Spark Scala MLlib assignment syntax - scala

I've been going through the guide at and I've noticed that they're using this syntax for val assignment:
val Row(coeff1: Matrix) = Correlation.corr(df, "features").head
Can someone elaborate on what this means? It seems similar to how Scala handles regex group extraction...

It is nothing more than a pattern matching. To make it more obvious, you rewrite it as:
val coeff1 = Correlation.corr(df, "features").head match {
case Row(coeff1: Matrix) => coeff1
In other words it just tries to match the object returned form .head call and on successful match, it creates a reference (coeff1) to the Matrix object contained in the returned Row.


How to refer Spark RDD element multiple times using underscore notation?

How to refer Spark RDD element multiple times using underscore notations.
For example I need to convert RDD[String] to RDD[(String, Int)]. I can create anonymous function using function variables but I would like to do this using Underscore notation. How I can achieve this.
PFB sample code.
val x = List("apple", "banana")
val rdd1 = sc.parallelize(x)
// Working
val rdd2 = => (x, x.length))
// Not working
val rdd3 =, _.length))
Why does the last line above not work?
An underscore or (more commonly) a placeholder syntax is a marker of a single input parameter. It's nice to use for simple functions, but can get tricky to get right with two or more.
You can find the definitive answer in the Scala language specification's Placeholder Syntax for Anonymous Functions:
An expression (of syntactic category Expr) may contain embedded underscore symbols _ at places where identifiers are legal. Such an expression represents an anonymous function where subsequent occurrences of underscores denote successive parameters.
Note that one underscore references one input parameter, two underscores are for two different input parameters and so on.
With that said, you cannot use the placeholder twice and expect that they'll reference the same input parameter. That's not how it works in Scala and hence the compiler error.
// Not working
val rdd3 =, _.length))
The above is equivalent to the following:
// Not working
val rdd3 = { (a: String, b: String) => (a, b.length)) }
which is clearly incorrect as map expects a function of one input parameter.

Get a different result when calling the same function

I am a scala newbie.
This is my code. The results of two types of same method use are different,
can anyone explain to me why???
The thing is that in Scala, all functions ( or "operators") which have names ending with a colon ':' are deemed as right associative when used with infix notation.
So... for your function,
def ::(t: TG) = ???
When, you are writing
val lxx3 = lxx1 :: lxx2
The function :: associates to the right (ie. with lxx2). So it is actually equivalent to
val lxx3 = lxx2.::(lxx1)
instead of this,
val lxx3 = lxx1.::(lxx2)

Can we replace map with flatMap?

I was trying to find line with maximum words, and i wrote the following lines, to run on spark-shell:
import java.lang.Math
val counts = => line.split(" ").size).reduce((a, b) => Math.max(a, b))
But since, map is one to one , and flatMap is one to either zero or anything. So i tried replacing map with flatMap, in above code. But its giving error as:
<console>:24: error: type mismatch;
found : Int
required: TraversableOnce[?]
val counts = F1.flatMap(s => s.split(" ").size).reduce((a,b)=> Math.max(a,b))
If anybody could make me understand the reason, it will really be helpful.
flatMap must return an Iterable which is clearly not what you want. You do want a map because you want to map a line to the number of words, so you want a one-to-one function that takes a line and maps it to the number of words (though you could create a collection with one element, being the size of course...).
FlatMap is meant to associate a collection to an input, for instance if you wanted to map a line to all its words you would do:
val words = textFile.flatMap(x => x.split(" "))
and that would return an RDD[String] containing all the words.
In the end, map transforms an RDD of size N into another RDD of size N (e.g. your lines to their length) whereas flatMap transforms an RDD of size N into an RDD of size P (actually an RDD of size N into an RDD of size N made of collections, all these collections are then flattened to produce the RDD of size P).
P.S.: one last word that has nothing to do with your problem, it is more efficient to do (for a string s)
val nbWords = s.split(" ").length
than call .size(). Indeed, the split method returns an array of String and arrays do not have a size method. So when you call .size() you have an implicit conversion from Array[String] to SeqLike[String] which creates new objects. But Array[T] do have a length field so there's no conversion calling length. (It's a detail but I think it's good habit though).
Any use of map can be replaced by flatMap, but the function argument has to be changed to return a single-element List: textFile.flatMap(line => List(line.split(" ").size)). This isn't a good idea: it just makes your code less understandable and less efficient.
After reading Tired of Null Pointer Exceptions? Consider Using Java SE 8's Optional!'s part about why use flatMap() rather than Map(), I have realized the truly reason why flatMap() can not replace map() is that map() is not a special case of flatMap().
It's true that flatMap() means one-to-many, but that's not the only thing flatMap() does. It can also strip outer Stream() if put it simply.
See the definations of map and flatMap:
Stream<R> map(Function<? super T, ? extends R> mapper)
Stream<R> flatMap(Function<? super T, ? extends Stream<? extends R>> mapper)
the only difference is the type of returned value in inner function. What map() returned is "Stream<'what inner function returned'>", while what flatMap() returned is just "what inner function returned".
So you can say that flatMap() can kick outer Stream() away, but map() can't. This is the most difference in my opinion, and also why map() is not just a special case of flatMap().
If you really want to make one-to-one with flatMap, then you should change it into one-to-List(one). That means you should add an outer Stream() manually which will be stripped by flatMap() later. After that you'll get the same effect as using map().(Certainly, it's clumsy. So don't do like that.)
Here are examples for Java8, but the same as Scala:
use map(): -> line.split(" ").length)
deprecated use flatMap(): -> Arrays.asList(line.split(" ").length).stream())

Flattening a Set of pairs of sets to one pair of sets

I have a for-comprehension with a generator from a Set[MyType]
This MyType has a lazy val variable called factsPair which returns a pair of sets:
(Set[MyFact], Set[MyFact]).
I wish to loop through all of them and unify the facts into one flattened pair (Set[MyFact], Set[MyFact]) as follows, however I am getting No implicit view available ... and not enough arguments for flatten: implicit (asTraversable ... errors. (I am a bit new to Scala so still trying to get used to the errors).
lazy val allFacts =
(for {
mytype <- mytypeList
} yield mytype.factsPair).flatten
What do I need to specify to flatten for this to work?
Scala flatten works on same types. You have a Seq[(Set[MyFact], Set[MyFact])], which can't be flattened.
I would recommend learning the foldLeft function, because it's very general and quite easy to use as soon as you get the hang of it:
lazy val allFacts = myTypeList.foldLeft((Set[MyFact](), Set[MyFact]())) {
case (accumulator, next) =>
val pairs1 = accumulator._1 ++ next.factsPair._1
val pairs2 = accumulator._2 ++ next.factsPair._2
(pairs1, pairs2)
The first parameter takes the initial element it will append the other elements to. We start with an empty Tuple[Set[MyFact], Set[MyFact]] initialized like this: (Set[MyFact](), Set[MyFact]()).
Next we have to specify the function that takes the accumulator and appends the next element to it and returns with the new accumulator that has the next element in it. Because of all the tuples, it doesn't look nice, but works.
You won't be able to use flatten for this, because flatten on a collection returns a collection, and a tuple is not a collection.
You can, of course, just split, flatten, and join again:
val pairs = for {
mytype <- mytypeList
} yield mytype.factsPair
val (first, second) = pairs.unzip
val allFacts = (first.flatten, second.flatten)
A tuple isn't traverable, so you can't flatten over it. You need to return something that can be iterated over, like a List, for example:
List((1,2), (3,4)).flatten // bad
List(List(1,2), List(3,4)).flatten // good
I'd like to offer a more algebraic view. What you have here can be nicely solved using monoids. For each monoid there is a zero element and an operation to combine two elements into one.
In this case, sets for a monoid: the zero element is an empty set and the operation is a union. And if we have two monoids, their Cartesian product is also a monoid, where the operations are defined pairwise (see examples on Wikipedia).
Scalaz defines monoids for sets as well as tuples, so we don't need to do anything there. We'll just need a helper function that combines multiple monoid elements into one, which is implemented easily using folding:
def msum[A](ps: Iterable[A])(implicit m: Monoid[A]): A =
ps.foldLeft(, _))
(perhaps there already is such a function in Scala, I didn't find it). Using msum we can easily define
def pairs(ps: Iterable[MyType]): (Set[MyFact], Set[MyFact]) =
using Scalaz's implicit monoids for tuples and sets.

What does `var # _*` signify in Scala

I'm reviewing some Scala code trying to learn the language. Ran into a piece that looks like the following:
case x if x startsWith "+" =>
val s: Seq[Char] = x
s match {
case Seq('+', rest # _*) => r.subscribe(rest.toString){ m => }
In this case, what exactly is rest # _* doing? I understand this is a pattern match for a Sequence, but I'm not exactly understanding what that second parameter in the Sequence is supposed to do.
Was asked for more context so I added the code block I found this in.
If you have come across _* before in the form of applying a Seq as varargs to some method/constructor, eg:
val myList = List(args: _*)
then this is the "unapply" (more specifically, search for "unapplySeq") version of this: take the sequence and convert back to a "varargs", then assign the result to rest.
x # p matches the pattern p and binds the result of the whole match to x. This pattern matches a Seq containing '+' followed by any number (*) of unnamed elements (_) and binds rest to a Seq of those elements.