How to Mock akka Actor for unit Test? - scala

class EventPublisher #Inject() (#Named("rabbit-mq-event-update-actor") rabbitControlActor: ActorRef)
(implicit ctx: ExecutionContext) {
def publish(event: Event): Unit = {"Publishing Event: {}", toJsObject(event), routingKey)
rabbitControlActor ! Message.topic(shipmentStatusUpdate, routingKey = "XXX")
I want to write a unit test to verify if this publish function is called
rabbitControlActor ! Message.topic(shipmentStatusUpdate, routingKey = "XXX")
is called only once.
I am using spingo to publish messages to Rabbit MQ.
I am using Playframework 2.6.x and scala 2.12.

You can create an TestProbe actor with:
val myActorProbe = TestProbe()
and get its ref with myActorProbe.ref
After, you can verify that it receives only one message with:
You probably should take a look at this page:

It depends you want to check only the message is received by that actor or you want to test the functionality of that actor.
If you want to check message got delivered to the actor you can go with TestProbe. I.e.
val probe = TestProbe()
probe.ref ! Message
Then do :
You can make use of TestActorRef in case where you have supervisor actor, which is performing some db operations so you can over ride its receive method and stop the flow to go till DB.
val testActor =new TestActorRef(Actor.props{
override receive :Receive ={
case m:Message => //some db operation in real flow
//in that case you can return what your actor return from the db call may be some case class.
case _ => // do something }})
Assume your method return Future of Boolean.
val testResult=(testActor ? Message).mapTo[boolean]
//Then assert your result


Ensure message order in test when mixing futures with actor messages

I'm testing an actor that uses an asnychronous future-based API. The actor uses the pipe pattern to send a message to itself when a future completes:
import akka.pattern.pipe
// ...
// somewhere in the actor's receive method
In my test I mock the API so I control future completion via promises. However, this is interleaved with other messages sent directly to the actor:
myActor ! Message("A")
myActor ! Message("C")
Now I'm wondering how I can guarantee that the actor receives and
processes message B between message A and C in my test because message B is actually sent in another thread, so I can't control the order
in which the actor's mailbox receives the messages.
I thought about several possible solutions:
sleep after each message for a few milliseconds to make another
order very unlikely
wait for the actor to acknowledge each message, although
acknowledgement is only required for testing
send message B directly to the actor to simulate completion of the
future and write a separate test that ensures that the pipe pattern
is properly used (the test above would not fail if the actor would
not pipe the result message to itself)
I don't really like either of these options but I tend to use the last
one. Is there another better way I can enforce a certain message order in the tests?
Clarification: The question is not how to deal with the fact that messages might be received in random order in production. Controlling the order in the test is essential to make sure that the actor can actually deal with different message orders.
One idea is to define a flag in your actor that indicates whether the actor has received message B. When the actor receives message C, the actor can stash that message C if the flag is false, then unstash it once the actor receives message B. For example:
class MyActor extends Actor with Stash {
def receiveBlock(seenMsgB: Boolean, seenMsgC: Boolean): Receive = {
case MakeApiCall =>
case m: MessageB if seenMsgC => // assume msg C has been stashed
// something with msg B
become(receiveBlock(true, seenMsgC)) // true, true
case m: MessageB if !seenMsgC =>
// something with message B
become(receiveBlock(true, seenMsgC)) // true, false
case m: MessageC if seenMsgB =>
// something with message C
context.become(receiveBlock(seenMsgB, true)) // true, true
case m: MessageC if !seenMsgB =>
context.become(receiveBlock(seenMsgB, true)) // false, true
case ...
def receive = receiveBlock(false, false)
After reading a lot more about akka, I finally found a better solution: Replacing the actor mailbox with one I can observe in the tests. This way I can wait until the actor receives a new message after I complete the promise. Only then the next message is sent. The code for this TestingMailbox is given at the end of the post.
Update: In Akka Typed this can be achieved very elegantly with a BehaviorInterceptor. Just wrap the Behavior under test with a custom interceptor that forwards all messages and signals but lets you observe them.
The mailbox solution for untyped Akka is given below.
The actor can be configured like this:
actorUnderTest = system.actorOf(Props[MyActor]).withMailbox("testing-mailbox"))
I have to make sure the "testing-mailbox" is known by the actor system by providing a configuration:
class MyTest extends TestKit(ActorSystem("some name",
testing-mailbox = {
mailbox-type = "my.package.TestingMailbox"
with BeforeAndAfterAll // ... and so on
With this being set up, I can change my test like this:
myActor ! Message("A")
val nextMessage = TestingMailbox.nextMessage(actorUnderTest)
Await.ready(nextMessage, 3.seconds)
myActor ! Message("C")
With a little helper method, I can even write it like this:
myActor ! Message("A")
receiveMessageAfter { promiseFromApiCall.success(Message("B")) }
myActor ! Message("C")
And this is my custom mailbox:
import{ActorRef, ActorSystem}
import akka.dispatch._
import com.typesafe.config.Config
import scala.concurrent.{Future, Promise}
object TestingMailbox {
val promisesByReceiver =
scala.collection.concurrent.TrieMap[ActorRef, Promise[Any]]()
class MessageQueue extends UnboundedMailbox.MessageQueue {
override def enqueue(receiver: ActorRef, handle: Envelope): Unit = {
super.enqueue(receiver, handle)
def nextMessage(receiver: ActorRef): Future[Any] =
promisesByReceiver.getOrElseUpdate(receiver, Promise[Any]).future
class TestingMailbox extends MailboxType
with ProducesMessageQueue[TestingMailbox.MessageQueue] {
import TestingMailbox._
def this(settings: ActorSystem.Settings, config: Config) = this()
final override def create(owner: Option[ActorRef],
system: Option[ActorSystem]) =
new MessageQueue()
If it is so important to order messages you should use ask (?) which returns Future and chain them even if you dont expect any response from an actor.

Play! scala and Akka: how to test if an actor A sent a message to an actor B?

I want to test that an actor A send a message to an actor B after have received a message.
I'm using Play! 2.5 and I use the factories since I need to inject some of my classes and things like wSClient inside the actors.
The Actor A looks like:
object ActorA {
trait Factory {
def apply(ec: ExecutionContext, actorBRef: ActorRef): Actor
class ActorA #Inject()(implicit val ec: ExecutionContext,
#Named("actor-b") actorBRef: ActorRef)
extends Actor with ActorLogging with InjectedActorSupport {
override def receive: Receive = {
case i: Long =>
log info s"received $i"
actorBRef ! (i+1)
And the actor B is even more simple:
object ActorB {
trait Factory {
def apply(): Actor
class ActorB extends Actor with ActorLogging {
override def receive: Receive = {
case _ =>
log error "B received an unhandled message"
But my test doesn't pass, it is said that the expected message doesn't arrive, I get a Timeout in the test (but it is well logged by the actor B) so the problem comes from the test (and probably the Probe).
Here is the test:
val actorBProbe = TestProbe()
lazy val appBuilder = new GuiceApplicationBuilder().in(Mode.Test)
lazy val injector = appBuilder.injector()
lazy val factory = injector.instanceOf[ActorA.Factory]
lazy val ec =
lazy val factoryProps = Props(factory(ec, actorBProbe.ref))
val ActorARef = TestActorRef[ActorA](factoryProps)
"Actor B" must {
"received a message from actor A" in {
ActorARef ! 5L
I also created a minimum Play! application with the code above available here.
In your test, actorBProbe is not the ActorB ref passed to ActorA constructor (of ref ActorARef). What really happens is that Guice creates a different ActorB (named actor-b), and passes its ref to ActorA (of ref ActorARef) constructor.
The test ends up with ActorB actor-b receiving 6L (as evident in log). While actorBProbe receives nothing.
The confusion really comes from mixing Guice lifecyle with Actors. In my experience, it creates more pains than I can bear.
To prove, simply print hash code of ActorRef's, you'll see they are different. Illustrated as followings:
val actorBProbe = TestProbe()
println("actorBProbe with ref hash: " + actorBProbe.ref.hashCode())
class ActorA ... {
override def preStart =
log error "preStart actorBRef: " + actorBRef.hashCode()
// ...
In fact, even ec inside ActorA is not the same ec in the test code.
The following is a way to "force" the test to pass and at the same time prove that actorBProbe wasn't really being used by ActorB.
In stead of relying on Guice to "wire in" ActorB, we tell Guice to leave it alone by replacing #Named("actor-b") with #Assisted, like this,
import ...
class ActorA #Inject()(...
/*#Named("actor-b")*/ #Assisted actorBRef: ActorRef)
Re-run the test, it'll pass. But this is probably not what you wanted to begin with.

akka Actor unit testing using testkit

There are many examples of using akka-testkit when the Actor being tested is responding to an ask:
//below code was copied from example link
val actorRef = TestActorRef(new MyActor)
// hypothetical message stimulating a '42' answer
val future = actorRef ? Say42
val Success(result: Int) = future.value.get
result must be(42)
But I have an Actor that does not respond to a sender; it instead sends a message to a separate actor. A simplified example being:
class PassThroughActor(sink : ActorRef) {
def receive : Receive = {
case _ => sink ! 42
TestKit has a suite of expectMsg methods but I cannot find any examples of creating a test sink Actor that could expect a message within a unit test.
Is it possible to test my PassThroughActor?
Thank you in advance for your consideration and response.
As mentioned in the comments you can use a TestProbe to solve this:
val sink = TestProbe()
val actorRef = TestActorRef(Props(new PassThroughActor(sink.ref)))
actorRef ! "message"

Spray route testing with Akka TestProbe

In my Spray route, I delegate to an actor to process the request. The RequestContext is sent in the message to that actor.
path("mypath") {
parameters("thing".as[String]) { thing => ctx =>
myActor ! ProcessThingAndResondToContext(thing, ctx)
In my test, I substitute a TestProbe for the actor, because the actor's processing is expensive.
class MySpec extends Specification with Specs2RouteTest with ScalaCheck with MyService {
val testProbe = TestProbe()
override val myActor = testProbe.ref
def is = s2"""
it should $doTheRightThing
def doTheRightThing = {
Get(s"/mypath?thing=fruit") ~> route ~> check {
status mustEqual StatusCodes.Success
This spec fails because there's no status. The TestProbe does nothing and so the ctx was never responded to.
Request was neither completed nor rejected within 1 second
The line status mustEqual StatusCodes.Success is not crucial to my test, but I can't remove it because then the spec doesn't compile - the method no longer typechecks as a MatchResult.
How can I test the route delegated to the actor?
I didn't solve the question, but resolved my problem by using a TestActorRef instead of a TestProbe. Then I could specify a simplified behaviour and still respond to ctx.

Akka - Common service actor: Identify or Extension

Lets say I have some commonly used by other actors service-layer actor. For example, an registry service that stores and retrieves domain objects:
case class DomainObject(id: UUID)
class Registry extends {
def receive: Receive = {
case o: DomainObject => store(o) // save or update object
case id: UUID => sender ! retrieve(id) // retrieve object and send it back
I do not want to explicitly pass instance of such registry into all actors who may use it. Instead of it, I want them to be able to somehow 'locate' it.
For this I can think of two solutions:
Identify message: each registry user actor knows registry actor name from some configuration and able to sent identification message to it. After AgentIdentity message is received back we are good to go:
val registryName = ... // some name
val registryId = ... // some id
var registry = _
def preStart() {
context.actorSelection(registryName) ! Identify(registryId)
def receive: Receive = {
case ActorIdentity(`registryId`, ref) => registry = ref
I do not like this way because right after user actor initialisation there is a phase when we do not know if there is a registry in system et all and thus do not know will we ever be able to operate or not.
Akka Extensions: I can create an extension which would:
a. create instance of Registry actor in given Actor System on initialization;
b. return this actor to user who needs it via some method in Extension.
object RegistryKey extends ExtensionKey[RegistryExtension]
class RegistryExtesion(system: ExtendedActorSystem) extends RegistryKey {
val registry = system.actorOf(Props[Registry], "registry")
The question is: which method is better and are Akka Extesions can be used for this at all?
I think the extension idea is a good one as long as your registry actor is always going to be in the same ActorSystem.
Alternatively, using actorSelection (adapted from Remote Lookup):
class RegistryClient extends Actor {
val path = "/path/to/registry/actor"
def sendIdentifyRequest(): Unit =
context.actorSelection(path) ! Identify(path)
def receive = {
case ActorIdentity(`path`, Some(ref)) ⇒
case ActorIdentity(`path`, None) ⇒
throw new RuntimeException("Registry not found")
case ReceiveTimeout ⇒ sendIdentifyRequest()
def active(registry: ActorRef): Actor.Receive = {
// use the registry
This will work for remote or local actors.
Let's look at the extension solution. Actors are created asynchronously. Therefore your extension constructor won't fail when calling actorOf if the actor fails to initialize.
If you want to know for sure that the actor failed to initialize then one way to know is to ask the actor something that it will respond to and Await a response. The Await will throw a TimeoutException if the actor fails to respond.
class RegistryExtension(system: ExtendedActorSystem) extends Extension {
val registry = system.actorOf(Props[Registry], "registry")
implicit val timeout: Timeout = Timeout(500.millis)
val f = registry ? "ping" // Registry should case "ping" => "pong"
Await.result(f, 500.millis) // Will throw a TimeoutException if registry fails
// to respond
The TimeoutException will get thrown when you call RegistryExtension(system).registry the first time.
How about the Cake Pattern or a Dependency Injection library such as subcut.
Derek Wyatt mentions DI in his book 'Akka Concurrency' instead of using too much actorFor to look up actors: