Facebook sharing debugger gives 404 - facebook

Can you please help me debug this! Whenever we are sharing content links from our website in facebook; its not working. Redirection to content works if I'm using desktop browser or directly opening the link in mobile browser. But from facebook in app browser I can see either its loading 404 page or the video doesn't play. What could be the reason behind this? Please check below link from here

Either redirect from http to https in general or change the og:image to https instead of http. If you enter the URL into the browser, you get redirected: http://www.bioscopelive.com/bundles/bongoweb/images/oglogo.jpg
You can also add og:image:secure_url as metatag with the https URL of the image.
Make sure that everything is public and not locked by gelocation or login. Facebook servers need to be able to reach the URLs.


Embed website to facebook page tab

I'm trying to embed this website "http://iconnectrto.net46.net/iConnect" inside facebook.
But i keep on getting this response http://iconnectrto.net46.net/iConnect takes too long to respond.
Canvas Page: apps.facebook.com/iconnect_rto
Canvas URL: iconnectrto.net46.net/iConnect/
What is the problem with my configuration? what do i need to change in my configuration ? Please help
If you enabled secure browsing, your page needs to be served via HTTPS. As your links only show HTTP, I guess this is your problem.

Image not appearing when sharing URL via Facebook

I'm preparing to launch a new site, http://www.careerclaim.com, and if I share the URL via FB only the URL displays, not the logo and title.
I've entered the URL in FB's debugger and it returns:
Can't Download: Could not retrieve data from URL.
Please help! Thank you!!!
You are redirecting to the HTTPS version of your page, but your og:url meta element states that the version using just HTTP was the “real” one – and that leads to an endless redirect circle, https://developers.facebook.com/tools/debug/og/object?q=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.careerclaim.com%2F

Inconsistent results for Facebook redirect to HTTPS

My homepage redirects to the URL listed below to open an oauth dialogue with Facebook to validate user credentials.
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;URL=http://www.facebook.com/dialog/oauth/?client_id=myclientid&redirect_uri=http://www.mywebsite.com/home/index.php" />
The Site URL (Website with Facebook login) in my Facebook App profile is
Everything works great for HTTP but when I recently implemented an SSL certificate I struggled to convert everything to HTTPS (changing HTTP to HTTPS in my redirect URLs and the Site URL in my Facebook app profile. I get the following Facebook error:
API Error Code: 191
API Error Description: The specified URL is not owned by the application
Error Message: Invalid redirect_uri: Given URL is not allowed by the Application configuration.
I've fought with this a few hours at a time but was never successful and always just changed the redirect URL and the Site URL in my app profile back to HTTP. Last night it worked! I published the code and tested it successfully on two separate computers in both IE and Chrome. This morning I woke up to the same error code I was getting before.
Does anyone have any ideas why my Facebook oauth dialogue seems to be fickle when it comes to HTTPS?
Make sure that you have a valid base domain specified in your app settings.
This is a working example of a website with Facebook connect. At the top I have added a code to:
Detect if the user is authenticated yet and if not it will...
Detect if SSL is being used
If SSL is in use it will check to makes sure that whatever the
current page is (gets dynamically) contains the URL you enter in the
first variable ('$sslurl' in the top settings); otherwise, it will
default back to $sslurl and add whatever page you were visiting to
the end of it.
It will then use the correct url to authorize the user using the
generated SSL url as the redirect_uri
The rest of the script is just a generic website with facebook
connect setup
It's too long to place inside code tags so I put them in a text file here:
Hopefully it helps, Good luck!

Facebook Canvas App not loading my URL

I got a page at www.somedomain.com/facebook/index.html http://www.somedomain.com/facebook/index.html. I'd like to serve that via the apps...so via the canvas but when I point the canvas url to this directory (www.somedomain.com/facebook/) I get a page not found error on the apps page. However, hitting www.somedomain.com/facebook/ http://www.somedomain.com/facebook/ does serve index.html in a browser. Any clues as to what's going on here? Might add...there is no https page setup as yet. This is just a static HTML page that I'd like to serve via apps.
In order to load your page inside the canvas iframe, Facebook is issuing an HTTP POST request for the URL http://www.somedomain.com/facebook/index.html.
My guess is your server only serves pages requested using GET.

Facebook invite Canvas page does not load

I've implemented Facebook Invite as follows: - http://www.jobwalk.com.au/invite.aspx
You can login via Facebook and go through the steps (no database update) from: - http://www.jobwalk.com.au
The problem is, when I select someone and press Send Invite and in the final stages, it does not load the Callback or Canvas URL. It just has a Facebook page with a Blank Page in its IFRAME.
Facebook application values
Site URL: http://www.jobwalk.com.au/
Canvas URL: http://www.jobwalk.com.au/callback/
Canvas FBML/iframe: iframe
Does anyone know what went wrong here?
Thank you.
You need to try with google chrome, and set debug code option (developer tools), probably some host forwarded an errorneous response to another other server, (not client).
I guess that you need a css in body because this only support 520px of width max , I'm working too in iframe facebook, I dont know if change between files type index.php or index.html