Kafka starting error in CentOS - confluent-platform

Kafka server failed to start on confluent start command.
command lines:
~]# sudo confluent start
zookeeper is already running. Try restarting if needed
Starting kafka
-Kafka failed to start
kafka is [DOWN]
Cannot start Schema Registry, Kafka Server is not running. Check your deployment

confluent log kafka
to see the log from Kafka trying to start, and see what the error is.


Kafka service does not start

I am trying to install Kafka following a tutorial from DigitalOcean.com here.
I am doing this on Windows WSL2 with Ubuntu. So, after creating the zookeeper.service and kafka.service as per the tutorial, I do this command (the tutorial uses sudo systemctl start kafka instead), following advice from this thread:
sudo service kafka start
I received :
kafka: unrecognized service
When I do service --status-all to see if kafka is in the list, it is not there.
What am I missing?
There is lack of support in WSL for systemd
why systemd is disabled in WSL?

Start Kafka (unable to canonicalize address localhost)

I have a problem for start Kafka in VM Virtualbox. I'm using Virtual Box 6 with image Ubuntu 20.04. In Ubuntu i installed Kafka 2.12-2.31 (downloaded file .tgz).
When execute command for start Zookeeper, it running with success:
bin/zookeeper-server-start.sh config/zookeeper.properties
But, when execute command for start Kafka, it not running:
bin/kafka-server-start.sh config/server.properties
and error is show for me:
could someone help me please?

Kafka Connect Task Unassigned State

I have a 3 node Confluent Kafka Cluster Running. I have installed the Confluent 5.0.0, Started the connect service with nohup <Start connect-distributed> >/dev/null 2>&1 command.
I have an existing MSSQL connector task which was running earlier. When I tried starting the connector, connector was not started, and the task status was unassigned. Tried restarting the task as well as the connector, but no luck.
Do we have any option to recover the connector and the task?

How to restart kafka server properly?

Every time I stop the kafka server and start it again it doesn't start properly and I have to restart my whole machine and start the kafka server.
Does anybody know how I can restart kafka server without having to restart my machine?
Actually I would like to terminate the consumer from last session.
Thank you,
If your Kafka broker is running as a service (found under /lib/systemd/system/) from a recent Confluent Platform release, you can stop it using:
systemctl stop confluent-kafka.service
or if you'd like to restart the service,
systemctl restart confluent-kafka.service
Otherwise, you can stop your broker using
and re-start it:
./bin/kafka-server-start.sh config/server.properties
If you want to stop a specific consumer, simply find the corresponding process id:
ps -ef | grep consumer_name
and kill that process:
kill -9 process_id
Or simply:
sudo systemctl restart kafka

zookeper-server-start.sh config/zookeeper.properties is throwing "Already in use".how to solve this error in ubuntu?

Vfore starting kafka i tried to start zookeeper server,it is throwing following java.net.BindException Exception.
I checked existing processes using :
netstat -nap|grep 4040 and 8080
I found no processes running there. can anyone know about this?
It's trying to start zookeeper on the default port of 2181. You probably have another zookeeper running. Try running the Java ps command "jps" and kill any other zookeeper process running on the same machine