I want to get all the tables names from a sql query in Spark using Scala.
Lets say user sends a SQL query which looks like:
select * from table_1 as a left join table_2 as b on a.id=b.id
I would like to get all tables list like table_1 and table_2.
Is regex the only option ?
Thanks a lot #Swapnil Chougule for the answer. That inspired me to offer an idiomatic way of collecting all the tables in a structured query.
scala> spark.version
res0: String = 2.3.1
def getTables(query: String): Seq[String] = {
val logicalPlan = spark.sessionState.sqlParser.parsePlan(query)
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.UnresolvedRelation
logicalPlan.collect { case r: UnresolvedRelation => r.tableName }
val query = "select * from table_1 as a left join table_2 as b on a.id=b.id"
scala> getTables(query).foreach(println)
Hope it will help you
Parse the given query using spark sql parser (spark internally does same). You can get sqlParser from session's state. It will give Logical plan of query. Iterate over logical plan of query & check whether it is instance of UnresolvedRelation (leaf logical operator to represent a table reference in a logical query plan that has yet to be resolved) & get table from it.
def getTables(query: String) : Seq[String] ={
val logical : LogicalPlan = localsparkSession.sessionState.sqlParser.parsePlan(query)
val tables = scala.collection.mutable.LinkedHashSet.empty[String]
var i = 0
while (true) {
if (logical(i) == null) {
return tables.toSeq
} else if (logical(i).isInstanceOf[UnresolvedRelation]) {
val tableIdentifier = logical(i).asInstanceOf[UnresolvedRelation].tableIdentifier
tables += tableIdentifier.unquotedString.toLowerCase
i = i + 1
I had some complicated sql queries with nested queries and iterated on #Jacek Laskowski's answer to get this
def getTables(spark: SparkSession, query: String): Seq[String] = {
val logicalPlan = spark.sessionState.sqlParser.parsePlan(query)
var tables = new ListBuffer[String]()
var i: Int = 0
while (logicalPlan(i) != null) {
logicalPlan(i) match {
case t: UnresolvedRelation => tables += t.tableName
case _ =>
i += 1
def __sqlparse2table(self, query):
#description: get table name from table
plan = self.spark._jsparkSession.sessionState().sqlParser().parsePlan(query)
plan_string = plan.toString().replace('`.`', '.')
unr = re.findall(r"UnresolvedRelation `(.*?)`", plan_string)
cte = re.findall(r"CTE \[(.*?)\]", plan.toString())
cte = [tt.strip() for tt in cte[0].split(',')] if cte else cte
schema = set()
tables = set()
for table_name in unr:
if table_name not in cte:
return schema, tables
Since you need to list all the columns names listed in table1 and table2, what you can do is to show tables in db.table_name in your hive db.
val tbl_column1 = sqlContext.sql("show tables in table1");
val tbl_column2 = sqlContext.sql("show tables in table2");
You will get list of columns in both the table.
unix did the trick, grep 'INTO\|FROM\|JOIN' .sql | sed -r 's/.?(FROM|INTO|JOIN)\s?([^ ])./\2/g' | sort -u
grep 'overwrite table' .txt | sed -r 's/.?(overwrite table)\s?([^ ])./\2/g' | sort -u
I am relatively new to Scala and also new to Doobie. I am connecting to SQL Server 2014 and need to create a temp table and subsequently insert into that temp table. In SQL Server, when you create a temp table, and the connection is severed, the temp table is automatically deleted.
In the following snippet, I am getting this exception:
Exception in thread "main" com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerException: Invalid object name '#temp'
The snippet:
val create: doobie.ConnectionIO[Int] = sql"CREATE TABLE #temp (tmp CHAR(20))".update.run
val insert: doobie.ConnectionIO[Int] = sql"INSERT INTO #temp values ('abc'), ('def')".update.run
val query: doobie.ConnectionIO[List[String]] = sql"select * from #temp ".query[String].to[List]
def wrapper(): ConnectionIO[List[String]] = {
for {
c <- create
i <- insert
q <- query
} yield q
I believe this is telling me that Doobie is dropping the connection between the create and insert statements?
The expected/desired behavior is that it will return a List("abc","def").
Thanks in advance for any help!
Here's a small example of what I know is in fact working:
val create = sql"CREATE TABLE #temp (tmp CHAR(20))"
val insert: doobie.ConnectionIO[Int] = sql"INSERT INTO #temp values ('abc'), ('def')"
(create ++ insert).update.run.transact(xa).debug.as(ExitCode.Success)
(Note that it only works with the create and insert part and not the query part)
After 1 week of banging my head against my laptop...I finally figured it out. Doobie will actually perform "update" commands when doing .query:
val create: Fragment = sql"CREATE TABLE #temp (tmp CHAR(20))"
val insert: Fragment = sql"INSERT INTO #temp values ('abc'), ('def')"
val query: Fragment = sql"select * from #temp "
(create ++ insert ++ query).query[String].to[List].transact(xa).debug.as(ExitCode.Success)
List(abc ,def )
I have a hql file which accepts several arguments and I then in stand alone spark application, I am calling this hql script to create a dataframe.
This is a sample hql code from my script:
select id , name, age, country , created_date
from ${db1}.${table1} a
inner join ${db2}.${table2} b
on a.id = b.id
And in this is how I am calling it in my Spark script:
import scala.io.Source
val queryFile = `path/to/my/file`
val db1 = 'cust_db'
val db2 = 'cust_db2'
val table1 = 'customer'
val table2 = 'products'
val query = Source.fromFile(queryFile).mkString
val df = spark.sql(query)
When I am using this way, I am getting:
Is there a way to pass arguments directly to my hql file and then create a df out of the hive code.
Parameters can be injected with such code:
val parametersMap = Map("db1" -> db1, "db2" -> db2, "table1" -> table1, "table2" -> table2)
val injectedQuery = parametersMap.foldLeft(query)((acc, cur) => acc.replace("${" + cur._1 + "}", cur._2))
How can I execute lengthy, multiline Hive Queries in Spark SQL? Like query below:
val sqlContext = new HiveContext (sc)
val result = sqlContext.sql ("
select ...
from ...
Use """ instead, so for example
val results = sqlContext.sql ("""
select ....
from ....
or, if you want to format code, use:
val results = sqlContext.sql ("""
|select ....
|from ....
You can use triple-quotes at the start/end of the SQL code or a backslash at the end of each line.
val results = sqlContext.sql ("""
create table enta.scd_fullfilled_entitlement as
select *
from my_table
results = sqlContext.sql (" \
create table enta.scd_fullfilled_entitlement as \
select * \
from my_table \
val query = """(SELECT
case when [RollOverStatus] = 'Y' then 'Yes' Else 'No' end as RollOverStatus
v_Account AS a left join v_Customer AS c
ON c.CustomerID = a.CustomerID AND c.Businessdate = a.Businessdate
a.Category = 'Deposit' AND
c.Businessdate= '2018-11-28' AND
isnull(a.Classification,'N/A') IN ('Contractual Account','Non-Term Deposit','Term Deposit')
AND IsActive = 'Yes' ) tmp """
It is worth noting that the length is not the issue, just the writing. For this you can use """ as Gaweda suggested or simply use a string variable, e.g. by building it with string builder. For example:
val selectElements = Seq("a","b","c")
val builder = StringBuilder.newBuilder
builder.append("select ")
builder.append(" where d<10")
val results = sqlContext.sql(builder.toString())
In addition to the above ways, you can use the below-mentioned way as well:
val results = sqlContext.sql("select .... " +
" from .... " +
" where .... " +
" group by ....
Write your sql inside triple quotes, like """ sql code """
df = spark.sql(f""" select * from table1 """)
This is same for Scala Spark and PySpark.
I'm trying to select multiple matches from a field, I have the query working as SQL but am at a loss when it comes to the jOOQ version. Here's the SQL:
array_to_string(array(select array_to_string(regexp_matches(m.content, '#([a-zA-Z0-9]+)', 'g'), ' ')), ' ') hashtags
FROM tweets
But I can't work out how to pass in the 'g' flag to regexp_matches, and Postgres doesn't support g: style embedded flags. At the moment I'm using (in Scala):
val hashtags = DSL.field(
"array_to_string(array(select array_to_string(regexp_matches(tweets.content, '#([a-zA-Z0-9]+)', 'g'), ' ')), ' ')",
but that seems kind of gross (but it works, so there's that! 😀).
Current Approach
I have an enum with fields associated with it, like this:
"array(select array_to_string(regexp_matches(mentions.content, '#([a-zA-Z0-9]+)', 'g'), ' '))").as("hashtags")),
the 'g' flag is needed because I want to get all of the matching fragments from the target text (all of the hashtags from the mention content in this case, where mentions are Tweets, Facebook posts, &c.)
and a class with a bunch of optional search parameters, like this:
minFollowing: Option[Int] = None,
maxFollowing: Option[Int] = None,
workflowStates: Set[WorkflowState] = WorkflowState.values.toSet,
onlyVerifiedUsers: Boolean = false,
and then I build up the query based on a list of these fields
private val fields = v.fields.toSet
override def query(sql: DSLContext): Query = {
val fields = v.fields.map(_.field) ++ Seq(M.PROJECT_ID)
var query = (sql
select fields.toSet.asJava
from M
leftJoin TM on (MTM.URL === TM.URL)
where (M.PROJECT_ID in v.criteria.projectIds.asJava))
if (v.criteria.channels.size < numChannels)
query = query and (M.CHANNEL in v.criteria.channels.asJava)
if (v.criteria.mentionTypes.size < numMentionTypes)
query = query and (M.MENTION_TYPE in v.criteria.mentionTypes.asJava)
// ... more critera get added here, finally ...
if (v.max.isDefined)
query groupBy (M.PROJECT_ID, M.ID, M.CHANNEL, M.USERNAME) limit v.max.get
I want to force slick to create queries like
select max(price) from coffees where ...
But slick's documentation doesn't help
val q = Coffees.map(_.price) //this is query Query[Coffees.type, ...]
val q1 = q.min // this is Column[Option[Double]]
val q2 = q.max
val q3 = q.sum
val q4 = q.avg
Because those q1-q4 aren't queries, I can't get the results but can use them inside other queries.
This statement
for {
coffee <- Coffees
} yield coffee.price.max
generates right query but is deprecated (generates warning: " method max in class ColumnExtensionMethods is deprecated: Use Query.max instead").
How to generate such query without warnings?
Another issue is to aggregate with group by:
"select name, max(price) from coffees group by name"
Tried to solve it with
for {
coffee <- Coffees
} yield (coffee.name, coffee.price.max)).groupBy(x => x._1)
which generates
select x2.x3, x2.x3, x2.x4 from (select x5."COF_NAME" as x3, max(x5."PRICE") as x4 from "coffees" x5) x2 group by x2.x3
which causes obvious db error
column "x5.COF_NAME" must appear in the GROUP BY clause or be used in an aggregate function
How to generate such query?
As far as I can tell is the first one simply
And the second one
val maxQuery = Coffees
.groupBy { _.name }
.map { case (name, c) =>
name -> c.map(_.price).max
val maxQuery = for {
(name, c) <- Coffees groupBy (_.name)
} yield name -> c.map(_.price).max