What is the difference between Enyo and Electron frameworks ? - frameworks

I am new to these frameworks so it would be helpful if anyone explained the difference in detail. Thanks


Difference between ThirdParty Library ,Library , SDK,API AND framework?

I am a iOS developer . I do not understand properly use to Library , SDK,API AND framework . Please anyone help that and shortly description and given any Example .
I know this is not Q&A for "How to become IOS Developer" ; this answer may not receive up-vote and get some flags but i will try to help you.
Try Cocoapods - https://cocoapods.org/
Read this:- https://www.raywenderlich.com/259-top-10-libraries-for-ios-developers
Understand the basic of Swift Programming language, learn the basic syntax and OOP,
*Initially you really don't need Library, SDK, API AND framework to build a project.
"libraries solve such a vast range of problems and no two are alike, it’s difficult to make logical comparisons and rank them in order of best to worst"*
Fortunately, CocoaPods, a popular Swift and Objective-C dependency manager, collects anonymous stats when users install packages.

IBM Content Navigator customization

Is there any technical tutorial on the net for customizing the Filenet Content Navigator except the tutorial from RedBooks?
Any help will be appreciated.
There's the redbook and in case you missed it, you can get the plugins and source code from the book right here:
Redbook source code (10 projects)
It should be enough to learn how to make a plugin yourself after going through all the code.
The Redbook for customizing ICN is the only published resource for ICN currently. Throughout my customization work, I've found the ICN forum on DeveloperWorks to be invaluable.
Also you might be interested by Not Only An ECM Place.

GWT version differences

I am new to GWT. Just wondering to find differences in various releases of GWT ? I am not able to find differences in net even. Any references? links?
Anyhelp would be appreciated.
Release Notes for GWT is probably what you looking for.

GWT MVP Example

Does anyone know a good production scale open source project written with GWT and the MVP pattern. I am flip flopping on a few approaches to design and wanted to see if I could find a project that tackled similar issues.
My answer comes a bit late, but I hope it can be useful. The largest example of a GWT application using MVP that I've found is Apache hupa. It uses gwt-presenter.
How about gwt-mvp-sample ? :)

Static libraries or anything else

I am trying to hide my source codes in iphone projects. however I didnt understand the static library concept. Most of the tutorials about static library points out that including the whole .xcodeproj . can anybody point out a direction to me please.
Take a look at this tutorial. It's quite informative, and should get you most, if not all, of the way.