Text recognition with Unity without using Vuforia - unity3d

I have checked many posts about text recognition with Unity. But every post is suggesting Vuforia.
Also, Vuforia text recognition is deprecated.
According to Vuforia it only detects serif and sans-serif fonts.
I want my application to detect even handwritten text up to some extent.
So my question is 'is there any SDK or anything else which will help to detect handwritten text too?'.
Thanks in advance.

If you're allowed to use network in your Unity application, you can integrate Google Cloud Vision which will do it all for you.
There's a project on GitHub called UnityCloudVision which should do the dirty work for you.


Unity Custom Voice Recognition

I'm am working on a Unity app that needs custom voice recognition. By custom I mean I cant have them be English or any known language. I want to teach the engine basically new words like gibberish words I made up and I need the voice recognition to recognize them, any ideas? Also I need it to work on both iOS/Android.
Thank you in advance.
also the main cmusphinx website

Augmented Reality : Recognize hand written number?

I am trying to find a solution for this AR app as the topic tells.
I want my app to recognize a hand-written number by the user.
The app will tell the user to write down for example number 24 on a paper and move the camera over the written number to see the 3d object.
This might be used for saving a Birthday, a wedding date .. etc
For accuracy, the app instructions will show the user a preview to tell please write the number 24 similar to this..
Although each hand writing will differ, but at least we do not get curly "2"-s or "4" with an open edge ..etc
So here we need AR to recognize the number, or be able to read the number according to approximation.
And the first question is: Is such a behavior doable or anyone familiar with a similar concept?
After searching similar apps, I found "Ink Hunter" apps for tatoo preview-s, although these apps use symbols not number, but we can think of a number as a symbol as well.
Also as this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9rXJcIE2Fcs shows, each user draws the symbol in a different way and still they get it working.
I am using Unity3d and Vuforia.
Vuforia offers free samples(unity3d packages) on the website, and there is one named "Text Recognition" , and here's the tutorial link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W3MK6nC5FWE
But unfortunately couldn't make it work.
If someone has developed such a functionality using these sample projects from vuforia or have any ulternative method please I need you help :)
thanks in advance moghes
Here's a tutorial our team created on text recognition using the Hololens and Vuforia with Unity: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WdMeHgD4fMY. In the first portion of the video, we show how to get text recognition working with just Vuforia and Unity - no Hololens required. For your application, just change the text to numbers.
I believe the biggest challenge you will have is the "hand-written" component. From our research, Vuforia prefers computer-generated, predefined font types.

How can I integrate speech recognition on Unity 3d?

I am doing some research and I cannot find any examples where Unity integrates speech recognition as input layer.
Do anyone knows an example of it?
If you have some many use this from asset store. If you want to dig more deeper then there is several different ways for several different platrform. Probably this will help you.
Actually in Windows System from 8.1 to 10 exists a Lybrary to do the work for you.
class in UnityEngine.Windows.Speech
You have the official Unity Documentation here:
Unity Documentation PhraseRecognitionSystem
for me.. I use. Net 3.0 speech recognition to make it happen..i use visual studio c# to make the speech recognition system and then i integrate it with unity at runtime..u need a code in unity to invoke the speech recognition exe and the code need to be able to fetch data from the exe (.readline)..u need to use system.threading here in order to avoid unity to halt when speech recognition exe is invoke..
Hope this help..

How to Translate Text of an Image in Real Time With iPhone Camera?

I am working on an app that needs to translate the text of an image in realtime with the iphone camera.Is there any way to implement it? any sdk or tutorial will be helpful.
My suggestion would be a combination of the following:
The open-source Tesseract OCR engine for getting the text from the image(Quite recent iOS wrapper here: https://github.com/ldiqual/tesseract-ios)
One of the translation services discussed in this question for translations: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/6151668/alternative-to-google-translate-api
E.g. a tutorial like this on how to get a real-time camera view with overlays: http://www.musicalgeometry.com/?p=1273
Please note that these are just ideas on how to do this with as fast progress as possible.
Some apps that offer real-time translations even try to find a suitable font and display the translated text at the exact same position as the original text was. I am afraid that this is not possible without investing lots of work and developing your own OCR engine.
Hope this helps.

Adding recorded voice recognition iPhone

In my program I have some recorded voice. After that I need to recognition it, for example: I launched program, saying something, and when program received word that have been recorded it shows UIAlertView. Anybody knows any sdk or example code? Thanks..
Hope the below link will helpful for you. They will also provide sample app for recognizing sounds. Download it and try it.
Ispeech SDK
Please note that ispeech does not perform natural voice recognition and the advertising materials are very misleading. The voice recognition piece of iSpeech requires a set vocabulary similar to the open source (and free) OpenEars SDK.
Nuance recently updated their developer program to give mobile developers limited free access to their speech recognition servers. Look at http://dragonmobile.nuancemobiledeveloper.com/public/index.php
If you don't want to use network to transfer audio, try OpenEars, the library for embedded speech recognition on IPhone