How to export Unity particles as static 3D Mesh or 3D Image - unity3d

I have some particle system that draws their trails emissive circuits trees :
Actualy, I made a script that "pauses" their simulation, however, I would like to turn them into a mesh or 3D image (maybe an inverted cubemap shader ?).
Anyone knows how I could achieve that?

There is no built-in or Asset Store support for exporting a "frame" of particles. The Shuriken particle shader is proprietary.
There are alternative particle rendering libraries that may let you do what you want to do.


Use the sprite normal map to assimilate 3d mesh to use with Unity shaders

sorry if this is a noob question, is there a way to combine Unity shaders made using the Shader Graph with sprites? I would like to use the normal map attached to the texture to assimilate a 3d mesh, so that I can use some more advanced Shader Graph nodes (e.g. Fresnel).
It seems that the 2d shader examples online work only on the dissolve effect, character outline, tint changes, ... and I cannot find anything on using the highlights/lowlights already present in the 2d art to make it behave like 3d. I also have not found any examples of more complex shader effects that work on 2d. Any input would be greatly appreciated.
To give a more specific example, could this shader be adjusted to apply to a sprite?

Projecting procedural attack telegraph decal in Unity

I'm creating an isometric 3d brawler in Unity. I'm trying to draw a telegraphing "attack area" effect on the ground (Meshes, not Unity terrain), from an arbitrary polygon (including curved lines.), based on Vector3 points.
I figure I need to use the Unity decal system, but I'm not sure how to generate the area texture procedurally, especially since it needs to match points in 3d space. Here are a few examples of the effect I'm looking for.
Thanks for taking your time to read this :)

I want to apply textures to face using the augmented faces example in arcore for unity

At Google I/O'19 for Augmenting Faces and Images, they said about reference_face_texture.PNG for painting or apply texture to specific areas in a face for example lips, cheeks etc. but i am unable to find this reference face texture, so that i can use it in Photoshop to apply textures to exact area i want to apply, and then apply the new created texture using the face tracker in augmented-faces arcore. Can somebody please highlight it. Thank you.
i did tried downloading facial mesh images from online, but it is not perfect match after applying the textures to mesh image.
I could not find reference_face_texture as well, but you can open a reference 3D model and make a UV texture. To save you time: here is the texture

How to use Point and Spot Lights With Mesh instancing?

I've been Experimenting with GPU Instancing to draw 1,60,000 Meshes and Unity's Graphics API has some really Good Functions to achieve this.
I am currently using Graphics.DrawMeshInstanced and I get the Meshes on the Screen, However, these Instanced Meshes only react to Directional Light, and not to Point/Sport lights. Is this a Limitation that cannot be overcome or am I missing Something here?
I am currently using an Orthographic Camera with Forward Rendering , and Unity's Standard Shader for the material. If It helps I am trying to make a Simple Rimworld like game.
With Directional Light
With Point/Spot Lights

Custom skybox shader for tiled skybox

I am new to writing shaders. I want to use a texture for 6-sided skybox in unity and I want that texture to be repeated several times also called tiling.
But the default 6-sided skybox shader in unity doesn't have tiling option. Can anyone write a custom shader for 6-sided skybox in unity which has option to tile textures? I also want an option to apply a color tint on the texture if possible. Thanks in advance.
Tiling can be achieved by multiplying texcoord by the number of tiles you want. Or in Surface shader it's uv_YourTex (likely MainTex) instead of texcoord. Writing from a phone so can't post an example, but it's really just one multiplication.
I don't know your specific scenario, but I needed to get more detailed sky with not very detailed texture and instead of UV I used view direction to sample a texture. It made it look like clouds in the distance are further away + clouds can move as you move . It's in this asset.
View direction sampling will not help if you are trying to make space though, which seams to be the case.
Also IMHO tiling on the skybox might be too visible.