Search Console shows no valid pages for JobPosting -

I have created structured data in my page for JobPosting markup and I want to see the results in Google Search Console.
When I go to, I see many warnings and no valid page.
When I test it in, it returns valid markups with warnings.
I want to know how this console works and why no valid pages shows to me?
This is how I saw the status:


Google tells me that is not indexed

I got a report from Google Search console (
Page indexing issues detected in
To the owner of
Search Console has identified that your site is affected by 1 Page indexing issue(s). The following issues were found on your site. We recommend that you fix these issues when possible to enable the best experience and coverage in Google Search.
Top issues
Page with redirect
Fix Page indexing issues
When I open search console, it says that 4 days ago, my URL was not indexed anymore.
However, I did not change anything.
I click "TEST ROBOTS.TXT BLOCKING", and it tells me that I don't have a robots.txt
I click "INSPECT URL", and it shows this:
Referring page
This is the only anomaly that I can see.
These are not my domains. Is this a bug in Search Console?
What is the problem here?
Also, none of my pages are indexed, according to this screenshot:

Unable to read sitemap: Google Search Console

Sitemap could not be read
General HTTP error
1 instance
We encountered an error while trying to access your Sitemap. Please ensure your Sitemap follows our guidelines and can be accessed at the location you provided and then resubmit.
HTTP Error:500enter image description here
Refer to the posts:
There can be errors in the code of the page or the structure. Google has set certain parameters based on which it decides to validate the submitted URLs and sitemaps.
It will be better if you can share the link of the problematic page so that one can try to catch what might be the issue.
For example:, this is an autogenerated sitemap by WordPress. and submitted in Google search console without any issue.

Facebook Graph Api - Adding new Tab to Page not working

In the Facebook graph api explorer I am trying to add a new Tab to a fanpage according to the documentation.
So I make a POST to /pageId/tabs with the field app_id and my app's ID as value using the page access token I got when querying userId/accounts. The access token includes the manage_pages permission.
I get the result true which is supposed to mean, the create was successful. But if I run a GET on pageId/tabs the newly created tab is nowhere to be found.
Am I missing something? Shouldn't it have created the Tab if it says "true"? Has anyone done this and can tell me how it worked for you?
I created a specific bug report
And this one seems to be related
Wow, so this is a perfect example of how important a meaningful error message or in this case ANY error message at all is.. Dear Facebook API developers, please get your act together, this is just one of many examples of inconsistency!
What the error message should have told me is "This app is not designed to be added as a tab" (As btw is the error message when trying to add it with
Because when I set the app settings to "tab" instead of "app on facebook", everything works fine! Sigh! Admittedly I could have done this right initially but who is infallible?!
The Graph API call simply should not return true if the request fails!

Facebook not able to analyse my web pages to determine useful images etc for shared links

I am trying to ensure that meaningful information is supplied with Facebook shared links to the HTML5 pages on my website. Right now, links are just showing up as a URL, with no description or accompanying image.
I have been using the open graph tags to provide metadata on the page.
I have been trying to check the pages on the website using the Facebook debugging tool but the tool does not get any data from the page being checked.
For example, I try to debug the page:
It responds with the error: "Could not retrieve data from URL."
The graph API data provided by the debugging tool has the following value:
"error": {
"message": "An unknown error has occurred.",
"type": "OAuthException",
"code": 1
When I look at what Facebook scraper sees for the page, all I get is the following:
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN" "">
The entire HTML content is missing. What is even more peculiar is that it is not even the same doctype as the page I am trying to test.
It is not clear to me why an OAuthException would be raised. The page is visible to external sources for validation. For example, I have validated the page on an HTML5 validation site and it is definitely seeing the entirety of the page contents.
I haved tried URLs from other sites served on the same IP address from the same server and they are fine. An appropriate image and summary is provided in the set of information that would be used to construct the shared link.
I have found other HTML5 pages that validate fine on the Facebook debugger.
I have tried to remove the og:* meta tags from the pages to see if they were causing Facebook to think that the website should be requiring some kind of user authentication but that has not impacted upon the problem.
I have tried to remove the "" mark-up and Javascript that is responsible for the sharing icons to the pages but that has also had no effect.
Any insights into what should be a simple problem would be greatly appreciated.
Geoff S
The only issue I can see on your page is the empty space at the top of your HTML code. I made a copy of your page ( and put it through the debugger after removing the odd characters at the beginning of the file.
The page seemed to work correctly after that:

How do I check if a page is Google cached in Perl?

I tried lots of modules, seems like nothing works well.
Do you have any idea how to check if a page I supply, for example:
Is available on google cache?
I'm using Perl.
Try connecting to[url]
(Note that the URL should be URL-encoded)
For example:
If your page is stored in the Google cache, you will have a search result. If the page isn't, you will have a text saying "Your search did not match any document".
You can try to parse this page to know if your page is in the Google cache.