what does reportFailure method actually do in a custom ExecutionContext - scala

I wrote this code
val myEc = new ExecutionContext {
val tp = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(2)
def execute(r: Runnable) { tp.submit(r) }
def reportFailure(t: Throwable) { println("ho ha ha ... something broke!") }
val f : Future[Int] = Future(throw new Exception("123"))(myEc)
Await.result(f, Duration.Inf)
The program doesn't print "ho ha ha"... so what is the purpose of reportFailure then? shouldn't it get called when the future fails?


How to implement a delayed future without java.util.Timer?

I am writing a simple function to return a Future[Unit] that completes after a given delay.
def delayedFuture(delay: FiniteDuration): Future[Unit] = {
val promise = Promise[Unit]()
val timerTask = new java.util.TimerTask {
override def run(): Unit = promise.complete(Success(()))
new java.util.Timer().schedule(timerTask, delay.toMillis)
This implementation can probably work but I don't like creating a new Timer for each invocation because each Timer instance creates a thread. I can pass a Timer instance to delayedFuture as an argument but I don't want client code to know about Timer. So I guess I cannot use java.util.Timer at all.
I would like to use ExecutionContext for task scheduling and maybe define delayedFuture like this:
def delayedFuture(delay: FiniteDuration)
(implicit ec: ExecutoionContext): Future[Unit] = ???
What is the simplest way to implement delayedFuture like this without java.util.Timer ?
You don't need to create a new Timer for each invocation. Just make one global one.
object Delayed {
private val timer = new Timer
def apply[T](delay: Duration)(task: => T): Future[T] = {
val promise = Promise[T]()
val tt = new TimerTask {
override def run(): Unit = promise.success(task)
timer.schedule(tt, delay.toMillis)
def unit(delay: Duration) = apply[Unit](delay) { () }
Then, Delayed.unit(10 seconds) gives you a future unit that satisfies in 10 seconds.
You can use one of Java's ScheduledExecutorServices, e.g. create a single-thread pool and use it for scheduling only:
val svc = new ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor(1, (r: Runnable) => {
val t = new Thread(r)
t.setDaemon(true) // don't hog the app with this thread existing
def delayedFuture(d: FiniteDuration) = {
val p = Promise[Unit]()
svc.schedule(() => p.success(()), d.length, d.unit)

Monad IO catchAll operator behave

I´m learning the monad IO of scalaZ and I cannot understand how catchAll and catchSome operators works.
I was expecting so see a behave like the onError or onErrorrResumeNext of RxJava, but instead is not catching the throwable, and it´s just breaking the test and throwing the NullPointerException..
Here my two examples
def catchAllOperator(): Unit = {
val errorSentence: IO[Throwable, String] =
IO.point[Throwable, String](null)
.map(value => value.toUpperCase())
.catchAll(error => IO.fail(error))
And catchSome example
def catchSomeOperator(): Unit = {
val errorFunction = new PartialFunction[Throwable /*Entry type*/ , IO[Throwable, String] /*Output type*/ ] {
override def isDefinedAt(x: Throwable): Boolean = x.isInstanceOf[NullPointerException]
override def apply(v1: Throwable): IO[Throwable, String] = IO.point("Default value")
val errorSentence = IO.point[Throwable, String](null)
.map(value => value.toUpperCase())
Any idea what I´m doing wrong?.

Does Akka cache actor invocation?

I have the following code that I need to run around 100 times:
val system = ActorSystem("mySystem")
val myActorObject = system.actorOf(Props[MyActorClass], name = "myactor")
implicit val timeout = Timeout(60 seconds)
val future = myActorObject ? Request1
val result = Await.result(future, timeout.duration)
Question is: assuming the first two statements can be called just once, should I cache these variables or Akka does it?
Do not make the actor system creation and actor creation part of repetitive code. Once the actor is created. Using the ActorRef can be done as many times as possible.
val system = ActorSystem("mySystem")
val myActorObject = system.actorOf(Props[MyActorClass], name = "myactor")
Something like this
val futureList = for(_ <- 1 to 1000) yield {
implicit val timeout = Timeout(60 seconds)
val future = myActorObject ? Request1
val finalF = Future.sequence(futureList)
val result = Await.result(future, timeout.duration)
In play! (+2.5.x) you can get the system by injection. e.g.
class MyController #Inject() (system: ActorSystem) extends Controller {
val myActor = system.actorOf(MyActorClass.props, "myactor")
Then you could have an end point to call the actor as many times as you want, for example
def sayHello(name: String) = Action.async {
(myActor ? name).map { message => Ok(message) }
The code inside your actor could be something like this
class MyActorClass extends Actor {
def receive = {
case name: String => sender() ! s"hello $name"
object MyActorClass {
def props: Props = Props(classOf[MyActorClass ])

How to add a time based watcher to a Scala Future?

I want to add an after(d: FiniteDuration)(callback: => Unit) util to Scala Futures that would enable me to do this:
val f = Future(someTask)
f.after(30.seconds) {
println("f has not completed in 30 seconds!")
f.after(60.seconds) {
println("f has not completed in 60 seconds!")
How can I do this?
Usually I use a thread pool executor and promises:
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import java.util.concurrent.{Executors, ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor}
import scala.concurrent.{Future, Promise}
val f: Future[Int] = ???
val executor = new ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor(2, Executors.defaultThreadFactory(), AbortPolicy)
def withDelay[T](operation: ⇒ T)(by: FiniteDuration): Future[T] = {
val promise = Promise[T]()
executor.schedule(new Runnable {
override def run() = {
}, by.length, by.unit)
Future.firstCompletedOf(Seq(f, withDelay(println("still going"))(30 seconds)))
Future.firstCompletedOf(Seq(f, withDelay(println("still still going"))(60 seconds)))
One way is to use Future.firstCompletedOf (see this blogpost):
val timeoutFuture = Future { Thread.sleep(500); throw new TimeoutException }
val f = Future.firstCompletedOf(List(f, timeoutFuture))
f.map { case e: TimeoutException => println("f has not completed in 0.5 seconds!") }
where TimeoutException is some exception or type.
Use import akka.pattern.after. If you want to implement it without akka here is the source code. The other (java) example is TimeoutFuture in com.google.common.util.concurrent.
Something like this, perhaps:
object PimpMyFuture {
implicit class PimpedFuture[T](val f: Future[T]) extends AnyVal {
def after(delay: FiniteDuration)(callback: => Unit): Future[T] = {
Future {
blocking { Await.ready(f, delay) }
} recover { case _: TimeoutException => callback }
import PimpMyFuture._
Future { Thread.sleep(10000); println ("Done") }
.after(5.seconds) { println("Still going") }
This implementation is simple, but it basically doubles the number of threads you need - each active future effectively occupies two threads - which is a bit wasteful. Alternatively, you could use scheduled tasks to make your waits non-blocking. I don't know of a "standard" scheduler in scala (each lib has their own), but for a simple task like this you can use java's TimerTask directly:
object PimpMyFutureNonBlocking {
val timer = new java.util.Timer
implicit class PimpedFuture[T](val f: Future[T]) extends AnyVal {
def after(delay: FiniteDuration)(callback: => Unit): Future[T] = {
val task = new java.util.TimerTask {
def run() { if(!f.isCompleted) callback }
timer.schedule(task, delay.toMillis)
f.onComplete { _ => task.cancel }

Passing implicit ExecutionContext to contained objects/called methods

I'm creating an async library using Scala 2.10 futures. The constructor for the library takes a sequence of user-defined objects that implement a certain trait, and then a method on the library class sends some data one-by-one into the user-defined objects. I want the user to provide the ExecutionContext for the async operations when setting up the main instance, and then for that context to get passed into the user-defined objects as necessary. Simplified (pseudo?)code:
case class Response(thing: String)
class LibraryObject(stack: Seq[Processor])(implicit context: ExecutionContext) {
def entryPoint(data: String): Future[Response] = {
val response = Future(Response(""))
stack.foldLeft(response) { (resp, proc) => proc.process(data, resp) }
trait Processor {
def process(data: String, resp: Future[Response]): Future[Response]
It might be used something like this:
class ThingProcessor extends Processor {
override def process(data: String, response: Future[Response]) = {
response map { _.copy(thing = "THE THING") }
class PassThroughProcessor extends Processor {
override def process(request: Request, response: Future[Response]) = {
object TheApp extends App {
import ExecutionContext.Implicits.global
val stack = List(
new ThingProcessor,
new PassThroughProcessor
val libObj = new LibraryObject(stack)
val futureResponse = libObj.entryPoint("http://some/url")
// ...
I get a compile error for ThingProcessor:
Cannot find an implicit ExecutionContext, either require one yourself or import ExecutionContext.Implicits.global
My question is, how do I implicitly supply the ExecutionContext that LibraryObject has to the user-defined objects (ThingProcessor and PassThroughProcessor) or their methods without making the user (who will be writing the classes) worry about it--that is to say, I would prefer that the user did not have to type:
class MyFirstProcessor(implicit context: ExecutionContext)
override def process(...)(implicit context: ExecutionContext) = { ... }
The implicit scope includes companion objects and type parameters of base classes.
Or, library.submit(new library.Processor { def process() ... }).
This works, but wasn't my first thought, which was to be more clever:
import concurrent._
import concurrent.duration._
class Library(implicit xc: ExecutionContext = ExecutionContext.global) {
trait Processor {
implicit val myxc: ExecutionContext = xc
def process(i: Future[Int]): Future[Int]
def submit(p: Processor) = p process future(7)
object Test extends App {
val library = new Library
val p = new library.Processor {
def process(i: Future[Int]) = for (x <- i) yield 2 * x
val res = library submit p
val z = Await result (res, 10.seconds)
Console println z
import concurrent._
import concurrent.duration._
import java.util.concurrent.Executors
class Library()(implicit xc: ExecutionContext = ExecutionContext.global) {
trait Processor {
implicit val myxc: ExecutionContext = xc
def process(i: Future[Int]): Future[Int]
def submit(p: Processor) = p process future(7)
object ctx {
val xc = ExecutionContext fromExecutorService Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor
object library1 extends Library
object library2 extends Library()(ctx.xc)
object p extends library1.Processor {
def process(i: Future[Int]) = for (x <- i) yield 2 * x
object q extends library2.Processor {
def process(i: Future[Int]) = for (x <- i) yield 3 * x
object Test extends App {
val res = library1 submit p
//val oops = library2 submit p
//val oops = library1 submit q
val z = Await result (res, 10.seconds)
Console println z
Console println (Await result (library2 submit q, 10.seconds))
It isn't much of a stretch to:
class Library(implicit xc: ExecutionContext = ExecutionContext.global) {
def submit(p: Processor): Future[Int] = p dueProcess future(7)
trait Processor {
implicit var myxc: ExecutionContext = _
def dueProcess(i: Future[Int])(implicit xc: ExecutionContext) = {
myxc = xc
protected def process(i: Future[Int]): Future[Int]
object ctx {
val xc = ExecutionContext fromExecutorService Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor
object Test extends App {
def db() = Console println (new Throwable().getStackTrace mkString ("TRACE [\n ", "\n ", "\n]"))
val library = new Library()(ctx.xc)
val p = new Processor {
protected def process(i: Future[Int]) = for (x <- i) yield { db(); 2 * x }
val res = library submit p
val z = Await result (res, 10.seconds)
Console println z