RESTful interface to get Kibana Visualization or Dashboard URL's - rest

Using the elastic REST API and the JSON structure of a particular visualization i have loaded(imported) my charts(visualization)in ".kibana" index .The same is shown in list of visualizations stored in kibana UI .But instead of coming to the UI is there a way to get the URL or the shareable iframe link of this newly created visualization through some rest api .
In short is there a complete REST based flow to create a visualization and retrieve its shareable URL so it can be embedded at required place .


How to make Google crawler see asynchronously loaded data

I'm currently building a blog using Nuxt 3 + Axios to load data from a headless CMS.
Until the content is loaded, I display a content placeholder and replace it once the Axios request is done.
The request is launched on the Mounted hook.
I tried to preview the page using Google Search Console but the article content is not present on the page.
I'm worried that it will not improve the SEO rank of the website and I would like to know if I need to load the data on Server side and have it directly when the page is loaded and how.

Google Analytics API, filter by parameter

Our app uses the Google Analytics Rest API. We'd like to get the number of page views generated by different links to the site.
For example, one link to our site might be:
and another might be:
We'd like to track the number of page views by all visitors who click on each link, so we need a way to filter by parameter.
So far, we just get the number of page views for all visitors without any filters:
curl ' id) &metrics=ga:pageviews&start-date=2014-4-26&end-date=2011-12-08&access_token=(our access token)'
The best way to learn the API is to use the query explorer at
For your analysis, add dimension=ga:pagePath and sort=ga:pageviews.
In addition, you could ask for pages which match a filter expression.
For example filter=ga:pagePath=#linknum to only include pages with linknum.

Bing maps pushpins in REST

I am using bing maps REST services and I need to add pushpins but surprisingly it's giving me a hard time. I found out how to easily add pushpins in AJAX services, but that would need me to include scripts and stuff to my pages which I'd really rather skip. I tried searching the internet for information on how to add pushpins in REST ( or simply an iframe with a URL ) but I failed to find any useful such. Does anyone know how I can add pushpins in REST?
EDIT: I'm using dynamic maps based on this link
Assuming that you are using the Bing Maps Imagery REST service, you will be able to add pushpin based on the URL parameters, see the MSDN:
Here is an sample request that will allow you to add pushpins, take a look at the pp parameter:,-122.35384/15?mapSize=500,500&pp=47.620495,-122.34931;21;AA&pp=47.619385,-122.351485;;AB&pp=47.616295,-122.3556;22&key=BingMapsKey
If you are using embedded maps, here is the list of parameters:

SEO and Javascript Data Load

These days modern sites are becoming more and more service oriented like facebook/gmail.
A main page is loaded and then with ajax requests it calls all sorts of data and adds them on the site. This is also something that is promoted on ASP.NET MVC4 with the Web API.
So now lets say we want to create a product category page for a eshop. It has come to my understanding that the way to go with this implementation is to create a nice layout and create a Web API that will retrieve all data on request.
So we'll have a url like
that will retun a json with all of our products and then we can build up with this api by adding filters/paging maybe (/api/Products?sort-by=name) or anything else that will return the filtered json and we can pass with ajax requests back and forth offering the user an excellent experience.
My question with this now is what happens with SEO.
So a few years ago without onepage ajax/service oriented sites we would have
that would load the list of the apples with pagination.
Now the site would be
however it wouldn't load the apples instantly but load a blank page and call the service
that would return a json and then load the data on the site.
I read this article at Google which didn't convince me. I really don't want to load the service behind and then string replace.
It is possible to have the
that would call the service
and load the data and be at the same time Google friendly?
You have a couple of options. Either you can use HTML5 pushState to update the URL, but then you also will need to create a version of your site that works without JavaScript turned on.
Another option is to use Googles AJAX Crawling specification. I don't know which search providers that currently supports it, but should be a good way to at least get into Googles search results.

Google feed api integration with iPhone/Objective C

I am building an RSS Reader. Some of the existing ones out there (for example, Pulse News for iPhone/iPad) have a search box where you can search for some term (example - "sports") and it will return a list of feeds that match your search criteria. So in this example, you type in "sports", and it searches and then comes back with's news feed, Yahoo! Sports' news feed, etc. etc.
After initial research, I found out that Google feed API does the same.
However, I cant figure out how to use the google feed api. It returns the xml that i need to parse but the part I am confused is how to call the API and where to catch the xml response. Can some one post a tutorial or some help on how to integrate it.
Found a suitable solution with "Google Feed API" itself. They also have a JSON API(wow!!) which returns the JSON file for any query fired..
Here is the link: