How to get array of hash arguments using Getopt::Long lib in perl? - perl

I want to take arguments as an array of hashes by using Getopt::Long in my script.
Consider the following command line example:
perl --systems id=sys_1 ip_address= id=sys_2 ip_address=
For the sake of simplicity, I'm using two systems and only two sub arguments of each system, i.e., id and ip_address. Ideally, the number of systems is dynamic; it may contain 1, 2 or more and so with the number of arguments of each system.
My script should handle these arguments in such a way that it will store in #systems array and each element will be a hash containing id and ip_address.
Is there any way in Getopt::Long to achieve this without parsing it myself?
Following is pseudocode for what I'm trying to achieve:
use Getopt::Long;
my #systems;
GetOptions('systems=s' => \#systems);
foreach (#systems) {
print $_->{id},' ', $_->{ip_address};

Here is an attempt, there might be more elegant solutions:
GetOptions('systems=s{1,}' => \my #temp );
my #systems;
while (#temp) {
my $value1 = shift #temp;
$value1 =~ s/^(\w+)=//; my $key1 = $1;
my $value2 = shift #temp;
$value2 =~ s/^(\w+)=//; my $key2 = $1;
push #systems, { $key1 => $value1, $key2 => $value2 };
for (#systems) {
print $_->{id},' ', $_->{ip_address}, "\n";

I actually think this is a design problem, more than a problem with GetOpt - the notion of supporting multiple, paired arguments passed as command line arguments I think is something that you'd be far better off avoiding.
There's a reason that GetOpt doesn't really support it - it's not a scalable solution really.
How about instead just reading the values from STDIN?:
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;
my %systems = do { local $/; <DATA> } =~ m/id=(\w+) ip_address=([\d\.]+)/mg;
print Dumper \%systems;
And then you'd be able to invoke your script as:
perl <filename_with_args>
Or similar.
And if you really must:
my %systems = "#ARGV" =~ m/id=(\w+) ip_address=([\d\.]+)/g;
Both of the above work for multiple parameters.
However, your comment on another post:
I can't because I'm fetching parameters from database and converting them into command line and then passing it to the script using system command $cmd_lines_args = '--system --id sys_1 --ip_address'; system("perl $cmd_lines_args"); $cmd_lines_args I'll generate dynamically using for loop by reading from database
.. that makes this an XY Problem.
Don't do it like that:
open ( my $script, '|-', "perl" );
print {$script} "id=some_id ip_address=\n";
print {$script} "id=sys2 ip_address=\n";

What you are describing,
--systems id=sys_1 ip_address= id=sys_2 ip_address=
appears to be one option that takes a variable number of arguments that are pairs, and come in multiples of two. Getopt::Long's "Options with multiple values" lets you do the following:
GetOptions('systems=s{2,4}' => \#systems);
This lets you specify 2, 3 or 4 arguments, but it does not have syntax for "any even number of arguments" (to cover an arbitrary number of pairs beyond two), and you still have to unpack the id=sys_1 manually then. You can write a user-defined subroutine that handles the processing of --systems' arguments (but does not take into account missing id=...s):
my $system;
my %systems;
GetOptions('systems=s{,}' => sub {
my $option = shift;
my $pair = shift;
my ($key, $value) = split /=/, $pair;
$system = $value if $key eq 'id';
$systems{$system} = $value if $key eq 'ip_address';
I would however prefer one of the following schemes:
--system sys_1 --system sys_2
--system sys_1= --system sys_2=
They're achieved with the following:
GetOptions('system=s{2}', \#systems);
GetOptions('system=s%', \#systems);

I would just parse the --systems arg and quote the "hashes" like this:
perl --systems "id=s1 ip_address= id=s2 ip_address="
Parse like perhaps so:
GetOptions('systems=s' => \$systems);
push #systems, {} if !#systems or exists$systems[-1]{$key};
print "$_->{id} $_->{ip_address}\n" for #systems;


Perl DBI — download a hash format string on query

I have a script that uses a custom module EVTConf which is just a wrapper around DBI.
It has the username and password hard coded so we don't have to write the username and password in every script.
I want to see the data that the query picks up - but it does not seem to pick up anything from the query - just a bless statement.
What is bless?
use EVTConf;
$dbh = $EVTConf::dbh;
use Data::Dumper;
my %extend_hash = %{#_[0]};
my $query = "select level_id, e_risk_symbol, e_exch_dest, penny, specialist from etds_extend";
if (!$dbh) {
print "Error connecting to DataBase; $DBI::errstr\n";
my $cur_msg = $dbh->prepare($query) or die "\n\nCould not prepare statement: ".$dbh->errstr;
print Dumper($cur_msg) ;
This is what I get:
Foohost:~/walt $
Foohost:~/walt $ ./Test_extend_download_parse_the_object
$VAR1 = bless( {}, 'DBI::st' );
$cur_msg is a statement handle (hence it is blessed into class DBI::st). You need something like:
my $cur_msg = $dbh->prepare($query) or die "…";
my #row;
while (#row = $cur_msg->fetchrow_array)
print "#row\n";
# print Dumper(\#row);
only you need to be a bit more careful about how you actually print the data than I was. There are a number of other fetching methods, such as fetchrow_arrayref, fetchrow_hashref, fetchall_arrayref. All the details are available via perldoc DBI at the command line or the DBI page on CPAN.
You can see what the official documentation says about bless by using perldoc -f bless (or going to bless). It is a way of associating a variable with a class, and the class in this example is DBI::st, the DBI statement handle class. You $dbh would be in class DBI::db, for example.
What is the best way to print the results?
The best way to print them out depends on what you know about the result set.
You might choose:
printf "%-12s %6.2f\n", $row[0], $row[3];
if you know that there are only two fields you're interested in (though why didn't you just choose the two you're interested in — it costs time (a little time) to process elements 1 and 2 if they're unused).
You might choose:
foreach my $val (#row) { print "$val\n"; }
You might choose:
for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar(#row); $i++)
printf "%-12s = %s\n", $cur_msg->{NAME}[$i], $row[$i];
to print out the column name as well as the value. There are many other possibilities too, but those cover the key ones.
As noted by Borodin in his comment, you should be using use strict; and use warnings; automatically and reflexively in your Perl code. There's one variable that is not handled strictly in the code you show, namely $dbh. 'Tis easily remedied; add my before it where it is assigned. But it is a good idea to ensure that you use them all the time. Using them can allows you to avoid unexpected behaviours that you weren't aware of and weren't intending to exploit.

Perl - Need to append duplicates in a file and write unique value only

I have searched a fair bit and hope I'm not duplicating something someone has already asked. I have what amounts to a CSV that is specifically formatted (as required by a vendor). There are four values that are being delimited as follows:
The list is quite long (and there are ~150 unique names--only 2 in the sample below) but it basically looks like this:
I am hoping for a way in Perl (or sed/awk, etc.) to come up with the following:
So basically, the resulting file will APPEND the duplicates to the first match -- there should only be one line per each app/server name with a list of comma-separated IP addresses just like what is shown above.
Note that the "Decription" and "Tag" fields don't need to be considered in the duplication removal/append logic -- let's assume these are blank for the example to make things easier. Also, in the vendor-supplied list, the "Name" entries are all already sorted to be together.
This short Perl program should suit you. It expects the path to the input CSV file as a parameter on the command line and prints the result to STDOUT. It keeps track of the appearance of new name fields in the #names array so that it can print the output in the order that each name first appears, and it takes the values for desc and tag from the first occurrence of each unique name.
use strict;
use warnings;
use Text::CSV;
my $csv = Text::CSV->new({always_quote => 1, eol => "\n"});
my (#names, %data);
while (my $row = $csv->getline(*ARGV)) {
my $name = $row->[0];
if ($data{$name}) {
$data{$name}[3] .= ','.$row->[3];
else {
push #names, $name;
$data{$name} = $row;
for my $name (#names) {
$csv->print(*STDOUT, $data{$name});
Here's a version that ignores any record that doesn't have a valid IPv4 address in the fourth field. I've used Regexp::Common as it's the simplest way to get complex regex patterns right. It may need installing on your system.
use strict;
use warnings;
use Text::CSV;
use Regexp::Common;
my $csv = Text::CSV->new({always_quote => 1, eol => "\n"});
my (#names, %data);
while (my $row = $csv->getline(*ARGV)) {
my ($name, $address) = #{$row}[0,3];
next unless $address =~ $RE{net}{IPv4};
if ($data{$name}) {
$data{$name}[3] .= ','.$address;
else {
push #names, $name;
$data{$name} = $row;
for my $name (#names) {
$csv->print(*STDOUT, $data{$name});
I would advise you to use a CSV parser like Text::CSV for this type of problem.
Borodin has already pasted a good example of how to do this.
One of the approaches that I'd advise you NOT to use are regular expressions.
The following one-liner demonstrates how one could do this, but this is a very fragile approach compared to an actual csv parser:
perl -0777 -ne '
while (m{^((.*)"[^"\n]*"\n(?:(?=\2).*\n)*)}mg) {
$s = $1;
$s =~ s/"\n.*"([^"\n]+)(?=")/,$1/g;
print $s
}' test.csv
-0777: Slurp the entire file
-n: Creates a while(<>){...} loop for each “line” in your input file.
-e: Tells perl to execute the code on command line.
while (m{^((.*)"[^"]*"\n(?:(?=\2).*\n)*)}mg): Separate text into matching sections.
$s =~ s/"\n.*"([^"\n]+)(?=")/,$1/g;: Join all ip addresses by a comma in matching sections.
print $s: Print the results.

Perl - How to create commands that users can input in console?

I'm just starting in Perl and I'm quite enjoying it. I'm writing some basic functions, but what I really want to be able to do is to use those functions intelligently using console commands. For example, say I have a function adding two numbers. I'd want to be able to type in console "add 2, 4" and read the first word, then pass the two numbers as parameters in an "add" function. Essentially, I'm asking for help in creating some basic scripting using Perl ^^'.
I have some vague ideas about how I might do this in VB, but Perl, I have no idea where I'd start, or what functions would be useful to me. Is there something like's "Split" function where you can break down the contents of a scalar into an array? Is there a simple way to analyse one word at a time in a scalar, or iterate through a scalar until you hit a separator, for example?
I hope you can help, any suggestions are appreciated! Bear in mind, I'm no expert, I started Perl all of a few weeks ago, and I've only been doing half a year.
Thank you!
Edit: If you're not sure what to suggest and you know any simple/intuitive resources that might be of help, that would also be appreciated.
Its rather easy to make a script which dispatches to a command by name. Here is a simple example:
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
# take the command name off the #ARGV stack
my $command_name = shift;
# get a reference to the subroutine by name
my $command = __PACKAGE__->can($command_name) || die "Unknown command: $command_name\n";
# execute the command, using the rest of #ARGV as arguments
# and print the return with a trailing newline
print $command->(#ARGV);
print "\n";
sub add {
my ($x, $y) = #_;
return $x + $y;
sub subtract {
my ($x, $y) = #_;
return $x - $y;
This script (say its named can be called like
$ ./ add 2 3
$ ./ subtract 2 3
Once you have played with that for a while, you might want to take it further and use a framework for this kind of thing. There are several available, like App::Cmd or you can take the logic shown above and modularize as you see fit.
You want to parse command line arguments. A space serves as the delimiter, so just do a ./ 2 3 Something like this:
print $num1 + $num2;
will print 5
Here is a short implementation of a simple scripting language.
Each statement is exactly one line long, and has the following structure:
Statement = [<Var> =] <Command> [<Arg> ...]
# This is a regular grammar, so we don't need a complicated parser.
Tokens are seperated by whitespace. A command may take any number of arguments. These can either be the contents of variables $var, a string "foo", or a number (int or float).
As these are Perl scalars, there is no visible difference between strings and numbers.
Here is the preamble of the script:
use strict;
use warnings;
use 5.010;
strict and warnings are essential when learning Perl, else too much weird stuff would be possible. The use 5.010 is a minimum version, it also defines the say builtin (like a print but appends a newline).
Now we declare two global variables: The %env hash (table or dict) associates variable names with their values. %functions holds our builtin functions. The values are anonymous functions.
my %env;
my %functions = (
add => sub { $_[0] + $_[1] },
mul => sub { $_[0] * $_[1] },
say => sub { say $_[0] },
bye => sub { exit 0 },
Now comes our read-eval-loop (we don't print by default). The readline operator <> will read from the file specified as the first command line argument, or from STDIN if no filename is provided.
while (<>) {
next if /^\s*\#/; # jump comment lines
# parse the line. We get a destination $var, a $command, and any number of #args
my ($var, $command, #args) = parse($_);
# Execute the anonymous sub specified by $command with the #args
my $value = $functions{ $command }->(#args);
# Store the return value if a destination $var was specified
$env{ $var } = $value if defined $var;
That was fairly trivial. Now comes some parsing code. Perl “binds” regexes to strings with the =~ operator. Regexes may look like /foo/ or m/foo/. The /x flags allows us to include whitespace in our regex that doesn't match actual whitespace. The /g flag matches globally. This also enables the \G assertion. This is where the last successful match ended. The /c flag is important for this m//gc style parsing to consume one match at a time, and to prevent the position of the regex engine in out string to being reset.
sub parse {
my ($line) = #_; # get the $line, which is a argument
my ($var, $command, #args); # declare variables to be filled
# Test if this statement has a variable declaration
if ($line =~ m/\G\s* \$(\w+) \s*=\s* /xgc) {
$var = $1; # assign first capture if successful
# Parse the function of this statement.
if ($line =~ m/\G\s* (\w+) \s*/xgc) {
$command = $1;
# Test if the specified function exists in our %functions
if (not exists $functions{$command}) {
die "The command $command is not known\n";
} else {
die "Command required\n"; # Throw fatal exception on parse error.
# As long as our matches haven't consumed the whole string...
while (pos($line) < length($line)) {
# Try to match variables
if ($line =~ m/\G \$(\w+) \s*/xgc) {
die "The variable $1 does not exist\n" if not exists $env{$1};
push #args, $env{$1};
# Try to match strings
elsif ($line =~ m/\G "([^"]+)" \s*/xgc) {
push #args, $1;
# Try to match ints or floats
elsif ($line =~ m/\G (\d+ (?:\.\d+)? ) \s*/xgc) {
push #args, 0+$1;
# Throw error if nothing matched
else {
die "Didn't understand that line\n";
# return our -- now filled -- vars.
return $var, $command, #args;
Perl arrays can be handled like linked list: shift removes and returns the first element (pop does the same to the last element). push adds an element to the end, unshift to the beginning.
Out little programming language can execute simple programs like:
$a = mul 2 20
$b = add 0 2
$answer = add $a $b
say $answer
If (1) our perl script is saved in my_little_language, set to be executable, and is in the system PATH, and (2) the above file in our little language saved as meaning_of_life.mll, and also set to be executable, then
$ ./meaning_of_life
should be able to run it.
Output is obviously 42. Note that our language doesn't yet have string manipulation or simple assignment to variables. Also, it would be nice to be able to call functions with the return value of other functions directly. This requires some sort of parens, or precedence mechanism. Also, the language requires better error reporting for batch processing (which it already supports).

Is there a way to check, if an argument is passed in single quotes?

Is there a (best) way to check, if $uri was passed in single quotes?
use warnings;
use 5.012;
my $uri = shift;
# uri_check
# ...
Added this example, to make my problem more clear.
use warnings;
use 5.012;
use URI;
use URI::Escape;
use WWW::YouTube::Info::Simple;
use Term::Clui;
my $uri = shift;
# uri check here
$uri = URI->new( $uri );
my %params = $uri->query_form;
die "Malformed URL or missing parameter" if $params{v} eq '';
my $video_id = uri_escape( $params{v} );
my $yt = WWW::YouTube::Info::Simple->new( $video_id );
my $info = $yt->get_info();
my $res = $yt->get_resolution();
my #resolution;
for my $fmt ( sort { $a <=> $b } keys %$res ) {
push #resolution, sprintf "%d : %s", $fmt, $res->{$fmt};
# with an uri-argument which is not passed in single quotes
# the script doesn't get this far
my $fmt = choose( 'Resolution', #resolution );
$fmt = ( split /\s:\s/, $fmt )[0];
say $fmt;
You can't; bash parses the quotes before the string is passed to the Perl interpreter.
To expand on Blagovest's answer...
perl program is interpreted by the shell as:
Execute perl and pass it the arguments program and
Make it run in the background (that's what & means)
Interpret thing=42 as setting the environment variable thing to be 42
You should have seen an error like -bash: thing: command not found but in this case bash interpreted thing=42 as a valid instruction.
The shell handles the quoting and Perl has no knowledge of that. Perl can't issue an error message, it just sees arguments after shell processing. It never even sees the &. This is just one of those Unix things you'll have to learn to live with. The shell is a complete programming environment, for better or worse.
There are other shells which dumb things down quite a bit so you can avoid this issue, but really you're better off learning the quirks and powers of a real shell.

Simple Perl Script: Two questions

I have a small program:
use strict;
system ("clear");
my($option, $path);
print "\tEnter the number of your chosen option:\n";
print "\n";
print "\tOption\t\tCommand\n";
print "\t======\t\t=======\n";
print "\t1\t\tDate\n";
print "\t2\t\tDirectory Listing\n";
print "\t3\t\tCalendar\n";
print "\t4\t\tVi Editor\n";
print "\t5\t\tCalculator\n";
print "\t6\t\tExit\n\n";
($option =="1") and do
($option =="2") and do
print "Enter the path:"; ############################
chomp($path=<STDIN>); #This is giving me an error#
system(ls $path); ############################
($option =="3") and do
($option =="4") and do
($option =="5") and do
}while ($option!=6);
print "Goodbye!\n";
sleep 2;
First question: Can anyone help me how to write the proper command to create a directory listing in case 2.
Second Question: Why do I get a loop if I use
$date = `date`;
print "$date";
instead of
You should be able to solve a lot of your problems by remembering to put quotes around literal arguments to system():
system("ls $path");
and the same for most other places you call system() (your first call to system("clear") is correct).
It is a quirk of Perl that calling something like system(cal) works at all, because the unquoted cal is treated as a "bareword" by Perl, which happens to be roughly equivalent to a string when passed to a function such as system(). Relying on this behaviour would be terribly bad practice, and so you should always quote literal strings.
You could read the path like:
system("ls $path");
Not sure why you'd get the loop for $date =date;print "$date";. But I don't think there's a date function unless you're using a package for it. You can show a time like:
my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime;
$year += 1900;
$mon += 1;
printf "%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d",
$year, $mday, $mon,
$hour, $min, $sec;
On most unix systems perl resides in /usr/bin, without the e in user, so you might consider double-checking the first line of your script.
Your immediate problems were caused by quoting issues and the lack of use warnings in your script.
It's also worth noting that menu-driven scripts like yours are ideal candidates for dispatch tables. A dispatch table is a technique for defining actions as data. The actions are Perl subroutines. The data is usually a set of key-value pairs that end up getting stored in a hash.
The keys to the hash are the choices made by the user (menu items 1-6 in your case).
The values in the hash are called code references. There are two ways to set up these code references: (1) Directly in the dispatch table, using anonymous subroutines; or (2) using the &\foo syntax, which would create a reference to a subroutine named foo.
The handy thing about this approach is that your menu() method can be reused -- simply with a different dispatch table and a different usage message.
This example is so small that the benefit of reuse might not seem compelling, but the general technique of having data -- in the form of a dispatch table -- control program behavior is powerful in many contexts.
# Always use both of these.
use strict;
use warnings;
sub dispatch_table {
1 => sub { system 'date' },
2 => \&ls_path,
3 => sub { system 'cal' },
4 => sub { system 'vi' },
5 => sub { system 'bc' },
6 => sub { print "Goodbye!\n"; sleep 2 },
sub ls_path {
print "\nEnter the path: ";
chomp(my $path=<STDIN>);
# Note quoting. To be super robust, you would
# need to escape apostrophes in the path.
system "ls '$path'";
sub usage_message {
return "Choose wisely:
Option Command
====== =======
1 Date
2 Directory Listing
3 Calendar
4 Vi Editor
5 Calculator
6 Exit
sub menu {
system 'clear';
my %dt = dispatch_table();
my $option;
print usage_message();
while (1){
print "> ";
chomp($option = <STDIN>);
last if exists $dt{$option};
I can not reproduce your loop with:
$date =date;print "$date";
I doubt that is exactly how you coded it since I get a compile error
with use strict;. If you can show a reduced code example which still illustrates the problem, we could help debug it further.
If you are trying to capture the output of an external command into a variable, you could use backticks or qx:
my $date = qx(date);
print "$date";
On a side note, whenever I see a series of print statements, I think here-doc:
print <<"EOF";
Enter the number of your chosen option:
Option Command
====== =======
1 Date
2 Directory Listing
A little easier to read and maintain, no?
Finally, it is also a good idea to use warnings;.
The first couple of suggests I have are, first like others have already suggested, use warnings is strongly encouraged. Older Perl interpreters may require you use the older form #!/usr/bin/perl -w as the first line of your Perl script. Second, there is a Switch module available, to make the switch statement look less ugly. I've also shown usage of subroutines to clean up the appearance of the program.
I've attached a alternative version of your script with some potential suggestions. Note it uses a slightly different alternative for switch. If available, I'd recommend using the Switch module. It includes a different way of printing the time, and of course fixes your problem with the system calls.
I hope that helps.
use strict;
use warnings; # otherwise /usr/bin/perl -w in first line
sub menu() {
print <<EOM;
Enter the number of your chosen option:
Option Command
====== =======
1 Date
2 Directory Listing
3 Calendar
4 Vi Editor
5 Calculator
6 Exit
sub showtime() {
my $time = localtime;
print $time,"\n";
sub listdir() {
my $path;
print "Enter the path: ";
chomp($path = <STDIN>);
system("ls $path");
print "\n";
my $option;
do {
chomp($option = <STDIN>);
for ($option) {
/1/ and do {
/2/ and do {
/3/ and do {
/4/ and do {
/5/ and do {
} while ($option != 6);
print "Goodbye!\n";
sleep 2;