Nested/Chained Resources in Rest - rest

This is a more of an architectural question. And I am rather new two Rest.
Let's assume these resources /offers and /offers/:id.
And the offer does have a single connection to an organization.
My first thought was creating a resource: /offers/:id/organization
This would be singular, because it feels unnatural to call the resource in plural, when there is always only one element returned.
First question: Would you always use plural no matter what?
This /offers/:id/organization/:id seems to be useless, because there is only one organization linked to the offer.
To make things complicated. The organizations need to be a separate resource as well: /organizations and /organizations/:id.
So basically I have to ways to achieve my goal.
I could get the /offers. And then with the retrieved organizationId get /organization/:id. Or I could nest the organization into the offer that I get everything in one request either /offers or /offers/:id.
The second option would potentially get rid of /offers/:id/organization(s).
Except I wanted to get the organization by the offerId and not be the organizationId. (One organization has cn offers).
Second question: When there is a standalone resource, i.e /organization, should I bother of implementing a nested resource as well /offer/:id/organization(s).
There is also the issue of how to implement the services (i am using jersey) if the organization is available at /offers/:id/organization(s) but that is probably a Question on its own.
Any thoughts?

As usually, it depends.
If your offer has only a single organization
is fine, because that is how your domain-model works.
This is different at
because, so I suspect, an organization could have multiple offers. So the id makes sense, also the resource /organizations/:id/offers, what are all offers for this organization.
You could implement
what could redirect to /organizations/:id/offers because it is semantically the same.


API naming conventions for list of objects

Basing on the naming conventions found here : , I have a particular question to which I can not find an answer.
Taking the example of customers and accounts where sub-collection resource “accounts” of a particular “customer” can be identified using the URN “/customers/{customerId}/accounts” , how do I find accounts for multiple customer IDs? What are the naming conventions for such a case?
Is the only option to use filters? eg: customers/accounts?customerId=12,22
I tend to avoid filters and keep everything as a urn and keep the implementation of the backend system hidden. e.g. this
means the client needs to know that customers are represented in the system by a variable called customerId. Clients shouldn't need to know that. They just need to know that customers have numbers, IMHO anyway.
This answer shows a solution for your situation, which would look like:
although to keep it in line with the domain, where customers have ids and associated accounts, it would look like:
and your backend framework would give you the list of customer 'numbers' from the url and at that point they become customerIds.
Not all frameworks may support arrays in paths but pick the right tool for the job and you can design your API to be elegant and a good match for your domain.

REST URL Design for One to Many and Many to Many Relationships

Your backend has two Models:
One Company to Many Employees.
You want to accomplish the following:
Get all Companies
Get a Company by ID
Get all Employees for a Company
Get all Employees
Get a Employee by ID
What is the best practice for handling the REST URLs when your models have 1:M relationships? This is what I have thought of so far:
Now let's pretend One Company has Many Models. What is the best name to use for "Adding an employee to a Company" ? I can think of several alternatives:
Using GET:
Using POST:
The URIs look fine to me, except maybe the last one, that does not need an additional "id" in the path. Also, I prefer singular forms of words, but that is just me perhaps:
The URIs do not matter that much actually, and can be changed at any point later in time when done properly. That is, all the URIs are linked to, instead of hardcoded into the client.
As far as adding an employee, I would perhaps use the same URIs defined above, and the PUT method:
PUT /employee/123
With some representation of an employee. I would prefer the PUT because it is idempotent. This means, if the operation seems to fail (timeout, network error occurs, whatever) the operation can be repeated without checking whether the previous one "really" failed on the server or not. The PUT requires some additional work on the server side, and some additional work to properly link to (such as forms), but offers a more robust design.
As an alternative you can use
POST /employee
With the employee representation as body. This does not offer any guarantees, but it is easier to implement.
Do not use GET to add an employee (or anything for that matter). This would go against the HTTP Specification for the GET method, which states that it should be a pure information retrieval method.

Api naming in microservices design

Let's say that there are two microservices representing the resources orders(/orders) and customers(/customers). My requirement is to get all the orders made by a customer.
Had it been a monolithic application, I would have modeled my uri as /customers/{id}/orders. This would have hit the customers resource and made an in-memory service call to get the corresponding orders.
Now, in case of microservices, this isn't possible. So, is the only way to get the orders is to make a remote service call or is there a better way of doing it?
Can we create another resource with the representation /ordersByCustomers/{customerid}?
You can pass some query parameters as filters (this is the most common way I've seen). For example
I think that's quite clear, that you want to retrieve all customer orders filtered by customer id. In the same way you can add pagination or other filters.
The important thing to remember is that you want the order resource, so the URL should remain the same. I'm mentioning this, because this has been the most difficult thing for me to change... to think about resources rather than remote calls.
In general you should beware of using endpoint that are more or less similar to the one you suggested:
Why? Because this is not RESTful in general (even in microservices environment) and make the API difficult to understand and you by the consumers. What if you need orderByWhatever? Will you be introducing new endpoint every single time you need a new set of data? Try to avoid so opinionated endpoints.
What #Augutsto suggested is fully correct. If you're afraid of having a complicated logic in GET request this is the situation where you can break REST rules. I mean introducing:
POST /orders/filter/
Where all the filtering logic will be passed in requests body - so it's easier to carry complicated logic as well.

REST API Design: Nested Collection vs. New Root

This question is about optimal REST API design and a problem I'm facing to choose between nested resources and root level collections.
To demonstrate the concept, suppose I have collections City, Business, and Employees. A typical API may be constructed as follows. Imagine that ABC, X7N and WWW are keys, e.g. guids:
GET Api/City/ABC/Businesses (returns all Businesses in City ABC)
GET Api/City/ABC/Businesses/X7N (returns business X7N)
GET Api/City/ABC/Businesses/X7N/Employees (returns all employees at business X7N)
PUT Api/City/ABC/Businesses/X7N/Employees/WWW (updates employee WWW)
This appears clean because it follows the original domain structure - business are in a city, and employees are at a business. Individual items are accessible via key under the collection (e.g. ../Businesses returns all businesses, while ../Businesses/X7N returns the individual business).
Here is what the API consumer needs to be able to do:
Get businesses in a city (GET Api/City/ABC/Businesses)
Get all employees at a business (GET Api/City/ABC/Businesses/X7N/Employees)
Update individual employee information (PUT Api/City/ABC/Businesses/X7N/Employees/WWW)
That second and third call, while appearing to be in the right place, use a lot of parameters that are actually unnecessary.
To get employees at a business, the only parameter needed is the key of the business (X7N).
To update an individual employee, the only parameter needed it the key of the employee (WWW)
Nothing in the backend code requires non-key information to look up the business or update the employee. So, instead, the following endpoints appear better:
GET Api/City/ABC/Businesses (returns all Businesses in City ABC)
GET Api/Businesses/X7N (returns business X7N)
GET Api/Businesses/X7N/Employees (returns all employees at business X7N)
PUT Api/Employees/WWW (updates employee WWW)
As you can see, I've created a new root for businesses and employees, even though from a domain perspective they are a sub/sub-sub-collection.
Neither solution appears very clean to me.
The first example asks for unnecessary information, but is structured in a way that appears "natural" to the consumer (individual items from a collection are retrieved via lower leafs)
The second example only asks for necessary information, but isn't structured in a "natural" way - subcollections are accessible via roots
The individual employee root would not work when adding a new employee, as we need to know which business to add the employee to, which means that call would at least have to reside under the Business root, such as POST Api/Businesses/X7N7/Employees, which makes everything even more confusing.
Is there a cleaner, third way that I'm not thinking of?
I don't see how REST adds a constraint that two resources could not have the same value. The resourceType/ID is just an example of the easiest use case rather than the best way to go from a RESTful point of view.
If you read paragraph of Roy Fielding's dissertation carefully, you will notice that Fielding makes the disctinction between a value and a resource. Now a resource should have a unique URI, that's true. But nothing prevents two resources from having the same value:
For example, the "authors' preferred version" of an academic paper is a mapping whose value changes over time, whereas a mapping to "the paper published in the proceedings of conference X" is static. These are two distinct resources, even if they both map to the same value at some point in time. The distinction is necessary so that both resources can be identified and referenced independently. A similar example from software engineering is the separate identification of a version-controlled source code file when referring to the "latest revision", "revision number 1.2.7", or "revision included with the Orange release."
So nothing prevents you from, as you say, changing the root. In your example, a Business is a value not a resource. It is perfectly RESTful to create a resource which is a list of "every business located in a city" (just like Roy's example, "revisions included with the Orange release"), while having a "business which ID is x" resource as well (like "revision number x").
For Employees, I would keep API/Businesses/X7N/Employees as the relation between a business and its employees is a composition relationship, and thus as you say, Employees can and should only be accessed through the Businesses class root. But this is not a REST requirement, and the other alternative is perfectly RESTful as well.
Note that this goes in pair with the application of the HATEAOS principle. In your API, the list of Businesses located in a city could (and perhaps should from a theoretical point of view) be just a list of links to the API/Businesses. But this would mean that the clients would have to do one round-trip to the server for each of the items in the list. This is not efficient and, to stay pragmatic, what I do is embed the representation of the business in the list along with the self link to the URI that would be in this example API/Businesses.
You should not confuse REST with the application of a specific URI naming convention.
HOW the resources are named is entirely secondary. You are trying to use HTTP resource naming conventions - this has nothing to do with REST. Roy Fielding himself states so repeatedly in the documents quoted above by others. REST is not a protocol, it is an architectural style.
In fact, Roy Fielding states in his 2008 blog comment ( 6/20/2012):
"A REST API must not define fixed resource names or hierarchies (an obvious coupling of
client and server). Servers must have the freedom to control their own namespace. Instead,
allow servers to instruct clients on how to construct appropriate URIs, such as is done in
HTML forms and URI templates, by defining those instructions within media types and link relations."
So in essence:
The problem you describe is not actually a problem of REST - conceptually, it is a problem of HIERARCHY STRUCTURES versus RELATIONAL STRUCTURES.
While a business is "in" a city and so can be considered to be part of the city "hierarchy" - what about international companies which have offices in 75 cities. Then the city suddenly becomes the junior element in a hierarchy with the business name at the senior level of the structure.
The point is, you can view data from various angles, and depending on the viewpoint you take, it may be simplest to see it as a hierarchy. But the same data can be seen as a hierarchy with different levels. When you are using HTTP type resource names, then you have entered a hierarchy structure defined by HTTP. This is a constraint, yes, but it's not a REST constraint, it's a HTTP constraint.
From that angle, you can chose the solution which fits better to your scenario. If your customer cannot supply the city name when he supplies the company name (he may not know), then it would be better to have the key with only city name. As I said, it's up to you, and REST won't stand in your way ...
More to the point:
The only real REST constraints you have, if you have already decided to use HTTP with GET
PUT and so on, are:
Thou shalt not presumeth any prior ("out of band") knowledge between client and servers. *
Look at your proposal #1 above in that light. You assume that customers know the keys for the cities which are contained in your system? Wrong - that's not restful. So the server has to give the list of cities as a list of choices in some way. So are you going to list every city in the world here?
I guess not, but then you'll have to do some work on how you are planning to do this, which brings us to:
A REST API should spend almost all of its descriptive effort in defining the media type(s) used for representing resources and driving application state ...
I think, reading the mentioned Roy Fielding blog will help you out considerably.
In a RESTful-API URL design should be quite unimportant - or at least a side issue since the discoverability is encoded in the hypertext and not in the URL path. Have a look at the resources linked in the REST tag wiki here on StackOverflow.
But if you want to design human readable URLs for your UC, I would suggest the following:
Use the resource type you are creating/updating/querying as the first part of the URL (after your API prefix). So when somebody sees the URL he immediately knows to which resources this URL points. GET /Api/Employees... is the only only way to receive Employee resources from the API.
Use Unique IDs for each resource independent of the relations they are in. So GET /Api/<CollectionType>/UniqueKey should return a valid resource representation. Nobody should have to worry where the Employee is located. (But the returned Employee should have the links to the Business (and for convenience sake City) he belongs to.) GET /Api/Employees/Z6W returns the Employee with this ID no matter where is is located.
If you want to get a specific resource: Put your query parameter at the end (instead in the hierarchical order described in the question). You can use the URL query string (GET /Api/Employees?City=X7N) or a matrix parameter expression (GET /Api/Employees;City=X7N;Business=A4X,A5Y). This will allow you to easily express a collection of all Employees in a specific City - independent of the Business they are in.
Side node:
In my experience an initial hierarchical domain data model seldom survives additional requirements that come up during a project. In your case: Consider a business located in two Cities. You could create a workaround by modelling it as two separate businesses but what about the employee who works half his time in one place and the other half at the other location? Or even worse: It's only clear for which business he works but it's undefined, in which city?
The third way that I see is to make Businesses and Employees root resources and use query parameters to filter collections:
GET Api/Businesses?city=ABC (returns all Businesses in City ABC)
GET Api/Businesses/X7N (returns business X7N)
GET Api/Employees?businesses=X7N (returns all employees at business X7N)
PUT Api/Employees/WWW (updates employee WWW)
Your both solutions use concept of REST sub-resources which requires that subresource is included in parent resource so:
GET Api/City/ABC/Businesses
in response should also return data provided by:
GET Api/City/ABC/Businesses/X7N
GET Api/City/ABC/Businesses/X7N/Employees
similar for:
GET Api/Businesses/X7N
which should return data provided by:
GET Api/Businesses/X7N/Employees
It will make size of the response huge and time required to generate will increase.
To make REST API clean each resource should have only one bounded URI which fallow below patterns:
GET /resources
GET /resources/{id}
POST /resources
PUT /resources/{id}
If you need to make links between resources use HATEOAS
Go with example 1. I wouldn't worry about unnecessary information from the point of view of the server. A URL should clearly identify a resource in a unique fashion from the point of view of the client. If the client would not know what /Employee/12 means without first knowing that it is actually /Businesses/X7N/Employees/12 then the first URL seems redundant.
The client should be dealing with URLs rather than the individual parameters that make up the URLs, so there is nothing wrong with long URLs. To the client they are just strings. The server should be telling the client the URL to do what it needs to do, not the individual parameters that then require the client to construct the URL.

RESTful url to GET resource by different fields

Simple question I'm having trouble finding an answer to..
If I have a REST web service, and my design is not using url parameters, how can I specify two different keys to return the same resource by?
I want (and have already implemented)
which returns a person as expected.
Now I also want
which returns a person by name.
Is this the correct RESTful format? Or is it something like:
You should only use one URI to refer to a single resource. Having multiple URIs will only cause confusion. In your example, confusion would arise due to two people having the same name. Which person resource are they referring to then?
That said, you can have multiple URIs refer to a single resource, but for anything other than the "true" URI you should simply redirect the client to the right place using a status code of 301 - Moved Permanently.
Personally, I would never implement a multi-ID scheme or redirection to support it. Pick a single identification scheme and stick with it. The users of your API will thank you.
What you really need to build is a query API, so focus on how you would implement something like a /personFinder resource which could take a name as a parameter and return potentially multiple matching /person/{ID} URIs in the response.
I guess technically you could have both URI's point to the same resource (perhaps with one of them as the canonical resource) but I think you wouldn't want to do this from an implementation perspective. What if there is an overlap between IDs and names?
It sure does seem like a good place to use query parameters, but if you insist on not doing so, perhaps you could do
I generally agree with this answer that for clarity and consistency it'd be best to avoid multiple ids pointing to the same entity.
Sometimes however, such a situation arises naturally. An example I work with is Polish companies, which can be identified by their tax id ('NIP' number) or by their national business registry id ('KRS' number).
In such case, I think one should first add the secondary id as a criterion to the search endpoint. Thus users will be able to "translate" between secondary id and primary id.
However, if users still keep insisting on being able to retrieve an entity directly by the secondary id (as we experienced), one other possibility is to provide a "secret" URL, not described in the documentation, performing such an operation. This can be given to users who made the effort to ask for it, and the potential ambiguity and confusion is then on them, if they decide to use it, not on everyone reading the documentation.
In terms of ambiguity and confusion for the API maintainer, I think this can be kept reasonably minimal with a helper function to immediately detect and translate the secondary id to primary id at the beginning of each relevant API endpoint.
It obviously matters much less than normal what scheme is chosen for the secret URL.