Add dependency to git project in Eclipse - eclipse

I am not able to find an answer to this question: How is it possible to make an project dependend on a git project in Eclipse? I am only able to find answers on this topic for maven projects or jar files.
Specifically, i am trying to make my project dependent on this git project. I was able to import it Eclipse, the src folder and everything inside it is shown correctly.
But i am not able to add it as dependency to my project, simply because Eclipse does not show the project in its dialogs. How is one supposed to add such projects?


How to check out multiple maven projects from remote git repository

after a couple of hours trying and reading a number of tutorials, I can't fix the following problem: I have a remote server running a git repository. From eclipse (neon.2 and egit) I pushed several maven projects, each with its own pom.xml to this repository. When a friend of mine, who wants to co-develop tries to setup his environment, also using Eclipse Neon.2 and egit, we are not able to reproduce the setup in the Package Explorer. We get all the sources but in one project. The original maven projects are all nested in this one project. This wrong setup results in a couple of problems when trying to compile or run the projects.
We used File-> Import-> Git-> Projects from Git-> Clone URI. In Source Git Repository we pointed the Repository path to /home/git/workspace.git. In the Branch Selection dialog we can then only see the master. In the following Local Destination dialog we checked the Clone submodules checkbox. We played around with the following options to run wizards which were all failing, so we ended up with this one project option in the bottom of the three options in the dialog.
What is not happening, is the import projects dialog as explained here
(but this seems to be a former version, since the Clone submodules checkbox is missing in the dialog before on this web page)
Can anybody please tell us how to extract the maven projects as top elements in eclipse, linked to the existing git repository, such that we can work as a team?
Should you need any additional information, please let me know.
Thank you in advance.
I would advise you to always put all Eclipse configuration files to the repository when creating projects. What you should do is add all necessary maven integration related files to the repository (.project, .classpath, .settings/*m2e.core.prefs or better yet entire .settings). If you have done so, you are fine. If not, add them and pull changes on your colleague's machine.
On target machine remove the project from workspace, but do not delete contents. In Eclipse Git repositories view select your repository and expand to see Working tree. Right click it and select Import projects. This will trigger the flow you pointed our at Eclipse wiki. From there it should be straightforward - Eclipse will try to detect projects and will import them, so that they have Maven nature and are managed by EGit.
If you don't want to or cannot share maven configuration in the repository, have a look at this answer which tries to describe how to achieve that without Eclipse configuration files.

Clone an Eclipse project repository into Netbeans from GitHub

I am pretty new to GitHub.
This is my problem: We (4 people) are working on a Java project. Two of us are using NetBeans and two of us are using Eclipse. Let`s say 1 person created a project from Eclipse and pushed the project into the repository. Now, I want to clone the repository and work on the project. I can successfully clone the project and I can see all the files that we have in the repository. However, I cannot run the project. In fact, when I am cloning the project, NetBeans asks me for creating a new project. I do not want to create a new project but I want to work on the same project that I am able to run it.
What is solution?
I recommend to commit the Eclipse project meta-files (.project, .classpath and may be the .settings directory) and the NetBeans project meta-files (I don't know the corresponding meta-file names for NetBeans).
From your problem description it seems the NetBeans project meta-files are missing in the github repository. Hence, NetBeans doesn't recognize the cloned repository as a project.
See also: Which NetBeans projects files should go into source control?.

SVN Checkout of multi module maven project causing build issues

I am trying to learn how to setup multi-module maven project and share it with colleagues using SVN.
We work with eclipse IDE.
Here is how my project structure looks in SVN.
Each module has its own svn labels and tag trunk, branches, tags etc.
I check out all the modules individually by right clicking on them and choosing check out.
Finally I get the below in my eclipse project explorer:
Here is my pom for the parent project. and this throws errors when I do a mvn clean install
I want to understand how to checkout the projects/ modify my pom to get the build successful.
You don't want to check out the root folders of your modules in SVN. All you want is the content of the trunk. So right click on the trunk folder and select Check out as.... Check it out as new projects and enable Maven on those project afterwards. Do this with each of your modules and you should be fine.
If you have Maven SVN connectors installed you have an option called Check out as Maven project. This is very comfortable as it does a few steps for you.

Eclipse sync with svn repo is not available for Maven import project

I have checked in a maven multi module project.If I check in in normal way, as "import - svn Checkout projects from svn" , then the main project is checked in as one folder and it is possible to team -> sync with repositary.
But as the main project is a maven project with multiple modules in it, I tried "import - maven - checkout maven project from scm", selected svn from the drop down list and checked in.Project check in fine.Not only the parent folder, but it lays out all the modules seperately too so that we can work in them individually.The question is, I cant, team ->sync with repositary. That option is not available.
I got it. You have to right click on the project and give share project...

How to connect/sync just the src folder of the maven project in eclipse workspace to src folder in repository

I have commited just the src folder and pom.xml of maven project into SVN repository in order to make it independent of IDE (As .settings, .project etc are files specific to eclipse ide)
Then when I'm trying to import the src folder in a newly created maven project (as it has the other files which are needed to run the project in eclipse), basically I only want to synchronize the src folder and pom.xml with the repository, I get a warning while I import the src folder 'as a folder in existing project' AS 'Destination project is detached from the source control. So please take into consideration that the plug-in won't provide any SVN actions for these resources' and then I'm not able to use Compare with and Team Options. It doesn't even show the revision no. besides the imported class files and folders.
Is there a way to do this ??
What is/are the usual industry practice/s ??
There're 2 options.
1.) Check out the SVN files using some other tool e.g. (TortoiseSVN) and then import the maven project using 'Materialize Maven Project'. This will create necessary metadata for eclipse and will also maintain the version info for the checked out project. See this reference
2.) The (better) other way is to download 'Maven SVN Integration' plugin using update site Once you install the plugin, you would be able to see option 'Check out as Maven Project' in SVN repository exploring perspective.