How to limit pg_dump's memory usage? - postgresql

I have a ~140 GB postgreDB on Heroku / AWS. I want to create a dump of this on a windows Azure - Windows server 2012 R2 virtual machine, as i need to move the DB into Azure environment.
The DB has a couple of smaller tables, but mainly consists of a single table taking ~130 GB, including indexes. It has ~500 million rows.
I've tried to use pg_dump for this, with:
./pg_dump -Fc --no-acl --no-owner --host * --port 5432 -U * -d * > F:/051418.dump
I've tried on various Azure virtual machine sizes, including some fairly large with (D12_V2) 28GB ram, 4 VCPUs 12000 MAXIOPs, etc. But in all cases the pg_dump stalls completely due to memory swapping.
On above machine it's currently using all available memory and has used the past 12 hrs swapping memory on the disk. I dont expect it to complete, due to the swapping.
From other posts i've understood it could be an issue with the network speed, beeing much faster than the disk IO speed, causing pg_dump to suck up all available memory and more, so i've tried using the azure machine with most IOPs. This hasnt helped.
So is there another way i can force pg_dump to cap it's memory usage, or wait on pulling more data until it has written to disk and clear memory ?
Looking forward to your help!


Why is pg_restore that slow and PostgreSQL almost not even using the CPU?

I just had to use pg_restore with a small dump of 30MB and it took in average 5 minutes! On my colleagues' computers, it is ultra fast, like a dozen of seconds. The difference between the two is the CPU usage: while for the others, the database uses quite a bunch of CPU (60-70%) during the restore operation, on my machine, it stays around a few percents only (0-3%) as if it was not active at all.
The exact command was : pg_restore -h --username XXX --dbname test --no-comments test_dump.sql
The originating command to produce this dump was: pg_dump --dbname=XXX --user=XXX --no-owner --no-privileges --verbose --format=custom --file=/sql/test_dump.sql
Look at the screenshot taken in the middle of the restore operation:
Here is the corresponding vmstat 1 result running the command:
I've looked at the web for a solution during a few hours but this under-usage of the CPU remains quite mysterious. Any idea will be appreciated.
For the stack, I am on Ubuntu 20.04 and postgres version 13.6 is running into a docker container. I have a decent hardware, neither bad nor great.
EDIT: This very same command worked in the past on my machine with a same common HDD but now it is terribly slow. The only difference I saw with others (for whom it is blazing fast) was really on the CPU-usage from my point of view (even if they have an SSD which shouldn't be at all the limiting factor especially with a 30 MB dump).
EDIT 2: For those who proposed the problem was about IO-boundness and maybe a slow disk, I just tried without any conviction to run my command on an SSD partition I just made and nothing has changed.
The vmstat output shows that you are I/O bound. Get faster storage, and performance will improve.
PostgreSQL, by default, is tuned for data durability. Usually transactions are flushed to the disk at each and every commit, forcing write-through of any disk write cache, so it seems to be very IO-bound.
When restoring database from a dump file, it may make sense to lower these durability settings, especially if the restore is done while your application is offline, especially in non-production environments.
I temporarily run postgres with these options: -c fsync=off -c synchronous_commit=off -c full_page_writes=off -c checkpoint_flush_after=256 -c autovacuum=off -c max_wal_senders=0
Refer to these documentation sections for more information:
14.4.9. Some Notes about pg_dump
14.5. Non-Durable Settings.
Also this article:
Settings for a fast pg_restore

mongorestore hangs while restoring fs.chunks

I am trying to upgrade from the mongodb sandbox option onto a shared cluster, and to keep my current data I have to do a mongodump and mongorestore to migrate the old data onto the new database.
This is what I put in the command line.
mongorestore -h url:host -d heroku_zc -u heroku_zc -p 470grupv030prq5uj0fm mongo-dump-dir/heroku_9r
It seems to all go fine and restores all the data entries, but while uploading the file chunks it hangs part way through. Sometimes 5% of the ay through sometimes 20% of the way through sometimes 50%.
As I say, when I look at the new database, all the rows are there correctly, and only the actual data files are missing.
This is what happens in the terminal, it doesn't give an error it just stops.
2017-02-09T15:45:20.509+0100 [#.......................] heroku_z25kbwmc.fs.chunks 15.8 MB/299.6 MB (5.3%)
2017-02-09T15:45:23.509+0100 [#.......................] heroku_z25kbwmc.fs.chunks 15.8 MB/299.6 MB (5.3%)
2017-02-09T15:45:26.510+0100 [#.......................] heroku_z25kbwmc.fs.chunks 15.8 MB/299.6 MB (5.3%)
Both db's are created from heroku as addons to my parse server.
EDIT: I also don't know if this is a problem, the local system database says 2.03GB. I don't understand how this can be, as the total database size is only 500mb

performance issue until mongodump

we operate for our customer a server with a single mongo instance, gradle, postgres and nginx running on it. The problem is we had massiv performance problmes until mongodump is running. The mongo queue is growing and no data be queried. The next problem is the costumer want not invest in a replica-set or a software update (mongod 3.x).
Has somebody any idea how i clould improve the performance.
command to create the dump:
mongodump -u ${MONGO_USER} -p ${MONGO_PASSWORD} -o ${MONGO_DUMP_DIR} -d ${MONGO_DATABASE} --authenticationDatabase ${MONGO_DATABASE} > /backup/logs/mongobackup.log
6 Cores
+ 2TB (backup NAS)
MongoDB 2.6.7
Best regards,
As you have heavy load, adding a replica set is a good solution, as backup could be taken on secondary node, but be aware that replica need at least three servers (you can have an master/slave/arbiter - where the last need a little amount of resources)
MongoDump makes general query lock which will have an impact if there is a lot of writes in dumped database.
Hint: try to make backup when there is light load on system.
Try with volume snapshots. Check with your cloud provider what are the options available to take snapshots. It is super fast and cheaper if you compare actual pricing used in taking a backup(RAM and CPU used and if HDD then transactions const(even if it is little)).

How to reduce storage(scale down) my RDS instance?

I have a RDS(Postgres) instance with Storage SSD 1000GB, but the data is only 100GB of size.
How can I scale down the storage resource of RDS easily ?
RDS does not allow you to reduce the amount of storage allocated to a database instance, only increase it.
To move your database to less storage you would have to create a new RDS instance with your desired storage space, then use something like pg_dump/pg_restore to move the data from the old database to the new one.
Also be aware that an RDS instance with 1,000GB of SSD storage has a base IOPS of 3,000. An RDS instance with 100GB of SSD storage has a base IOPS of 300, with occasional bursts of up to 3,000.
Based on AWS's help here, this is the full process that worked for me:
1) Dump the database to a file: run this on a machine that has network access to the database:
pg_dump -Fc -v -h -U your-username your-databasename > your-databasename.dump
2) In the AWS console, create a new RDS instance with smaller storage. (You probably want to set it up with the same username, password, and database name.)
3) Restore the database on the new RDS instance: run this command (obviously on the same machine as the previous command):
pg_restore -v -h -U your-username -d your-databasename your-databasename.dump
(Note, in step 3, that I'm using the endpoint of the new RDS instance. Also note there's no :5432 at the end of the endpoint addresses.)
Amazon doesn't allow to reduce size of HDD of RDS instance, you may have two options to reduce size of storage.
1:-if you can afford downtimes, then mysqldump backup of old instance can be restored to new instance having lesser storage size.
2:- You can use Database migration service to move data from one instance to another instance without any downtime.
When using RDS, instead of doing typical hardware "capacity planning", you just provisioning just enough disk space for short or medium term (depends), expand it when needed.
As #Mark B mentioned , you need to watchout the IOPS as well. You can use "provisioned IOPS" if you need high performance DB.
You should make you cost vs performance adjustment before jump into the disk space storage part.
E.g. if you reduce 1000GB to 120GB , for US west, you will save 0.125x 880GB = 110/month. But the Max IOPS will be 120x 3 = 360IOPS
It will cost you $0.10 to provision additional IOPS to increase performance. Say if you actually need 800IOPS for higher online user response,
(800-360) x 0.10 = $44. So the actual saving may eventually "less". You will not save any money if your RDS need constant 1100 IOPS. And also other discount factor may come into play.
You can do this by migrating the DB to Aurora.
If you don't want Aurora, the Data Migration Service is the best option in my opinion. We're moving production to Aurora, so this didn't matter, and we can always get it back out of Aurora using pg_dump or DMS. (I assume this will apply to MySQL as well, but haven't tested it.)
My specific goal was to reduce RDS Postgres final snapshot sizes after decommissioning some instances that were initially created with 1TB+ storage each.
Create the normal snapshot. The full provisioned storage size is allocated to the snapshot.
Upgrade the snapshot to an engine version supported by Aurora, if not already supported. I chose 10.7.
Migrate the snapshot to Aurora. This creates a new Aurora DB.
Snapshot the new Aurora DB. The snapshot storage size starts as the full provisioned size, but drops to actual used storage after completion.
Remove the new Aurora DB.
Confirm your Aurora snapshot is good by restoring it again and poking around in the new new DB until you're satisfied that the original snapshots can be deleted.
Remove new new Aurora DB and original snapshot.
You can stop at 3 if you want and just use the Aurora DB going forward.
The #2 answer does not work on Windows 10 because, per this dba overflow question, the shell re-encodes the output when the > operator is used. The pg_dump will generate a file, but the pg_restore gives the cryptic error:
pg_restore: [archiver] did not find magic string in file header
Add -E UTF8 and -f instead of >:
pg_dump -Fc -v -E UTF8 -h -U your-username your-databasename -f your-databasename.dump
What about creating a read replica with smaller disk space, promoting it to standalone, and then switching that to be primary? I think that's what I will do.

A faster way to copy a postgresql database (or the best way)

I did a pg_dump of a database and am now trying to install the resulting .sql file on to another server.
I'm using the following command.
psql -f databasedump.sql
I initiated the database install earlier today and now 7 hours later the database is still being populated. I don't know if this his how long it is supposed to take, but I continue to monitor it, so far I've seen over 12 millon inserts and counting. I suspect there's a faster way to do this.
Create your dumps with
pg_dump -Fc -Z 9 --file=file.dump myDb
Output a custom archive suitable for input into pg_restore. This is the most flexible format in that it allows reordering of loading data as well as object definitions. This format is also compressed by default.
Z 9: --compress=0..9
Specify the compression level to use. Zero means no compression. For the custom archive format, this specifies compression of individual table-data segments, and the default is to compress at a moderate level. For plain text output, setting a nonzero compression level causes the entire output file to be compressed, as though it had been fed through gzip; but the default is not to compress. The tar archive format currently does not support compression at all.
and restore it with
pg_restore -Fc -j 8 file.dump
-j: --jobs=number-of-jobs
Run the most time-consuming parts of pg_restore — those which load data, create indexes, or create constraints — using multiple concurrent jobs. This option can dramatically reduce the time to restore a large database to a server running on a multiprocessor machine.
Each job is one process or one thread, depending on the operating system, and uses a separate connection to the server.
The optimal value for this option depends on the hardware setup of the server, of the client, and of the network. Factors include the number of CPU cores and the disk setup. A good place to start is the number of CPU cores on the server, but values larger than that can also lead to faster restore times in many cases. Of course, values that are too high will lead to decreased performance because of thrashing.
Only the custom and directory archive formats are supported with this option. The input must be a regular file or directory (not, for example, a pipe). This option is ignored when emitting a script rather than connecting directly to a database server. Also, multiple jobs cannot be used together with the option --single-transaction.
Improve pg dump&restore
PG_DUMP | always use format directory with -j option
time pg_dump -j 8 -Fd -f /tmp/newout.dir fsdcm_external
PG_RESTORE | always use tuning for postgres.conf with format directory With -j option
work_mem = 32MB
shared_buffers = 4GB
maintenance_work_mem = 2GB
full_page_writes = off
autovacuum = off
wal_buffers = -1
time pg_restore -j 8 --format=d -C -d postgres /tmp/newout.dir/`
For more info
Why are you producing a raw .sql dump? The opening description of pg_dump recommends the "custom" format -Fc.
Then you can use pg_restore which will restore your data (or selected parts of it). There is a "number of jobs" option -j which can use multiple cores (assuming your disks aren't already the limiting factor). In most cases, on a modern machine you can expect at least some gains from this.
Now you say "I don't know how long this is supposed to take". Well, until you've done a few restores you won't know. Do monitor what your system is doing and whether you are limited by cpu or disk I/O.
Finally, the configuration settings you want for restoring a database are not those you want to run it. A couple of useful starters:
Increase maintenance_work_mem so you can build indexes in larger chunks
Turn off fsync during the restore. If your machine crashes, you'll start from scratch again anyway.
Do remember to reset them after the restore though.
The usage of pg_dump is generally recommended to be paired with pg_restore, instead of psql. This method can be split among cores to speed up the loading process by passing the --jobs flag as such:
$ pg_dump -Fc db > db.Fc.dump
$ pg_restore -d db --jobs=8 db.Fc.dump
Postgres themselves have a guide on bulk loading of data.
I also would recommend heavily tuning your postgresql.conf configuration file and set appropriately high values for the maintenance_work_mem and checkpoint_segments values; higher values on these may dramatically increase your write performance.