OrientDB Studio - Graph Editor - orientdb

Accessing Graph Editor with a read user 'appreader' throws the exception for read permission on OUser.
com.orientechnologies.orient.core.exception.OSecurityAccessException: User 'appreader' does not have permission to execute the operation 'Read' against the resource: ResourceGeneric [name=CLASS, legacyName=database.class].ouser DB name="OPSDB"
Studio version : 2.2
OrientDB version : 2.2.31
Why does the user needs read permission on Ouser to perform graph operations, If I provide read access to the user, he is able to do a select on OUser and see the passwords for other users as well.
Any suggestions?

The user with reader permissions can not access OUser table to get passwords due to security reasons. Unfortunately it's not possible to access graph operations for such user.


MS Graph API to update Application permissions scope in Enterprise App

I have an AzureAD enterprise app that is consented from a multi-tenant app. The permissions have both Application and Delegated as shown in screenshot. See "Type" column.
The home tenant has since updated permissions and rather than disconnecting and reconnecting I want to modify the existing permissions.
Microsoft provides an API to list and patch the oauth2PermissionGrant.
List - https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/oauth2permissiongrant-list?view=graph-rest-1.0&tabs=http#code-try-1
Update - https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/oauth2permissiongrant-update?view=graph-rest-1.0&tabs=http
However, this only lets me list and update the "Delegated" permissions. So querying the permissions only returns the first 4, User.Read. User.ReadBasic.All, User.ReadAll, Group.ReadAll.
Is there a way that I can modify the "Application" permissions as a Global Admin?

was working well but FirebaseException ([cloud_firestore/permission-denied] The caller does not have permission to execute the specified operation.)

I have been working on the Flutter app with firebase and the app was working well but today when I trying to retrieve the data from using snapshot I got this exception.
FirebaseException ([cloud_firestore/permission-denied] The caller does not have permission to execute the specified operation.)
is there any update on firebase i have to do or what ?
When you create a project and set Firestore access it test mode, it sets the database up to allow public access for only a month. If this suddenly happened without a change on your side, it could be that your security rules expired.
Now would be a good moment to implement proper security rules for your data, as leaving all data publicly accessible is a recipe for future problems.
So learn how to secure the data, have a look at the documentation on security rules, this more technical documentation, and also see:
Firestore Permission Denied in Android
Email: [Firebase] Client access to your Cloud Firestore database expiring in X day(s)

Delete an PFUser as another Admin PFUser

I using back4app service and as admin I would like to fetch PFUser records and delete some of them if needed.
Currently I am getting error:
User cannot be deleted unless they have been authenticated.
I logged in as a PFUser. Is are any possibilities to do it via masterKey or smth like this?
The best option I see here is to use cloud code as you would not want to give authenticated users permission to delete other users.
So basically you would have to write a Cloud code function where you retrieve users and delete them.
Have a look at this guide below

Allow a DB User to access a single Database

I'm new to google cloud.
I created a Google Cloud SQL Instance.
Added multiple DBs and few users.
How can I restrict an user to single database ?
How can I restrict an user to single database with ReadOnly permission ?
Take a look at this post in regards to restricting access to only one database for a user; and here you can find more information related to "Read Only" access using MySQL.

Get list of users which have a specific or set of permissions

Using Shiro with JDBCRealm
My use case requires a user to submit a form to next user. The next user can only be someone with specific permission. This is to be known in order to show only valid Next user list for selection.
How can I get list of all the users that have a specific permission?
If not, Is there a workaround of getting the User permission strings from database and then at least reuse Shiro's logic to check if the user has specific permission?
Shiro is related to only security, authority, etc of current user not to the whole user base. You can use your standard sql queries to retrieve users with same permissions of the current logged in subject.
Why not use simple SQL query that matches current user permissions to other users permission and give a list. This way you will save memory and resource by not computing permissions logic in java again.