Query DateTime field using Date only in FileNet Content Engine - date

Is it possible to query using only a Date field such as '2017-03-02' in IBM FileNet?
I have tried the below statement and it doesn't seem to work
FROM Table_Name
WHERE EstimatedDate = '2017-03-02'
FROM Table_Name
WHERE EstimatedDate <= DATE '2017-03-02'
I tried including TIMESTAMP and the below query works but i want to search only by using date such as '2017-03-02'
FROM Table_Name
WHERE EstimatedDate <= TIMESTAMP '2017-03-02T00:00:00.000Z'

To search for a particular date you need to use a range between two timestamps: start of the target day and start of the next day. For today's date the query will be:
FROM Table_Name
WHERE EstimatedDate >= 20180420T000000Z AND EstimatedDate < 20180421T000000Z
Please note that the timestamps above assume the UTC time zone (hence 000000Z). If your task is supposed to handle time zones, the timestamps should be adjusted accordingly. For example, for Europe/Rome (current time zone offset +02:00) that would be
EstimatedDate >= 20180419T220000Z AND EstimatedDate < 20180420T220000Z

According to IBM FileNet P8, Version 5.2
- SQL Syntax reference"
<literal> ::= <string_literal> | <integer> | <float> |
<ISO datetime> | <W3C datetime> | TRUE | FALSE | UNKNOWN | <guid>
<ISO datetime> ::= YYYYMMDDThhmmss[,ffff]Z
<W3C datetime> ::= YYYY-MM-DD[Thh:mm:ss[.ffff]][<timezone>]
Thus, in FileNet P8 do not use timestamp or date keywords, but only the date you have written in one of these formats, and note - without an apostrophe sign!
You can find examples in a free book Developing Applications
with IBM FileNet P8 APIs, for example on a page 73 there is Example 3-30 :
// Construct the sql statement
SearchSQL sql = new SearchSQL(
"select ISTOStartDate, ITSOEndDate, ITSOVehicle " +
"from ITSOIdleActivity " +
"where “ +
"ITSOVehicle = OBJECT('{D5DC8C04-2625-496f-A280-D791AFE87A73}') " +
"AND ITSOStartDate < 20090801T000000Z OR " +
"ITSOEndDate > 20090701T000000Z" );
As you see, the date in this example is written directly without any apostrophes as: 20090701T000000Z using <ISO datetime> format, you can also use another format: 2009-07-01


how can i get the all data from postgresql thats from the current day, between the hours of 00:00:00 and 11:59:59?

very new to the backend as well as all things postgresql, at the moment all ive been able to do is
SELECT * FROM nutrition WHERE timestamp >= (extract(epoch from now())::bigint * 1000) - 86400000 AND timestamp <= (extract(epoch from now())::bigint * 1000) + 86400000
in the frontend using js, im using Date.now() to store the timestamp in the DB.
timestamp is a column in my db thats logging the unix time in bigint format in which the food was logged. I want to get all the data from the current day from the hours beteen 12 AM midnight, and 11:59 PM. thanks.
for example, the last item i logged was last night at 10pm (1663995295337 UNIX time) so the data shouldnt include it.
show timezone returns;
Solution below --------------------------------------------------------------------
const today = new Date();
const beginningOfDay = today.setUTCHours(7, 0, 0, 0);
const endOfDay = today.setUTCHours(30, 59, 59, 99);
switch (method) {
case "GET":
try {
const text = `
between ${beginningOfDay} and ${endOfDay}`
this was the solution i was looking for, thanks for the help. sorry if i wasnt descriptive enough.
Assuming that by Unix time you mean epoch.
select extract(epoch from now());
select to_timestamp(1664038032.392004);
09/24/2022 09:47:12.392004 PDT
current_date + '00:00:00'::time AND current_date + '23:59:59'::time
Using timestamptz field in Postgres and an ISO datetime string from Javascript in order to properly deal with time zone.
create table tsz_test(id integer, tsz_fld timestamptz);
--In Web frontend today = new Date().toISOString(); "2022-09-24T20:57:05.830Z"
insert into
values (1, '2022-09-24T20:57:05.830Z'), (2, '2022-09-25T08:57:05.830Z');
select * from tsz_test ;
id | tsz_fld
1 | 09/24/2022 13:57:05.83 PDT
2 | 09/25/2022 01:57:05.83 PDT
--Borrowing from #a_horse_with_no_name answer
select * from tsz_test where tsz_fld::date = '09/24/2022'::date;
id | tsz_fld
1 | 09/24/2022 13:57:05.83 PDT
You can convert your "unix timestamp" to a date, then compare it with "today":
where to_timestamp("timestamp")::date = current_date
This assumes that your column named "timestamp" is not really a timestamp
If the column doesn't actually store seconds (which would be a unix epoch), but milliseconds you need to_timestamp("timestamp"/1000)::date instead (another source of problems that wouldn't exist if you had used a proper timestamptz or at least timestamp data type).

Is there a way to use java LocalDateTime.now() in jpa #query? [duplicate]

I want to compare the date in database with current dateTime in JPA query :
captureLimitDate < currentDateTime
my requirement is as follows :
database.captureLimitDate : 04/07/2012 19:03:00
currentDateTime : 04/07/2012 20:03:00
My JPAQuery is this :
SELECT o FROM Operation o"
+ " WHERE ( o.merchantId =:merchantId ) AND "
+ "(o.captureLimitDate < currentDateTime ) ";
And Operation class has captureLimitDate as java.util.Date
#Generated(value = "XA", comments = "0,_8BedAMXZEeGHf_Dj4YaPyg")
private Date captureLimitDate;
I want to compare both current date and time . will the above query works. ??
CURRENT_TIMESTAMP must be used to refere to the current date and time in a JPQL query:
select o from Operation o
where o.merchantId = :merchantId
and o.captureLimitDate < CURRENT_TIMESTAMP
If the current date and time is in fact a date coming from user input (and which is thus not the current date and time, then you do it like you do for the merchantId:
select o from Operation o
where o.merchantId = :merchantId
and o.captureLimitDate < :maxDateTime
And you set the parameter using
query.setParameter("maxDateTime", maxDateTime, TemporalType.TIMESTAMP);
JPA defines special JPQL expressions that are evaluated to the date and time on the database server when the query is executed:
CURRENT_DATE - is evaluated to the current date (a java.sql.Date instance).
CURRENT_TIME - is evaluated to the current time (a java.sql.Time instance).
CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - is evaluated to the current timestamp, i.e. date and time
(a java.sql.Timestamp instance).
More info: Click here

What is the correct syntax for working with Dates in DB2?

I am writing a SQL statement that may be used against a number of database types.
I have never worked with DB2 before, and am unsure of the syntax for working with dates.
The dates are stored as a date type.
Here is a snippet of the statement against a SQL Server database:
SELECT * from tbl1 where YEAR(Start_Time) = YEAR(GetDate() -365)
I thinking that the equivalent in DB2 would be:
SELECT * from tbl1 where YEAR(Start_Time) = YEAR(current_date -365 days)
Unfortunately, I don't have a DB2 environment at my home office (thanks to COVID-19)
Datetime operations and durations
SELECT Start_Time
) tbl1 (Start_Time)
The result is:

How can I have timestamp displayed in UTC+02 (same timezone) for both the queries below?

My first query is:
SELECT distinct wfc_request_job_id,wfc_request_job_info,
replace(iso_cc,';',' ') as "iso_cc",to_char(wfc_request_start_ts,'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss') as ts,
(link_object_count + poi_object_count + point_address_object_count) as request_object_count
FROM wfc_request_job
This returns ts as 2015-08-16 03:08:59
Second Query:
SELECT wfc_request_job_id,wfc_request_start_ts,wfc_request_end_ts,replace(iso_cc,';',' ') as "iso_ccs",sent_message_count,wfc_queue_name
FROM wfc_request_job
to_char(wfc_request_start_ts,'YYYY-MM-DD') >= to_char(to_date('08/16/2015','MM/DD/YYYY'),'YYYY-MM-DD')
and to_char(wfc_request_start_ts,'YYYY-MM-DD') <= to_char(to_date('08/16/2015','MM/DD/YYYY'),'YYYY-MM-DD')
order by wfc_request_job_id desc
This returns ts of the job id mentioned above as - "2015-08-16 15:58:59.809+02"
How can I make both the queries return ts in UTC+02 - i.e. same timezone
The data type of wfc_request_start_ts is - timestamp with timezone
I changed to queries to have the format HH24:MI:SS however that did not help. Please note that the webapp using these queries will be opened in both Germany and USA.
According to postgresql manual to_char there is TZ (and OF as of v9.4) template patterns for Date/Time formatting.
Therefore in query you need to add it so
postgres=# select to_char(now(),'yyyy-MM-dd HH24:mm:ss TZ');
2015-08-19 12:08:56 CEST
(1 row)
Also, make sure you specify timezone when converting
so instead
TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE '2015-08-16 00:00:00+02';
in second query.

Postgresql Query very slow with ::date, ::time, and interval

I have a sql query that is very slow:
select number1 from mytable
where symbol = 25
and timeframe = 1
and date::date = '2008-02-05'
and date::time='10:40:00' + INTERVAL '30 minutes'
The goal is to return one value, and postgresql takes 1.7 seconds to return the desired value(always a single value). I need to execute hundreds of those queries for one task, so this gets extremely slow.
Executing the same query, but pointing to the time directly without using interval and ::date, ::time takes only 17ms:
select number1 from mytable
where symbol = 25
and timeframe = 1
and date = '2008-02-05 11:10:00'
I thought it would be faster if I would not use ::date and ::time, but when I execute a query like:
select number1 from mytable
where symbol = 25
and timeframe = 1
and date = '2008-02-05 10:40:00' + interval '30 minutes'
I get a sql error (22007). I've experimented with different variations but I couldn't get interval to work without using ::date and ::time. Date/Time Functions on postgresql.org didn't help me out.
The table got a multi column index on symbol, timeframe, date.
Is there a fast way to execute the query with adding time, or a working syntax with interval where I do not have to use ::date and ::time? Or do I need to have a special index when using queries like these?
Postgresql version is 9.2.
The format of the table is:
date = timestamp with time zone,
symbol, timeframe = numeric.
Edit 2:
select open from ohlc_dukascopy_bid
where symbol = 25
and timeframe = 1
and date = timestamp '2008-02-05 10:40:00' + interval '30' minute
Explain shows:
"Index Scan using mcbidindex on mytable (cost=0.00..116.03 rows=1 width=7)"
" Index Cond: ((symbol = 25) AND (timeframe = 1) AND (date = '2008-02-05 11:10:00'::timestamp without time zone))"
Time is now considerably faster: 86ms on first run.
The first version will not use a (regular) index on the column named date.
You didn't provide much information, but assuming the column named date has the datatype timestamp (and not date), then the following should work:
and date = timestamp '2008-02-05 10:40:00' + interval '30 minutes'
this should use an index on the column named date (but only if it is in fact a timestamp not a date). It is essentially the same as yours, the only difference is the explicit timestamp literal (although Postgres should understand '2008-02-05 10:40:00' as a timestamp literal as well).
You will need to run an explain to find out if it's using an index.
And please: change the name of that column. It's bad practise to use a reserved word as an identifier, and it's a really horrible name, which doesn't say anything about what kind of information is stored in the column. Is it the "start date", the "end date", the "due date", ...?