Slow server caused by mongodb instance - mongodb

I see the MongoDB usage extremely high. It shows it is using 756% of the cpu and the load is at 4
22527 root 20 0 0.232t 0.024t 0.023t S 756.2 19.5 240695:16 mongod
I checked the MongoDB logs and found that every question is taking more than 200ms to execute which is causing the high resource usage and speed issue .


MongoDB secondary completely unable to keep up

We have set up a three member replica set consisting of the following, all on MongoDB version 3.4:
Primary. Physical local server, Windows Server 2012, 64 GB RAM, 6 cores. Hosted in Scandinavia.
Secondary. Amazon EC2, Windows Server 2016, m4.2xlarge, 32 GB RAM, 8 vCPUs. Hosted in Germany.
Arbiter. Tiny cloud based Linux instance.
The problem we are seeing is that the secondary is unable to keep up with the primary. As we seed it with data (copy over from the primary) and add it to the replica set, it typically manages to get in sync, but an hour later it might lag behind by 10 minutes; a few hours later, it's an hour behind, and so on, until a day or two later, it goes stale.
We are trying to figure out why this is. The primary is consistently using 0-1% CPU, while the secondary is under constant heavy load at 20-80% CPU. This seems to be the only potential resource constraint. Disk and network load does not seem to be an issue. There seems to be some locking going on on the secondary, as operations in the mongo shell (such as db.getReplicationInfo()) frequently takes 5 minutes or more to complete, and mongostat rarely works (it just says i/o timeout). Here is output from mongostat during a rare instance when it reported stats for the secondary:
host insert query update delete getmore command dirty used flushes vsize res qrw arw net_in net_out conn set repl time
localhost:27017 *0 33 743 *0 0 166|0 1.0% 78.7% 0 27.9G 27.0G 0|0 0|1 2.33m 337k 739 rs PRI Mar 27 14:41:54.578 *0 36 825 *0 0 131|0 1.0% 78.7% 0 27.9G 27.0G 0|0 0|0 1.73m 322k 739 rs PRI Mar 27 14:41:53.614 *0 *0 *0 *0 0 109|0 4.3% 80.0% 0 8.69G 7.54G 0|0 0|10 6.69k 134k 592 rs SEC Mar 27 14:41:53.673
I ran db.serverStatus() on the secondary, and compared to the primary, and one number that stood out was the following:
"locks" : {"Global" : {"timeAcquiringMicros" : {"r" : NumberLong("21188001783")
The secondary had an uptime of 14000 seconds at the time.
Would appreciate any ideas on what this could be, or how to debug this issue! We could upgrade the Amazon instance to something beefier, but we've done that three times already, and at this point we figure that something else must be wrong.
I'll include output from db.currentOp() on the secondary below, in case it helps. (That command took 5 minutes to run, after which the following was logged: Restarting oplog query due to error: CursorNotFound: Cursor not found, cursor id: 15728290121. Last fetched optime (with hash): { ts: Timestamp 1490613628000|756, t: 48 }[-5363878314895774690]. Restarts remaining: 3)
"appName":"MongoDB Shell",
"desc":"repl writer worker 10",
"desc":"WT RecordStoreThread:",
JJussi was exactly right (thanks!). The problem was that the active data is bigger than the memory available, and we were using Amazon EBS "Throughput Optimized HDD". We changed this to "General Purpose SSD" and the problem immediately went away. We were even able to downgrade the server from m4.2xlarge to m4.large.
We were confused by the fact that this manifested as high CPU load. We thought disk load was not an issue based on the fairly low amount of data written to disk per second. But when we tried making the AWS server the primary instance, we noticed that there was a very strong correlation between high CPU load and disk queue length. Further testing on the disk showed that it had very bad performance for the type of traffic that Mongo has.

MongoDB Out of Memory

MongoDB is crashing. When I open the mongodb.log file, I get:
$ tail /var/log/mongodb/mongodb.log
Sat Jan 25 03:06:56.153 [initandlisten] connection accepted from #63331 (263 connections now open)
Sat Jan 25 03:07:02.694 out of memory, printing stack and exiting:
0xde05e1 0x6cf37e 0x12129fd 0xc490c3 0xc4404e 0xc44196 0xda4913 0xda53e4 0xe28e69 0x7f5cbaa19e9a 0x7f5cb9d2c3fd
/usr/bin/mongod(_ZN5mongo15printStackTraceERSo+0x21) [0xde05e1]
/usr/bin/mongod(_ZN5mongo14my_new_handlerEv+0x3e) [0x6cf37e]
/usr/bin/mongod(_Znam+0x6d) [0x12129fd]
/usr/bin/mongod(_ZNK5mongo3Top8cloneMapERNS_9StringMapINS0_14CollectionDataEEE+0x83) [0xc490c3]
/usr/bin/mongod(_ZN5mongo9Snapshots12takeSnapshotEv+0x4e) [0xc4404e]
/usr/bin/mongod(_ZN5mongo14SnapshotThread3runEv+0x66) [0xc44196]
/usr/bin/mongod(_ZN5mongo13BackgroundJob7jobBodyEN5boost10shared_ptrINS0_9JobStatusEEE+0xc3) [0xda4913]
/usr/bin/mongod(_ZN5boost6detail11thread_dataINS_3_bi6bind_tIvNS_4_mfi3mf1IvN5mongo13BackgroundJobENS_10shared_ptrINS7_9JobStatusEEEEENS2_5list2INS2_5valueIPS7_EENSD_ISA_EEEEEEE3runEv+0x74) [0xda53e4]
/usr/bin/mongod() [0xe28e69]
/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f5cbaa19e9a]
/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f5cb9d2c3fd]
This question sounds similar: MongoDB: out of memory
But his problem was a ulimit issue. My memory settings are already unlimited.
Others had particular issues with .skip() or .limit() given unreasonably large values, but that's not happening here.
Anyone know what might be wrong?
The MongoDB docs recommend having enough swap space for MongoDB, despite it not being a requirement:
I'm using Windows Azure hosting, and I discovered that their virtual servers don't have swap space by default:
$ sudo swapon -s
Filename Type Size Used Priority
(Azure defaults to no swap space: Part 1 & Part 2)
So I found a guide to creating a swap file:
And it solved my problem!
The guide says Ubuntu 12.04, but the same steps worked for me on 13.10.
You should use a swap file around half the size of your RAM, not the 512MB used in the guide.
I hope this helps others solve this problem.

pymongo cursor getMore takes long time

I am having trouble with the time it takes for my python script to iterate a data set. The data set is about 40k documents. This is large enough to cause the pymongo cursor to issue multiple fetches which are internal and abstracted away from the developer. I simplified my script down as much as possible to demonstrate the problem:
from pymongo import Connection
import time
def main():
starttime = time.time()
cursor = db.survey_answers.find()
for entry in cursor:
if int(time.time()-starttime)!=lastsecond:
print "loop number:", counter, " seconds:",int(time.time()-starttime);
lastsecond= int(time.time()-starttime)
print (time.time()-starttime), "seconds for the mongo query to get rows:",counter;
connection = Connection(APPSERVER)#either localhost or hostname depending on test
db = connection.beacon
if __name__ == "__main__":
My set up is as follows. I have 4 separate hosts, one APPSERVER running mongos, and 3 other shard hosts with each being a primary replica set and secondary replica sets of the other two.
I can run this from one of the shard servers (with the connection pointing to the APPSERVER hostname) and I get:
loop number: 0 seconds: 0
loop number: 101 seconds: 2
loop number: 7343 seconds: 5
loop number: 14666 seconds: 8
loop number: 21810 seconds: 10
loop number: 28985 seconds: 13
loop number: 36078 seconds: 15
16.0257680416 seconds for the mongo query to get rows: 41541
So it's obvious what's going on here, the first batchsize of a cursor request is 100, and then each subsequent one is 4m worth of data which appears to be just over 7k documents for me. And each fetch costs 2-3 seconds!!!!
I thought I could fix this problem by moving my application closer to the mongos instance. I ran the above code on APPSERVER (with the connection pointing to localhost) hoping to decrease the network usage .... but it was worse!
loop number: 0 seconds: 0
loop number: 101 seconds: 9
loop number: 7343 seconds: 19
loop number: 14666 seconds: 28
loop number: 21810 seconds: 38
loop number: 28985 seconds: 47
loop number: 36078 seconds: 53
53.5974030495 seconds for the mongo query to get rows: 41541
The cursor sizes are exactly the same in both test, which is nice, but each cursor fetch costs 9-10 seconds here!!!
I know I have four separate hosts that need to communicate, so this can't be instant. But I will need to iterate over collections of maybe 10m records. At 2 seconds per 7k, that would take just shy of an hour! I can't have this!
Btw, I'm new to the python/mongo world, I'm used to php and mysql where I would expect this to process in a fraction of a second:
$q=mysql_query("select * from big_table");//let's say 10m rows here ....
echo $c." rows examined";
Can somebody explain the gargantuan difference between the pymongo (~1 hour) and php/mysql (<1 sec) approaches I've presented? Thanks!
I was able to figure this out with the help of A. Jesse Jiryu Davis. It turns out I didn't have C extension installed. I wanted to run another test without the shards so I could rule out the network latency as an issue. I got a fresh clean host, set up mongo, imported my data, and ran my script and it took the same amount of time. So I know the sharding/replica sets didn't have anything to do with the problem.
Before the fix, I was able to print:
pymongo.has_c(): False
pymongo version 2.3
I then followed the instructions to install the dependencies for c extensions:
yum install gcc python-devel
Then I reinstalled the pymongo driver:
git clone git:// pymongo
cd pymongo/
python install
I reran my script and it now prints:
pymongo.has_c(): True
pymongo version 2.3+
And it takes about 1.8 seconds to run as opposed to the 16 above. That still seems long to fetch 40k records and iterate over them, but it's a significant improvement.
I will now run these updates on my prod (sharded, replica set) environment to hopefully see the same results.
I updated my pymongo driver on my prod environment and there was an improvement, though not as much. It took about 2.5-3.5 seconds over a few tests. I presume the sharding nature was the fault here. That still seems incredibly slow to iterate over 40k records.

Understanding results of mongostat

I am trying to understand the results of mongostat:
insert query update delete getmore command flushes mapped vsize res faults locked % idx
0 2 4 0 0 10 0 976m 2.21g 643m 0 0.1 0
0 1 0 0 0 4 0 976m 2.21g 643m 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 1 0 976m 2.21g 643m 0 0 0
I see
mapped - 976m
res - 643m
res - RAM, so ~650MB of my database is in RAM
mapped - total size of database (via memory mapped files)
vsize - ???
not sure why vsize is important or what exactly it means in this content - im running an m1.large so i have like 400GB of HD space + 8GB of RAM.
Can someone help me out here and explain if
I am on the right page
what stats I should monitor in production
This should give you enough information
mapped - amount of data mmaped (total data size) megabytes
vsize - virtual size of process in megabytes
res - resident size of process in megabytes
1) I am on the right page
So mongostat is not really a "live monitor". It's mostly useful for connecting to a specific server and watching for something specific (what's happening when this job runs?). But it's not really useful for tracking performance over time.
Typically, for monitoring the server, you will want to use a tool like Zabbix or Cacti or Munin. Or some third-party server monitor. The MongoDB webiste has a list.
2) what stats I should monitor in production
You should monitor the same basic stats you would monitor on any server:
Disk IO
Network traffic
For MongoDB specifically, you will to run db.serverStatus() and track the
Note that these are increasing counters, so you'll have to create the correct "counter type" in your monitoring system (Zabbix, Cacti, etc.) A few of these monitoring programs already have MongoDB plug-ins available.
Also note that MongoDB has a "free" monitoring service called MMS. I say "free" because you will be receiving calls from salespeople in exchange for setting up MMS.
Also you can use these mini tools watching mongodb
by the way I remembered this great online tool from 10gen

mongodb higher faults on Windows than on Linux

I am executing below C# code -
for (; ; )
Console.WriteLine("Doc# {0}", ctr++);
BsonDocument log = new BsonDocument();
log["type"] = "auth";
BsonDateTime time = new BsonDateTime(DateTime.Now);
log["when"] = time;
log["user"] = "staticString";
BsonBoolean bol = BsonBoolean.False;
log["res"] = bol;
When I run it on a MongoDB instance (version 2.0.2) running on virtual 64 bit Linux machine with just 512 MB ram, I get about 5k inserts with 1-2 faults as reported by mongostat after few mins.
When same code is run against a MongoDB instance (version 2.0.2) running on a physical Windows machine with 8 GB of ram, I get 2.5k inserts with about 80 faults as reported by mongostat after few mins.
Why more faults are occurring on Windows? I can see following message in logs-
[DataFileSync] FlushViewOfFile failed 33 file
Journaling is disable on both instances
Also, is 5k insert on a virtual machine with 1-2 faults a good enough speed? or should I be expecting better inserts?
Looks like this is a known issue -
page fault counter on Windows is in fact the total page faults which include both hard and soft page fault.
Process : Page Faults/sec. This is an indication of the number of page faults that
occurred due to requests from this particular process. Excessive page faults from a
particular process are an indication usually of bad coding practices. Either the
functions and DLLs are not organized correctly, or the data set that the application
is using is being called in a less than efficient manner.