Add HTML but not in text mode of TinyMCE - tinymce

I have a big text and like to highlight words that are trademarks. So within this big CDATA node I need to grab for multiple words like "ACME Soda Chips" and make them red.
currently I do something like this in a TinyMCE plugin:
// almost ...
var foo = editor.getContent();
foo.replace('ACME Soda Chips', '<span class="douh">ACME Soda Chips</span>');
My problem now is, that such HTML is displayed in Text-Mode (where you see the content as plain HTML) and also submitted therefor stored to the database.
But what I like to have is:
Highlight a word in the visual mode
Do not store my surrounding span somehow
Optional: Do not show that I used a span and CSS-class to highlight things.
I may completely do this wrong - please help.
I read some other plugins and honestly I don't understand what they do.
Imagine the whole text as one single big CDATA part but I like to highlight a specific set out of it.


How to align items to right side in MarkdownString of VSCode

While making VSCode Extension I have a requirement to show decorations on a file. Then while you hover over that decoration you can see the default hover with some information you want to show. I am using the following code to create the hover using MarkDownString for VSCode. Even after using "float:right;" in the span the view comment section won't move to the extreme right of the hover. It would just stay in the left. Can someone help me with the way to make it right aligned? Screenshot added below for reference.
const myContent = new MarkdownString(`<span style='float:right;'><a href='#'>View Comment</a></span>`);
myContent.isTrusted = true;
myContent.supportHtml = true;
const decoration = { range, hoverMessage:myContent };
I want the highlighted red box area to be in extreme right of the hover. [The image used is just for reference].
After trying the same thing, I found this question still unanswered.
The MarkdownString documentation states that:
When supportHtml is true, the markdown render will also allow a safe subset of html tags and attributes to be rendered. See for a list of all supported tags and attributes.
Looking at the code linked, we can see that while "span" is allowed the "style" and "class" attributes, they are very strictly filtered and only allow some of the vscode built-ins to be used.
So, while styling elements with inline CSS or even a custom class might be possible, there is another approach to this - using Markdown tables, which get translated into HTML tables and allow custom alignment.
For example, what I ended up using was something like:
new MarkdownString(`
| |
| ---: |
| the very long line we want the below link to right-align to |
| [Link text](https://linktarget "Link hover message") |
The idea came from the github issue linked in the the source file mentioned above.
A couple of notes:
codicons are still supported inside Markdown tables;
the HTML table generated does not expand to 100% of the hover message box, so if you want to right-align the link text with a longer line, they have to be in the same Markdown table;
Markdown table detection is very picky about spaces and newlines, you might have to play a bit with the formatting of your string for vscode to correctly transform it into a HTML table;
the Markdown table header cannot be omitted, at least that was the conclusion of my testing; it can however be empty;
the resulting HTML table might add some small invisible borders, I haven't investigated, but my alignment with other rows in the hover seemed 1px off;
trying to bypass the Markdown table creation and writing my own HTML table broke codicons support, although I haven't investigated that too much either;

Fillable Pdf multi-line, Allow rich text formatting in Acrobat Pro DC: but it ignores line spacing/leading set in More

I'm on Win10, using Acrobat Pro DC 2021.011... to edit and Reader DC (same version) to test.
From experience and from reading forums etc, forms in these apps are maddening... but I have not been able to find any discussion (or solutions) to the following behavior...
The form I'm building for other employees' use has a large edit text box set to Multi-line and Allow Rich Text Formatting. It is set to a default font, Calibri and size 50pt. For most situations this will work for them; provides 2-3 lines for a short product description. But occasionally they want a smaller font and more lines... They know how to get the ctrl+e properties bar. But in my testing of this alternative situation they'll need sometimes, I'm finding it's impossible to get the smaller font size and more lines to work. Here's my process.
tab into text box. Ctrl+E for properties bar.
before typing I set the font size to 24
then I type in my 4 lines of text
then I tab to my next form field...
and kaboom... the field I just's line height is so large it's pushed some of the content invisible. I assume this is coming from the field's default font size, 50
And if I try to adjust the line height, by selecting all the text and then choosing in More...>Form Field Text Properties>Paragraph>Line Spacing
If I set it to Single and click Close/click into another field I get the very large leading (presumably for 50pt font (same as pic above after point 5)
If I choose Exactly and set to point size slightly larger, click Close/out of field, I get another ridiculous result where the 2/3 line have the height I set, but the space between the 1 & 2 second line is way too much and the space between the last line and 3rd line is way too small...
before tabbing or clicking out of field to another field
Good lord.. what is that! 3 different leading values in the same field; just after applying 1 value to all lines, all text in the field...
It makes no sense... it doesn't look like it regards your input at all, and just comes up with it's own random leading... I've fiddled with Space before/after and combinations of Line Height and nothing comes close to what we need... At this point I'm convinced the Acrobat tools for a stylizing text in a multi-line, allow formatting text field are useless. I'd be better off with my employees they can't format anything, ever. Just type one line and hit Tab or Enter...
What is going on! I'm trying to make a simple fillable form for other employees to use, but this kind of behavior makes that impossible (It's enough of a stretch to teach them to use the ctrl+E and do some styling of their text but this is bonkers and completely unteachable... there's not rhyme or pattern to teach!)
Hope someone can help or has seen this behavior too.

How to get colored background in word wih R Markdown?

My team wants to highlight a certain word by using a yellow background, as a reminder that this value needs to be edited manually.
Desired result:
I try to make this happen (inspired by this answer). I format a line of text in my reference text as Times New roman with font size 12, with bold text and a yellow background. I then save the format as a "character"-type style and I save it under "boldyellow" in order to avoid underscores.
In my r markdown document I write:
<span custom-style=“boldyellow”>SKRIV IN ANTAL</span> av **21** regioner moretext moretext.
With no obvious result:
Am I missing one or more steps I haven't tought of? Is this possible at all using this method?

Avoid losing format after selecting all text and start typing

We use TinyMCE as the wysiwyg editor for our content builder. You can drag and drop a text module and once you click an edit button an TinyMCE instance will open. This works really well.
Problem is now that the builder is made for designers so a lot of the times you add a text module just for a 1 word heading or other cases where you only have one block. (one h1, one p etc.) You can also see this behavior in the official demos: Just add an lonely h2 heading, select all text and start to write.
Now Tiny MCE has the default behavior that if you select the complete text (which is almost always the case if you for example change an 1 line / word heading) and you start typing you will lose your formats completely. ( in our case: color, font-size, font-weight, line-height etc.)
This makes editing an heading for example really painful. Best workaround so far is to leave 1 character to not lose the format and then delete the character in the end.
I never saw that behavior in other editors so my question is: Is there maybe an easy setting or workaround to avoid this?
If there are situations where you want a root element to be something specific (e.g. <h2>) you can use the forced_root_block setting on that instance of TinyMCE to force a specific element:
Even if you delete all text the new text will be wrapped with that root element. See this TinyMCE Fiddle for examples:
I think this would address your one line issue?

tinymce removes line breaks so all text is in a continuous chunk with no paragraphs

I'm using TinyMce textarea editor and have a problem. As you probably know Tinymce transforms a standard html textarea into a rich text editor.
On our 'edit listing' page we call up some text from our db for the user to edit (previously in a standard textarea, now in the tinymce textarea.
Previously the standard textarea would preserve linebreaks and the user would get several paragraphs of text in the text area, now with tinyMCE they get a huge chunk of text with no linebreaks. (I have pasted an example of an entry in our db below - as you can see it has line breaks in it by tinymce seems to be ignoring them when it displays them in the editor).
Just to clarify my issue is now that tinymce is stripping something when I submit the form, it's that when I pull text (that contains line breaks) from the db and populate the tinymce textarea with that data (for the user to edit) in the tinymce textarea - the text appears (in the tinymce textarea) as one massive chunk of text with my paragraphs (whereas in a standard textarea it is nicely formatted with linebreaks)
Any help on how to resolve this would be greatly appreciated - do I need to use some sort of populate() type function to put the text in, or maybe I need to replace all the linebreaks with a different special character that tinyMCE will recognise as a line break and preserve?..
Thanks in advance.
example from db:
Here is line one
Here is line two
And here is line three
Which appears in tinymce as:
Here is line one Here is line two And here is line three
I faced a similar a problem, a while back and had questions just like yours. Also I finally ended up on SE just like you.
Anyway, I think I have the solution to your problem. If you are using PHP as your server side language, then you should use nl2br() PHP function.
Suppose you have stored your content fetched from the database in a php variable. Something like this:
$content = $row['content'];
Now when displaying it on to your screen, use the nl2br() function.
echo nl2br("<p>".$content."<p>");
Now, this part inside () depends on how you want to output the data. And I will leave it to you to figure that part out.
Hope this helps.