Kafka consumer Error : ERROR Unknown error when running consumer: (kafka.tools.ConsoleConsumer) - apache-kafka

In my case, I am having Kafka binary kafka_2.11-1.0.0 install both on server and client side, but after creating the topic my consumer is not working when I was using --bootstrap-server instead of --zookeeper.
And I changed as per warning coming. Would you please update why the consumer is not working with expected one but working for the old way of calling consumer.

As mentioned in the comments as well:
2181 is a common zookeeper port number.
It seems you tried to update the command but not the url. Make sure to use the actual broker url and port rather than trying to talk with the new command to the zookeeper port and url.


my producer and consumer are not readable on Kafka using JMX

I set the Kafka on my localhost and then read the broker side using JVM and port 1999 but whatever I tried I can't reach my consumer or producer.
I am able to connect to port 9092 and read MBean on jconsole but I can't send any query to it using the python subprocess
I used the following JVM connection example "service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://localhost:1999/jmxrmi" and jmxquery/subprocess python libraries.
I wrote down every step I am doing in the repository
I am starting Kafka like this:
and starting consumers like this:
also the producer:
This is the main worker that I am trying to make work:
more info about what I am trying to accomplish is here: https://github.com/mirkan1/kafka_monitoring/tree/master/Kafka_Complete_Monitoring
I found the problem was that I was using the same port which is 9092 for everything, after I assigned different ports for consumer and producer it worked at intended and I was able to read MBeans data using JMX connection

Start multiple brokers in kafka

Beginner in kafka and confluent package.I want to start multiple brokers so as to consume the topic.
It can be done via this setting -
{'bootstrap.server' : 'ip:your_host,...',}
This setting can be defined in the server config file or else in the script as well.
But how shall I run those?. If I just add multiple end points to the bootstrap servers, it gives this error:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: requirement failed: Each listener must have a different name, listeners: PLAINTEXT://:9092, PLAINTEXT://:9093
cp config/server.properties config/server-1.properties
cp config/server.properties config/server-2.properties
Reference: kafka_quickstart_multibroker
I had actually mentioned same port for producer and consumer and hence was the issue.
Set up brokers on different ports and works fine even if one broker goes down.

getting "org.apache.kafka.common.network.InvalidReceiveException: Invalid receive (size = 1195725856 larger than 104857600)"

I have installed zookeeper and kafka,
first step :
running zookeeper by the following commands :
bin/zkServer.sh start
second step :
running kafka server
bin/kafka-server-start.sh config/server.properties
kafka should run at localhost:9092
but I am getting the following error :
WARN Unexpected error from /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1; closing connection (org.apache.kafka.common.network.Selector)
org.apache.kafka.common.network.InvalidReceiveException: Invalid receive (size = 1195725856 larger than 104857600)
I am following the following link :
I am new to kafka ,please help me to set it up.
1195725856 is GET[space] encoded as a big-endian, four-byte integer (see here for more information on how that works). This indicates that HTTP traffic is being sent to Kafka port 9092, but Kafka doesn't accept HTTP traffic, it only accepts its own protocol (which takes the first four bytes as the receive size, hence the error).
Since the error is received on startup, it is likely benign and may indicate a scanning service or similar on your network scanning ports with protocols that Kafka doesn't understand.
In order to find the cause, you can find where the HTTP traffic is coming from using tcpdump:
tcpdump -i any -w trap.pcap dst port 9092
# ...wait for logs to appear again, then ^C...
tcpdump -qX -r trap.pcap | less +/HEAD
Overall though, this is probably annoying but harmless. At least Kafka isn't actually allocating/dirtying the memory. :-)
Try to reset socket.request.max.bytes value in $KAFKA_HOME/config/server.properties file to more than your packet size and restart kafka server.
My initial guess would be that you might be trying to receive a request that is too large. The maximum size is the default size for socket.request.max.bytes, which is 100MB. So if you have a message which is bigger than 100MB try to increase the value of this variable under server.properties and make sure to restart the cluster before trying again.
If the above doesn't work, then most probably you are trying to connect to a non-SSL-listener.
If you are using the default broker of the port, you need to verify that :9092 is the SSL listener port on that broker.
For example,
should do the trick for you (Make sure you restart Kafka after re-configuring these properties).
This is how I resolved this issue after installing a Kafka, ELK and Kafdrop set up:
First stop every application one by one that interfaces with Kakfa
to track down the offending service.
Resolve the issue with that application.
In my set up it was Metricbeats.
It was resolved by editing the Metricbeats kafka.yml settings file located in modules.d sub folder:
Ensuring the Kafka advertised.listener in server.properties was
referenced in the hosts property.
Uncomment the metricsets and client_id properties.
The resulting kafka.yml looks like:
# Module: kafka
# Docs: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/beats/metricbeat/7.6/metricbeat-module-kafka.html
# Kafka metrics collected using the Kafka protocol
- module: kafka
- partition
- consumergroup
period: 10s
hosts: ["[your advertised.listener]:9092"]
client_id: metricbeat
The answer is most likely in one of the 2 areas
a. socket.request.max.bytes
b. you are using a non SSL end point to connect the producer and the consumer too.
Note: the port you run it really does not matter. Make sure if you have an ELB the ELB is returning all the healthchecks to be successful.
In my case i had an AWS ELB fronting KAFKA. I had specified the Listernet Protocol as TCP instead of Secure TCP. This caused the issue.
Here is a snippet of my producer.properties and consumer.properties for testing externally
In my case, some other application was already sending data to port 9092, hence the starting of server failed. Closing the application resolved this issue.
Please make sure that you use .security.protocol=plaintext or you have mismatch server security compared to the clients trying to connect.

Consume from Kafka 0.10.x topic using Storm 0.10.x (KafkaSpout)

I am not sure if this a right question to ask in this forum. We were consuming from a Kafka topic by Storm using the Storm KafkaSpout connector. It was working fine till now. Now we are supposed to connect to a new Kafka cluster having upgraded version 0.10.x from the same Storm env which is running on version 0.10.x.
From storm documentation (http://storm.apache.org/releases/1.1.0/storm-kafka-client.html) I can see that storm 1.1.0 is compatible with Kafka 0.10.x onwards supporting the new Kafka consumer API. But in that case I won't be able to run the topology in my end (please correct me if I am wrong).
Is there any work around for this?
I have seen that even if the New Kafka Consumer API has removed ZooKeeper dependency but we can still consume message from it using the old Kafka-console-consumer.sh by passing the --zookeeper flag instead of new –bootstrap-server flag (recommended). I run this command from using Kafka 0.9 and able to consume from a topic hosted on Kafka 0.10.x
When we are trying to connect getting the below exception:
java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.RuntimeException: org.apache.zookeeper.KeeperException$ConnectionLossException: KeeperErrorCode = ConnectionLoss for /brokers/topics/mytopic/partitions
at storm.kafka.DynamicBrokersReader.getBrokerInfo(DynamicBrokersReader.java:81) ~[stormjar.jar:?]
at storm.kafka.trident.ZkBrokerReader.<init>(ZkBrokerReader.java:42) ~[stormjar.jar:?]
But we are able to connect to the remote ZK server and validated that the path exists:
./zkCli.sh -server remoteZKServer:2181
[zk: remoteZKServer:2181(CONNECTED) 5] ls /brokers/topics/mytopic/partitions
[3, 2, 1, 0]
As we can see above that it's giving us expected output as the topic has 4 partitions in it.
At this point have the below questions:
1) Is it at all possible to connect to Kafka 0.10.x using Storm version 0.10.x ? Has one tried this ?
2) Even if we are able to consume, do we need to make any code change in order to retrieve the message offset in case of topology shutdown/restart. I am asking this as we will passing the Zk cluster details instead of the brokers info as supported in old KafkaSpout version.
Running out of options here, any pointers would be highly appreciated
We are able to connect and consume from the remote Kafka topic while running it locally using eclipse. To make sure storm does not uses the in-memory zk we have used the overloaded constructor LocalCluster("zkServer",port), it's working fine and we can see the data coming. This lead us to conclude that version compatibility might not be the issue here.
However still no luck when deployed the topology in cluster.
We have verified the connectivity from storm box to zkservers
The znode seems fine also ..
At this point really need some pointers here, what could possibly be wrong with this and how do we debug that? Never worked with Kafka 0.10x before so not sure what exactly are we missing.
Really appreciate some help and suggestions
Storm 0.10x is compatible with Kafka 0.10x . We can still uses the old KafkaSpout that depends on zookeeper based offset storage mechanism.
The connection loss exception was coming as we were trying to reach a remote Kafka cluster that does not allow/accept connection from our end. We need to open specific firewall port so that the connection can be established. It seems that while running topology is cluster mode all the supervisor nodes should be able to talk to the zookeeper, so the firewall should be open for each one of them.

Can't reach kafka producer with node-red

I have installed node-red on raspberry pi 3 to collect data from sensors and then store them in kafka but now I have some issue with kafka producer node.
I've setup a kafka server on my laptop that correctly works in console: if I send messages on kafka producer console I correctly receive it on consumer console.
Unfortunately when I try to inject a timestamp in kafka producer in node-red on raspberry, server gives no response.
Debug page of node-red says: "BrokerNotAvailableError: Broker not available"
In producer node ZKQuorum field I've typed the ip of the laptop and set port to 9092, as I seen in example on npm site.
I'm sure the topic is correct.
I'm sure zookeeper is running and kafka server also. Indeed if at same time I try to use kafka with laptop console it works great.
I've also tried to reach kafka producer port with telnet: connections are accepted.
I've already posted same question on node-red community, without success for now.
Any hint about this issue?
Update. I've tried to implement a python function in node-red to send a simple message to the kafka producer and I have obtained a deeper error log in:
/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/kafka/client_async.py", line 808
I opened file and at line 808 there is a function with this comment:
It can be helpful?
You have to configure the accepted listeners field on the kafka server properties to the IP address of your laptop. Try to change zookeeper connect to actual ip, not localhost.
Try this property in etc/kafka/server.properties: listeners=PLAINTEXT://<your ip here>:<kafka port here>. you will have to restart kafka for this to take affect