Kubectl update configMap - kubernetes

I am using the following command to create a configMap.
kubectl create configmap test --from-file=./application.properties --from-file=./mongo.properties --from-file=./logback.xml
Now, I have modified a value for a key from mongo.properties which i need to update in kubernetes.
Option1 :-
kubectl edit test
Here, it opens the entire file. But, I want to just update mongo.properties and hence want to see only the mongo.properties. Is there any other way?
Note :- I dont want to have mongo.properties in a separate configMap.

Now you can. Just throw: kubectl edit configmap <name of the configmap> on your command line. Then you can edit your configuration.

Another option is actually you can use this command:
kubectl create configmap some-config \
--from-file=some-key=some-config.yaml \
-n some-namespace \
-o yaml \
--dry-run | kubectl apply -f -
Refer to Github issue: Support updating config map and secret with --from-file

kubectl edit configmap -n <namespace> <configMapName> -o yaml
This opens up a vim editor with the configmap in yaml format. Now simply edit it and save it.

Here's a neat way to do an in-place update from a script.
The idea is;
export the configmap to YAML (kubectl get cm -o yaml)
use sed to do a command-line replace of an old value with a new value (sed "s|from|to")
push it back to the cluster using kubectl apply
In this worked example, I'm updating a log level variable from 'info' level logging to 'warn' level logging.
So, step 1, read the current config;
$ kubectl get cm common-config -o yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
Step 2, you modify it locally with a regular expression search-and-replace, using sed:
$ kubectl get cm common-config -o yaml | \
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
You can see the value has changed. Let's push it back up to the cluster;
Step 3; use kubectl apply -f -, which tells kubectl to read from stdin and apply it to the cluster;
$ kubectl get cm common-config -o yaml | \
sed -e 's|CR_COMMON_LOG_LEVEL: info|CR_COMMON_LOG_LEVEL: warn|' | \
kubectl apply -f -
configmap/common-config configured

No, you can't.
Replace in kubernetes will simply replace everything in that configmap. You can't just update one file or one single property in it.
However, if you check with the client Api, you will find if you create a configmap with lots of files. Then, those files will be stored as a HashMap, where key is file name by default, value is the file content encoded as a string. So you can write your own function based on existing key-value pair in HashMap.
This is what I found so far, if you find there is already existing method to deal with this issue, please let me know :)
FYI, if you want to update just one or few properties, it is possible if you use patch. However, it is a little bit hard to implement.
this and this may help

Here is how you can add/modify/remove files in a configmap with some help from jq:
export configmap to a JSON file:
CM_FILE=$(mktemp -d)/config-map.json
oc get cm <configmap name> -o json > $CM_FILE
DATA_FILES_DIR=$(mktemp -d)
files=$(cat $CM_FILE | jq '.data' | jq -r 'keys[]')
for k in $files; do
cat $CM_FILE | jq -r $name > $DATA_FILES_DIR/$k;
add/modify a file:
echo '<paste file contents here>' > $DATA_FILES_DIR/<file name>.conf
remove a file:
rm <file name>.conf
when done, update the configmap:
kubectl create configmap <configmap name> --from-file $DATA_FILES_DIR -o yaml --dry-run | kubectl apply -f -
delete temporary files and folders:
rm -rf CM_FILE

Here is a complete shell script to add new file to configmap (or replace existing one) based on #Bruce S. answer https://stackoverflow.com/a/54876249/2862663
# Requires jq to be installed
if [ -z "$1" ]
echo "usage: update-config-map.sh <config map name> <config file to add>"
if [ -z "$2" ]
echo "usage: update-config-map.sh <config map name> <config file to add>"
CM_FILE=$(mktemp -d)/config-map.json
kubectl get cm $1 -o json > $CM_FILE
DATA_FILES_DIR=$(mktemp -d)
files=$(cat $CM_FILE | jq '.data' | jq -r 'keys[]')
for k in $files; do
cat $CM_FILE | jq -r $name > $DATA_FILES_DIR/$k;
echo cunfigmap: $CM_FILE tempdir: $DATA_FILES_DIR
echo will add file $2 to config
kubectl create configmap $1 --from-file $DATA_FILES_DIR -o yaml --dry-run | kubectl apply -f -
echo Done
echo removing temp dirs
rm -rf $CM_FILE

I would highly consider using a CLI editor like k9s (which is more like a K8S CLI managment tool).
As you can see below (ignore all white placeholders), when your cluster's context is set on terminal you just type k9s and you will reach a nice terminal where you can inspect all cluster resources.
Just type ":" and enter the resource name (configmaps in our case) which will appear in the middle of screen (green rectangle).
Then you can choose the relevant configmap with the up and down arrows and type e to edit it (see green arrow).
For all Configmaps in all namespaces you choose 0, for a specific namespace you choose the number from the upper left menu - for example 1 for kube-system:

I managed to update a setting ("large-client-header-buffers") in the nginx pod's /etc/nginx/nginx.conf via configmap. Here are the steps I have followed..
Find the configmap name in the nginx ingress controller pod describition
kubectl -n utility describe pods/test-nginx-ingress-controller-584dd58494-d8fqr |grep configmap
Note: In my case, the namespace is "test-namespace" and the configmap name is "test-nginx-ingress-controller"
Create a configmap yaml
cat << EOF > test-nginx-ingress-controller-configmap.yaml
kind: ConfigMap
apiVersion: v1
name: test-nginx-ingress-controller
namespace: test-namespace
large-client-header-buffers: "4 16k"
Note: Please replace the namespace and configmap name as per finding in the step 1
Deploy the configmap yaml
kubectl apply -f test-nginx-ingress-controller-configmap.yaml
Then you will see the change is updated to nginx controller pod after mins
kubectl -n test-namespace exec -it test-nginx-ingress-controller-584dd58494-d8fqr -- cat /etc/nginx/nginx.conf|grep large
large_client_header_buffers 4 16k;
Thanks to the sharing by NeverEndingQueue in How to use ConfigMap configuration with Helm NginX Ingress controller - Kubernetes


How to configure kubectl to act as a service account?

I wish to run a Drone CI/CD pipeline on a Raspberry Pi, including a stage to update a Kubernetes Deployment. Unfortunately, all the pre-built solutions that I've found for doing so (e.g. 1, e.g. ) are not built for arm64 architecture, so I believe I need to build my own.
I am attempting to adapt the commands from here (see also README.md, which describes the authorization required), but my attempt to contact the cluster still fails with authorization problems:
$ cat service-account-definition.yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: ServiceAccount
name: drone-demo-service-account
namespace: default
apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
kind: ClusterRoleBinding
name: drone-demo-service-account-clusterrolebinding
- kind: ServiceAccount
name: drone-demo-service-account
namespace: default
kind: ClusterRole
name: cluster-admin
apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io
$ kubectl apply -f service-account-definition.yaml
serviceaccount/drone-demo-service-account created
clusterrolebinding.rbac.authorization.k8s.io/drone-demo-service-account-clusterrolebinding created
$ kubectl get serviceaccount drone-demo-service-account
drone-demo-service-account 1 10s
$ kubectl get secret $(kubectl get secrets | grep 'drone-demo-service-account-token' | cut -f1 -d' ') -o jsonpath='{.data.ca\.crt}' > secrets/cert
$ head -c 10 secrets/cert
$ kubectl get secret $(kubectl get secrets | grep 'drone-demo-service-account-token' | cut -f1 -d' ') -o jsonpath='{.data.token}' | base64 > secrets/token
$ head -c 10 secrets/token
$ cat Dockerfile
FROM busybox
COPY . .
CMD ["./script.sh"]
$ cat script.sh
server=$(cat secrets/server) # Pre-filled
cert=$(cat secrets/cert)
# Added this `tr` call, which is not present in the source I'm working from, after noticing that
# the file-content contains newlines
token=$(cat secrets/token | tr -d '\n')
echo "DEBUG: server is $server, cert is $(echo $cert | head -c 10)..., token is $(echo $token | head -c 10)..."
# Cannot depend on the binami/kubectl image (https://hub.docker.com/r/bitnami/kubectl), because
# it's not available for arm64 - https://github.com/bitnami/charts/issues/7305
wget https://storage.googleapis.com/kubernetes-release/release/v1.19.2/bin/linux/arm64/kubectl
chmod +x kubectl
./kubectl config set-credentials default --token=$token
echo $cert | base64 -d > ca.crt
./kubectl config set-cluster default --server=$server --certificate-authority=ca.crt
./kubectl config set-context default --cluster=default --user=default
./kubectl config use-context default
echo "Done with setup, now cat-ing .kube/config"
cat $HOME/.kube/config
echo "Attempting to get pods"
./kubectl get pods
$ docker build -t stack-overflow-testing . && docker run stack-overflow-testing
Sending build context to Docker daemon 10.75kB
Step 1/3 : FROM busybox
---> 3c277069c6ae
Step 2/3 : COPY . .
---> 74c6a132d255
Step 3/3 : CMD ["./script.sh"]
---> Running in dc55f33f74bb
Removing intermediate container dc55f33f74bb
---> dc68a5d6ba9b
Successfully built dc68a5d6ba9b
Successfully tagged stack-overflow-testing:latest
DEBUG: server is https://rassigma.avril:6443, cert is LS0tLS1CRU..., token is WlhsS2FHSk...
Connecting to storage.googleapis.com (
wget: note: TLS certificate validation not implemented
saving to 'kubectl'
kubectl 18% |***** | 7118k 0:00:04 ETA
kubectl 43% |************* | 16.5M 0:00:02 ETA
kubectl 68% |********************** | 26.2M 0:00:01 ETA
kubectl 94% |****************************** | 35.8M 0:00:00 ETA
kubectl 100% |********************************| 38.0M 0:00:00 ETA
'kubectl' saved
User "default" set.
Cluster "default" set.
Context "default" created.
Switched to context "default".
Done with setup, now cat-ing .kube/config
apiVersion: v1
- cluster:
certificate-authority: /ca.crt
server: https://rassigma.avril:6443
name: default
- context:
cluster: default
user: default
name: default
current-context: default
kind: Config
preferences: {}
- name: default
token: WlhsS2FHSkhZM[...REDACTED]
Attempting to get pods
error: You must be logged in to the server (Unauthorized)
If I copy the ~/.kube/config from my laptop to the docker container, kubectl commands succeed as expected - so, this isn't a networking issue, just an authorization one. I do note that my laptop-based ~/.kube/config lists client-certificate-data and client-key-data rather than token under users: user:, but I suspect that's because my base config is recording a non-service-account.
How can I set up kubectl to authorize as a service account?
Some reading I have done that didn't answer the question for me:
kubenetes documentation on AuthN/AuthZ
Google Kubernetes Engine article on service accounts
Configure Service Accounts for Pods (this described how to create and associate the accounts, but not how to act as them)
Two blog posts (1, 2) that refer to Service Accounts
It appears you have used | base64 instead of | base64 --decode

Copy a configmap but with another name in the same namespace (kubernetes/kubectl)

I have a configmap my-config in a namespace and need to make a copy (part of some temporary experimentation) but with another name so I end up with :
I can do this with:
kubectl get cm my-config -o yaml > my-config-copy.yaml
edit the name manually followed by:
kubectl create -f my-config-copy.yaml
But is there a way to do it automatically in one line?
I can get some of the way with:
kubectl get cm my-config --export -o yaml | kubectl apply -f -
but I am missing the part with the new name (since names are immutable I know this is not standard behavior).
Also preferably without using export since:
Flag --export has been deprecated, This flag is deprecated and will be removed in future.
Any suggestions?
You can achieve this by combining kubectl's patch and apply functions.
kubectl patch cm source-cm -p '{"metadata":{ "name":"target-cm"}}' --dry-run=client -o yaml | kubectl apply -f -
source-cm and target-cm are the config map names

Delete a configmap itself from Kubernetes

I am trying to delete a configmap from a k8s namespace .. i created the configmap using the command below
kubectl -n namespacename create -f configmap.yaml
checking the k8s cheat sheet https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/kubectl/cheatsheet/ i didn't find anything related .. kindly advise how to do that ?
To delete configmap using configmap name:
# kubectl delete configmap <configmap-name> -n <namespace-name>
$ kubectl delete configmap my-cofigmap -n namespacename
To delete configmap using configmap yaml file:
# kubectl delete -f <file-directory> -n <namespace-name>
$ kubectl delete -f configmap.yaml -n namespacename
You can delete a configMap by it's name. If you are unsure you can check the configMaps within a namespace by using:
kubectl get configmap -n namespacename`
once you have them you can run a delete command:
kubectl delete configmap <configmapname> -n namespacename
Should work this way:
kubectl delete configmap <configmap-name> -n <namespace-name>
Your configmap's name should be defined in your configmap.yaml file.
Easiest way if you created the ConfigMap with a YAML file is to delete it by referencing the YAML file as well:
kubectl delete -n <namespacename> -f configmap.yaml

Is there a way to share a configMap in kubernetes between namespaces?

We are using one namespace for the develop environment and one for the staging environment. Inside each one of this namespaces we have several configMaps and secrets but there are a lot of share variables between the two environments so we will like to have a common file for those.
Is there a way to have a base configMap into the default namespace and refer to it using something like:
- envFrom:
- configMapRef:
name: default.base-config-map
If this is not possible, is there no other way other than duplicate the variables through namespaces?
Kubernetes 1.13 and earlier
They cannot be shared, because they cannot be accessed from a pods outside of its namespace. Names of resources need to be unique within a namespace, but not across namespaces.
Workaround it is to copy it over.
Copy secrets between namespaces
kubectl get secret <secret-name> --namespace=<source-namespace> --export -o yaml \
| kubectl apply --namespace=<destination-namespace> -f -
Copy configmaps between namespaces
kubectl get configmap <configmap-name>  --namespace=<source-namespace> --export -o yaml \
| kubectl apply --namespace=<destination-namespace> -f -
Kubernetes 1.14+
The --export flag was deprecated in 1.14
Instead following command can be used:
kubectl get secret <secret-name> --namespace=<source-namespace>  -o yaml \
| sed 's/namespace: <from-namespace>/namespace: <to-namespace>/' \
| kubectl create -f -
If someone still see a need for the flag, there’s an export script written by #zoidbergwill.
Please use the following command to copy from one namespace to another
kubectl get configmap <configmap-name> -n <source-namespace> -o yaml | sed 's/namespace: <source-namespace>/namespace: <dest-namespace>/' | kubectl create -f -
kubectl get secret <secret-name> -n <source-namespace> -o yaml | sed 's/namespace: <source-namespace>/namespace: <dest-namespace>/' | kubectl create -f -

Can I set a default namespace in Kubernetes?

Can I set the default namespace? That is:
$ kubectl get pods -n NAMESPACE
It saves me having to type it in each time especially when I'm on the one namespace for most of the day.
Yes, you can set the namespace as per the docs like so:
$ kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=NAMESPACE
Alternatively, you can use kubectx for this.
You can also use a temporary linux alias:
alias k='kubectl -n kube-system '
Then use it like
k get pods
That's it ;)
I used to use the aliases shown below and set the variable N to the namespace to use.
# Set N=-nNamespace if N isn't set then no harm, no namespace will be used
alias k='kubectl $N'
alias kg='kubectl get $N'
alias ka='kubectl apply $N'
alias kl='kubectl logs $N'
To switch to the my-apps namespace; I'd use:
After this the commands:
kg pods
actually runs kubectl get -nmy-apps pods.
NOTE: If the bash variable N is not set, the command still works and runs as kubectl would by default.
To override the namespace set in N variable simply add the --namespace option like-nAnotherNamespace and the last namespace defined will be used.
Of course to more permanently (in the current shell) switch, I'd simply set the N variable as shown:
kg pods
While the above works, I learned about kubens (bundled with kubectx, See github) which works more permanently because it updates my $HOME/.kube/config file with a line that specifies the namespace to use for the current k8s cluster I'm using (dev in the example below)
- context:
cluster: dev
namespace: AnotherNamesapce <<< THIS LINE IS ADDED by kubens
user: user1
name: dev
current-context: dev
But all kubeens does is what is already built into kubectl using:
kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=AnotherNamespace
So really a simple alias that is easier to type works just as well, so I picked ksn for (kubectl set namespace).
function ksn(){
kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=$#
So now to switch context, I'm just using what is built into kubectl!
To switch to the namespace AnotherNamespace, I use:
ksn AnotherNamespace
Tada! The simplest "built in" solution.
For bash users, add the following to your $HOME/.bashrc file.
function ksn(){
if [ "$1" = "" ]
kubectl config view -v6 2>&1 | grep 'Config loaded from file:' | sed -e 's/.*from file: /Config file:/'
echo Current context: $(kubectl config current-context)
echo Default namespace: $(kubectl config view --minify | grep namespace: | sed 's/.*namespace: *//')
elif [ "$1" = "--unset" ]
kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=
kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=$1
This lets you set a namespace, see what your namespace is or remove a default namespace (using --unset). See three commands below:
# Set namespace
ksn AnotherNamespace
# Display the selected namespace
Config file: /home/user/.kube/config
Current context: dev
Default namespace: AnotherNamespace
# Unset/remove a default namespace
ksn --unset
See also: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/namespaces/ for the command to view the current namespace: