeAreaLayoutGuide.owningView?.backgroundColor =
UIColor(red:243.0/255.0, green:243.0/255.0, blue:243.0/255.0, alpha:1.0)
in SceneDelegate for change safe area color. And I want to change color of safe area for dark mode.
How can I do?
The best way to do this is to set up a Color Asset which has both light mode and dark mode variants included. This is simple to do, and once you have it set up, light/dark mode transitions will be handled automatically.
First, select your Assets.xcassets file, and right click anywhere within the left hand sidebar (under where it says "AccentColor" and "AppIcon"). This will open a popup menu; from there select "New Color Set." Now you should see a square named "Color" in the sidebar, and two squares labeled "Any Appearance" and "Dark" in the middle of the screen.
Next, click on one of those two squares. In the right hand sidebar, a color selector will pop up (with red, green, blue and opacity sliders, and the option to open the color selector panel). You can use these to set the RGB values you want for both light mode (the "Any Appearance" square) and dark mode.
Now that you've specified the color values, you still need a way to reference your new Color Asset from your code. This can be done with the UIColor(named: String) initializer. In Assets.xcassets, change the name from Color to whatever you want it to be called (I'll use "SafeAreaColor" as an example). Now, somewhere in your program (I usually do this in the Constants file) you should initialize the color:
let safeAreaColor = UIColor(named: "SafeAreaColor")
The last step is to incorporate this custom color into your existing code:
window?.safeAreaLayoutGuide.owningView?.backgroundColor = safeAreaColor
Now, your safe area should automatically change colors when the device shifts between Light and Dark mode.

How to change the color of explorer items of vscode

As this screenshot shows, vscode has multiple sections that I can click, But because of my color scheme, I can hardly see which one I'm selecting right now.
picture 1
I already know that using settings like
"workbench.colorCustomizations": {
"list.focusBackground": "#571863",
"list.inactiveFocusBackground": "#56186393",
can change the background color of the focused file or directory(shown as picture2).
picture 2
But those settings can't change the background color of selected sections.
And I also want to know how to switch between those sections (e.g. in this picture, OUTLINE, TIMELINE, JAVAPROJECTS) using the keyboard only.
Thanks in advance.~~~~~
Add this to your settings.json.
"workbench.colorCustomizations": {
"sideBar.foreground": "#9A9A9A"

How do I get the default color of Button text?

I am designing a UI in SwiftUI. There are a few buttons that I have customised with a rounded rectangle. I want the color of that rectangle to be the same as the color of the text - blue by default, and light grey in disabled mode.
At present I am hardcoding the colors. Is there some variable or function available to match the system settings for either of those colors?
The default color of a button is .accentColor. This works for both light & dark mode too:
I can't seem to find out how to get the disabled button color yet, but I'll update this if I find out.

Color Picker for specific Colors in touch UI AEM

I am using the colorPicker for a widget:
Now i dont want to show the shades of the color and want to add custom colors.
Displays the freestyle mode without palette shades.
this property is not working and the colors-name under colors node is also not working.
Please help.
Here's a starting point for implementing a color picker in AEM.
There's also a color palette picker example here that could provide inspiration.

How to change gray color strip at bottom of repeatbox while "allow pull-up to refesh" is true in smartface

I am working with RepeatBox in smartface. When i am making "Allow pull-up to refresh" to true, i am getting gray color strip at the bottom of the RepeatBox. How to change that color to white.
I tried with Fill color of repeatBox but, didn't help.
Can any one help me in this.
Thanks in advance
If you are using a static repeatbox, you can change it's color from palette.
Select "Pull-up Item" from RepeatBox Edit Mode. As you see, I changed its color property as blue.
See the attached picture below :