How to programmatically collapse space in empty div when google ad does not show - adsense

Is there any way to programmatically collapse the empty space that results when a google ad does not show? If so, I would love to see an illustrative example of the same.
Searching around has led me to this official Google resource for accomplishing exactly what I've asked. However, that pertains to Doubleclick for Publishers, which is unfortunately a separate product. I'm pining to know how to handle this for AdSense - some of my users are staring at empty spaces at the moment.
In case it matters, here's an example ad snippet provided by Google AdSense (which I've center-aligned):
<div style="text-align:center">
<ins class="adsbygoogle"
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});

I know this is old, but since I've been dealing with this now. A simple enough way to do this in jQuery is to check for all elements with the class adsbygoogle that have no child inside.
This selects all the elements with that class and hides them, effectively collapsing them.
You can do a lot of other stuff with it too, like if it's in a div and you need to hide that too, use the $(".adsbygoogle:empty").parent().hide() to collapse it further.
I'm sure this can be done with vanilla javascript as easily. I suggest to run this line of code after the DOM has loaded and even wait like 10 seconds just to see if google populates the ads.

But now it is very simple, just insert this CSS;
ins[data-ad-status=unfilled] {display:none!important}

I noticed that the AdSense code broadcasts a MessageEvent, so when I get a resize-me type event, with 'r_nh': 0 key/value pair, I hide the AdSense container (CSS class adsense-ad) manually.
If you have multiple AdSense containers on the same page, you could try to also parse the qid key from the same message.
window.addEventListener("message", (event)=>{
try {
let message = JSON.parse(;
if (message.msg_type === 'resize-me') {
let shouldCollapseAd = false;
for (let index in message.key_value) {
let key = message.key_value[index].key;
let value = message.key_value[index].value;
if (key === 'r_nh' && value === '0') {
shouldCollapseAd = true;
if (shouldCollapseAd) {
} catch (e) {

The link provided which refers to DFP Premium at this point redirects to documentation for Google Ad Manager, so it's possible this feature is available without DFP Premium at this point.
Aside from that...
Usually the existence of an iframe element where you expect it is enough to know whether an ad was put where you were expecting one to be put, or not, in my experience.
setTimeout(function () {
if (!document.querySelector('#adcontainer').querySelectorAll('iframe').length > 0) {
As to whether something useful was loaded into that iframe—that isn't something Google is concerned with, so good luck, you'll need it.

I tried to solve it with CSS as Adsense injects various iframe,ins, and divs with various properties.
This code will collapse whitespace but when you ad is in text, it will overflow some of the text, so inline this needs modification:
iframe { height: auto !important}
ins { height: auto !important}
#google_ads_frame1 { height: auto !important}
.adsbygoogle, #aswift_0_expand, #aswift_0_anchor { height: auto!important} /* there might be more of those */


Prestashop module development - why is this template redirecting not working

On user-registration confirmation I want to show a simple popup. For the moment, in order to simplify I'm happy to show an "Hello World".
This is the template file, views/templates/hook/registrationConfirm.tpl
<div id="idname" class="block">
<h1 class="title_block">HelloWorld</h1>
In my custom module I have this hook (which I know is being triggered doing debug):
public function hookActionCustomerAccountAdd($params) {
return $this->display(__FILE__, 'registrationConfirm.tpl');
It doesn't show anything (I also tried inspect the source code of the rendered page, but I dind't find the "HelloWorld")
Hooks starting by "Action" react to an action but do not display anything, but those starting with "Display" do.
You should also react to the hook displayCustomerAccount
public function hookActionCustomerAccountAdd() {
$this->is_new_account = true;
public function hookDisplayCustomerAccount()
if ($this->is_new_account) {
return $this->display(__FILE__, 'registrationConfirm.tpl');
I tried the solution posted by #shagshag but for some reason it doesn't work for me. So I share my solution (it's not pretty, nor efficient I think, but it seem to work for me): in the hookActionCustomerAccountAdd I save on a custom table (newCustomersTmp) email and customer id, because these are the data I need after, in the display Hook. Then in the hookDisplayCustomerAccount I check if an user with the current email ($this->context->customer->email) already exists in my table: if so I retrieve the data, do the actions I need with them and delete the row in the table.

TinyMCE - preserve style and function of selected element

I have decided to 'enhance' a textarea in a form with TinyMCE... however, doing so has interrupted the styling and jQuery functionality of the original element, as TinyMCE wraps that element in an iframe and a few divs. What I'd love to be able to do is to get the TinyMCE functionality (preserving text formatting, etc.) but not lose the styling and functions that I had associated with the original textarea. I looked through the TinyMCE documentation, but couldn't seem to find anything about this. Does anyone have any thoughts on how to accomplish this?
My form features the textarea like so:
<script>tinymce.init( { selector: 'textarea' } );</script>
<div class="form-element">
<div class="label-container">
<label for="body">Post</label><span class="warning">Please fill out this field</span>
<textarea id="body" class="input-field" name="body"></textarea>
but adding TinyMCE breaks the label/textarea relationship.
Also, jQuery functionality is broken, such as this validation script:
var inputFields = $(".input-field");
var proceed = true;
for(var i = 0; i < inputFields.length; i++){
if($(inputFields[i]).val() == ""){
$(inputFields[i]).css("border", "solid 3px #E86F3A");
var proceed = false;
$(inputFields[i]).css("border", "none");
since the textarea.input-field is no longer picked up in the inputFields variable.
So, in a nutshell, I'm looking for the TinyMCE wrapper to 'inherit' the styling and functionality of the element that it is attached to. Possible?
As you have correctly surmised when you invoke TinyMCE on a <textarea> the original <textarea> is no longer visible on the page and its replaced by an <iframe> and series of <div> elements.
If you want to keep the underlying <textarea> in sync you can use the tinymce.triggerSave() method. This will update all of the underlying <textarea> elements with the current value of the appropriate instance of TinyMCE.
You can do this when someone tries to save/submit the content or you can try to perform this when certain editor events happen ( Unless you need real time accuracy of the contents of the <textarea> its far easier to call the triggerSave() method right before you perform you jQuery validation.
Note: Putting a border on the <textarea> won't have any impact on TinyMCE as you no longer see the underlying <textarea>. You can certainly try to add CSS to the editor's HTML in real time. The outer border of TinyMCE 4.4 has these classes attached:
class="mce-tinymce mce-container mce-panel"
...but do note that these classes could change over time so if you upgrade TinyMCE check to make sure your CSS still works before upgrading.

Split html string into multiple pages

I am trying to develop eBook reader kind of android application. I need to split long html string(sent by server at run-time) into pages on fly based on the screen space available. Html content is an article which could contain text, images, videos etc.I am using WebView to display the html.
Can anyone give me direction towards how this can be achieved.
Thanks in advance.
Doing any sort of HTML/DOM parsing is going to drive you up the wall, I think, and means that you're effectively starting to develop your own HTML layout engine.
It's a better idea to use the CSS3 column functions. Basically, get your content to render within a fixed width-and-height column. This becomes your page. Then shift your content position left to move between pages, and wrap it in a container that will hide overflow elements.
Our HTML will basically be:
<div id="container">
<div id="content">
<span id="endMarker"></span>
<button id="previous">Previous</button>
<span id="page">Page N of M</span>
<button id="next">Next</button>
Our basic CSS is:
#container {
width: 240px;
overflow: hidden;
background-color: yellow;
#content {
position: relative;
height: 30em;
-moz-column-width: 240px;
-webkit-column-width: 240px;
column-width: 240px;
-moz-column-gap: 10px;
-webkit-column-gap: 10px;
column-gap: 10px;
Now we will set the left CSS property for the #content to switch between pages, in multiples of -250px.
We've only got to work out how many columns our content takes, and we've got paging. How to get css3 multi-column count in Javascript gives a hint: we're going to find it from the left position of #endMarker.
Here's a working example, with the first chapter of Moby Dick. It works in Chrome and on Android, but not in Firefox - I think because of differences in the CSS columns implementations. Since we're interested in Android here, the code is good.
The important parts are:
The CSS settings as above.
The addition of a <span id="endMarker"></span> after the content (but within the #content div)
The addition of a #previous and #next button, and a #page span, all outside the #container.
This javascript after jQuery loads:
var _column = 0;
var _columnCount = 0;
var _columnWidth = 240;
var _columnGap = 10;
$(function() {
_columnCount = Math.floor($('#endMarker').position().left/(_columnWidth + _columnGap));
setColumn = function(i) {
_column = i;
document.getElementById('content').style.left = -1 * _column * (_columnWidth + _columnGap);
$('#page').html('Page ' + (_column+1) + ' of ' + (_columnCount+1));
$('#next').click(function() {
if (_column==_columnCount) return;
$('#previous').click(function() {
if (0==_column) return;
That's it.
There's room for work. One might want to think about that number of columns calculation, I sort of sucked it from the referenced SO post, but haven't actually thought it through... The width of the container seems to affect the column width of the content, which doesn't entirely make sense to me.
But at least everything seems to be working without having to do any HTML parsing and own layout, at least in Chrome and on Android.
You have to parse the HTML, best would be to use some library where you can access the DOM like in JavaScript. Then you can create a custom layout for the parsed content. Does WebView supports JavaScript? That would be a good start to try with.
Obviously you can not split at arbitrary locations of the HTML file, your have to consider the HTML-Tags. After modifying the DOM or splitting the html you can provide an custom CSS file for the content to display it in a way you like and add some pagination using your library or JavaScript.
Using <span style="display:none"></span> can help you to hide content in a website. Then you don't have to split is physically (it is in memory after loading the page anyway).
Hope that helped a bit. You will not get a full solution here, but maybe you got some ideas. If you find further more specific problems it will be easier to ask more specific questions.

SugarCRM - Forcing subpanels that DO have data to be expanded in DetailView

There is a SugarCRM developer blog article that explains how to modify some core files so that subpanels are collapsed in the detailview when there is no data to display.
It's great to be able to add this feature - especially for modules that have an extensive number of subpanels. However, we noticed that if a user collapses a subpanel, when a module is loaded that DOES have data in that subpanel, the subpanel stays collapsed.
Obviously, this could potentially be problematic, as it would be easy for a user to assume that if a subpanel is collapsed, then there is no information there, when in fact there is.
We're wondering what code would need to be added to force expanding subpanels that do have data. Presumably it would be a matter of adding an else clause in the ListView.php code.
I've added the code from the blog below for your convenience.
For anyone that hasn't read the blog and wishes to implement this, THIS IS NOT AN UPGRADE-SAFE SOLUTION!!
In the Include/ListView/ListView.php file:
if ( empty($data) ) {
$this->xTemplate->assign("ROW_COLOR", 'oddListRow');
$this->xTemplate->assign("COL_COUNT", count($thepanel->get_list_fields()));
$this->xTemplate->assign("PANEL_NAME", $thepanel->get_name());
And in the include/SubPanel/SubPanelDynamic.html file:
<!-- BEGIN: nodata -->
<tr height='20' class='{ROW_COLOR}S1'>
<td colspan='{COL_COUNT}'>
<script type="text/javascript">
document.getElementById('subpanel_{PANEL_NAME}').style.display = 'none';
document.getElementById('hide_link_{PANEL_NAME}').style.display = 'none';
document.getElementById('show_link_{PANEL_NAME}').style.display = '';
Thanks for anyone's help/suggestions!
I've had issues like that before and the only easy upgrade safe way I've found was to include a javascript file using jquery then manipulate the DOM on the front end. See also the following javascript method:

CollapsiblePanelExtender: Can I initiate collapse/expand from client-side javascript? (AJAX Control Toolkit)

The CollapsiblePanelExtender seems primarily designed to collapse/expand things in response to user mouse events. Is there also a good way to get the extender to collapse/expand things in response to client-side javascript?
In my particular case, I have a number of CollapsiblePanelExtenders (and their corresponding Panels) on a page, and I'm wondering if I could implement an "expand all panels" button by doing something like this strictly on the client side:
for each CollapsiblePanelExtender on this page, call somethingOrOther(extender)
I can implement this logic server-side instead if I did a full postback, but my page takes a long time to load, and so this doesn't seem like it would provide a very slick user experience. Thus I am interested in doing expand/collapse client-side.
It seems like this isn't a use case the AJAX Control Toolkit people had in mind, but I thought I'd check.
Write the following code in the OnClick event of Image/button
<asp:Image ID="img1" runat="server" OnClick="ExpandCollapse()"/>
function ExpandCollapse() {
Hope this helps!
I have a partly working solution now.
I followed Ian's suggestion and looked through the toolkit source. In CollapsiblePanelBehavior.debug.js, you can that expandPanel() is apparently intended as part of the public interface for the behavior. There's also a get_Collapsed(). The key to accessing these behaviors in javascript seems to be setting the BehaviorID property on your CollapsiblePanelExtender tags in ASP.NET.
I modified the repeater on my page so that the BehaviorIDs are predictible, along these lines:
ID="CollapsiblePanelExtender" runat="server" />
This results with behaviors named collapsebehavior1, collapsebehavior2, collapsebehavior3, etc..
With this done, I'm able to expand all the collapsible panels on the client as follows:
function expandAll() {
var i = 0;
while (true) {
var name = 'collapsebehavior' + i;
var theBehavior = $find(name);
if (theBehavior) {
var isCollapsed = theBehavior.get_Collapsed();
if (isCollapsed) {
} else {
// No more more panels to examine
I'm sure using $find in a loop like that is really inefficient, but that's what I have so far.
Also, it doesn't work on Firefox for some reason. (On FF only the first element expands, and then there's a Javascript error inside the Control Toolkit code.)
This will all seem extremely ugly to all you javascript pros. Maybe I'll clean things up later, or you can help me out.
You can also just toggle the panels to switch between collapsed/expanded states:
function toggle() {
var MenuCollapser = $find("name");