Problems creating a x% fraction of turtles using n-of command - netlogo

I want x% of turtles, called pholders, to change their choice from a good 1 to a good 2.
The code is as follows:
ask pholders [ifelse random-float 1 <= probkauf
[ask (n-of (count pholders with [choice-num = 1] * 0.01) pholders with[choice-num = 1]) [set choice-num 2]]
[ifelse random-float 1 < 0.5[imitation set typeofchoice 1][beratung set typeofchoice 4]]
Initially 100% of the pholders chose good 1. The Problem is as follows: When i rise the number of pholders above something between 102 and 108 n-of doesn't calculate a 1%-fraction anymore, it calculates 10%. The higher the number of pholders the bigger the fraction: for 200 pholders the code calculates 60%. When i leave the number of pholders constant and below 108 but change the percentage from 0.01 to 0.02 it calculates something like 55% or 58%. Is the problem probably coming from ask n-of in an ask environment?
Thank you very much in advance.

Your problem is that you are running the probabilistic code multiple times. Your code has this structure:
ask pholders
[ ifelse random-float 1 <= probkauf
[ ask (n-of (count pholders with [choice-num = 1] * 0.01) pholders with [choice-num = 1])
[ set choice-num 2]
[ <do something else> ]
If you have 500 pholders, then there will be 500 times that a pholder selects a random number and, if the number is lower than your value probkauf, it instructs a number of pholders with choice-num of 1 to change it to choice-num 2. 500 potential occasions of 1% conversion is why you have so many being converted.
Based on the description in your comments, I think you want this:
globals [probkauf]
turtles-own [choice-num]
to setup
set probkauf 0.5
create-turtles 1000
[ setxy random-xcor random-ycor
set color blue
set choice-num 1
to go
to update-choices
ifelse random-float 1 < probkauf
[ ask turtles with [choice-num = 1]
[ if random-float 1 < 0.01
[ set choice-num 2
set color red
[ ; whatever happens with other part of probability


Netlogo - code adds a tick and then stops

With this model I need the code for the first year (tick = 0) to be different to the remaining 4. I've run the code below and the first tick runs ok, it then ticks and stops - none of the tick = 1 code seems to be running.
globals [num_agents difference year leader_test ]
breed [tasks task]
breed [managers manager ]
tasks-own [requirement leadership matched ]
managers-own [ability wealth matched requirement task_leader]
to setup
set num_years 5
set tolerance 5
set num_agents 100
create-tasks num_agents [
set shape "box"
set leadership one-of [10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100]
ifelse who < 50 [setxy 0 who set color blue][setxy 45 (who - 50) set color blue]
set heading 90
set requirement who + 100
set matched 0
create-managers num_agents [
setxy random 30 + 10 random 50
set shape "person" set color green set heading 270
set ability (who - num_agents + 100)
set wealth 0 set matched 0
to go
;;first year -different to remaining
ifelse ticks < 1 [
ask managers with [matched = 0]
[show ticks
move-to one-of tasks with [matched = 0]
fd -1
set requirement [requirement] of one-of tasks-on patch-ahead 1
set task_leader [leadership] of one-of tasks-on patch-ahead 1
set difference abs(requirement - ability)
set matched 1
set wealth (requirement)
show wealth
show task_leader
ask tasks-on patch-ahead 1 [set matched 1 set shape "arrow" set heading 0]
if difference > tolerance [set color red ask tasks-on patch-ahead 1 [set shape "circle" ] ]]
; years 2 - num_years
ask managers [
if ability > (requirement + tolerance) [
ask tasks-on patch-ahead 1 [set matched 0 set shape "box" ]
setxy random 30 + 10 random 50
set shape "person" set color green set heading 270 set matched 0
ask managers with [matched = 1]
[ set leader_test random 100
if ability < (requirement - tolerance) [
if leader_test <= task_leader
[;;leader should make correct decision and fire manager
ask tasks-on patch-ahead 1 [set matched 0 set shape "butterfly" ]
setxy random 30 + 10 random 50
set shape "person" set color green set heading 270 set matched 0]
ask managers with [matched = 0]
[move-to one-of tasks with [matched = 0]
fd -1
set matched 1]
ask managers with [matched = 1][
set requirement [requirement] of one-of tasks-on patch-ahead 1
set task_leader [leadership] of one-of tasks-on patch-ahead 1
set difference abs(requirement - ability)
set wealth (wealth + requirement)
ask tasks-on patch-ahead 1 [set matched 1 set shape "arrow" set heading 0]
if difference > tolerance [set color red ask tasks-on patch-ahead 1 [set shape "circle" ]
ifelse ticks > (num_years ) [
stop] [tick ]
I have had problems with ticks and stop before - there is obviously something I'm not getting.
Per LeirsW
It runs just fine for me. You are using a forever button right?

How can I properly implement a function at the end of a counter in Netlogo?

I am writing an assembly line model, and I would like to implement a counter to hold a turtle at a specific patch (in this case, patch 3 0) for 10 ticks. Once 10 ticks have passed, I would like the turtle to keep on moving at the rate of one patch per tick and for the next turtle in line to begin its own 10 tick timer once it arrives at the specified patch.
So far, I can stop the turtles at the specified patch and run a 10 tick counter; however, I cannot seem to get the turtles to keep moving continuously after the timer is completed.
Here are the relevant parts of my code so far.
to go
to move-machines
ask wmachines [
if not any? turtles-on patch-ahead 1 and xcor < 3
[ forward 1]
to stay
ask wmachines-on patch 3 0[
ifelse counter = 0 [
set counter 10
[set counter counter - 1
set label counter
if counter = 0
[forward 1]
to keep-going
ask wmachines-on patch 4 0[
if not any? turtles-on patch-ahead 1 and xcor < 12
[ forward 1]
If your problem is that turtles leave patch 3 0 but then they do not move forward continuously beyond patch 4 0, it is simply because your keep-going procedure is only addressing turtles that are exactly on patch 4 0 (and for this reason the xcor < 12 part is completely unused).
In general, it looks very complicated and unnecessary that you are using three different procedures (i.e. one before patch 3 0, one for patch 3 0, and one for patch 4 0 but which should really be beyond patch 3 0) each of which is hard-coding some location in your model.
The whole point of having a counter is that you can generalise a waiting condition across the whole model, so your go procedure can be simplified a lot by simply asking agents that have concluded their countdown to do one thing, and those who have not concluded their countdown to do another thing.
Look at this minimal reproducible example where I have an unpredictable arrangement of stopping-patches but implement the waiting condition in a very general and simple way:
turtles-own [
to setup
resize-world 0 30 0 4
set-patch-size 25
ask patches with [pxcor = min-pxcor] [
sprout 1 [
set heading 90
set color lime
ask n-of 15 patches with [pxcor > min-pxcor] [
set pcolor brown
to go
ask turtles [
ifelse (counter = 0)
;; If the counter equals 0:
[forward 1
if (pcolor != black) [
set counter 10
;; If the counter does not equal 0:
[set counter counter - 1]
ifelse (pcolor = black)
;; If the turtle is on a black patch:
[set label ""]
;; If the turtle is not on a black patch:
[set label counter]

Netlogo: Patches Disappear instantly instead of continualy

I'm trying to show deforestation versus reforestation. To do this I created a slider to show how much reforestarion and deforestation is being done. However every time at 11 ticks the whole scene gets deforestated and I don't know why.
breed [ potreros potrero ] ; sheep is its own plural, so we use "a-sheep" as the singular
breed [ bordes borde ]
breed [ bosques bosque ]
to setup
set-default-shape turtles "frog top"
ask patches
[ifelse pcolor = 44
[ set reforestar tiempo-sin-reforestar ]
[ set reforestar tiempo-sin-reforestar * 0.5];
to go
ask patches [ reforestacion ]
ask patches [ deforestacion ]
to reforestacion ; patch procedure
; countdown on brown patches: if you reach 0, grow some grass
if pcolor = 35 [
ifelse reforestar <= 0
[ set pcolor 44
set reforestar tiempo-sin-reforestar ]
[ set reforestar reforestar - 1 ]
to deforestacion
if pcolor = 44 [
ifelse deforestar >= 10
[ set pcolor 35
set deforestar tasa-deforestacion ]
[ set deforestar deforestar + 1 ]
The idea is that some patches of random brown (deforestacion) turn into yellow (reforestacion) but for some reason it just changes everything at once.
You're not asking a random number of patches to do something, you're asking all patches with pcolor 44 to count up to 10 with every tick and when they reach 10, they get "deforested".
If you want to ask a random number of patches to get deforested, try something like
ask n-of (random ([count patches with pcolor = 44] * deforestationRate)) patches with pcolor = 44 [set pcolor 35 set deforestar tasa-deforestacion]
Where deforestationRate would be a value from a slider from 0 to 1. What this would do is count the nuber of patches that can be deforested and then select a random number of those patches to deforest. If you only use the count itself, then every tick between 0 and 100% of the forest will get deforested, but if you add the deforestationRate slider value, it may be whatever maximum percentage you'd like. (So if you set it to 0.1 for example, then only up to 10% of the forest can get deforested each tick) You can do the same thing with reforestation too and use a different slider / value for the rate.
(Note: I haven't used NetLogo in a while so the code and parentheses may not be 100% on point, but you get the idea)

Create a gradient for a turtle swarm

I created a rectangular turtle grid using a total of 1000 turtles.
let in-shape patches with [ pxcor >= -50 and pxcor <= 50 and pycor >= -5 and pycor <= 5 ]
ask in-shape [ sprout 1 ]
Now I need to create a sort of gradient, that will give a sense of distance to my turtle swarm. Given a "seed" with value 0, it emits a message with its value 0 in a certain talk_radius.
The turtles inside this talk_radius compute their distance to the seed. If the distance is less than a fixed value (called gradient_distance) the turtle will assume 1 as gradient_value, emitting a message with its value.
The other turtles do the same. So everyone will take the value x + 1, where x is the lowest value of the turtle within the gradient_distance, as shown in the picture
This is the relative algorithm in pseudo code:
if gradient seed = TRUE then // check if robot is designated as gradient source
gradient value(self) = 0
gradient value(self) = GRADIENT MAX
for all neighbors n do
if measured distance(n) < G then // G represents the gradient-distance and GRADIENT MAX is infinity
if gradient value(n) < gradient value(self) then
gradient value(self) = gradient value(n)
gradient value(self) = gradient value(self) + 1
transmit gradient value(self)
And that's my implementation in netlogo:
globals [talk_radius gradient_max gradient_distance]
turtles-own [gradient_seed gradient_value]
to setup
resize-world -60 60 -20 20
crt 1000
let in-shape patches with [ pxcor >= -50 and pxcor <= 50 and pycor >= -5 and pycor <= 5 ]
ask in-shape [ sprout 1 ]
set talk_radius 4
set gradient_max 100000
set gradient_distance 1
ask turtles
[set shape "circle"]
ask turtles-on patch -50 5
[set gradient_seed true]
to gradient-formation
while [true]
ask turtles
ifelse (gradient_seed = true)
set gradient_value 0
set gradient_value gradient_max
set color scale-color green gradient_value 0 120
ask (other turtles) in-radius talk_radius with [distance myself <= gradient_distance] ;; i consider all the turtle in talk_radius having the right gradient_distance
let a ([gradient_value] of self) ;; "of self" is not necessary but helped me for a better comprehension
if (a < ([gradient_value] of myself))
ask myself [set gradient_value a]
set gradient_value (gradient_value + 1)
set color scale-color green gradient_value 0 120
I used a scale-color in order to have a feedback of what i have done, as you can see in the image.
And now the problem: instead of let a ([gradient_value] of self), i tried set a ([gradient_value] of self) adding a to the turtle variable (I added a in the turtle-own list on top).
I thought the result would have been the same, but instead i got a constantly increasing gradient_value for every turtle as you can see in the image(the color white denotes a very high gradient_value).
Why this difference? Thank you in advance and sorry for the long question.
EDITED EXTENSIVELY in response to discussion that refined the problem
First, I would like to start with a simpler version of the code. I believe this is exactly the same as yours without the while[true]. I removed the extra 1000 turtles you are creating, and separated the ifelse on whether a seed into two separate ask statements, for clarity. I also moved the colouring until after the value calculation is complete.
globals [talk_radius gradient_max gradient_distance]
turtles-own [gradient_seed? gradient_value]
to setup
resize-world -60 60 -20 20
let in-shape patches with [ pxcor >= -50 and pxcor <= 50 and pycor >= -5 and pycor <= 5 ]
ask in-shape
[ sprout 1
[ set shape "circle"
set gradient_seed? false
set talk_radius 4
set gradient_max 100000
set gradient_distance 1
repeat 10 [ gradient-formation ]
to gradient-formation
ask turtles-on patch -50 5
[ set gradient_seed? true
set gradient_value 0
ask turtles with [not gradient_seed?]
[ set gradient_value gradient_max
ask (other turtles) in-radius talk_radius with [distance myself <= gradient_distance]
[ let my-gradval ([gradient_value] of self)
if my-gradval < [gradient_value] of myself
[ ask myself [set gradient_value my-gradval]
set gradient_value (gradient_value + 1)
ask turtles [set color scale-color green gradient_value 0 120 ]
There is a conceptual issue here. Until a turtle has its gradient_value calculated, it is 0. This means a large number of turtles will have a 0 turtle nearby and then have their own gradient_value as 1. It does not produce a colour gradient. To get around this, you need to run the gradient-formation several times. The approach in your code of while [true] introduces an infinite loop. Instead, you can repeat an arbitrary number of times (10 in the code above).
The problem with let versus set + turtles-won is that the set with turtles-own creates 1000 copies of gradient_value - one for each turtle. The let version creates a (temporary) global variable that all turtles access. So when you use set, you are setting it for that turtle, not as a general access number. I think what is happening is that the line set gradient_value my-gradval is accessing the wrong turtle's copy of my-gradval.
But, from the discussion, the purpose of the code that is causing the problem is to find a local minimum. There is a much more direct way of doing that.
to gradient-formation
ask turtles-on patch -50 5
[ set gradient_seed? true
set gradient_value 0
ask turtles with [not gradient_seed?]
[ set gradient_value 1 + min [gradient_value] of
other turtles in-radius min (list talk_radius gradient_distance)
ask turtles [set color scale-color green gradient_value 0 120 ]
ADDED a minimum working example to show the differences.
This is the let (global variable) version
turtles-own [testval]
to testme
create-turtles 500
[ setxy random-xcor random-ycor
set color blue
set testval 1 + random 10
ask one-of turtles
[ set color red
inspect self
type "testval of asking turtle is " print testval
ask turtles-on neighbors
[ set color yellow
let my-testval [testval] of self ;; creates a temp global variable
type "my-testval is " print my-testval
if my-testval < [testval] of myself
[ ask myself
[ set testval my-testval ;; copies the global variable value
This is the set (turtle attribute) version
turtles-own [testval my-testval]
to testme
create-turtles 500
[ setxy random-xcor random-ycor
set color blue
set testval 1 + random 10
ask one-of turtles
[ set color red
inspect self
type "testval of asking turtle is " print testval
ask turtles-on neighbors
[ set color yellow
set my-testval [testval] of self
type "my-testval is " print my-testval
if my-testval < [testval] of myself
[ ask myself
[ set testval my-testval ;; copies value from one attribute to other

Netlogo ERROR - DISTANCE expected input to be an agent but got the number 0 instead

I am trying to create home ranges for 3 types of hosts for a model that aims to simulate the movement of ticks across a landscape based on the presence of three host-types.
Using some code that was described in a previous post I created the following code. When I run the model I eventually get the following error message:
DISTANCE expected input to be an agent but got the number 0 instead.
Any help with the issue is greatly appreciated.
if ((week-id = 13) or (week-id = 25) or (week-id = 33))
[ask patches
[sprout-mice 2
[set color gray
set shape "mouse side"
set size 0.5
setxy random-xcor random-ycor]
if week-id = 17[
let total-deer count deer
ask n-of (total-deer / 2) patches
[sprout-deer 1
[set color brown
set shape "deer"
set size 1
setxy random-xcor random-ycor]
if week-id = 17[
let total-raccoons count raccoons
ask n-of (total-raccoons) patches
[sprout-raccoons 1
[set color black
set shape "wolf 2"
set size 0.5
setxy random-xcor random-ycor]
;print (count mice)
if (week-id = 40)
;print(count deer)
if (week-id = 45)
print (count raccoons)
ask deer
ask raccoons
ask mice
the submodels:
to deer-move
right random 50
left random 50
forward 1
to raccoons-move
ifelse distance home-patch > 10
[face home-patch]
[right random 90
left random 90]
forward 1
to mice-move
ifelse distance home-patch > 2
[face home-patch]
[right random 90
left random 90]
forward 1